Is it possible to apply jinja2 filters to {% block ... %} constructs? What I was hoping to do was something along the lines of:
{% block content|upper %}
here is some content that will be rendered in upper case
{% endblock %}
...but this doesn't work; the above example will result in an error. Is there any other way to wrap a chunk of template text in a jinja2 filter?
You can use filter sections:
{% block content %}
{% filter upper %}
Here is some content that will be rendered in upper case.
{% endfilter %}
{% endblock %}
I am writing a for loop or if else using jinja2 templating but it is not giving me indentation in vscode. Fore example, I wrote this:
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block content %}
<h2>This is Item List</h2>
{% for item in items %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock content %}
But when I press Ctrl s or save it manually, it loses the indentation. The code becomes like this:
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block content %}
<h2>This is Item List</h2>
{% for item in items %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock content %}
This is happening for for loops, if else and everything inside jinja2 templating. Not happening in normal python codes.
This is not giving any error, but I feel distressed. How to solve it.
You need to download this extension to format the .j2 file
I am developing a dictionary application using Django. One of the main themes of the app is displaying feeds of definitions.
Specifically, I have:
an "index" feed where new definitions are listed,
a "headword" feed where definitions of a particular headword are listed,
and a "tag" feed where definitions tagged with a particular tag are listed.
{% block body %}
{% for definition in definitions %}
// definition HTML
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<h1>{{ headword }}</h1>
{% for definition in headword.definitions_headword.all %}
// definition HTML
{% endfor %}
{% block body %}
<h1>{{ tag }}</h1>
{% for definition in tag.definitions_tag.all %}
// definition HTML
{% endfor %}
Clearly, I need a base feed.html template that these three files can share. For the h1 tag no problem. However, I am having problems with the for loop iterable variables.
I tried nesting a {% block iterable %}{% endblock %} in the for loop of feed.html as in {% for definition in {% block iterable %}{% endblock %} %} and then plugging definitions, headword.definitions_headword.all, and tag.definitions_tag.all in {% block iterable %}, but Django does not seem to support that.
I could probably pass to all three templates a "definitions" context variable and use that as the iterable in all three for loops, but is there a way to do it without touching Python code?
Your explanation was a bit fuzzy to me at the end there, but going just based off your first sentence of "Clearly, I need a base feed.html template that these three files can share."
I think {% include %} may be what you are looking for.
Create your base template of "feed.html" which includes generic variables. Generic variables below are "header_name" and "definitions".
<h1>{{ header_name }}</h1>
{% for definition in definitions %}
// definition HTML
{% endfor %}
In your parent templates (index, headword, tag), use the "include" tag. Pass in your parent template variables into the child template. Examples below:
{% block body %}
{% include 'pathname/feed.html' with header_name=headword definitions=headword.definitions_headword.all %}
{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
{% include 'pathname/feed.html' with header_name=tag definitions=tag.definitions_tag.all %}
{% endblock %}
I need to create a small side block with form(it contains only one field and button) and I want it to be included to every page except base.html
I thought about making simple view function, but maybe there are better ways to do this?
I'm using Python and Django 1.6
In general, you shouldn't use base.html directly, but because you are and because it would be a huge hassle to change it in every other template, what you can do is, in the view function that returns base.html, you can add a boolean to the context and check the boolean to determine what template you are using.
Something like this:
def view_that_uses_base.html(request):
is_base = True
return render_to_response("base.html", {"is_base":is_base}, RequestContext(request,{}))
And then in the template:
{% block sidebar %}
{% if is_base%}
{% else %}
#Your code here
{% endif %}
{% endblock sidebar %}
You must use templates to do that.
In other words, try creating $DJANGO_ROOT/templates/main.html using the following code:
{% block one_field_and_a_button %}
<input />
<button>I am everywhere</button>
{% endblock %}
{% block my_custom_content %}
{% endblock %}
Then all other templates must extend that main.html template and insert their own data.
Imagine this is $DJANGO_ROOT/templates/login.html. It will only replace "my_custom_content" and will inherit all other blocks including "one_field_and_a_button"
{% extends 'templates/main.html' %}
{% block my_custom_content %}
Hello World! This is the login
{% endblock %}
Finally, if you want to have a base.html that does not have that part of the code containing one field and a button, you can do the following.
Imagine this is $DJANGO_ROOT/templates/base.html. It will replace both "one_field_and_a_button" and "my_custom_content". However, in this case, "one_field_and_a_button" will be replaced with blank space that will not show in your html code.
{% extends 'templates/main.html' %}
{% block one_field_and_a_button %} {% endblock %}
{% block my_custom_content %}
Hello World! This is my base.html template
{% endblock %}
Hope it works for you!
You can use block tag in base.html, i think you are searching foe something like this
{% block code %}
{% include 'sidebar.html' %}
{% endblock %}
{% extends base.html %}
{% block code %}
{% endblock %}
and every other templates
just extend base html
{% extends base.html %}
I'm looking to set a default behavior in a template to be included.
I have a problem with Django template system not allowing to set variables in template (I've read about the Django Philosophy, and I understand it).
Here is my example problem:
I want to include a template to render a newsfeed:
{% include "_newsfeed.html" with slicing=":20" %}
I would like to not be forced to enter the slicing argument, and set a default behavior, let's say ":20"
In my _newsfeed.html , I would like to do (pseudo-code, it doesn't work):
{% if not slicing %}{% with slicing=":20" %}{% endif %}
{% for content in newsfeed_content|slice:slicing %}
{# Display content #}
{% endfor %}
{% if not slicing %}{% endwith %}{% endif %}
Instead, I end up doing this below, that doesn't follow the DRY rule (and doesn't satisfy me!):
{% if not slicing %}{% with slicing=":20" %}
{% for content in newsfeed_content|slice:slicing %}
{# Display content #}
{% endfor %}
{% endwith %}{% else %}
{% for content in newsfeed_content|slice:slicing %}
{# Display content #}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
How should I do ?
If you want to do this via your template not your views file, you could create your own filter based on slice e.g.
from django.template.defaultfilters import slice_filter
#register.filter("slice_default", is_safe=True)
def slice_filter_20(value, arg=":20"):
return slice_filter(value, arg)
I basically want to do something like this in my base template:
{% if the block 'headline' is not empty %}
<div class="something"><h1>{% block headline %}{% end block %}</h1></div>
{% endif %}
In jinja2 it appears blocks are not variables and you can't get at their contents or test their values, or anything else but output them.
This seems like it would be a no-brainer to allow this, but I can't figure out a way. Do I have to use macros instead of blocks?
You should be able check the contents of a block using the self.blockname syntax.
{% if self.headline() is not empty %}
{# Write out Headline HTML wrapper here #}
{% endif %}
To quote from the documentation:
If you want to print a block multiple times you can however use the special self variable and call the block with that name:
<title>{% block title %}{% endblock %}</title>
<h1>{{ self.title() }}</h1>
{% block body %}{% endblock %}