What is the difference between Abstract classes and Mixins in Python django - python

Can anyone please tell what is the difference between Abstract class and Mixin in Django.
I mean if we are to inherit some methods from base class why there is separate terminology like mixins if that is just a class.
What is diff between baseclass and mixins

In Python (and Django), mixin is a type of multiple inheritance. I tend to think of them
as "specilist" classes that adds a particular functionality to the class that
inheritates it (along with other classes). They aren't really meant to stand on
their own.
Example with Django's SingleObjectMixin,
# views.py
from django.http import HttpResponseForbidden, HttpResponseRedirect
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.views.generic import View
from django.views.generic.detail import SingleObjectMixin
from books.models import Author
class RecordInterest(View, SingleObjectMixin):
"""Records the current user's interest in an author."""
model = Author
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
if not request.user.is_authenticated():
return HttpResponseForbidden()
# Look up the author we're interested in.
self.object = self.get_object()
# Actually record interest somehow here!
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('author-detail', kwargs={'pk': self.object.pk}))
The added SingleObjectMixin will enable you to look up the author with just self.get_objects().
An abstract class in Python looks like this:
class Base(object):
# This is an abstract class
# This is the method child classes need to implement
def implement_me(self):
raise NotImplementedError("told you so!")
In languages like Java, there is an Interface contract which is an
interface. However, Python doesn't have such and the closest thing you can
get is an abstract class (you can also read on abc. This is mainly because Python utlizes duck typing which kind of removes the need for interfaces. Abstract class enables polymorphism just like interfaces do.


Override (save_model) in django admin for All models/apps in projects

How could I implement override save method for all models in all Apps inside Admin panel?
def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
I can implement it in one or two models "inherit and adding it in register method", but I really need it to execute whenever admin clicks save in Admin panel and implement some code before save.
In my team we already overridden ModelAdmin class. Answer depends on your project.
In examples i use old python super() sintaxis, it helps to debug the code.
Easy way with class. Create somewhere in project
from django.contrib.admin import ModelAdmin:
Class ModelAmin(ModelAdmin):
def save_model(self, *args, **kwargs):
# do some staff before
super(ModelAdmin, self).save_model(*args, **kwargs)
# do some staff after
Everywhere in project made find from django.contrib.admin import ModelAdmin
replace to from module.with.myModelAdmin import ModelAdmin.
All next ModelAdmins you should build with your ModelAdmin.
Second way with ModelAdminMixin. Code is fast the same. Somethere put mixin:
Class ModelAminMixin:
def save_model(self, *args, **kwargs):
# do some staff before
super(ModelAdminMixin, self).save_model(*args, **kwargs)
# do some staff after
Everywhere in project made find with regexp class BlaBlaBla(bla, bla, ModelAdmin): and replace to class BlaBlaBla(bla, bla, ModelAdminMixin, ModelAdmin):.
All next ModelAdmins you should build with inheritance from ModelAdminMixin and ModelAdmin.
This is a little bit more flexible: you can decide add or not this mixin.
Next Way - MonkeyPatching.
Somethere put your mixin from "second way".
Somethere in admin.py:
from django.contrib.admin import ModelAdmin.
from module.with.myModelAdminMixin import ModelAdminMixin
ModelAdmin.__bases__ = (ModelAdminMixin,) + ModelAdmin.__bases__
After that you should not do something else. But it is a wrong way to code. Is "monkey patching" really that bad?

Django: How to call the same model class inside it s self?

I have a function make_fields_permissions that I need to use it inside the model calss in order to parse the fields and to make permissions for each field like [('can_view_first_name_field','can view first name'),...]
goal I need to call and override Person class and inside it self
I tried
def __init__(self,*args, **kwargs):
self.Meta.permissions = make_fields_permissions(self.model)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
My code look like this
from django.db import models
class Person(models.Model):
first_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
last_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# kwargs['user']['permissions'] = make_fields_permissions(Profile)
# x = self['age']
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class Meta:
permissions = make_fields_permissions(Person) #< I can't use the same model inside meta
Your goal is as follows:
Goal X (Real goal): Create permissions dynamically according to the model fields
Goal Y (Perceived goal that will achieve X): Call the model class while creating it.
Note: See What is the XY problem?
Let us first discuss Goal Y and why it is too complex, and somewhat unfeasable. When one wants to customize how the creation of a class occurs one would use metaclasses, and at first sight this would appear as a perfect solution for your needs (in fact if you do create one properly it would be). But the problem here is that Model already has a metaclass being ModelBase and it is already doing lots of stuff and is a little complicated. If we would want a custom metaclass we would need to inherit from it and very carefully work around its implementation to do what we want. Furthermore making it would not be the end of the story, because then we would need to maintain it since it would be easily breakable by updates to Django. Hence Goal Y is not feasible.
Moving on to the actual Goal X to do that one can Programmatically create permissions [Django docs]. A good place to do this would be in the app configs ready method. For all apps created using startapp there is an apps.py file which has an appconfig inheriting from AppConfig, when the models are loaded its ready method is called. Hence this method is used to do various tasks like attaching signals, various setup like tasks, etc. Modify the appconfig of your app to create permissions programmatically like so:
from django.apps import AppConfig
class YourAppConfig(AppConfig):
default_auto_field = 'django.db.models.AutoField' # Don't modify, keep it as it is in your code
name = 'your_app' # Don't modify, keep it as it is in your code
def ready(self):
from django.contrib.auth.models import Permission
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from path.to import make_fields_permissions
from .models import Person
# import models here, not outside as models may not be loaded yet
content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Person)
for codename, name in make_fields_permissions(Person):
codename=codename, # 'can_view_first_name_field'
name=name, # 'can view first name'

How do I apply Mixins to all CBVs in a django app?

Let's say I want to use the LoginRequiredMixin and a UserPermissionMixin created by myself and apply them to all the views in an app. This is just an example, I might also have mixins that add some context or do other stuff.
I could do it manually, for example this view:
class MyCreateView(LoginRequiredMixin, UserPermissionMixin, CreateView)
But, since I have many views and I might have other specific mixins for some views, this gets messy and hard to manage.
One solution that came to mind would be to create new classes for the generic views:
class DecoratedCreateView(LoginRequiredMixin, UserPermissionMixin, CreateView):
class DecoratedDetailView(LoginRequiredMixin, UserPermissionMixin, DetailView):
class DecoratedUpdateView(LoginRequiredMixin, UserPermissionMixin, UpdateView):
class DecoratedDeleteView(LoginRequiredMixin, UserPermissionMixin, DeleteView):
and then, use these as my generic views:
class MyCreateView(DecoratedCreateView)
Is this a good approach? Do I have to add any methods in the classes above or do I just leave them blank and it'll work as expected?
Is there any other way to achieve this, maybe in urls.py ?
Your approach is good. I've been doing so for some projects with a slight difference:
from django.views.generic import (
CreateView as BaseCreateView,
DetailView as BaseDetailView,
UpdateView as BaseUpdateView,
DeleteView as BaseDeleteView,
__all__ = ['MyappMixin', 'CreateView', 'DetailView', 'UpdateView', 'DeleteView']
class MyappMixin(LoginRequiredMixin, UserpermissionMixin):
class CreateView(MyappMixin, BaseCreateView):
class DetailView(MyappMixin, BaseDetailView):
class UpdateView(MyappMixin, BaseUpdateView):
class DeleteView(MyappMixin, BaseDeleteView):
from .generic import CreateView
class MyCreateView(CreateView):
It works fine, without much hassle, and allows you to easily skip the mixin exceptionally if needed.
According to the usecase, another solution might be to use middlewares or context processors.
class MyMiddleware:
def __init__(self, get_response):
self.get_response = get_response
def __call__(self, request):
is_in_myapp = request.resolver_match.app_name == 'myapp'
if is_in_myapp and not request.user.is_authenticated:
response = HttpResponse("Permission denied", status=403)
response = self.get_response(request)
return response

Does Django reuse the same instance of class views per request?

In Django, when using class based views, it is commonplace to setup class-level variables such as template_name.
class MyView(View):
template_name = 'index.html'
def get(self, request):
I am wondering if modifying these variables during runtime will persist across multiple requests or just the current one.
class MyView(View):
template_name = 'index.html'
def get(self, request):
if only_returns_true_once_function():
self.template_name = 'something.html'
Each request creates a new instance of that class, handles the request, and destroys it. The reason for class-based views is not to maintain instances, it's to allow inheritance and mixin composition. This makes it substantially easier to create reusable functionality that spans multiple views.
You can change variables at any point in the class' lifetime. The only point that these variables become important is when the request is handled, specifically during the dispatch() method, which other HTTP action methods like get() and post() wrap.
I strongly encourage you to bookmark the Classy Class-based Views site because it offers an incredibly thorough overview of how class-based views are composed and how they inherit. The most appropriate way to change the template names in a class based view is to override the get_template_names() method on a TemplateView.
class MyView(TemplateView):
def get_template_names(self):
if some_contrived_nonce_function():
return 'something.html'
return super(MyView, self).get_template_names()
The above assumes your view either inherits from TemplateView or implements TemplateResponseMixin.
Modifying this as:
self.template_name = 'something.html'
will definitely only last for that request.
Modifying it as:
type(self).template_name = 'something.html'
will cause new instances to inherit your changes.

How to use Django model inheritance with signals?

I have a few model inheritance levels in Django:
class WorkAttachment(models.Model):
""" Abstract class that holds all fields that are required in each attachment """
work = models.ForeignKey(Work)
added = models.DateTimeField(default=datetime.datetime.now)
views = models.IntegerField(default=0)
class Meta:
abstract = True
class WorkAttachmentFileBased(WorkAttachment):
""" Another base class, but for file based attachments """
description = models.CharField(max_length=500, blank=True)
size = models.IntegerField(verbose_name=_('size in bytes'))
class Meta:
abstract = True
class WorkAttachmentPicture(WorkAttachmentFileBased):
""" Picture attached to work """
image = models.ImageField(upload_to='works/images', width_field='width', height_field='height')
width = models.IntegerField()
height = models.IntegerField()
There are many different models inherited from WorkAttachmentFileBased and WorkAttachment. I want to create a signal, which would update an attachment_count field for parent work, when attachment is created. It would be logical, to think that signal made for parent sender (WorkAttachment) would run for all inherited models too, but it does not. Here is my code:
#receiver(post_save, sender=WorkAttachment, dispatch_uid="att_post_save")
def update_attachment_count_on_save(sender, instance, **kwargs):
""" Update file count for work when attachment was saved."""
instance.work.attachment_count += 1
Is there a way to make this signal work for all models inherited from WorkAttachment?
Python 2.7, Django 1.4 pre-alpha
P.S. I've tried one of the solutions I found on the net, but it did not work for me.
You could register the connection handler without sender specified. And filter the needed models inside it.
from django.db.models.signals import post_save
from django.dispatch import receiver
def my_handler(sender, **kwargs):
# Returns false if 'sender' is NOT a subclass of AbstractModel
if not issubclass(sender, AbstractModel):
Ref: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/django-users/E_u9pHIkiI0/YgzA1p8XaSMJ
The simplest solution is to not restrict on the sender, but to check in the signal handler whether the respective instance is a subclass:
def update_attachment_count_on_save(sender, instance, **kwargs):
if isinstance(instance, WorkAttachment):
However, this may incur a significant performance overhead as every time any model is saved, the above function is called.
I think I've found the most Django-way of doing this: Recent versions of Django suggest to connect signal handlers in a file called signals.py. Here's the necessary wiring code:
default_app_config = 'your_app.apps.YourAppConfig'
import django.apps
class YourAppConfig(django.apps.AppConfig):
name = 'your_app'
def ready(self):
import your_app.signals
def get_subclasses(cls):
result = [cls]
classes_to_inspect = [cls]
while classes_to_inspect:
class_to_inspect = classes_to_inspect.pop()
for subclass in class_to_inspect.__subclasses__():
if subclass not in result:
return result
def update_attachment_count_on_save(sender, instance, **kwargs):
instance.work.attachment_count += 1
for subclass in get_subclasses(WorkAttachment):
post_save.connect(update_attachment_count_on_save, subclass)
I think this works for all subclasses, because they will all be loaded by the time YourAppConfig.ready is called (and thus signals is imported).
You could try something like:
model_classes = [WorkAttachment, WorkAttachmentFileBased, WorkAttachmentPicture, ...]
def update_attachment_count_on_save(sender, instance, **kwargs):
instance.work.attachment_count += 1
for model_class in model_classes:
(Disclaimer: I have not tested the above)
I just did this using python's (relatively) new __init_subclass__ method:
from django.db import models
def perform_on_save(*args, **kw):
print("Doing something important after saving.")
class ParentClass(models.Model):
class Meta:
abstract = True
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
models.signals.post_save.connect(perform_on_save, sender=cls)
class MySubclass(ParentClass):
pass # signal automatically gets connected.
This requires django 2.1 and python 3.6 or better. Note that the #classmethod line seems to be required when working with the django model and associated metaclass even though it's not required according to the official python docs.
post_save.connect(my_handler, ParentClass)
# connect all subclasses of base content item too
for subclass in ParentClass.__subclasses__():
post_save.connect(my_handler, subclass)
have a nice day!
Michael Herrmann's solution is definitively the most Django-way of doing this.
And yes it works for all subclasses as they are loaded at the ready() call.
I would like to contribute with the documentation references :
In practice, signal handlers are usually defined in a signals submodule of the application they relate to. Signal receivers are connected in the ready() method of your application configuration class. If you’re using the receiver() decorator, simply import the signals submodule inside ready().
And add a warning :
The ready() method may be executed more than once during testing, so you may want to guard your signals from duplication, especially if you’re planning to send them within tests.
So you might want to prevent duplicate signals with a dispatch_uid parameter on the connect function.
post_save.connect(my_callback, dispatch_uid="my_unique_identifier")
In this context I'll do :
for subclass in get_subclasses(WorkAttachment):
post_save.connect(update_attachment_count_on_save, subclass, dispatch_uid=subclass.__name__)
This solution resolves the problem when not all modules imported into memory.
def inherited_receiver(signal, sender, **kwargs):
Decorator connect receivers and all receiver's subclasses to signals.
#inherited_receiver(post_save, sender=MyModel)
def signal_receiver(sender, **kwargs):
parent_cls = sender
def wrapper(func):
def childs_receiver(sender, **kw):
the receiver detect that func will execute for child
(and same parent) classes only.
child_cls = sender
if issubclass(child_cls, parent_cls):
func(sender=child_cls, **kw)
signal.connect(childs_receiver, **kwargs)
return childs_receiver
return wrapper
It's also possible to use content types to discover subclasses - assuming you have the base class and subclasses packaged in the same app. Something like this would work:
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
content_types = ContentType.objects.filter(app_label="your_app")
for content_type in content_types:
model = content_type.model_class()
post_save.connect(update_attachment_count_on_save, sender=model)
In addition to #clwainwright answer, I configured his answer to instead work for the m2m_changed signal. I had to post it as an answer for the code formatting to make sense:
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
for m2m_field in cls._meta.many_to_many:
if hasattr(cls, m2m_field.attname) and hasattr(getattr(cls, m2m_field.attname), 'through'):
models.signals.m2m_changed.connect(m2m_changed_receiver, weak=False, sender=getattr(cls, m2m_field.attname).through)
It does a couple of checks to ensure it doesn't break if anything changes in future Django versions.
