pyodbc path in sql statement not working - python

I`m quite new to python and would like to copy a table from one mdb to another mdb using pyodbc. There seems to be a problem with the paths if a Foldername starts with a digit. I googled for an hour now and couldn't find a solution:
DBfile = r"W:\path\1020 Folder\MDB1.mdb"
conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ='+DBfile1)
cursor = conn.cursor()
sql = """SELECT Table1.* INTO test FROM [W:\path\A 1020 Folder\MB2.mdb].Table1;"""
sql1 = """SELECT Table1.* INTO test FROM [W:\path\1020 Folder\MB2.mdb].Table1;"""
cursor.execute(sql) #WORKING
cursor.execute(sql1) #NOT WORKING
Thanks alot, Achim

You must be very careful when you want to use backshlash \ in strings. You can escape those using \\:
sql1 = """SELECT Table1.* INTO test FROM [W:\\path\\1020 Folder\\MB2.mdb].Table1;"""
You can also use raw string just like you did it with DBfile


Python - use string literals in Oracle SQL Query

I am attempting to run a SQL query on an oracle database like so:
import cx_Oracle as cx
import pandas as pd
un = "my username"
pw = "my password"
db = "database name"
lookup = "1232DX%"
myconn = cx.connect(un, pw, db)
cursor = myconn.cursor()
qry = """SELECT *
FROM tableX
WHERE tableX.code LIKE '1232DX%'"""
qry.df = pd.read_sql(qry, con = myconn)
My issue is that it is redundant to define lookup before the query and use the value in the query itself. I would like to just be able to type
WHERE tableX.code LIKE lookup
and have the value 1232DX% substituted into my query.
I imagine there is a straightforward way to do this in Python, but I am hardly an expert so I thought I would ask someone here. All suggestions are welcome. If there is a better way to do this than what I have shown please include it. Thank you in advance.
You use the same syntax as when passing parameters to cursor.execute().
qry = """SELECT *
FROM tableX
WHERE tableX.code LIKE :pattern"""
qry.df = pd.read_sql(qry, con = myconn, params={":pattern": lookup})

Python2.7 - SQLite3 library outputs error message "sqlite3.OperationalError: near "?": syntax error"

Code is follow. How to get replaced ? by value of variables [table, url]?
Expected SQL command is select * from OTHER_URL where url=""
This SQL command occurs no error on the sqlite3 command line interface.
import sqlite3
from contextlib import closing
dbname = "ng.db"
with closing(sqlite3.connect(dbname)) as conn:
c = conn.cursor()
table = "OTHER_URL"
url = ""
with closing(sqlite3.connect(dbname)) as conn:
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('select * from ? where url="?"', [table, url])
print c.fetchone()
There are two errors here. Firstly, you can't use parameter substitution for table names (or column names), only for values. You need to use string interpolation for anything else.
Secondly, you don't need quotes around the value parameter; the substitution will take care of that.
c.execute('select * from {} where url=?'.format(table), [url])

using python 2.7 to query sqlite3 database and getting "sqlite3 operational error no such table"

My simple test code is listed below. I created the table already and can query it using the SQLite Manager add-in on Firefox so I know the table and data exist. When I run the query in python (and using the python shell) I get the no such table error
def TroyTest(self, acctno):
conn = sqlite3.connect('TroyData.db')
curs = conn.cursor()
v1 = curs.execute('''
SELECT acctvalue
FROM balancedata
WHERE acctno = ? ''', acctno)
print v1
When you pass SQLite a non-existing path, it'll happily open a new database for you, instead of telling you that the file did not exist before. When you do that, it'll be empty and you'll instead get a "No such table" error.
You are using a relative path to the database, meaning it'll try to open the database in the current directory, and that is probably not where you think it is..
The remedy is to use an absolute path instead:
conn = sqlite3.connect('/full/path/to/TroyData.db')
You need to loop over the cursor to see results:
SELECT acctvalue
FROM balancedata
WHERE acctno = ? ''', acctno)
for row in curs:
print row[0]
or call fetchone():
print curs.fetchone() # prints whole row tuple
The problem is the SQL statment. you must specify the db name and after the table name...
'''SELECT * FROM db_name.table_name WHERE acctno = ? '''

Creating Python Module using pyodbc

want to make small python module that can get data from a database. I have dowload pydbc and it worked fine like this:
import pyodbc
cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=MyDatabase;DATABASE=TestDB;UID='';PWD=''')
cursor = cnxn.cursor()
cursor.execute("select MeasurementValue from TAG_DATA where ItemID=10")
row = cursor.fetchone()
Now i want to put this in a module so that i can import it and i dont need to write the code evrytime or locate the file. So i tried to create this like this
import pyodbc
def testDB():
cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=MyDatabase;DATABASE=TestDB;UID='';PWD=''')
cursor = cnxn.cursor()
cursor.execute("select MeasurementValue from TAG_DATA where ItemID=10")
row = cursor.fetchone()
return row
I saved it in: File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\" and i tried to import it, but i got this error: SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Im quite new to python, any ideas how i can put this as a module and be able to use import everytime i want to run that code?
As one of the comments says, your indentation is messed up. White space (indentation) is critical in Python. Try it like this:
import pyodbc
def testDB():
cnxn = pyodbc.connect("DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=MyDatabase;DATABASE=TestDB;UID='';PWD=''")
cursor = cnxn.cursor()
cursor.execute("select MeasurementValue from TAG_DATA where ItemID=10")
row = cursor.fetchone()
return row
Also, you have to use double quotes for your connection string, since you are using single quotes in the string itself. I've changed them above in to reflect that.
good luck,

psycopg2, SELECT, and schemas

I'm trying to do a simple select statement on a table that's part of the "dam_vector" schema. The error I get is:
psycopg2.ProgrammingError: relation
"dam_vector.parcels_full" does not
I can't figure this out and know I'm missing something obvious. Any help you can provide would be great.
Here's the code I'm using. db is a connection string that successfully connects to the database.
cur = db.cursor()
query = 'SELECT * FROM "dam_vector.parcels_full"'
results = cur.fetchall()
and when that failed and after I did some research on Google I tried this. Same error.
cur.execute("SET search_path TO dam_vector,public")
cur = db.cursor()
query = 'SELECT * FROM "parcels_full"'
results = cur.fetchall()
Double quotes makes whatever is in them an identifier, so query
SELECT * FROM "dam_vector.parcels_full";
hits table dam_vector.parcels_full (period interpreted as part of table name) from schama public (or anything in search path).
As Adam said, you don't need quotes with names without some special characters.
SELECT * FROM dam_vector.parcels_full;
If you really want to use a double quotes, go for:
SELECT * FROM "dam_vector"."parcels_full";
You shouldn't need the quotes around dam_vector.parcels_full.
Does the output of the following show that a parcels_full table is indeed present?
cur.execute("""SELECT tablename
FROM pg_tables
WHERE tablename NOT LIKE ALL (ARRAY['pg_%','sql_%']);""")
