Is there any support of the syscall clone(2) (not os.fork) in Python? I want to play with Linux namespaces under Python but it seems that there is not a lot of information about it.
I think ctypes with libc is the answer but I'm still not having any success. fork works without problems since it doesn't have any argument then this code work:
from ctypes import *
libc = CDLL("")
With clone I'm trying this:
from ctypes import *
def f():
print "In callback."
return 0
libc = CDLL("")
f_c = CFUNCTYPE(c_int)(f)
print libc.getpid()
print libc.clone(f_c)
print get_errno()
Clone actually has this signature:
int clone(int (*fn)(void *), void *child_stack,
int flags, void arg, ...
/ pid_t *ptid, struct user_desc *tls, pid_t *ctid */ );
I still need to pass *child_stack and flags but have no idea how to do it. Any help?
More Edits:
I got this now:
from ctypes import *
def f():
print "In callback."
return 0
libc = CDLL("")
f_c = CFUNCTYPE(c_int)(f)
stack = c_char_p(" " * 1024 * 1024)
libc.clone(f_c, c_void_p(cast(stack, c_void_p).value + 1024 * 1024), 0)
This actually works but I imagine I making a big hole in my system with the stack, there is a cleaner way to do this?
Almost done, adding the correct flag for newpid:
from ctypes import *
libc = CDLL("")
def f():
print libc.getpid()
return 0
f_c = CFUNCTYPE(c_int)(f)
stack = c_char_p(" " * 1024 * 1024)
libc.clone(f_c, c_void_p(cast(stack, c_void_p).value + 1024 * 1024), 0x20000000)
This is not runnable just for root, and print a nice 1.
And following this post the stack seems to be fine:
Well, finally I think I got the answer, is just usign ctypes with libc,
This is a simple proof of concept:
from ctypes import *
libc = CDLL("")
# Create stack.
stack = c_char_p(" " * 8096)
def f():
print libc.getpid()
return 0
# Conver function to c type returning an integer.
f_c = CFUNCTYPE(c_int)(f)
# We need the top of the stack.
stack_top = c_void_p(cast(stack, c_void_p).value + 8096)
# Call clone with the NEWPID Flag
libc.clone(f_c, stack_top, 0x20000000)
This has to be run by root.
If you want to have "fork() but with new namespace" semantics, you can directly call the SYS_clone syscall instead. Note that if you do so, the os.getpid() method will return the wrong process ID in the child because glibc caches the process ID and doesn't know about the SYS_clone invocation to invalidate its cache.
Assuming x86_64 (NR_clone == 56, NR_getpid == 39), you can call libc.syscall(56, signal.SIGCHLD|0x000200000, 0 0 0) to "fork", and then libc.syscall(39) to get the current PID of the "forked" child process.
i am trying to work on easyhook in python and here is my code
# Hook/
from ctypes import *
from ctypes.util import find_library
from pathlib import Path
c_ulong_p = POINTER(c_ulong)
res_path = str(Path(__file__).parent / 'res' / 'EasyHook64.dll')
lib_path = find_library(res_path)
clib = cdll.LoadLibrary(lib_path)
class TRACED_HOOK_HANDLE(Structure):
_fields_ = [("Link", c_void_p)]
lh_install_hook = clib.LhInstallHook
lh_install_hook.restype = c_ulong
lh_install_hook.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, TRACED_HOOK_HANDLE]
# some definition of other functions...
if __name__ == '__main__':
from ctypes.wintypes import *
t_dll = CDLL('User32.dll')
test=lambda:t_dll.MessageBoxW(None, 'hi content!', 'hi title!', 0)
def fake_function(handle, title, message, flag):
return t_original(handle, "hooked "+title, "hooked "+message, flag)
t_hook_info = TRACED_HOOK_HANDLE(None)
if lh_install_hook(t_dll.MessageBoxW, interface(fake_function), None, byref(t_hook_info)):
raise Exception("Hook error[%s]:\n%s" % (rtl_get_last_error(), rtl_get_last_error_string()))
# error occur here and the program terminate
# some other tests...
after a try, it exit on code 0xC0000005 when running to lh_install_hook calling and without any exception printed
then I tried to use those Api after inject into a C++ program by
lh_install_hook(func_address, interface(hook_function), None, byref(hook_info))
where func_address is the actual address of target call,and it cause
is there any way to make it run?
here is my code inject and run in the c++ programe
# Hook/
from .EasyHook import *
class Hook(object):
def __init__(self, func_address: int):
self.enabled = False
self.hook_info = TRACED_HOOK_HANDLE(None)
self._ACLEntries = (c_ulong * 1)(0)
self.ACLEntries = cast(self._ACLEntries, POINTER(c_ulong))
interface = CFUNCTYPE(self.restype, *self.argtypes)
def hook_function(*args):
return self.hook_function(*args)
if lh_install_hook(func_address, interface(hook_function), None, byref(self.hook_info)):
raise LocalHookError()
# error occur here and the program terminate
# some other codes...
restype = c_void_p
argtypes = []
def hook_function(self, *args):
return self.original(*args)
from Hook import Hook
from ctypes import *
from ctypes.wintypes import *
class kernel32_beep_hook(Hook):
restype = c_bool
argtypes = [DWORD,DWORD]
def hook_function(self, a1, a2):
if logger is not None:
return self.original(a1,a2)
# some skip codes
# error occur here and the program terminate
According to [GitHub]: EasyHook/EasyHook - (master) EasyHook/Public/easyhook.h:
typedef struct _HOOK_TRACE_INFO_
TRACED_HOOK_HANDLE is actually a pointer (although its name suggests the opposite), therefore your lh_install_hook.argtypes (1st snippet) is incorrect. It should be:
lh_install_hook.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, POINTER(TRACED_HOOK_HANDLE)]
Technically, you ran into [SO]: C function called from Python via ctypes returns incorrect value (#CristiFati's answer).
Regarding no exception being thrown, maybe [SO]: Python exception thrown by libtidy is amusingly impossible to catch (#CristiFati's answer) should shed some light.
This should get past the problem, at least the main one. I'm not sure whether there are others, as I didn't install (or build) the .lib, so I didn't run your code. My knowledge is very limited (so this might be complete nonsense), but one potential spot to generate problems is TRACED_HOOK_HANDLE->Link being initialized to NULL.
I'v done researched a lot about this problem.. But there's no where and I couldn't find it. I'm trying to call double c structure by calling c dll.
My question is, did i right way to declare "Class Structure" in python? I couldn't think that i'm right on my way. Because even though the Functions that I want to call from dll, It didn't come output anything.
[Visual C++/C]
I did try to C Syntax code,
typedef sturct {
int nBoardNum;
char pBoardName[16];
int nBoardID;
HANDLE AcapOpen(char* cpBoardName, int nBoardNo, int nCh)
I changed Python Syntax like this.
import ctypes as c
class BOARDINDEX(c.Structure):
_field_ = [("nBoardName", c.c_char_p * 16),("nBoardID", c.c_int)]
class AAPBOARDINFO(c.Structure):
_field_ = [("nBoardNum", c.c_int), ("BOARDINDEX", BOARDINDEX * 8)]
AapLib2 = c.WinDLL("AapLib2.dll")
BoardName = ["ABC","FWD","HGW"]
BoardNo = 0
ch = 1
output = Open(BoardName, BoardNo, ch)
def Open(BoardName, BoardNo, ch)
func = AapLib2.AcapOpen
func.argtypes = [c.POINTER(BOARDINDEX),c.c_int, c.c_int]
func.restype = c.c_int
res = func(c.byref(ref.nBoardName),BoardNo, ch)
return res
Nothing outcomes when call Open() function...
please consider my request and any answer would be great...
Everything you need to know, can be found in the [Python.Docs]: ctypes - A foreign function library for Python.
There are a couple of problems with the code:
Structure members are specified in the _fields_ (not _field_) attribute
char pBoardName[16] maps to ctypes.c_char * 16 (not c_char_p)
HANDLE should be mapped to wintypes.HANDLE
Function prototype differs between C and Python
Using globals like AapLib2 is best to be be avoided, but I left them unchanged as they are outside the question scope
#1. and #3. will generate Undefined Behavior! Check [SO]: C function called from Python via ctypes returns incorrect value (#CristiFati's answer) for more details.
Here's a modified version of your code. Needless to say that I didn't actually test it, as I don't have the .dll:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import ctypes as cts
import sys
from ctypes import wintypes as wts
class BOARDINDEX(cts.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("nBoardName", cts.c_char * 16),
("nBoardID", cts.c_int),
class AAPBOARDINFO(cts.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("nBoardNum", cts.c_int),
def open_board(board_name, board_no, ch):
AcapOpen = aaplib2.AcapOpen
AcapOpen.argtypes = (cts.c_char_p, cts.c_int, cts.c_int)
AcapOpen.restype = wts.HANDLE
ref = BOARDINDEX(board_name, board_no) # Probably this line should be replaced by the 3 (commented) ones below (AcapGetBoardInfo prototype would have to be specified as well)
#ref = abi.BOARDINDEX[0]
res = AcapOpen(ref.nBoardName, ref.nBoardID, ch)
return res
def main(*argv):
board_names = (
board_no = 0
ch = 1
aaplib2 = cts.WinDLL("AapLib2.dll")
output = open_board(board_names[0], board_no, ch)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Python {:s} {:03d}bit on {:s}\n".format(" ".join(elem.strip() for elem in sys.version.split("\n")),
64 if sys.maxsize > 0x100000000 else 32, sys.platform))
rc = main(*sys.argv[1:])
Let me know how this works out.
I've been searching around for several hours trying to get this code working and I just can't quite seem to get it.
I'm working on a function in C++ where I can call one of a number of python scripts, which have variable numbers of arguements. The Python works, but I keep getting segfaults in my C++.
double run_python(motor_command command){
//A routine that will run a python function that is in the same directory.
string pyName; //Declaration of the string and int
int speed;
if (command.action == READ){
pyName = "read_encoders"; //Name of one python module
pyName = "drive_motor"; //Name of the other python module
speed = command.speed; //struct
int board_address = command.board_address;
int motor = command.motor_num;
//PyObject* moduleName = PyString_FromString(pyName.c_str());
// Py_INCREF(myModule);
//PyObject* myFunction = PyObject_GetAttrString(myModule, "run"); //Both of these python functions have subroutine 'run'
PyObject* args;
if(command.action == READ){
args = PyTuple_Pack(2,PyInt_FromLong(board_address),PyInt_FromLong(motor)); //Appropriate args for the read_encoders
args = PyTuple_Pack(3,PyInt_FromLong(board_address),PyInt_FromLong(motor), PyInt_FromLong(speed)); //Appropriate args for the drive_motor
cout << "I got here" << endl;
PyObject* myModule = PyImport_Import((char*)pyName.c_str());//Python interface
cout << "args = " << args << " modlue = " << myModule << endl;
PyObject* myResult = PyObject_CallObject(myModule, args); //Run it and store the result in myResult
double result = PyFloat_AsDouble(myResult);
return result;
So far, what I can figure out is that somehow my myModule is not geting imported correctly and is returning a NULL value. As a result, when I attempt the _CallObject, it throws a segfault and I'm up a creek. When I uncommend the Py_INCREF for myModule, it throws a segfault there, and so I guess taht I'm not importing my python code correctly.
Oh, useful information: OS: Angstorm Linux, on a MinnowBoard (x86 architecture).
General structure of the python program:
import sys
import serial
board_num = sys.argv[1]
motor = sys.argv[2]
speed = sys.argv[3]
def run(board_num, motor, speed):
# Command arguments: Board number (0x80, 0x81...), motor number (0 or 1) and speed(2's complement signed integer)
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyPCH1', 38400)
motor_min = 0
motor_max = 1 # These are the two acceptable values for motor enumerated values.
e_code = -1 # Error code
board_num = int(board_num, 0)
print "Invalid address format: Must be a number"
motor = int(motor, 0)
print "Motor must be either motor 0 or 1. Or possibly one or two..."
speed = int(speed, 0)
print "Motor speed must be an integer."
#print board_num
Thank you in advance! If you have any alternative ways to get this working in the same way, I'm open for suggestions!
Try this code to append . to your sys.path:
PyObject *sys_path;
PyObject *path;
sys_path = PySys_GetObject("path");
path = PyString_FromString(".")
if (PyList_Append(sys_path, path) < 0)
First try to execute your Python script alone, with python on the command line.
It is harder to debug Python errors from a C/C++ program. Did you install pySerial?
I've been trying to use the digi Advanced Device Discovery protocol library with python using ctypes.
the context:
Windows 7 x64
python 2.7.5
dll library
here's my current code:
guid = (0xbf6db409,0xc83d,0x44a3,0xa3,0x6d,0x21,0x79,0x7d,0x2f,0x73,0xf9)
class ADDP():
from ctypes import Structure
class GUID(Structure):
from ctypes.wintypes import DWORD,WORD,BYTE
_fields_ = [("Data1",DWORD),
("Data4",BYTE * 8)]
def __init__(self, guid):
from ctypes import windll, c_void_p, c_byte, pointer,c_char,POINTER
from ctypes.wintypes import HANDLE
import ctypes
self.dll = windll.LoadLibrary("D:\\Lib\\addp.dll")
self.guid = self.GUID()
self.guid.Data1 = guid[0]
self.guid.Data2 = guid[1]
self.guid.Data3 = guid[2]
self.guid.Data4 = (c_byte * 8)(guid[3],guid[4],guid[5],guid[6],guid[7],guid[8],guid[9],guid[10])
addpopen = self.dll[1]
addpopen.argtypes = [POINTER(self.GUID),]
addpopen.restype = c_void_p
#print addpopen.restype
self.handler = addpopen(pointer(self.guid))
if self.handler == None:
raise RuntimeError()
self.opened = False
self.opened = True
def isOpen(self):
return self.opened
def Discover(self):
from ctypes import c_int
srch = self.dll[6]
srch.restype = c_int
print srch(self.handler,10,10)
def Close(self):
close = self.dll[3]
close.restype = None
self.opened = False
#print close(self.handler)
conn = ADDP(guid)
#print conn.handler
print conn.handler
i searched a lot for how to handle a handle returned from a c function, but couldn't find much about it, i read the ctypes docs for a while, and then inspected the header file too..
the handle is defined in the header file with
typedef void* addp_handle_t;
so i assumed i had to set 'restype' to 'c_void_p', the function always returns 'None'
its specified in the header file that it returns 'None' when an error has occurred, else it return the handle to ADDP session.
another thing, this dll does not export functions by name... i had to, more or less, guess what function is what by expected bytes in arguments.
any ideas on this?
i've found a project on google code but apparently it didn't go far...
if you need any other details, just say
I am trying to use the ctypes module to make calls to Windows' Common Item Dialog API. The code shown below is roughly based on the steps outlined in the MSDN documentation. Its only dependency is the comtypes.GUID module.
import ctypes
from ctypes import byref, POINTER, c_int, c_long
from ctypes.wintypes import HWND, HRESULT
from comtypes import GUID
CLSID_FileOpenDialog = '{DC1C5A9C-E88A-4DDE-A5A1-60F82A20AEF7}'
IID_IFileDialog = '{42F85136-DB7E-439C-85F1-E4075D135FC8}'
#IID_IFileOpenDialog = '{D57C7288-D4AD-4768-BE02-9D969532D960}'
ole32 = ctypes.windll.ole32
CoCreateInstance = ole32.CoCreateInstance
CoInitializeEx = ole32.CoInitializeEx
ptr = c_int()
error = CoCreateInstance(
byref(GUID(CLSID_FileOpenDialog)), None, CLSCTX_SERVER,
byref(GUID(IID_IFileDialog)), byref(ptr))
assert error == 0
ptr = ptr.value
c_long_p = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)
print('Pointer to COM object: %s' % ptr)
vtable = ctypes.cast(ptr, c_long_p).contents.value
print('Pointer to vtable: %s' % vtable)
func_proto = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(HRESULT, HWND)
# Calculating function pointer offset: 3rd entry in vtable; 32-bit => 4 bytes
show_p = ctypes.cast(vtable + 3*4, c_long_p).contents.value
print('Pointer to show(): %s' % show_p)
show = func_proto(show_p)
Everything works as intended until the first call to show(0):
WindowsError: exception: access violation reading 0xXXXXXXXX
(Output may vary.) For comparison, I have carried out the same steps in AutoHotkey_L, which has direct access to COM.
CLSID := "{DC1C5A9C-E88A-4DDE-A5A1-60F82A20AEF7}"
IID := "{42F85136-DB7E-439C-85F1-E4075D135FC8}"
ptr := ComObjCreate(CLSID, IID)
vtable := NumGet(ptr + 0, 0, "Ptr")
show := NumGet(vtbl + 0, 3 * A_PtrSize, "Ptr")
MsgBox ptr: %ptr% vtable: %vtable% show: %A_PtrSize%
DllCall(show, "Ptr", ptr, "Ptr", 44)
The resulting macro pops up an Open File dialog, as expected. The vtable pointer offsets are the same in both cases, but only the Python version throws up an access violation.
Can anyone shed some light on this?
[I apologize for not adding more hyperlinks where appropriate, but as a new user I am limited to two at a time.]
I am putting together a lightweight module which provides a native save/open file dialog for use in Python scripts. So far I have been unable to find an implementation in pure Python. Those that exist rely on UI toolkits such as Tkinter or wxPython.
Here is the solution:
COM methods take an additional parameter: The 'this' pointer. It is implicit when you call the method from C++, in C (and in ctypes) you must supply it yourself.
Change the line
func_proto = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(HRESULT, HWND)
func_proto = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(HRESULT, c_long, HWND)
and this line
show(ptr, 0)
and your code will work.