Matlab Save() & Load() methods to python equivalent - python

I'm new to Python and I'm needing to convert some Matlab code I have to Python. Here's the code I have:
save(myFile, 'list','config');
load(myfile, 'list');
I've been looking within Python and I can't seem to find an equivalent method for this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Checkout the numpy IO routines here, they can handle various formats.


Is possibile to get the AST from a python code object?

I know that's possible from a snippet of code in python to get its AST or its code object via compile().
I was wondering if it is possible to do the opposite: I have the code object(extracted by a .pyc file) and I was looking for the its AST.
No, unfortunately it is not possible to do by conventional methods unless the file that the code object created is still available in the path. There are tools like uncompyle6, which might help though.

Warning types in Python and MATLAB

I am trying to translate some code from MATLAB to Python. Right now I am having trouble understanding the syntax of MATLAB (and in general reading this section of the code) and converting it to Python.
The following is the code:
if (verbose == 0) | (verbose == 1)
options = optimset('Display', 'off','Diagnostics','off','MaxIter',2000,'TolFun',1e-10,'TolX',1e-10 );
options = optimset('Display', 'final','Diagnostics','on','MaxIter',2000,'TolFun',1e-10,'TolX',1e-10);
I know that I can import the warnings class into Python. However I am wondering if the class is similar to the one used in MATLAB? Also, as a clarifying question, I am reading the warnings in MATLAB as they have described it in their documentation (warning(state,mode) controls whether MATLAB displays the stack trace or additional information about the warning). Is there an equivalent to that in Python?
As an edit, I also realized that optimset is also a MATLAB specific function and it changes the state of a lot of parameters. Are there any tips or other help as to how to do the same in Python?
Thank you all!
You can use
python -W ignore
It will ignore all python warning

inspect python object source code without comments

A library I'd like to use seems to get confused by triple quote comments when introspecting python code. It appears that Python's inspect doesn't give access to de-commented code though?
This code in Hyperas breaks and looks un-pythonic but I can't figure out how it could be done better. Is AST the way forward?

How is pandas.json.dumps implemented?

I've been scouring the internet for hours now and I'm stumped. Pandas has a method dumps(accessible via pandas.json.dumps) that can encode any arbitrary object to a json string. The builtin json.dumps would normally just throw an exception.
I've been looking at source code trying to find the implementation of this function but I can't find it. Does anyone have the implementation or have an idea of how this would work?
A search through the Pandas GitHub repository shows that pandas.json.dumps appears to be implemented by the objToJson function defined in pandas/src/ujson/python/objToJson.c.

Python ast code transform keep comments

I am doing code transforms on old python code using the ast module. But when I write the newly converted code it does not include comments. I know that the ast just ignores comments because they are not important in regards to the code. But I would like to keep the comments in the code after the transform. How would I do this?
