Units in sgp4 orbital calculations - python

I'm doing a project to calculate vector positions of a satellite using the package sgp4. Given an input file, it's supposed to spit out a position vector in metres from the centre of the earth. However, in the example given, and in all outputs I have seen, the x, y, and z values are always in the thousands of metres range, which means that the satellites are buried far below the Earth's surface. I have tried on the assumption that they meant kilometres, and on the assumption that they meant from the surface rather than the centre, to no more meaningful results. Does anyone know what the numbers in the position vector represent?
Sample output vector: [5576.056952400586, -3999.371134576452, -1521.9571594376037]

The units are in kilometers. The python package documents indicating that the units are in meters is incorrect.
Given the mean earth radius is 6371 km, the numbers you show indicate an altitude of about 657 km above the earth's surface. Why don't you believe this is meaningful?

The SGP4 MATLAB version returns the satellite's state vector in four coordinate systems i.e. TEME, ITRS, GCRS, and TOD. The SGP4 Python version returns the satellite's state vector in three coordinate systems i.e. TEME, ITRS, and GCRS. You can use my Python version of SGP4 from the following link: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358351066_SGP4_Python_code or you can use my MATLAB version of SGP4 from the following link: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/346217793_SGP4_MATLAB_code


What is CRS/units in osmnx python? How to find distance between road edge and a given point in openstreetmap?

Here is a docs:
osmnx.distance.nearest_edges(G, X, Y, interpolate=None, return_dist=False)
Find the nearest edge to a point or to each of several points.
If X and Y are single coordinate values, this will return the nearest edge to that point. If X and Y are lists of coordinate values, this will return the nearest edge to each point.
If interpolate is None, search for the nearest edge to each point, one at a time, using an r-tree and minimizing the euclidean distances from the point to the possible matches. For accuracy, use a projected graph and points. This method is precise and also fastest if searching for few points relative to the graph’s size.
For a faster method if searching for many points relative to the graph’s size, use the interpolate argument to interpolate points along the edges and index them. If the graph is projected, this uses a k-d tree for euclidean nearest neighbor search, which requires that scipy is installed as an optional dependency. If graph is unprojected, this uses a ball tree for haversine nearest neighbor search, which requires that scikit-learn is installed as an optional dependency.
G (networkx.MultiDiGraph) – graph in which to find nearest edges
X (float or list) – points’ x (longitude) coordinates, in same CRS/units as graph and containing no nulls
Y (float or list) – points’ y (latitude) coordinates, in same CRS/units as graph and containing no nulls
interpolate (float) – spacing distance between interpolated points, in same units as graph. smaller values generate more points.
return_dist (bool) – optionally also return distance between points and nearest edges
ne or (ne, dist) – nearest edges as (u, v, key) or optionally a tuple where dist contains distances between the points and their nearest edges
Return type:
tuple or list
Here is a question
But what is crs? why cant I use a normal longitude and latitude here? points are 6467474 something like this(dtype:float64). I am new to GIS.
u v key
What is CRS/units in osmnx python?
Are you asking what these terms mean? Or what their default values are? If it is the former, you can refer to any introductory GIS textbook. If it is the latter, as the OSMnx documentation states, the default CRS is EPSG:4326. Regarding distance units, it depends on what you did in your code. You did not provide a complete, minimal, reproducible example. If you projected your graph, then distances are measured in whatever units your projection is in. If you did not, then distances are measured in meters by default.
why cant I use a normal longitude and latitude here?
As the documentation states, you can pass in latitude and longitude to find the nearest edge(s) to point(s). I would strongly encourage you to work through the OSMnx usage examples to learn how the package works and practice some demonstration code (including find nearest edges to lat-lng points).
points are 6467474 something like this(dtype:float64). I am new to GIS. u v key
I don't know what you mean. Again, you need to provide a complete, minimal, reproducible code snippet so we can diagnose and troubleshoot. If you do, I can edit this answer if your code snippet provides enough info for me to give further information.

Taking the coordinates of an object and creating a formula to drag an arrow

I am using OpenCV to triangulate the position of an object, and am trying to create some kind of formula to pass the coordinates that I obtain through to drag a pull arrow, casting a fishing rod. I tried using polynomial regression to a very high degree, but it is still inaccurate due to the regression not being able to take into account an (x,y) input to an (x,y) output, rather just an x input to x output etc. I have attached screenshots below for clarity, alongside my obtained formulas from the regression. Any help/ideas/suggestions would be appreciated, thanks.
The xy coordinates are organized from the landing position to the position where the arrow was pulled to for the bobber to land there. This is because the fishing blob is the input, and the arrow pull end location comes from the blob location. I am using OpenCV to obtain the x,y coordinates, which I believe is just an x,y coordinate system of the 2d screen.
The avatar position is locked, and the button to cast the rod is located at an absolute position of (957,748).
The camera position is locked with no rotation or movement.
I believe that the angle the rod is cast at is likely a 1:1 opposite of where it is pulled to. Ex: if the rod was pulled to 225 degrees it would cast at 45 degrees. I am not 100% sure, but I think that the strength is linear. I used linear regression partially because I was not sure about this. There is no altitude difference/slope/wind that affects the cast. The only affecting factor of landing position is where the arrow is dragged to. The arrow will not drag past the 180/360 degree position sideways (relative to cast button) and will simply lock the cast angle in the x direction if it is held there.
The x-y data was collected with a simple program to move the mouse to the same position (957,748) and drag the arrow to cast the rod with different drag strengths/positions to create some kind of line of best fit for a general formula for casting the rod. The triang_x and y functions included are what the x and y coordinates were run through respectively to triangulate the ending drag coordinate for the arrow. This does not work very well because matching the x-to-x and y-to-y doesn't account for x and y data in each formula, just x-to-x etc.
Left column is fishing spot coordinates, right column is where arrow is dragged to to hit the fish spot.
(1133,359) to (890,890)
(858,334) to (886, 900)
(755,579) to (1012,811)
(1013,255) to (933,934)
(1166,469) to (885,855)
(1344,654) to (855,794)
(804,260) to (1024,939)
(1288,287) to (822,918)
(624,422) to (1075,869)
(981,460) to (949,851)
(944,203) to (963,957)
(829,367) to (1005,887)
(1129,259) to (885,932)
(773,219) to (1036,949)
(1052,314) to (919,908)
(958,662) to (955,782)
(1448,361) to (775,906)
(1566,492) to (751,837)
(1275,703) to (859,764)
(1210,280) to (852,926)
(668,513) to (1050,836)
(830,243) to (1011,939)
(688,654) to (1022,792)
(635,437) to (1072,864)
(911,252) to (976,935)
(1499,542) to (785,825)
(793,452) to (1017,860)
(1309,354) to (824,891)
(1383,522) to (817,838)
(1262,712) to (867,758)
(927,225) to (980,983)
(644,360) to (1097,919)
(1307,648) to (862,798)
(1321,296) to (812,913)
(798,212) to (1026,952)
(1315,460) to (836,854)
(700,597) to (1028,809)
(868,573) to (981,811)
(1561,497) to (758,838)
(1172,588) to (896,816)
Shows bot actions taken within function and how formula is used.
coeffs_x = np.float64([
triang_x = np.polynomial.Polynomial(coeffs_x)
coeffs_y = np.float64([
triang_y = np.polynomial.Polynomial(coeffs_y)
First you need to clarify few things:
the xy data
Is position of object you want to hit or position what you hit when used specific input data (which is missing in that case)?In what coordinate system?
what position is your avatar?
how is the view defined?
is it fully 3D with 6DOF or just fixed (no rotation or movement) relative to avatar?
what is the physics/logic of your rod casting
is it angle (one or two), strength?Is the strength linear to distance?Does throwing acount for altitude difference between avatar and target?does ground elevation (slope) play a role?Are there any other factors like wind, tupe of rod etc?
You shared the xy data but what against you want to correlate or make formula for it? it does not make sense you obviously forget to add something like each position was taken for what conditions?
I would solve this by (no further details before you clarify stuff above):
transform targets xy to player relative coordinate system aligned to ground
compute azimut angle (geometricaly)
simple atan2(y,x) will do but you need to take into account your coordinate system notations.
compute elevation angle and strength (geometricaly)
simple balistic physics should apply however depends on the physics the game or whatever you write this for uses.
adjust for additional stuff
You know for example wind can slightly change your angle and strength
In case you have real physics and data you can do #3,#4 at the same time. See similar:
C++ intersection time of 2 bullets
[Edit1] puting your data into your image
OK your coordinates obviously do not match your screenshot as the image taken is scaled after some intuition I rescaled it and draw into image in C++ to match again so here the result:
I converted your Cartesian points:
int ava_x=957,ava_y=748; // avatar
int data[]= // target(x1,y1) , drag(x0,y0)
858,334,886, 900,
Into polar relative to ava_x,ava_y using atan2 and 2D distance formula and simply print the angular difference +180deg and ratio between line sizes (that is the yellow texts in left of the screenshot) first is ordinal number then angle difference [deg] and then ratio between line lengths...
as you can see the angle difference is +/-10.6deg and length ratio is <2.5,3.6> probably because of inaccuracy of OpenCV findings and some randomness for fishing rod castings from the game logic itself.
As you can see polar coordinates are best for this. For starters you could do simply this:
// wanted target in polar (obtained by CV)
x = target_x-ava_x;
y = target_y-ava_y;
a = atan2(y,x);
l = sqrt((x*x)+(y*y));
// aiming drag in polar
a += 3.1415926535897932384626433832795; // +=180 deg
l /= 3.0; // "avg" ratio between line sizes
// aiming drag in cartesian
aim_x = ava_x + l*cos(a);
aim_y = ava_y + l*sin(a);
You can optimize it to:
aim_x = ava_x - ((target_x-ava_x)/3);
aim_y = ava_y - ((target_y-ava_y)/3);
Now to improve precision you could measure the dependency or line ratio and line size (it might be not linear) , also the angular difference might be bigger for bigger lines ...
Also note that second cast (ordinal 2) is probably a bug (wrongly detected x,y by CV) if you render the 2 lines you will see they do not match so you should not account that and throw them away from dataset.
Also note that I code in C++ so my goniometrics use radians (not sure if true for python if not you need to convert to degrees) also equations might need some additional tweaking for your coordinate systems (negate y?)

What unit is the distance in when using cKDTree?

I am trying to calculate the distance between the closest points in two geodataframes.
I used the function created by jHUW here. The function is as follows:
def ckdnearest(gdA, gdB):
nA = np.array(list(gdA.geometry.apply(lambda x: (x.x, x.y))))
nB = np.array(list(gdB.geometry.apply(lambda x: (x.x, x.y))))
btree = cKDTree(nB)
dist, idx = btree.query(nA, k=1)
gdB_nearest = gdB.iloc[idx].drop(columns="geometry").reset_index(drop=True)
gdf = pd.concat(
pd.Series(dist, name='dist')
return gdf
It's working fine between my datasets, but I was wondering what unit the returned distance is in. I did some research and found that the unit will be the same as the unit of the array used. I used an array of lat-lons, like so:
array([[-122.3295182, 47.6202074],
[-122.296276 , 37.8789939],
[-122.6857603, 45.5289172],
[-118.3804073, 33.9017057],
[ -93.2911788, 44.860997 ]])
I tried to find out what the units of lat-lons would be, but was unsuccessful. I also checked the distance between some of the point pairs on GoogleMaps to get some insight, but couldn't make sense of them. For instance, Googlemaps show a distance of 1.5 miles for my first pair, but the distance returned by the function is 0.0087466. I understand that ckDTree calculates the Euclidean distance but even then, the difference seems quite large. Please provide some insight if you have them.
The result of Scipy is indeed a L2 norm (aka Euclidean distance). The meaning of this distance is dependent of the chosen coordinate system. In your case, you appear to use a geographic coordinate system (which is a spherical coordinate system). As a result, coordinates are are based on angles and cannot be linearly transformed to meters (for example in Antarctica changing the angle does not impact much the distance in meter). Additionally, one need to consider the distortion of the space while computing the distance: a straight line for use on earth is a geodesic in your geographic space. The L2 norm computed by Scipy does not consider this. In fact, using this metric probably results in wrong results: the L2 norm computed over-estimate the actual distance (of the geodesic, both in meter or radian) in Antarctica compared to the equator. This means two point near to the north pole can be considered as close as two points located each in Japan and Europe... Thus, you certainly need to use a better metric. As for the unit of the distance, it does nor make much sense mainly because of this issue. On relatively good metric would be the length of the geodesic (possibly in meters) or the angle between two point. Unfortunately, AFAIK this is not possible with Scipy... Using a GIS library (like GDAL) may help.

Converting between WGS84 degrees latitude/longitude and meters?

So, I am doing some work with data from an INS unit, in order to calculate the errors in its readings by integrating its velocity data over time to get a change in position, and then comparing that to its actual recorded change in position. The problem is that it gives its position with Latitude and Longitude in degrees (to 11 decimal places), and its documentation indicates that these are using the WGS84 standard, while its velocities are given in meters/second (to 10 decimal places).
I found this other question, but the answers to it were giving answers that assumed that the Earth is a sphere, while the WGS standard uses an ellipsoid, and it seems possible that using calculations that assume that the Earth is spherical might introduce errors into my calculations.
I'm intending to use Python to perform my data analysis with, so ideally answers should use Python as well, but using another language to do the data cleaning would work as long as I can save the cleaned data into a text file that Python can read.
Perhaps you could use LatLon (or for python3 LatLon23), which does enable treating eearth as an ellipsoid.
see an example code using LatLon23 for python3:
from LatLon23 import LatLon, Latitude, Longitude
palmyra = LatLon(Latitude(5.8833), Longitude(-162.0833)) # Location of Palmyra Atoll
honolulu = LatLon(Latitude(21.3), Longitude(-157.8167)) # Location of Honolulu, HI
distance = palmyra.distance(honolulu) # WGS84 distance in km
print(palmyra.distance(honolulu, ellipse = 'sphere')) # FAI distance in km
initial_heading = palmyra.heading_initial(honolulu) # Heading from Palmyra to Honolulu on WGS84 ellipsoid
hnl = palmyra.offset(initial_heading, distance) # Reconstruct Honolulu based on offset from Palmyra
print(hnl.to_string('D')) # Coordinates of Honolulu

Difficulties with RA/Dec and Alt/Azi conversions with pyEphem

I'm trying to go from alt/azi to RA/Dec for a point on the sky at a fixed location, trying out pyEphem. I've tried a couple of different ways, and I get sort of the right answer, within a couple of degrees, but I'm expecting better, and I can't figure out where the problems lie.
I've been using Canopus as a test case (I'm not after stars specifically, so I can't use the in-built catalogue). So in my case, I know that at
stn = ephem.Observer()
# yalgoo station, wa
stn.long = '116.6806'
stn.lat = '-28.3403'
stn.elevation = 328.0
stn.pressure = 0 # no refraction correction.
stn.epoch = ephem.J2000
stn.date = '2014/12/15 14:32:09' #UTC
Stellarium, checked with other web sites tell me Canopus should be at
azi, alt '138:53:5.1', '56:09:52.6' or in equatorial RA 6h 23m 57.09s/ Dec. -52deg 41' 44.6"
but trying:
cano = ephem.FixedBody()
cano._ra = '6:23:57.1'
cano._dec = '-52:41:44.0'
cano._epoch = ephem.J2000
cano.compute( stn)
print( cano.az, cano.alt)
>>>(53:22:44.0, 142:08:03.0)
about 3 degrees out. I've also tried the reverse,
ra, dec = stn.radec_of('138:53:5.1', '56:09:52.6')
>>>(6:13:18.52, -49:46:09.5)
where I'm expecting 6:23 not 6:13. Turning on refraction correction makes a small difference, but not enough, and I've always understood aberration and nutation were much smaller effects than this offset as well?
As a follow up, I've tried manual calculations, based on 'Practical Astronomy with your calculator'; so for dec:
LAT = math.radians(-28.340335)
LON = math.radians(116.680621667)
ALT = math.radians(56.16461)
AZ = math.radians(138.88475)
sinDEC = (math.sin( LAT)*math.sin( ALT)
+ math.cos( LAT)*math.cos( ALT)*math.cos( AZ) )
DEC = math.asin( sinDEC)
DEC_deg = math.degrees(DEC)
print( 'dec = ', DEC_deg )
>>>('dec = ', -49.776032754148986)
again, quite different from '56:09:52.6', but reasonably close to pyEphem - so now I'm thoroughly confused! So now I'm suspecting the problem is my understanding, rather than pyEphem - could someone enlighten me about the correct way to go do RADEC/ALTAZI conversions, and why things are not lining up?!
First some notes
Atmospheric scattering and relative speed between observer and object
have the maximal error (near horizon) up to 0.6 degree which is nowhere near your error.
how can altitude be over 90 degrees?
you got swapped data for azimut and altitude
I put your observer data into mine program and result was similar to yours
but I visually search for that star instead of putting the coordinates. Result was also about 3-4 degrees off in RA axis
RA=6.4h Dec=-52.6deg
azi=142.4deg alt=53.9deg
mine engine is in C++, using Kepler's equation
Now what can be wrong:
mine stellar catalog can be wrongly converted
rotated wrongly with some margin but strongly doubt that it is 3 degrees. Also perspective transforms can add some error while rendering at 750AU distance from observer. I never tested for Southern sky (not visible from mine place).
we are using different Earth reference frame then the data you comparing to
I found out that some sites like NASA Horizon use different reference frame which does not correspond with mine observations. Look here
calculate the time when the sun is X degrees below/above the Horizon
at the start of the answer is link to 2 sites with different reference frames when you compare the result they are off. The second link is corresponding with mine observations the rest is dealing (included source code) with Kepler's equation based Solar system simulation. The other sublinks are also worth looking into.
I could have a bug in mine simulation/data
I have referenced data to this engine which could partially hide any computation errors from mine observer position so handle all above text with taken that it mind.
you could use wrong time/Julian date to stellar time conversions
if your time is off then the angles will not match...
How to resolve this?
pick up your Telescope, set up equatoreal coordinate system/mount to it and measure Ra/Dec Azi/Alt for known (distant) object in reality and compare with computed positions. Only this way you can decide which value is good or wrong (for reference frame you are using). Do this on star not planet !!! Do this on high altitude angles not near Horizon !!!
How to transform between azimutal and equatoreal coordinates
I compute transform matrix Eath representing earth's coordinate system (upper right) in heliocentric coordinate system as global coordinate system (left) then I compute another matrix NEH representing observer on Earth's surface (North,East,High/Altitude ... lower right).
After this it is just a matter of matrix and vector multiplications and conversion between Cartesian and spherical coordinate systems look here:
Representing Points on a Circular Radar Math approach
for more insight to azimutal coordinates. if you use just that simple equation like in your example then you do not account for many things... The Earth position is computed by Kepler's equation, rotation is given by daily rotation, nutation and precession included.
I use 64 bit floating point values which can create round errors but not that high ...
I use geometric North Pole as observer reference (this could add some serious error near poles).
The biggest thing that can affect this is the speed of light but that account for near earth 'moving' objects like planets not stars (except Sun) because their computed position is visible after some time ... For example Sun-Earth distance is about 8 light minutes so we see the Sun where it was 8 minutes ago. If the effemerides data is geometrical only (not account for this) then this can lead to high errors if not computed properly.
Newer effemerides models use gravity integration instead of Kepler so their data must be geometrical and the final output is then corrected by the time shift ...
