Best module to do large matrix computation in Python? - python

I am developing a simple recommendation system and trying to do some computation like SVD, RBM, etc.
To be more convincing, I am going to use the Movielens or Netflix dataset to evaluate the performance of the system. However, the two datasets both have more than 1 million of users and more than 10 thousand of items, it's impossible to put all the data into memory. I have to use some specific modules to handle such a large matrix.
I know there are some tools in SciPy can handle this, and divisi2 used by python-recsys also seems like a good choice. Or maybe there are some better tools I don't know?
Which module should I use? Any suggestion?

I would suggest SciPy, specifically Sparse. As Dougal pointed out, Numpy is not suited for this situation.

I found another solution named crab, I try finding and comparing some of them.

If your concern is just putting the data in the memory use 64bit python with 64bit numpy. If you dont have enough physical memory you can just increase virtual memory in os level. The size of virtual memory is only limited by your hdd size. Speed of computation however is a different beast!


Can everything that can be done with Pandas Dataframes be reproduced with Pyspark Dataframes?

I'm trying to think of a reason (other than you only have a small dataset) that you wouldn't use Pyspark Dataframes.
Can everything that can be done with Pandas Dataframes be reproduced with Pyspark Dataframes?
Are there some Pandas-exclusive functions or some functions that are incredibly difficult to reproduce with Pyspark?
spark is a distributed processing framework. In addition to supporting the DataFrame functionality, it needs to run a JVM, a scheduler, cross-process/machine communication, it spins up databases, etc. So while of course, the answer to your question is no, not exactly everything is implemented the same way, the wider answer is that any distributed processing library naturally involves immense overhead. Lots of work goes into reducing this overhead, but it will never be trivial.
Dask (another distributed processing library with a DataFrame implementation) has a great section on best practices. In it, the first recommendation is not to use dask unless you have to:
Parallelism brings extra complexity and overhead. Sometimes it’s necessary for larger problems, but often it’s not. Before adding a parallel computing system like Dask to your workload you may want to first try some alternatives:
Use better algorithms or data structures: NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn may have faster functions for what you’re trying to do. It may be worth consulting with an expert or reading through their docs again to find a better pre-built algorithm.
Better file formats: Efficient binary formats that support random access can often help you manage larger-than-memory datasets efficiently and simply. See the Store Data Efficiently section below.
Compiled code: Compiling your Python code with Numba or Cython might make parallelism unnecessary. Or you might use the multi-core parallelism available within those libraries.
Sampling: Even if you have a lot of data, there might not be much advantage from using all of it. By sampling intelligently you might be able to derive the same insight from a much more manageable subset.
Profile: If you’re trying to speed up slow code it’s important that you first understand why it is slow. Modest time investments in profiling your code can help you to identify what is slowing you down. This information can help you make better decisions about if parallelism is likely to help, or if other approaches are likely to be more effective.
There's a very good reason for this. In-memory, single-threaded applications are always going to be much faster for small datasets.
Very simplistically, if you imagine the single-threaded runtime for your workflow is T, the wall time of a distributed workflow will be T_parallelizable / n_cores + T_not_parallelizable + overhead. For pyspark, this overhead is very significant. It's worth it a lot of the time. But it's not nothing.

Dealing with big data to perform random forest classification

I am currently working on my thesis, which involves dealing with quite a sizable dataset: ~4mln observations and ~260ths features. It is a dataset of chess games, where most of the features are player dummies (130k for each colour).
As for the hardware and the software, I have around 12GB of RAM on this computer. I am doing all my work in Python 3.5 and use mainly pandas and scikit-learn packages.
My problem is that obviously I can't load this amount of data to my RAM. What I would love to do is to generate the dummy variables, then slice the database into like a thousand or so chunks, apply the Random Forest and aggregate the results again.
However, to do that I would need to be able to first create the dummy variables, which I am not able to do due to memory error, even if I use sparse matrices. Theoretically, I could just slice up the database first, then create the dummy variables. However, the effect of that will be that I will have different features for different slices, so I'm not sure how to aggregate such results.
My questions:
1. How would you guys approach this problem? Is there a way to "merge" the results of my estimation despite having different features in different "chunks" of data?
2. Perhaps it is possible to avoid this problem altogether by renting a server. Are there any trial versions of such services? I'm not sure exactly how much CPU/RAM would I need to complete this task.
Thanks for your help, any kind of tips will be appreciated :)
I would suggest you give CloudxLab a try.
Though it is not free it is quite affordable ($25 for a month). It provides complete environment to experiment with various tools such as HDFS, Map-Reduce, Hive, Pig, Kafka, Spark, Scala, Sqoop, Oozie, Mahout, MLLib, Zookeeper, R, Scala etc. Many of the popular trainers are using CloudxLab.

Numpy memory error creating huge matrix

I am using numpy and trying to create a huge matrix.
While doing this, I receive a memory error
Because the matrix is not important, I will just show the way how to easily reproduce the error.
a = 10000000000
data = np.array([float('nan')] * a)
not surprisingly, this throws me MemoryError
There are two things I would like to tell:
I really need to create and to use a big matrix
I think I have enough RAM to handle this matrix (I have 24 Gb or RAM)
Is there an easy way to handle big matrices in numpy?
Just to be on the safe side, I previously read these posts (which sounds similar):
Very large matrices using Python and NumPy
Python/Numpy MemoryError
Processing a very very big data set in python - memory error
P.S. apparently I have some problems with multiplication and division of numbers, which made me think that I have enough memory. So I think it is time for me to go to sleep, review math and may be to buy some memory.
May be during this time some genius might come up with idea how to actually create this matrix using only 24 Gb of Ram.
Why I need this big matrix
I am not going to do any manipulations with this matrix. All I need to do with it is to save it into pytables.
Assuming each floating point number is 4 bytes each, you'd have
(10000000000 * 4) /(2**30.0) = 37.25290298461914
Or 37.5 gigabytes you need to store in memory. So I don't think 24gb of RAM is enough.
If you can't afford creating such a matrix, but still wish to do some computations, try sparse matrices.
If you wish to pass it to another Python package that uses duck typing, you may create your own class with __getitem__ implementing dummy access.
If you use pycharm editor for python you can change memory settings from
C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm 2018.2.4\bin\pycharm64.exe.vmoptions
you can decrease pycharm speed from this file so your program memory will allocate more megabites
you must edit this codes
so you can make them -Xms512m -Xmx1024m and finally your program will work
but it'll affect the debugging performance in pycharm.

Parallel computing

I have a two dimensional table (Matrix)
I need to process each line in this matrix independently from the others.
The process of each line is time consuming.
I'd like to use parallel computing resources in our university (Canadian Grid something)
Can I have some advise on how to start ? I never used parallel computing before.
Thanks :)
Start here:
Be sure to read this:
This may be helpful:
While excellent, it includes threads and multiprocessing, even though multiprocessing is often far, far superior to attempting multi-threading.
For Grid computing, multi-threading is largely useless.
Also, you probably also want to read up on celery.
I am one of the developper of a new library called scoop.
It was built exactly for this purpose (grid or super-computing, scientific computing). I suggest you give it a try.
In your case, all you would have to do is a call like this:, matrixLine)
It will then be distributed on your grid or whatever environment you choose.
Like the commentators have said, find someone to talk to in your university. The answer to your question will be specific to what software is installed on the grid. If you have access to a grid, it's highly likely you also have access to a person whose job it is to answer your questions (and they will be pleased to help) - find this person!
From what you describe, I would say: first have a look at numpy.
Numpy provides methods to compute the columns and rows in a vectorized manner with nearly C speed. Depending on your problem, this could be faster than parallel computation with pure CPython.
You can than use parallel computing with numpy-arrays to get a really big speed up.
Possible ways to do this is using multiprocessing or Ipython on a cluster.
It is recommended that you use C++/C for performing this computation. You can use the OpenMP API using the #include<omp.h> header. You can start your parallel region using the #pragma amp parallel directive. Since you are parallelising a for-loop for computing your matrix multiplication, you can use #pragma omp parallel for { } to start your for-loop inside the parallel region. OpenMP will automatically take care of the process synchronisation.
Check this out for a sample code:
Remember to use a big matrix to see actual improvements in speed. A smaller matrix will perform poorly in fact due to increased task overhead created due to forking and joining the multiple threads.
You can also check out MPI if you want to parallelise your code using multiple processors instead of multiple threads.

Experience with using h5py to do analytical work on big data in Python?

I do a lot of statistical work and use Python as my main language. Some of the data sets I work with though can take 20GB of memory, which makes operating on them using in-memory functions in numpy, scipy, and PyIMSL nearly impossible. The statistical analysis language SAS has a big advantage here in that it can operate on data from hard disk as opposed to strictly in-memory processing. But, I want to avoid having to write a lot of code in SAS (for a variety of reasons) and am therefore trying to determine what options I have with Python (besides buying more hardware and memory).
I should clarify that approaches like map-reduce will not help in much of my work because I need to operate on complete sets of data (e.g. computing quantiles or fitting a logistic regression model).
Recently I started playing with h5py and think it is the best option I have found for allowing Python to act like SAS and operate on data from disk (via hdf5 files), while still being able to leverage numpy/scipy/matplotlib, etc. I would like to hear if anyone has experience using Python and h5py in a similar setting and what they have found. Has anyone been able to use Python in "big data" settings heretofore dominated by SAS?
EDIT: Buying more hardware/memory certainly can help, but from an IT perspective it is hard for me to sell Python to an organization that needs to analyze huge data sets when Python (or R, or MATLAB etc) need to hold data in memory. SAS continues to have a strong selling point here because while disk-based analytics may be slower, you can confidently deal with huge data sets. So, I am hoping that Stackoverflow-ers can help me figure out how to reduce the perceived risk around using Python as a mainstay big-data analytics language.
We use Python in conjunction with h5py, numpy/scipy and boost::python to do data analysis. Our typical datasets have sizes of up to a few hundred GBs.
HDF5 advantages:
data can be inspected conveniently using the h5view application, h5py/ipython and the h5* commandline tools
APIs are available for different platforms and languages
structure data using groups
annotating data using attributes
worry-free built-in data compression
io on single datasets is fast
HDF5 pitfalls:
Performance breaks down, if a h5 file contains too many datasets/groups (> 1000), because traversing them is very slow. On the other side, io is fast for a few big datasets.
Advanced data queries (SQL like) are clumsy to implement and slow (consider SQLite in that case)
HDF5 is not thread-safe in all cases: one has to ensure, that the library was compiled with the correct options
changing h5 datasets (resize, delete etc.) blows up the file size (in the best case) or is impossible (in the worst case) (the whole h5 file has to be copied to flatten it again)
I don't use Python for stats and tend to deal with relatively small datasets, but it might be worth a moment to check out the CRAN Task View for high-performance computing in R, especially the "Large memory and out-of-memory data" section.
Three reasons:
you can mine the source code of any of those packages for ideas that might help you generally
you might find the package names useful in searching for Python equivalents; a lot of R users are Python users, too
under some circumstances, it might prove convenient to just link to R for a particular analysis using one of the above-linked packages and then draw the results back into Python
Again, I emphasize that this is all way out of my league, and it's certainly possible that you might already know all of this. But perhaps this will prove useful to you or someone working on the same problems.
