How do you unit test a Celery task? - python

The Celery documentation mentions testing Celery within Django but doesn't explain how to test a Celery task if you are not using Django. How do you do this?

It is possible to test tasks synchronously using any unittest lib out there. I normaly do 2 different test sessions when working with celery tasks. The first one (as I'm suggesting bellow) is completely synchronous and should be the one that makes sure the algorithm does what it should do. The second session uses the whole system (including the broker) and makes sure I'm not having serialization issues or any other distribution, comunication problem.
from celery import Celery
celery = Celery()
def add(x, y):
return x + y
And your test:
from import eq_
def test_add_task():
rst = add.apply(args=(4, 4)).get()
eq_(rst, 8)

Here is an update to my seven years old answer:
You can run a worker in a separate thread via a pytest fixture:
According to the docs, you should not use "always_eager" (see the top of the page of the above link).
Old answer:
I use this:
with mock.patch('celeryconfig.CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER', True, create=True):
CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER lets you run your task synchronously, and you don't need a celery server.

Depends on what exactly you want to be testing.
Test the task code directly. Don't call "task.delay(...)" just call "task(...)" from your unit tests.
Use CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER. This will cause your tasks to be called immediately at the point you say "task.delay(...)", so you can test the whole path (but not any asynchronous behavior).

For those on Celery 4 it's:
Because the settings names have been changed and need updating if you choose to upgrade, see

import unittest
from myproject.myapp import celeryapp
class TestMyCeleryWorker(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
py.test fixtures
from myproject.myapp import celeryapp
def celery_app(request):
return celeryapp
def test_some_task(celery_app):
Addendum: make send_task respect eager
from celery import current_app
def send_task(name, args=(), kwargs={}, **opts):
task = current_app.tasks[name]
return task.apply(args, kwargs, **opts)
current_app.send_task = send_task

As of Celery 3.0, one way to set CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER in Django is:
from django.test import TestCase, override_settings
from .foo import foo_celery_task
class MyTest(TestCase):
def test_foo(self):

Since Celery v4.0, py.test fixtures are provided to start a celery worker just for the test and are shut down when done:
def test_myfunc_is_executed(celery_session_worker):
# celery_session_worker: <Worker: gen93553#mymachine.local (running)>
assert myfunc.delay().wait(3)
Among other fixtures described on, you can change the celery default options by redefining the celery_config fixture this way:
def celery_config():
return {
'accept_content': ['json', 'pickle'],
'result_serializer': 'pickle',
By default, the test worker uses an in-memory broker and result backend. No need to use a local Redis or RabbitMQ if not testing specific features.

using pytest.
def test_add(celery_worker):
if you use flask, set the app config
CELERY_BROKER_URL = 'memory://'
CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = 'cache+memory://'
and in
def app():
yield app # Your actual Flask application
def celery_app(app):
from celery.contrib.testing import tasks # need it
yield celery_app # Your actual Flask-Celery application

In my case (and I assume many others), all I wanted was to test the inner logic of a task using pytest.
TL;DR; ended up mocking everything away (OPTION 2)
Example Use Case:
def add_task(self, a, b):
return a+b;
from proj import add_task
def test_add():
assert add_task(1, 2) == 3, '1 + 2 should equal 3'
but, since shared_task decorator does a lot of celery internal logic, it isn't really a unit tests.
So, for me, there were 2 options:
OPTION 1: Separate internal logic
def internal_add(a, b):
return a + b;
from .tasks_logic import internal_add
def add_task(self, a, b):
return internal_add(a, b);
This looks very odd, and other than making it less readable, it requires to manually extract and pass attributes that are part of the request, for instance the task_id in case you need it, which make the logic less pure.
OPTION 2: mocks
mocking away celery internals
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from celery import shared_task
from mock import patch
def mock_signature(**kwargs):
return {}
def mocked_shared_task(*decorator_args, **decorator_kwargs):
def mocked_shared_decorator(func):
func.signature = = func.s = mock_signature
return func
return mocked_shared_decorator
patch('celery.shared_task', mocked_shared_task).start()
which then allows me to mock the request object (again, in case you need things from the request, like the id, or the retries counter.
from proj import add_task
class MockedRequest:
def __init__(self, id=None): = id or 1
class MockedTask:
def __init__(self, id=None):
self.request = MockedRequest(id=id)
def test_add():
mocked_task = MockedTask(id=3)
assert add_task(mocked_task, 1, 2) == 3, '1 + 2 should equal 3'
This solution is much more manual, but, it gives me the control I need to actually unit test, without repeating myself, and without losing the celery scope.

I see a lot of CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER = true in unit tests methods as a solution for unit tests, but since the version 5.0.5 is available there are a lot of changes which makes most of the old answers deprecated and for me a time consuming nonsense, so for everyone here searching a Solution, go to the Doc and read the well documented unit test examples for the new Version:
And to the Eager Mode with Unit Tests, here a quote from the actual docs:
Eager mode
The eager mode enabled by the task_always_eager setting is by
definition not suitable for unit tests.
When testing with eager mode you are only testing an emulation of what
happens in a worker, and there are many discrepancies between the
emulation and what happens in reality.

Another option is to mock the task if you do not need the side effects of running it.
from unittest import mock
def test_name(self, mock_task): ...


How to test operations in a context manager using pytest

I have a database handler that utilizes SQLAlchemy ORM to communicate with a database. As part of SQLAlchemy's recommended practices, I interact with the session by using it as a context manager. How can I test what a function called inside the context manager using that context manager has done?
EDIT: I realized the file structure mattered due to the complexity in introduced. I re-structured the code below to more closely mirror what the end file structure will be like, and what a common production repo in my environment would look like, with code being defined in one file and tests in a completely separate file.
For example:
Code File (
from db_handler import delete, SomeTable
def delete_stuff(handler):
stmt = delete(SomeTable)
with handler.Session.begin() as session:
Test File:
import pytest
import delete_things_from_table as dlt
from db_handler import Handler
def test_delete_stuff():
handler = db_handler()
# Test that session.execute was called
# Test the value of 'stmt'
# Test that session.commit was called
I am not looking for a solution specific to SQLAlchemy; I am only utilizing this to highlight what I want to test within a context manager, and any strategies for testing context managers are welcome.
After sleeping on it, I came up with a solution. I'd love additional/less complex solutions if there are any available, but this works:
import pytest
import delete_things_from_table as dlt
from db_handler import Handler
class MockSession:
def __init__(self):
self.execute_params = []
self.commit_called = False
def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.execute_params.append(["call", args, kwargs])
return self
def commit(self):
self.commit_called = True
return self
def begin(self):
return self
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
def test_delete_stuff(monkeypatch):
handler = db_handler()
# Parens in 'MockSession' below are Important, pass an instance not the class
monkeypatch.setattr(handler, Session, MockSession())
# Test that session.execute was called
assert len(handler.Session.execute_params)
# Test the value of 'stmt'
assert str(handler.Session.execute_params[0][1][0]) == "DELETE FROM some_table"
# Test that session.commit was called
assert handler.Session.commit_called
Some key things to note:
I created a static mock instead of a MagicMock as it's easier to control the methods/data flow with a custom mock class
Since the SQLAlchemy session context manager requires a begin() to start the context, my mock class needed a begin. Returning self in begin allows us to test the values later.
context managers rely on on the magic methods __enter__ and __exit__ with the argument signatures you see above.
The mocked class contains mocked methods which alter instance variables allowing us to test later
This relies on monkeypatch (there are other ways I'm sure), but what's important to note is that when you pass your mock class you want to patch in an instance of the class and not the class itself. The parentheses make a world of difference.
I don't think it's an elegant solution, but it's working. I'll happily take any suggestions for improvement.

How to write clean tests on model with database access

I'm using SQLAlchemy + Ormar and I want to write clean tests as it possible to write with pytest-django:
import pytest
def test_user_count():
assert User.objects.count() == 0
I'm using FastAPI and not using Django at all so decorator as above isn't possible to use.
How to write clean tests on model with Database access as above but not with Django. It would be great to have that infrastructure for SQLAlchemy + Ormar but changing ORM is an option too.
Example of model to test:
class User(ormar.Model):
class Meta:
metadata = metadata
database = database
id: int = ormar.BigInteger(primary_key=True)
phone: str = ormar.String(max_length=100)
account: str = ormar.String(max_length=100)
I think this discussion can be useful for you
Using an autouse fixture should help you:
# fixture
#pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope="module") # adjust your scope
def create_test_database():
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(DATABASE_URL)
metadata.drop_all(engine) # i like to drop also before - even if test crash in the middle we start clean
# actual test - note to test async you need pytest-asyncio and mark test as asyncio
async def test_actual_logic():
async with database: # <= note this is the same database that used in ormar Models
... (logic)
This is what I use for my standalone script (a notebook) in the root directory of the project, where resides;
import sys, os, django
# append your project to your path
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "<your-project>.settings")
os.environ["DJANGO_ALLOW_ASYNC_UNSAFE"] = "true" # for notebooks only
# import the model
from listings.models import Listing
However, it should be noted that Django comes with it's own unit testing. Have a look here. This will enable you to run tests with python3 test <your-test>.
There is a bit of magic happening here (but this is generally true within pytest). The #pytest.mark.django_db fixture simply marks the test, but doesn't do much else on its own. The heavy lifting happens later on inside of pytest-django, where the plugin will filter/scan for tests with that mark and add appropriate fixtures to them.
We can replicate this behavior:
# (or inside a dedicated plugin, if you fancy)
import pytest
# register the custom marker called my_orm
def pytest_configure(config):
"markers", "my_orm: This test uses my ORM to connect to my DB."
def setup_my_orm():
print("TODO: set up DB and connect.")
print("TODO: tear down DB and disconnect.")
# this is where the magic happens
def pytest_runtest_setup(item):
needs_my_orm = len([marker for marker in item.iter_markers(name="my_orm")]) > 0
if needs_my_orm and "setup_my_orm" not in item.fixturenames:
def test_foo():
assert 0 == 0
You can check that the test indeed prints the above TODO statements via pytest -s.
Of course, you can customize this further using parameters for the marker, more sophisticated fixture scoping, etc. This should, however, put you on the right track :)

Testing TaskResult celery tasks fails

I am trying to use django_celery_results in my project. I created a task add and a function add_new(x, y) in
from celery import shared_task
from django_celery_results.models import TaskResult
def add(self, x, y):
return(x, y)
def add_new(x, y):
task = add.delay(x, y)
task_result = TaskResult(task_id=task.task_id)
return task_result.as_dict()
I am testing my functions in like this:
from tasks import add, add_new
from import eq_
from django.test import override_settings
def test_add_task():
result = add.apply(args=(4, 4,)).get()
eq_(result, 8)
def test_add_new_task():
result = add_new(4, 4)
eq_(result['result'], 8)
The first test passes, but the second one fails with:
AssertionError: None != 8
Looking at the list of TaskResult objects the latest task is not present. Repeating the test, the task_id from the test before is there, but again the latest one is missing and the test fails. So I have the impression that the DB is not updated, even after the task has finished successfully. Trying to execute the functions add and add_new in a shell, it works perfectly fine. Only running the tests with nose do not work. What do I miss?

How to dynamically add new fixtures to a test based on the fixture signature of a test

So what I would like to achieve is mocking functions in various modules automatically with pytest. So I defined this in my
import sys
import __builtin__
from itertools import chain
# Fixture factory magic START
"logger", "error", "logging", "base_error", "partial"]
BUILTIN_MOCKS = ["exit"]
def _mock_factory(name, builtin):
def _mock(monkeypatch, request):
module = __builtin__ if builtin else request.node.module.MODULE
ret = Mock()
monkeypatch.setattr(module, name, ret)
return ret
return _mock
iterable = chain(
((el, False) for el in NORMAL_MOCKS),
((el, True) for el in BUILTIN_MOCKS))
for name, builtin in iterable:
fname = "mock_{name}".format(name=name)
_tmp_fn = pytest.fixture(name=fname)(_mock_factory(name, builtin))
_tmp_fn.__name__ = fname
"mock_{name}".format(name=name), _tmp_fn)
# Fixture normal factory magic END
This works and all, but I would like to omit the usage of the NORMAL_MOCKS and BUILTIN_MOCKS lists. So basically in a pytest hook I should be able to see that say there is a mock_foo fixture, but it's not registered yet, so I create a mock for it with the factory and register it. I just couldn't figure out how to do this. Basically I was looking into the pytest_runtest_setup function, but could not figure out how to do the actual fixture registration. So basically I would like to know with which hook/call can I register new fixture functions programatically from this hook.
One of the ways is to parameterize the tests at the collection/generation stage, i.e. before the test execution begins:
import pytest
def mock_factory(name):
return name
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
for name in metafunc.fixturenames:
if name.startswith('mock_'):
metafunc.parametrize(name, [mock_factory(name[5:])])
def test_me(request, mock_it):
A very simple solution. But the downside is that the test is reported as parametrized when it actually is not:
$ pytest -s -v -ra
====== test session starts ======[it] PASSED
====== 1 passed in 0.01 seconds ======
To fully simulate the function args without the parametrization, you can make a less obvious trick:
import pytest
def mock_factory(name):
return name
def pytest_runtest_protocol(item, nextitem):
for name in item.fixturenames:
if name.startswith('mock_') and name not in item.funcargs:
item.funcargs[name] = mock_factory(name[5:])
The pytest_runtest_setup hook is also a good place for this, as long as I've just tried.
Note that you do not register the fixture in that case. It is too late for the fixture registration, as all the fixtures are gathered and prepared much earlier at the collection/parametrization stages. In this stage, you can only execute the tests and provide the values. It is your responsibility to calculate the fixture values and to destroy them afterward.
The snippet below is a pragmatic solution to "how to dynamically add fixtures".
Disclaimer: I don't have expertise on pytest. I'm not saying this is what pytest was designed for, I just looked at the source code and came up with this and it seems to work. The fact that I use "private" attributes means it might not work with all versions (currently I'm on pytest 7.1.3)
from _pytest.fixtures import FixtureDef
from _pytest.fixtures import SubRequest
import pytest
#pytest.fixture(autouse=True) # autouse is relevant, as then the fixture registration happens in-time. It's too late if requiring the fixture without autouse e.g. like `#pytest.mark.usefixtures("add_fixture_dynamically")`
def add_fixture_dynamically(request: SubRequest):
Conditionally and dynamically adds another fixture. It's conditional on the presence of:
marker = request.node.get_closest_marker("my_mark")
# don't register fixture if marker is not present:
if marker is None:
def your_fixture(): # the name of the fixture must match the parameter name, like other fixtures
return "hello"
# register the fixture just-in-time
request._fixturemanager._arg2fixturedefs[your_fixture.__name__] = [
yield # runs the test. Could be wrapped in try/except/finally
# suppress warning (works if this and `add_fixture_dynamically` are in ``)
def pytest_configure(config):
"""Prevents printing of the warning 'PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.<fixture_name>'"""
config.addinivalue_line("markers", "my_mark")
def test_adding_fixture_dynamically(your_fixture):
assert your_fixture == "hello"

Celery: Custom Base class/child class based task not showing up under app.tasks

I'm trying to create some celery tasks as classes, but am having some difficulty. The classes are:
class BaseCeleryTask(app.Task):
def is_complete(self):
""" default method for checking if celery task has completed. """
# simply return result (since by default tasks return boolean indicating completion)
return self.result
except AttributeError:
logger.error('Result not defined. Make sure task has run!')
return False
class MacroReportTask(BaseCeleryTask):
def run(self, params):
""" Override the default run method with signal factory run"""
# hold on to the factory
process = MacroCountryReport(params)
self.result =
return self.result
but when I initialize the app, and check app.tasks (or run worker), app doesn't seem to have these above tasks in its registry. Other function based tasks (using app.task() decorator) seem to be registered fine.
I run the above task as:
process = SignalFactoryTask()
Celery worker errors with the following message:
Received unregistered task of type None.
I think the issue I'm having is: how do I add custom classes to the task registry as I do with regular function based tasks?
Ran into the exact same issue, took hours to find the solution cause I'm 90% sure it's a bug. In your class tasks, try the following
class BaseCeleryTask(app.Task):
def __init__(self): = "[modulename].BaseCeleryTask"
class MacroReportTask(app.Task):
def __init__(self): = "[modulename].MacroReportTask"
It seems registering it with the app still has a bug where the name isn't automatically configured. Let me know if that works.
