I'm making a search tool in Python.
Its objective is to be able to search files by their content. (we're mostly talking about source file, text files, not images/binary - even if searching in their METADATA would be a great improvment). For now I don't use regular expression, casual plain text.
This part of the algorithm works great !
The problem is that I realize I'm searching mostly in the same few folders, I'd like to find a way to build an index of the content of each files in a folder. And be able as fast as possible to know if the sentence I'm searching is in xxx.txt or if it can't be there.
The idea for now is to maintain a checksum for each file that makes me able to know if it contains a particular string.
Do you know any algorithm close to this ?
I don't need a 100% success rate, I prefer a little index than a big one with 100% success.
The idea is to provide a generic tool.
EDIT : To be clear, I want to search a PART of the content of the file. So making a md5 hash of all its content & comparing it with the hash of what i'm searching isn't a good idea ;)
here i am using whoosh lib to make searching/indexing.. .upper part is indexing the files and the lower part is demo search.. .
#indexing part
from whoosh.index import create_in
from whoosh.fields import *
import os
import stat
import time
schema = Schema(FileName=TEXT(stored=True), FilePath=TEXT(stored=True), Size=TEXT(stored=True), LastModified=TEXT(stored=True),
LastAccessed=TEXT(stored=True), CreationTime=TEXT(stored=True), Mode=TEXT(stored=True))
ix = create_in("./my_whoosh_index_dir", schema)
writer = ix.writer()
for top, dirs, files in os.walk('./my_test_dir'):
for nm in files:
fileStats = os.stat(os.path.join(top, nm))
fileInfo = {
'FilePath':os.path.join(top, nm),
'Size' : fileStats [ stat.ST_SIZE ],
'LastModified' : time.ctime ( fileStats [ stat.ST_MTIME ] ),
'LastAccessed' : time.ctime ( fileStats [ stat.ST_ATIME ] ),
'CreationTime' : time.ctime ( fileStats [ stat.ST_CTIME ] ),
'Mode' : fileStats [ stat.ST_MODE ]
## now the seaching part
from whoosh.qparser import QueryParser
with ix.searcher() as searcher:
query = QueryParser("FileName", ix.schema).parse(u"hsbc") ## here 'hsbc' is the search term
results = searcher.search(query)
for x in results:
print x['FileName']
It's not the most efficient, but just uses the stdlib and a little bit of work. sqlite3 (if it's enabled on compilation) supports full text indexing. See: http://www.sqlite.org/fts3.html
So you could create a table of [file_id, filename], and a table of [file_id, line_number, line_text], and use those to base your queries on. ie: how many files contain this word and that line, what lines contain this AND this but not etc...
The only reason anyone would want a tool that is capable of searching 'certain parts' of a file is because what they are trying to do is analyze data that has legal restrictions on which parts of it you can read.
For example, Apple has the capability of identifying the GPS location of your iPhone at any moment a text was sent or received. But, what they cannot legally do is associate that location data with anything that can be tied to you as an individual.
On a broad scale you can use obscure data like this to track and analyze patterns throughout large amounts of data. You could feasibly assign a unique 'Virtual ID' to every cell phone in the USA and log all location movement; afterward you implement a method for detecting patterns of travel. Outliers could be detected through deviations in their normal travel pattern. That 'metadeta' could then be combined with data from outside sources such as names and locations of retail locations. Think of all the situations you might be able to algorithmically detect. Like the soccer dad who for 3 years has driven the same general route between work, home, restaurants, and a little league field. Only being able to search part of a file still offers enough data to detect that Soccer Dad's phone's unique signature suddenly departed from the normal routine and entered a gun shop. The possibilities are limitless. That data could be shared with local law enforcement to increase street presence in public spaces nearby; all while maintaining anonymity of the phone's owner.
Capabilities like the example above are not legally possible in today's environment without the method IggY is looking for.
On the other hand, it could just be that he is only looking for certain types of data in certain file types. If he knows where in the file he wants to search for the data he needs he can save major CPU time only reading the last half or first half of a file.
You can do a simple name-based cache as below. This is probably best (fastest) if the file contents is not expected to change. Otherwise, you can MD5 the file contents. I say MD5 because it's faster than SHA, and this application doesn't seem security sensitive.
from hashlib import md5
import os
info_cache = {}
for file in files_to_search:
file_info = get_file_info(file)
file_hash = md5(os.path.abspath(file)).hexdigest()
I have been asked to compile a crossword for a surgeon's publication, - it comes out quarterly. I need to make it medically oriented, preferably using different specialty words. eg some will be orthopaedics, some cardiac surgery and some human anatomy etc.
I can get surgical journals online.
I want to create word lists for each specialty and use them in the compiler. I will use crossword compiler .
I can use journal articles on the web, or downloaded pdf's. I am a surgeon and use pandas for data analysis but my python skills are a bit primitive so I need relatively simple solutions. How can I create the specific word lists for each surgical specialty.
They don't need to be very specific words, so eg I thought I could scrape the journal volume for words, compare them to a list of common words and delete those leaving me with a technical list. May require some trial and error. I havent used beautiful soup before but willing to try it.
Alternatively I could just get rid of the beautful soup step and use endnote to download a few hundred journals and export to txt.
Its the extraction and list making I think i am mainly struggling to conceptualise.
I created this program that you can use to parse through a .txt file to find the most common words. I also included a block of code that will help you to convert a .pdf file to .txt. Hope my approach to the solution helps, good luck with your crossword for the surgeon's publication!
Find the most common words in a txt file
import collections
# The re module provides regular expression matching operations
import re
Use this if you would like to convert a PDF to a txt file
# import PyPDF2
# pdffileobj=open('textFileName.pdf','rb')
# pdfreader=PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(pdffileobj)
# x=pdfreader.numPages
# pageobj=pdfreader.getPage(x-1)
# text=pageobj.extractText()
# file1=open(r"(folder path)\\textFileName.txt","a")
# file1.writelines(text)
# file1.close()
words = re.findall(r'\w+', open('textFileName.txt').read().lower())
most_common = collections.Counter(words).most_common(10)
First, I am relatively new at programming; Python is the only language I have any familiarity with using. Secondly, I put DB in the question because that's what seems right to me after searching around, but I am open to not using a DB at all if that's easier or more efficient.
What I Have to Work With
I have a folder with ~75,000 JSON files. They all have the same structure; here is an example of what they look like (more on that below):
"id": 93480
"author": "",
"joined by": [],
"date_created": "2010-04-28T16:07:21Z"
"date_modified": "2020-02-21T21:42:45.655644Z"
"type": "010combined",
"page_count": null,
"plain_text": "",
"html": "",
"extracted_by_ocr": false,
"cited": [
One way that the real files differ from the above is that either the "plain_text" or the "html" key will have an actual value, namely text (whether plaintext or HTML). The length of that text can vary from a couple of sentences to over 200 pages worth of text. Thus, the JSON files range in size from 907 bytes at the smallest to 2.1 MB.
What I'm Trying to Do
I want to be able, essentially, to search through all the files for a word or phrase contained in either the plain_text or HTML fields and, at a minimum, return a list of files containing that word or phrase. [Ideally, I'd do other things with them, as well, but I can figure that stuff out later. What I'm stumped on is where to begin.]
What I Can't Figure Out
Whether to even bother with a document-store db like MongoDB (or PostgreSQL). If that's the appropriate way to handle this, I'm open to working my way through it. But I can't even tell if that's how I should attack the problem, or if I should instead just use a Python script to iterate over the files in the folder directly. Can you use populate a DB with all the files in a folder, then search for a substring in each row? The fact that some of these files have a ton of text in one of the values makes it seem weird to me to use a DB at all, but again: I don't know what I'm doing.
I think I know to iterate over the files directly with Python. I know how to open files, and I know how to get a list of keys from JSON files. But how do you search for a matching substring in two JSON values? And then, if the substring is found in one of them, how do you return the "id" field to a list, close the file, and move to the next one? (I mean, obviously, the basic structure is a conditional. Here's the logical structure of what I'm thinking here:
Variable = "substring I want to match"
List = [] # Will hold ids of files containing variable
Open file
Read file to the end
Search file [or just the two JSON keys?] for variable
If variable found append "id" to list
Close file
Move to the next one in the directory
It's the actual code part that I'm stumbling over.
Idea using pandas since I don't know about search engines, some copied from: How to read multiple json files into pandas dataframe?
dfs = [] # an empty list to store the data frames
for file in file_list:
data = pd.read_json(file, lines=True) # read data frame from json file
dfs.append(data) # append the data frame to the list
temp = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True) # concatenate all the data frames in the list.
Creating it will take forever but once that's done you can search and do operations quickly. E.g. if you want to find all id where author is not empty:
id_list = temp.loc[temp['author'] != '']['id'].tolist()
If the combined size of all your files is gigantic, you may want to consult the docs to store things more efficiently https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/scale.html or use another method.
I have a folder with 300+ .txt files with total size of 15GB+. These files contain tweets. Each line is a different tweet. I have a list of keywords I'd like to search the tweets for. I have created a script that searches each line of every file for every item on my list. If the tweet contains the keyword, then it writes the line into another file. This is my code:
# Search each file for every item in keywords
print("Searching the files of " + filename + " for the appropriate keywords...")
for file in os.listdir(file_path):
f = open(file_path + file, 'r')
for line in f:
for key in keywords:
if re.search(key, line, re.IGNORECASE):
This is the format each line has:
{"created_at":"Wed Feb 03 06:53:42 +0000 2016","id":694775753754316801,"id_str":"694775753754316801","text":"me with Dibyabhumi Multiple College students https:\/\/t.co\/MqmDwbCDAF","source":"\u003ca href=\"http:\/\/www.facebook.com\/twitter\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eFacebook\u003c\/a\u003e","truncated":false,"in_reply_to_status_id":null,"in_reply_to_status_id_str":null,"in_reply_to_user_id":null,"in_reply_to_user_id_str":null,"in_reply_to_screen_name":null,"user":{"id":5981342,"id_str":"5981342","name":"Lava Kafle","screen_name":"lkafle","location":"Kathmandu, Nepal","url":"http:\/\/about.me\/lavakafle","description":"#deerwalkinc 24000+ tweeps bigdata #Team #Genomics http:\/\/deerwalk.com #Genetic #Testing #population #health #management #BigData #Analytics #java #hadoop","protected":false,"verified":false,"followers_count":24742,"friends_count":23169,"listed_count":1481,"favourites_count":147252,"statuses_count":171880,"created_at":"Sat May 12 04:49:14 +0000 2007","utc_offset":20700,"time_zone":"Kathmandu","geo_enabled":true,"lang":"en","contributors_enabled":false,"is_translator":false,"profile_background_color":"EDECE9","profile_background_image_url":"http:\/\/abs.twimg.com\/images\/themes\/theme3\/bg.gif","profile_background_image_url_https":"https:\/\/abs.twimg.com\/images\/themes\/theme3\/bg.gif","profile_background_tile":false,"profile_link_color":"088253","profile_sidebar_border_color":"FFFFFF","profile_sidebar_fill_color":"E3E2DE","profile_text_color":"634047","profile_use_background_image":true,"profile_image_url":"http:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/profile_images\/677805092859420672\/kzoS-GZ__normal.jpg","profile_image_url_https":"https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/profile_images\/677805092859420672\/kzoS-GZ__normal.jpg","profile_banner_url":"https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/profile_banners\/5981342\/1416802075","default_profile":false,"default_profile_image":false,"following":null,"follow_request_sent":null,"notifications":null},"geo":null,"coordinates":null,"place":null,"contributors":null,"is_quote_status":false,"retweet_count":0,"favorite_count":0,"entities":{"hashtags":[],"urls":[{"url":"https:\/\/t.co\/MqmDwbCDAF","expanded_url":"http:\/\/fb.me\/Yj1JW9bJ","display_url":"fb.me\/Yj1JW9bJ","indices":[45,68]}],"user_mentions":[],"symbols":[]},"favorited":false,"retweeted":false,"possibly_sensitive":false,"filter_level":"low","lang":"en","timestamp_ms":"1454482422661"}
The script works but it takes a lot of time. For ~40 keywords it needs more than 2 hours. Obviously my code is not optimized. What can I do to improve the speed?
p.s. I have read some relevant questions regarding searching and speed but I suspect that the problem in my script lies in the fact that I'm using a list for the keywords. I've tried some of the suggested solutions but to no avail.
1) External library
If you're willing to lean on external libraries (and time to execute is more important than the one-off time cost to install), you might be able to gain some speed by loading each file into a simple Pandas DataFrame and performing the keyword search as a vector operation. To get the matching tweets, you would do something like:
import pandas as pd
dataframe_from_text = pd.read_csv("/path/to/file.txt")
matched_tweets_index = dataframe_from_text.str.match("keyword_a|keyword_b")
dataframe_from_text[matched_tweets_index] # Uses the boolean search above to filter the full dataframe
# You'd then have a mini dataframe of matching tweets in `dataframe_from_text`.
# You could loop through these to save them out to a file using the `.to_dict(orient="records")` format.
Dataframe operations within Pandas can be really quick so might be worth investigating.
2) Group your regex
Looks like you're not logging which keyword you matched against. If this is true, you could group your keywords into a single regex query like so:
for line in f:
keywords_combined = "|".join(keywords)
if re.search(keywords_combined, line, re.IGNORECASE):
I've not tested this but by reducing the number of loops per line, that could trim some time off.
Why it's slow
You are regex searching through a json dump, which is not always a good idea. For example, if you keywords include words like user, time, profile and image each line will result in a match because the json format for tweets has all these terms as dictionary keys.
Besides the raw JSON is huge, each tweet will be more than 1kb in size (this one is 2.1kb) but the only part that's relevent in your sample is:
"text":"me with Dibyabhumi Multiple College students https:\/\/t.co\/MqmDwbCDAF",
And this is less than 100 bytes, a typical tweet is still less than 140 characters despite recent changes to the API.
Things to try:
pre compile the regex as suggested by Padraic Cunningham
Option 1. Load this data into a postgresql JSONB field. JSONB fields are indexable and can be searched very quickly
Option 2. Load this into any old database, with the context of the text field having it's own column so that this column can be searched easily.
Option 3. last but not least, extract just the text field into it's own file. You can have a CSV file where the first column is the screen name and the second is the text of the tweet. Your 15GB will be shrunk to about 1GB
In short what you are doing now is searching the whole farm for the needle when you only need to search the haystack.
I've written a small utility in Python3 to help me copy my music collection from my NAS to a mobile device. The usefulness of this is that it will auto-convert flac files to ogg-vorbis (to save space) and also exclude some files based on their audio tags (i.e. artist, album, date, etc).
I'm not happy with the limited nature of the exclude feature and I want to improve it but I've hit a mental block and I'm looking for advice on how to proceed.
I would like the user to write an exclude file which will look something like this:
exclude {
artist is "U2"
artist is "Uriah Heep" {
album is "Spellbinder"
album is "Innocent Victim"
This would translate to:
exclude if
(artist = "U2") OR
(artist = "Uriah Heep" AND (album = "Spellbinder" OR album = "Innocent Victim"))
There will be more conditionals such as sub-string matching and date ranges.
I've been checking out PLY but I'm struggling with the concepts of how to parse this type of nested structure and also how to represent the resulting conditional so that I can execute it in code when applying the exclude filter during the copy operation.
Your data structure is almost a dict, why not just use JSON? To go one better, you chould use Lucene Query Syntax.
My question is as follows:
I have to read a big XML file, 50 MB; and anonymise some tags/fields that relate to private issues, like name surname address, email, phone number, etc...
I know exactly which tags in XML are to be anonymised.
where alpha and beta refer to any characters within, which will also be hashed, using probably an algorithm like MD5.
I will only convert the tag value, not the tags themselves.
I hope, I am clear enough about my problem. How do I achieve this?
You have to do something like the following in Python.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as xml # or lxml or whatever
import hashlib
theDoc= xml.parse( "sample.xml" )
for alphaTag in theDoc.findall( "xpath/to/tag" ):
print alphaTag, alphaTag.text
alphaTag.text = hashlib.md5(alphaTag.text).hexdigest()
Using regexps is indeed dangerous, unless you know exactly the format of the file, it's easy to parse with regexps, and you are sure that it will not change in the future.
Otherwise you could indeed use XML::Twig,as below. An alternative would be to use XML::LibXML, although the file might be a bit big to load it entirely in memory (then again, maybe not, memory is cheap these days) so you might have to use the pull mode, which I don't know much about.
Compact XML::Twig code:
use strict;
use warnings;
use XML::Twig;
use Digest::MD5 'md5_base64';
my #tags_to_anonymize= qw( name surname address email phone);
# the handler for each element ($_) sets its content with the md5 and then flushes
my %handlers= map { $_ => sub { $_->set_text( md5_base64( $_->text))->flush } } #tags_to_anonymize;
XML::Twig->new( twig_roots => \%handlers, twig_print_outside_roots => 1)
->parsefile( "my_big_file.xml")
Bottom line: don't parse XML using regex.
Use your language's DOM parsing libraries instead, and if you know the elements you need to anonymize, grab them using XPath and hash their contents by setting their innerText/innerHTML properties (or whatever your language calls them).
As Welbog said, don't try to parse XML with a regex. You'll regret it eventually.
Probably the easiest way to do this is using XML::Twig. It can process XML in chunks, which lets you handle very large files.
Another possibility would be using SAX, especially with XML::SAX::Machines. I've never really used that myself, but it's a stream-oriented system, so it should be able to handle large files. The downside is that you'll probably have to write more code to collect the text inside each tag that you care about (where XML::Twig will collect that text for you).