SQLite insert or ignore and return original _rowid_ - python

I've spent some time reading the SQLite docs, various questions and answers here on Stack Overflow, and this thing, but have not come to a full answer.
I know that there is no way to do something like INSERT OR IGNORE INTO foo VALUES(...) with SQLite and get back the rowid of the original row, and that the closest to it would be INSERT OR REPLACE but that deletes the entire row and inserts a new row and thus gets a new rowid.
Example table:
data TEXT
Right now I can do:
sql = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
# create database
sql.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO foo(data) VALUES(?);", ("Some text.", ))
the_id_of_the_row = None
for row in sql.execute("SELECT id FROM foo WHERE data = ?", ("Some text.", )):
the_id_of_the_row = row[0]
But something ideal would look like:
the_id_of_the_row = sql.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE foo(data) VALUES(?)", ("Some text", )).lastrowid
What is the best (read: most efficient) way to insert a row into a table and return the rowid, or to ignore the row if it already exists and just get the rowid? Efficiency is important because this will be happening quite often.
Is there a way to INSERT OR IGNORE and return the rowid of the row that the ignored row was compared to? This would be great, as it would be just as efficient as an insert.

The way that worked the best for me was to insert or ignore the values, and the select the rowid in two separate steps. I used a unique constraint on the data column to both speed up selects and avoid duplicates.
sql.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO foo(data) VALUES(?);" ("Some text.", ))
last_row_id = sql.execute("SELECT id FROM foo WHERE data = ?;" ("Some text. ", ))
The select statement isn't as slow as I thought it would be. This, it seems, is due to SQLite automatically creating an index for the unique columns.

INSERT OR IGNORE is for situations where you do not care about the identity of the record; where the goal is only to have some record with that specific value.
If you want to know whether a new record is inserted or not, you have to check by hand:
the_id_of_the_row = None
for row in sql.execute("SELECT id FROM foo WHERE data = ?", ...):
the_id_of_the_row = row[0]
if the_id_of_the_row is None:
c = sql.cursor()
c.execute("INSERT INTO foo(data) VALUES(?)", ...)
the_id_of_the_row = c.lastrowid
As for efficiency: when SQLite checks the datacolumn for duplicates, it has to do exactly the same query that you're doing with the SELECT, and once you've done that, the access path is in the cache, so performance should not be a problem. In any case, it is necessary to execute two separate INSERT/SELECT queries (in either order, both your and my code work, but yours is simpler).


SQL: SELECT where one of many columns contains 'x' and result is not "NULL"

I have a piece of code that I realized is probably quite inefficient, though I'm not sure how to improve it.
Basically, I have a database table like this:
Example DB table
Any or several of columns A-G might match my search query. If that is the case, I want to query VALUE from that row. I need VALUE not to equal NULL though, so if that's the case, it should keep looking. If my query were abc, I'd want to obtain correct.
Below is my current code, using a database named db with a table table.
for field in fields_to_check:
"SELECT Value FROM table WHERE {}='{}'".format(field,data)
if query and query !="NULL":
I think that the fact that this performs 8 queries is likely very inefficient.
sub_query = ""
for field in fields_to_check:
sub_query = sub_query + "or {}='{}' ".format(field,data)
if sub_query:
query = "SELECT Value FROM table WHERE ("+ str(sub_query[2:]) +") and value IS NOT NULL;"
if query:
rows = cur.fetchall()
if rows:
for row in rows:

Postgresql: Insert from huge csv file, collect the ids and respect unique constraints

In a postgresql database:
class Persons(models.Model):
person_name = models.CharField(max_length=10, unique=True)
The persons.csv file, contains 1 million names.
$cat persons.csv
I want to:
Create the names that do not already exist
Query the database and fetch the id for each name contained in the csv file.
My approach:
Use the COPY command or the django-postgres-copy application that implements it.
Also take advantage of the new Postgresql-9.5+ upsert feature.
Now, all the names in the csv file, are also in the database.
I need to get their ids -from the database- either in memory or in another csv file with an efficient way:
Use Q objects
list_of_million_q = <iterate csv and append Qs>
million_names = Names.objects.filter(list_of_million_q)
Use __in to filter based on a list of names:
list_of_million_names = <iterate csv and append strings>
million_names = Names.objects.filter(
I do not feel that any of the above approaches for fetching the ids is efficient.
There is a third option, along the lines of this post that should be a great solution which combines all the above.
Something like:
SELECT * FROM persons;
make a name: id dictionary out of the names recieved from the database:
db_dict = {'Harry': 1, 'Bob': 2, ...}
Query the dictionary:
ids = []
for name in list_of_million_names:
if name in db_dict:
This way you're using the quick dictionary indexing as opposed to the slower if x in list approach.
But the only way to really know for sure is to benchmark these 3 approaches.
This post describes how to use RETURNING with ON CONFLICT so while inserting into the database the contents of the csv file, the ids will be saved in another table either when an insertion was successful, or when -due to unique constraints- the insertion was omitted.
I have tested it in sqlfiddle where I used a set up that resembles the one used for the COPY command which inserts to the database straight from a csv file, respecting the unique constraints.
The schema:
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
label_name varchar(200) NOT NULL UNIQUE
INSERT INTO label (label_name) VALUES
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
label_ids varchar(12) NOT NULL
The script:
INSERT INTO tmp_table (label_name) VALUES
WITH ins AS(
FROM tmp_table
INSERT INTO ids (label_ids)
id FROM ins
l.id FROM tmp_table
JOIN label l USING(label_name);
The output:
SELECT * FROM label;

cleaning a Postgres table of bad rows

I have inherited a Postgres database, and am currently in the process of cleaning it. I have created an algorithm to find the rows where the data is bad. The algorithm is encoded into the function called checkProblems(). Using this, I am able to select the rows that contains the bad rows, as shown below ...
schema = findTables(dbName)
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='%s' user='postgres' host='localhost'"%dbName)
cur = conn.cursor()
results = []
for t in tqdm(sorted(schema.keys())):
n = 0
cur.execute('select * from %s'%t)
for i, cs in enumerate(tqdm(cur)):
if checkProblem(cs):
n += 1
'tableName': t,
'totalRows': i+1,
'badRows' : n,
print pd.DataFrame(results)[['tableName', 'badRows', 'totalRows']]
Now, I need to delete the rows that are bad. I have two different ways of doing it. First, I can write the clean rows in a temporary table, and rename the table. I think that this option is too memory-intensive. It would be much better if I would be able to just delete the specific record at the cursor. Is this even an option?
Otherwise, what is the best way of deleting a record under such circumstances? I am guessing that this should be a relatively common thing that database administrators do ...
Of course that delete the specific record at the cursor is better. You can do something like:
for i, cs in enumerate(tqdm(cur)):
if checkProblem(cs):
# if cs is a tuple with cs[0] being the record id.
cur.execute('delete from %s where id=%d'%(t, cs[0]))
Or you can store the ids of the bad records and then do something like
DELETE FROM table WHERE id IN (id1,id2,id3,id4)

Pandas to_sql fails on duplicate primary key

I'd like to append to an existing table, using pandas df.to_sql() function.
I set if_exists='append', but my table has primary keys.
I'd like to do the equivalent of insert ignore when trying to append to the existing table, so I would avoid a duplicate entry error.
Is this possible with pandas, or do I need to write an explicit query?
There is unfortunately no option to specify "INSERT IGNORE". This is how I got around that limitation to insert rows into that database that were not duplicates (dataframe name is df)
for i in range(len(df)):
df.iloc[i:i+1].to_sql(name="Table_Name",if_exists='append',con = Engine)
except IntegrityError:
pass #or any other action
You can do this with the method parameter of to_sql:
from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import insert
def insert_on_duplicate(table, conn, keys, data_iter):
insert_stmt = insert(table.table).values(list(data_iter))
on_duplicate_key_stmt = insert_stmt.on_duplicate_key_update(insert_stmt.inserted)
df.to_sql('trades', dbConnection, if_exists='append', chunksize=4096, method=insert_on_duplicate)
for older versions of sqlalchemy, you need to pass a dict to on_duplicate_key_update. i.e., on_duplicate_key_stmt = insert_stmt.on_duplicate_key_update(dict(insert_stmt.inserted))
please note that the "if_exists='append'" related to the existing of the table and what to do in case the table not exists.
The if_exists don't related to the content of the table.
see the doc here: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/generated/pandas.DataFrame.to_sql.html
if_exists : {‘fail’, ‘replace’, ‘append’}, default ‘fail’
fail: If table exists, do nothing.
replace: If table exists, drop it, recreate it, and insert data.
append: If table exists, insert data. Create if does not exist.
Pandas has no option for it currently, but here is the Github issue. If you need this feature too, just upvote for it.
The for loop method above slow things down significantly. There's a method parameter you can pass to panda.to_sql to help achieve customization for your sql query
The below code should work for postgres and do nothing if there's a conflict with primary key "unique_code". Change your insert dialects for your db.
def insert_do_nothing_on_conflicts(sqltable, conn, keys, data_iter):
Execute SQL statement inserting data
sqltable : pandas.io.sql.SQLTable
conn : sqlalchemy.engine.Engine or sqlalchemy.engine.Connection
keys : list of str
Column names
data_iter : Iterable that iterates the values to be inserted
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert
from sqlalchemy import table, column
for c in keys:
if sqltable.schema:
table_name = '{}.{}'.format(sqltable.schema, sqltable.name)
table_name = sqltable.name
mytable = table(table_name, *columns)
insert_stmt = insert(mytable).values(list(data_iter))
do_nothing_stmt = insert_stmt.on_conflict_do_nothing(index_elements=['unique_code'])
pd.to_sql('mytable', con=sql_engine, method=insert_do_nothing_on_conflicts)
Pandas doesn't support editing the actual SQL syntax of the .to_sql method, so you might be out of luck. There's some experimental programmatic workarounds (say, read the Dataframe to a SQLAlchemy object with CALCHIPAN and use SQLAlchemy for the transaction), but you may be better served by writing your DataFrame to a CSV and loading it with an explicit MySQL function.
CALCHIPAN repo: https://bitbucket.org/zzzeek/calchipan/
I had trouble where I was still getting the IntegrityError
...strange but I just took the above and worked it backwards:
for i, row in df.iterrows():
sql = "SELECT * FROM `Table_Name` WHERE `key` = '{}'".format(row.Key)
found = pd.read_sql(sql, con=Engine)
if len(found) == 0:
df.iloc[i:i+1].to_sql(name="Table_Name",if_exists='append',con = Engine)
In my case, I was trying to insert new data in an empty table, but some of the rows are duplicated, almost the same issue here, I "may" think about fetching existing data and merge with the new data I got and continue in process, but this is not optimal, and may work only for small data, not a huge tables.
As pandas do not provide any kind of handling for this situation right now, I was looking for a suitable workaround for this, so I made my own, not sure if that will work or not for you, but I decided to control my data first instead of luck of waiting if that worked or not, so what I did is removing duplicates before I call .to_sql so if any error happens, I know more about my data and make sure I know what is going on:
import pandas as pd
def write_to_table(table_name, data):
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Sort by price, so we remove the duplicates after keeping the lowest only
data.sort(key=lambda row: row['price'])
df.drop_duplicates(subset=['id_key'], keep='first', inplace=True)
df.to_sql(table_name, engine, index=False, if_exists='append', schema='public')
So in my case, I wanted to keep the lowest price of rows (btw I was passing an array of dict for data), and for that, I did sorting first, not necessary but this is an example of what I mean with control the data that I want to keep.
I hope this will help someone who got almost the same as my situation.
When you use SQL Server you'll get a SQL error when you enter a duplicate value into a table that has a primary key constraint. You can fix it by altering your table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DeleteMe](
[id] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
[Value] [varchar](max) NULL,
WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = ON)); <-- add
Taken from https://dba.stackexchange.com/a/111771.
Now your df.to_sql() should work again.
The solutions by Jayen and Huy Tran helped me a lot, but they didn't work straight out of the box. The problem I faced with Jayen code is that it requires that the DataFrame columns be exactly as those of the database. This was not true in my case as there were some DataFrame columns that I won't write to the database.
I modified the solution so that it considers the column names.
from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import insert
import itertools
def insertWithConflicts(sqltable, conn, keys, data_iter):
Execute SQL statement inserting data, whilst taking care of conflicts
Used to handle duplicate key errors during database population
This is my modification of the code snippet
from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30337394/pandas-to-sql-fails-on-duplicate-primary-key
The help page from https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/14/core/dml.html#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Insert.values
proved useful.
sqltable : pandas.io.sql.SQLTable
conn : sqlalchemy.engine.Engine or sqlalchemy.engine.Connection
keys : list of str
Column names
data_iter : Iterable that iterates the values to be inserted. It is a zip object.
The length of it is equal to the chunck size passed in df_to_sql()
vals = [dict(zip(z[0],z[1])) for z in zip(itertools.cycle([keys]),data_iter)]
insertStmt = insert(sqltable.table).values(vals)
doNothingStmt = insertStmt.on_duplicate_key_update(dict(insertStmt.inserted))
I faced the same issue and I adopted the solution provided by #Huy Tran for a while, until my tables started to have schemas.
I had to improve his answer a bit and this is the final result:
def do_nothing_on_conflicts(sql_table, conn, keys, data_iter):
Execute SQL statement inserting data
sql_table : pandas.io.sql.SQLTable
conn : sqlalchemy.engine.Engine or sqlalchemy.engine.Connection
keys : list of str
Column names
data_iter : Iterable that iterates the values to be inserted
columns = []
for c in keys:
if sql_table.schema:
my_table = table(sql_table.name, *columns, schema=sql_table.schema)
# table_name = '{}.{}'.format(sql_table.schema, sql_table.name)
my_table = table(sql_table.name, *columns)
# table_name = sql_table.name
# my_table = table(table_name, *columns)
insert_stmt = insert(my_table).values(list(data_iter))
do_nothing_stmt = insert_stmt.on_conflict_do_nothing()
How to use it:
history.to_sql('history', schema=schema, con=engine, method=do_nothing_on_conflicts)
The idea is the same as #Nfern's but uses recursive function to divide the df into half in each iteration to skip the row/rows causing the integrity violation.
def insert(df):
# inserting into backup table
df.to_sql("table",con=engine, if_exists='append',index=False,schema='schema')
rows = df.shape[0]
if rows>1:
df1 = df.iloc[:int(rows/2),:]
df2 = df.iloc[int(rows/2):,:]
print(f"{df} not inserted. Integrity violation, duplicate primary key/s")

SQL multiple inserts with Python

After passing execute() a list of rows as per Nathan's suggestion, below, the code executes further but still gets stuck on the execute function. The error message reads:
query = query % db.literal(args)
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
So it still isn't working. Does anybody know why there is a type error now?
I have a large mailing list in .xls format. I am using python with xlrd to retrieve the name and email from the xls file into two lists. Now I want to put each name and email into a mysql database. I'm using MySQLdb for this part. Obviously I don't want to do an insert statement for every list item.
Here's what I have so far.
from xlrd import open_workbook, cellname
import MySQLdb
dbname = 'h4h'
host = 'localhost'
pwd = 'P#ssw0rd'
user = 'root'
book = open_workbook('h4hlist.xls')
sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0)
mailing_list = {}
name_list = []
email_list = []
for row in range(sheet.nrows):
"""name is in the 0th col. email is the 4th col."""
name = sheet.cell(row, 0).value
email = sheet.cell(row, 4).value
if name and email:
mailing_list[name] = email
for n, e in sorted(mailing_list.iteritems()):
db = MySQLdb.connect(host=host, user=user, db=dbname, passwd=pwd)
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO mailing_list (name,email) VALUES (%s,%s)""",
(name_list, email_list))
The problem when the cursor executes. This is the error: _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1241, 'Operand should contain 1 column(s)') I tried putting my query into a var initially, but then it just barfed up a message about passing a tuple to execute().
What am I doing wrong? Is this even possible?
The list is huge and I definitely can't afford to put the insert into a loop. I looked at using LOAD DATA INFILE, but I really don't understand how to format the file or the query and my eyes bleed when I have to read MySQL docs. I know I could probably use some online xls to mysql converter, but this is a learning exercise for me as well. Is there a better way?
You need to give executemany() a list of rows. You don't need break the name and email out into separate lists, just create one list with both of the values in it.
rows = []
for row in range(sheet.nrows):
"""name is in the 0th col. email is the 4th col."""
name = sheet.cell(row, 0).value
email = sheet.cell(row, 4).value
rows.append((name, email))
db = MySQLdb.connect(host=host, user=user, db=dbname, passwd=pwd)
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.executemany("""INSERT INTO mailing_list (name,email) VALUES (%s,%s)""", rows)
Update: as #JonClements mentions, it should be executemany() not execute().
To fix TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting - you need to use the cursor.executemany(...) method, as this accepts an iterable of tuples (more than one row), while cursor.execute(...) expects the parameter to be a single row value.
After the command is executed, you need to ensure that the transaction is committed to make the changes active in the database by using db.commit().
If you are interested in high-performance of the code, this answer may be better.
Compare to excutemany method, the below execute will much faster:
INSERT INTO mailing_list (name,email) VALUES ('Jim','jim#yahoo.com'),('Lucy','Lucy#gmail.com')
You can easily modify the answer from #Nathan Villaescusa and get the new code.
cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO mailing_list (name,email) VALUES (%s)""".format(",".join(str(i) for i in rows))
here is my own test result:
excutemany:10000 runs takes 220 seconds
execute:10000 runs takes 12 seconds.
The speed difference will be about 15 times.
Taking up the idea of #PengjuZhao, it should work to simply add one single placeholder for all values to be passed. The difference to #PengjuZhao's answer is that the values are passed as a second parameter to the execute() function, which should be injection attack safe because this is only evalutated during runtime (in contrast to ".format()").
cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO mailing_list (name,email) VALUES (%s)""", ",".join(str(i) for i in rows))
Only if this does not work properly, try the approach below.
#PengjuZhao's answer shows that executemany() has either a strong Python overhead or it uses multiple execute() statements where this is not needed, elsewise executemany() would not be so much slower than a single execute() statement.
Here is a function that puts NathanVillaescusa's and #PengjuZhao's answers in a single execute() approach.
The solution builds a dynamic number of placeholders to be added to the sql statement. It is a manually built execute() statement with multiple placeholders of "%s", which likely outperforms the executemany() statement.
For example, at 2 columns, inserting 100 rows:
execute(): 200 times "%s" (= dependent from the number of the rows)
executemany(): just 2 times "%s" (= independent from the number of the rows).
There is a chance that this solution has the high speed of #PengjuZhao's answer without risking injection attacks.
Prepare parameters of the function:
You will store your values in 1-dimensional numpy arrays arr_name and arr_email which are then converted in a list of concatenated values, row by row. Alternatively, you use the approach of #NathanVillaescusa.
from itertools import chain
listAllValues = list(chain([
arr_name.reshape(-1,1), arr_email.reshape(-1,1)
column_names = 'name, email'
table_name = 'mailing_list'
Get sql query with placeholders:
The numRows = int((len(listAllValues))/numColumns) simply avoids passing the number of rows. If you insert 6 values in listAllValues at 2 columns this would make 6/2 = 3 rows then, obviously.
def getSqlInsertMultipleRowsInSqlTable(table_name, column_names, listAllValues):
numColumns = len(column_names.split(","))
numRows = int((len(listAllValues))/numColumns)
placeholdersPerRow = "("+', '.join(['%s'] * numColumns)+")"
placeholders = ', '.join([placeholdersPerRow] * numRows)
sqlInsertMultipleRowsInSqlTable = "insert into `{table}` ({columns}) values {values};".format(table=table_name, columns=column_names, values=placeholders)
return sqlInsertMultipleRowsInSqlTable
strSqlQuery = getSqlInsertMultipleRowsInSqlTable(table_name, column_names, listAllValues)
Execute strSqlQuery
Final step:
db = MySQLdb.connect(host=host, user=user, db=dbname, passwd=pwd)
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute(strSqlQuery, listAllValues)
This solution is hopefully without the risk of injection attacks as in #PengjuZhao's answer since it fills the sql statement only with placeholders instead of values. The values are only passed separately in listAllValues at this point here, where strSqlQuery has only placeholders instead of values:
cursor.execute(strSqlQuery, listAllValues)
The execute() statement gets the sql statement with placeholders %s and the list of values in two separate parameters, as it is done in #NathanVillaescusa's answer. I am still not sure whether this avoids injection attacks. It is my understanding that injection attacks can only occur if the values are put directly in the sql statement, please comment if I am wrong.
