i am trying to use np's vectorize but imshow is showing a black image where it should be white if i understand vectorize correctly. i think the problem is the outputtype but i cant get it to work.
import numpy as np
import cv2
class Test():
def run(self):
arr = np.zeros((25,25))
flatarr = np.reshape(arr,25*25)
vfunc = np.vectorize(self.func)
#vfunc = np.vectorize(self.func,otypes=[np.int])#same effect
flatres = vfunc(flatarr)
shouldbewhite = np.reshape(flatres,(25,25))
def func(self,a):
return 255
a = Test()
From the docs :
The function imshow displays an image in the specified window. If the
window was created with the CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE flag, the image is
shown with its original size. Otherwise, the image is scaled to fit
the window. The function may scale the image, depending on its depth:
If the image is 8-bit unsigned, it is displayed as is.
If the image is 16-bit unsigned or 32-bit integer, the pixels are divided by 256. That is, the value range [0,255*256] is mapped to [0,255].
If the image is 32-bit floating-point, the pixel values are multiplied by 255. That
is, the value range [0,1] is mapped to [0,255].
If you run the following code:
class Test():
def run(self):
arr = np.zeros((25,25))
print arr.dtype
flatarr = np.reshape(arr,25*25)
vfunc = np.vectorize(self.func)
flatres = vfunc(flatarr)
print flatres.dtype
shouldbewhite = np.reshape(flatres,(25,25))
print shouldbewhite.dtype
def func(self,a):
return 255
You'll get something like:
So your second case is divided by 256, and it being integer division, it rounds off to 0. Try with
vfunc = np.vectorize(self.func,otypes=[np.uint8])
and you may also want to consider replacing the first array with
arr = np.zeros((25,25), dtype='uint8')
Opening an image file to display in a frame or button in tkinter is simple, but I have images stored in arrays as raw RGB data (for transmission over SPI to a small LCD display). I wish to show this data as a proper image (exactly as processed for the small lcd display) in a frame or button, with tkinter.
I need some steering in how to approach this. Cheers.
You need to convert your array rgb data into an Image object that tkinter knows.
For this the best approach is to convert your rgb data to a PIL Image.
Depending on how your rgb values are ordered in the array you might need to do some conversions: if rgb data are interleaved (usually the case) or in separate channels/plans, the conversion might fail.
Check for here for converting an array to a pil image.
Once the conversion to Pil Image is done you can use it in tkinter.
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import numpy as np
#convert array to PiL Image
PIL_image = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(your_rgb_array)).convert('RGB')
tk_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(PIL_image )
label1 = tkinter.Label(image=tk_image )
For displaying the image you should have a look at tk.Canvas:
Thank you all for your input. I 've been chewing on it for a bit, and now have working code for the task. It takes the image as has been manipulated by numpy or opencv, transforms it to tk format and then shows the original and reduced bitdepth images side by side, with pixel doubling. Here is the snippet with the relevant code:
def nextimg(self):
f = self.image[self.ptr % self.length]
f = f[...,::-1]
f = np.repeat(f,2,axis=0)
f = np.repeat(f,2,axis=1)
if self.bpp == 12: g = self.imageConvert_tk12(f)
elif self.bpp == 16: g = self.imageConvert_tk16(f)
else: g = self.imageConvert_tk18(f)
self.button_image1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromarray(np.uint8(f)).convert('RGB'))
self.button_image2 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromarray(np.uint8(g)).convert('RGB'))
def imageConvert_tk18(self,image):
x,y = image.shape[0:2]
arr =np.ndarray((x,y,3))
arr[...,:] = (np.uint8(image[...,:] >> 2) * 4)
return arr
def imageConvert_tk16(self,image):
x,y = image.shape[0:2]
arr = np.ndarray((x,y,3))
arr[...,0:3:2] = (np.uint8(image[...,0:3:2] >> 3) * 8)
arr[...,1] = (np.uint8(image[...,1] >> 2) * 4)
return arr
def imageConvert_tk12(self,image):
x,y = image.shape[0:2]
arr =np.ndarray((x,y,3))
arr[...,:] = (np.uint8(image[...,:] >> 4) * 16)
return arr
I also understand a lot more now about lists and arrays. Opencv creates an np.ndarray , which I now understand is a 1-dimensional array (or list in list?) but with a given x-dimensional shape.
Of course I am hoping there might be another solution without having to resort to PIL as intermediary, but if not this will work fine.
Please feel free to suggest improvements to my code!
I get an image stored as an object from a camera that look like this (here reduced to make it understandable):
image = np.array([['#49312E', '#4A3327', '#493228', '#472F2A'],
['#452C29', '#49312E', '#4B3427', '#49312A'],
['#473026', '#472F2C', '#48302B', '#4C342B']])
is it possible to 'import' it as an 'image' in opencv?
I tried to look at the documentation of cv2.imdecode but could get it to work.
I could preprocess this array to get it to another format but I am not sure what could 'fit' to opencv.
Thank you for your help
This is a very succinct and pythonic (using NumPy) way to implement a conversion from your hexadecimal values matrix to an RGB matrix that could be read by OpenCV.
image = np.array([['#49312E', '#4A3327', '#493228', '#472F2A'],
['#452C29', '#49312E', '#4B3427', '#49312A'],
['#473026', '#472F2C', '#48302B', '#4C342B']])
def to_rgb(v):
return np.array([np.int(v[1:3],16), np.int(v[3:5],16) , np.int(v[5:7],16)])
image_cv = np.array([to_rgb(h) for h in image.flatten()]).reshape(3, 4, 3)
cv2.imwrite('result.png', image_cv)
OpenCV requires either a RGB or a BGR input, which is to say you need to give the values of Red Green Blue or Blue Green Red on a scale from 0-255 (8 bit). I have shared with you the code to convert your array to an image.
Initially, I count the number of rows to find the height in terms of pixels. Then I count the number of items in a row to find the width.
Then I create an empty array of the given dimensions using np.zeros.
I then go to each cell and convert the hex code to its RGB equivalent, using the following formula #RRGGBB, R = int(RR,16), G = int(GG, 16), B = int(BB, 16). This converts the hexadecimal string to int.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
import re
import cv2
# Your image
image = np.array([['#49312E', '#4A3327', '#493228', '#472F2A'],
['#452C29', '#49312E', '#4B3427', '#49312A'],
['#473026', '#472F2C', '#48302B', '#4C342B']])
# Enter the image height and width
height = int(len(image[0]))
width = int(len(image[0][0]))
# Create numpy array of BGR triplets
im = np.zeros((height,width,3), dtype=np.uint8)
for row in range (height):
for col in range(width):
hex = image[row, col][1:]
R = int(hex[0:2],16)
G = int(hex[2:4],16)
B = int(hex[4:6],16)
im[row,col] = (B,G,R)
# Save to disk
cv2.imwrite('result.png', im)
I'm trying to stretch an image's histogram using a logarithmic transformation. Basically, I am applying a log operation to each pixel's intensity. When I'm trying to change image's value in each pixel, the new values are not saved but the histogram looks OK. Also, the maximum value is not correct. This is my code:
import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
img = cv2.imread('messi.jpg',0)
img2 = img
for i in range(0,img2.shape[0]-1):
for j in range(0,img2.shape[1]-1):
if (math.log(1+img2[i,j],2)) < 0:
img2[i,j] = np.int(math.log(1+img2[i,j],2))
print (np.int(math.log(1+img2[i,j],2)))
print (img2.ravel().max())
fig = plt.gcf()
fig.canvas.set_window_title('LSP histogram')
plt.hist(img2.ravel(),256,[0,256]); plt.show()
img3 = img2
B = np.int(img3.max())
A = np.int(img3.min())
print ("Maximum intensity = ", B)
print ("minimum intensity = ", A)
This is also the histogram I get:
However, the maximum intensity shows 186! This isn't applying the proper logarithmic operation at all.
Any ideas?
The code you wrote performs a logarithmic transformation applied to the image intensities. The reason why you are getting such a high spurious intensity as the maximum is because your for loops are wrong. Specifically, your range is incorrect. range is exclusive of the ending interval, which means that you must go up to img.shape[0] and img.shape[1] respectively, and not img.shape[0]-1 or img.shape[1]-1. Therefore, you are missing the last row and last column of the image, and these don't get touched by logarithmic operation. The maximum that is reported is from one of these pixels in the last row or column that you didn't touch.
Once you correct this, you don't get those bad intensities anymore:
for i in range(0,img2.shape[0]): # Change
for j in range(0,img2.shape[1]): # Change
if (math.log(1+img2[i,j],2)) < 0:
img2[i,j] = np.int(math.log(1+img2[i,j],2))
Doing that now gives us:
('Maximum intensity = ', 7)
('minimum intensity = ', 0)
However, what you're going to get now is a very dark image. The histogram that you have shown us illustrates that all of the image pixels are in the dark range... roughly between [0-7]. Because of that, the majority of your image is going to be dark if you use uint8 as the data type for visualization. Take note that I searched for the Lionel Messi image that's part of the OpenCV tutorials, and this is the image I found:
Source: https://opencv-python-tutroals.readthedocs.org/en/latest/_images/roi.jpg
Your code is converting this to grayscale, and that's fine for the purpose of your question. Now, using the above image, if you actually show what the histogram count looks like as well as what the intensities are per bin in the histogram, this is what we get for img2:
In [41]: np.unique(img2)
Out[41]: array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], dtype=uint8)
In [42]: np.bincount(img2.ravel())
Out[42]: array([ 86, 88, 394, 3159, 14841, 29765, 58012, 19655])
As you can see, the bulk of the image pixels are hovering between the [0-7] range, which is why everything looks black. If you want to see this better, perhaps scale the image by roughly 255 / 7 = 36 or so we can see the image better:
img2 = 36*img2
We get this image:
I also get this histogram:
That personally looks very ugly... at least to me. As such, I would recommend that you choose a more meaningful image transformation if you want to stretch the histogram. In fact, the log operation compresses the dynamic range of the histogram. If you want to stretch the histogram, go the opposite way and try a power-law operation. Specifically, given an input intensity and the output is defined as:
out = c*in^(p)
in is the input intensity, p is a power and c is a constant to ensure that you scale the image so that the maximum intensity gets mapped to the same maximum intensity of the input when you're finished and not anything larger. That can be done by calculating c so that:
c = (img2.max()) / (img2.max()**p)
... where p is the power you want. In addition, the transformation via power-law can be explained with this nice diagram:
Source: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/117104069/chapter_8/8_14.html
Basically, powers that are less than 1 perform an intensity expansion where darker intensities get pushed towards the lighter side. Similarly, powers that are greater than 1 perform an intensity compression where lighter intensities get pushed to the darker side. In your case, you want to expand the histogram, and so you want the first option. Specifically, try making the intensities that are smaller go towards the larger range. This can be done by choosing a power that's smaller than 1... try 0.5 for example.
You'd modify your code so that it is like this:
img2 = img2.astype(np.float) # Cast to float
c = (img2.max()) / (img2.max()**(0.5))
for i in range(0,img2.shape[0]-1):
for j in range(0,img2.shape[1]-1):
img2[i,j] = np.int(c*img2[i,j]**(0.5))
# Cast back to uint8 for display
img2 = img2.astype(np.uint8)
Doing that, I get this image:
I also get this histogram:
Minor Note
If I can suggest something in terms of efficiency, I wouldn't recommend that you loop through the entire image and set each pixel individually... that's how numpy arrays were not supposed to be used. You can achieve what you want vectorized in a single line of code.
With your old code, use np.log2, not math.log with the base 2 with numpy arrays:
import cv2
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# Your code
img = cv2.imread('messi.jpg',0)
# New code
img2 = np.log2(1 + img.astype(np.float)).astype(np.uint8)
# Back to your code
img2 = 36*img2 # Edit from before
fig = plt.gcf()
fig.canvas.set_window_title('LSP histogram')
plt.hist(img2.ravel(),256,[0,256]); plt.show()
img3 = img2
B = np.int(img3.max())
A = np.int(img3.min())
print ("Maximum intensity = ", B)
print ("minimum intensity = ", A)
cv2.destroyAllWindows() # Don't forget this
Similarly, if you want to apply a power-law transformation, it's very simply:
import cv2
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# Your code
img = cv2.imread('messi.jpg',0)
# New code
c = (img2.max()) / (img2.max()**(0.5))
img2 = (c*img.astype(np.float)**(0.5)).astype(np.uint8)
#... rest of code as before
I have a device which stores a grayscale image as a series of 8 bit unsigned integer values. I want to write a python program to read these images from a file and show them using wxBitmap. I have a code that works, but it seems inefficient due to a lot of conversions between formats.
Any suggestions for a faster code are highly appreciated.
My current code:
imagearray=numpy.fromfile(file=self.f, dtype=numpy.uint8, count=npixels).reshape(Height, Width)[::-1]
pilimage = Image.fromarray(imagearray)
rgb= pilimage.convert('RGB')
rgbdata = rgb.tostring()
WxBitmap = wx.EmptyBitmap(Width,Height)
You can get a wxBitmap directly from a numpy array.
This is an example from wxPyWiki:
import wx, numpy
def GetBitmap( self, width=32, height=32, colour = (0,0,0) ):
array = numpy.zeros( (height, width, 3),'uint8')
array[:,:,] = colour
image = wx.EmptyImage(width,height)
image.SetData( array.tostring())
wxBitmap = image.ConvertToBitmap() # OR: wx.BitmapFromImage(image)
return wxBitmap
I'd like some advice on performing a simple image analysis in python. I need to calculate a value for the "brightness" of an image. I know PIL is the goto library for doing something like this. There is a built-in histogram function.
What I need is a "perceived brightness" values I can decide if further adjustments to the image are necessary. So what are something of the basic techniques that will work in this situation? Should I just work with the RGB values, or will histogram give me something close enough?
One possible solution might be to combine the two, and generate average R,G,and B values using the histogram, then apply the "perceived brightness" formula.
Using the techniques mentioned in the question, I came up with a few different versions.
Each method returns a value close, but not exactly the same as the others. Also, all methods run about the same speed except for the last one, which is much slower depending on the image size.
Convert image to greyscale, return average pixel brightness.
def brightness( im_file ):
im = Image.open(im_file).convert('L')
stat = ImageStat.Stat(im)
return stat.mean[0]
Convert image to greyscale, return RMS pixel brightness.
def brightness( im_file ):
im = Image.open(im_file).convert('L')
stat = ImageStat.Stat(im)
return stat.rms[0]
Average pixels, then transform to "perceived brightness".
def brightness( im_file ):
im = Image.open(im_file)
stat = ImageStat.Stat(im)
r,g,b = stat.mean
return math.sqrt(0.241*(r**2) + 0.691*(g**2) + 0.068*(b**2))
RMS of pixels, then transform to "perceived brightness".
def brightness( im_file ):
im = Image.open(im_file)
stat = ImageStat.Stat(im)
r,g,b = stat.rms
return math.sqrt(0.241*(r**2) + 0.691*(g**2) + 0.068*(b**2))
Calculate "perceived brightness" of pixels, then return average.
def brightness( im_file ):
im = Image.open(im_file)
stat = ImageStat.Stat(im)
gs = (math.sqrt(0.241*(r**2) + 0.691*(g**2) + 0.068*(b**2))
for r,g,b in im.getdata())
return sum(gs)/stat.count[0]
Update Test Results
I ran a simulation against 200 images. I found that methods #2, #4 gave almost identical results. Also methods #3, #5 were also nearly identical. Method #1 closely followed #3, #5 (with a few exceptions).
Given that you're just looking for an average across the whole image, and not per-pixel brightness values, averaging PIL's histogram and applying the brightness function to the output seems like the best approach for that library.
If using ImageMagick (with the PythonMagick bindings), I would suggest using the identify command with the "verbose" option set. This will provide you with a mean value for each channel, saving you the need to sum and average a histogram — you can just multiply each channel directly.
I think your best result would come from converting the RGB to grayscale using your favorite formula, then taking the histogram of that result. I'm not sure if the mean or the median of the histogram would be more appropriate, but on most images they are probably similar.
I'm not sure how to do the conversion to grayscale in PIL using an arbitrary formula, but I'm guessing it's possible.
the code below will give you the brightness level of an image from 0-10
1- calculate the average brightness of the image after converting the image to HSV format using opencv.
2- find where this value lies in the list of brightness range.
import numpy as np
import cv2
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
#brange brightness range
#bval brightness value
BLevel = namedtuple("BLevel", ['brange', 'bval'])
#all possible levels
_blevels = [
BLevel(brange=range(0, 24), bval=0),
BLevel(brange=range(23, 47), bval=1),
BLevel(brange=range(46, 70), bval=2),
BLevel(brange=range(69, 93), bval=3),
BLevel(brange=range(92, 116), bval=4),
BLevel(brange=range(115, 140), bval=5),
BLevel(brange=range(139, 163), bval=6),
BLevel(brange=range(162, 186), bval=7),
BLevel(brange=range(185, 209), bval=8),
BLevel(brange=range(208, 232), bval=9),
BLevel(brange=range(231, 256), bval=10),
def detect_level(h_val):
h_val = int(h_val)
for blevel in _blevels:
if h_val in blevel.brange:
return blevel.bval
raise ValueError("Brightness Level Out of Range")
def get_img_avg_brightness():
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("USAGE: python3.7 brightness.py <image_path>")
img = cv2.imread(sys.argv[1])
hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
_, _, v = cv2.split(hsv)
return int(np.average(v.flatten()))
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("the image brightness level is:
This can be done by converting the BGR image from cv2 to grayscale and then finding the intensity - x and y are pixel coordinates. It's been explained well in this https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/d5/d98/tutorial_mat_operations.html document.
Scalar intensity = img.at<uchar>(y, x);
def calculate_brightness(image):
greyscale_image = image.convert('L')
histogram = greyscale_image.histogram()
pixels = sum(histogram)
brightness = scale = len(histogram)
for index in range(0, scale):
ratio = histogram[index] / pixels
brightness += ratio * (-scale + index)
return 1 if brightness == 255 else brightness / scale