A QWidget like QTextEdit that wraps its height automatically to its contents? - python

I am creating a form with some QTextEdit widgets.
The default height of the QTextEdit exceeds a single line of text and as the contents' height exceeds the QTextEdit's height, it creates a scroll-bar to scroll the content.
I would like to override this behaviour to create a QTextEdit that would rather wrap its height to its contents. This means that the default height would be one line and that on wrapping or entering a new line, the QTextEdit would increase its height automatically. Whenever the contents height exceeds the QTextEdit's height, the latter should not create a scroll bar but simply increase in height.
How can I go about doing this? Thanks.

This is almost exactly like a question I answer the other day about making a QTextEdit adjust its height in reponse to content changes: PySide Qt: Auto vertical growth for TextEdit Widget
I am answering instead of marking a duplicate as I suspect its possible you want a variation on this. Let me know if you want me to expand this answer:
The other question had multiple parts. Here is the excerpt of the growing height widget:
class Window(QtGui.QDialog):
def __init__(self):
super(Window, self).__init__()
self.mainLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self)
self.scroll = QtGui.QScrollArea()
scrollContents = QtGui.QWidget()
self.textLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(scrollContents)
for _ in xrange(5):
text = GrowingTextEdit()
class GrowingTextEdit(QtGui.QTextEdit):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(GrowingTextEdit, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.heightMin = 0
self.heightMax = 65000
def sizeChange(self):
docHeight = self.document().size().height()
if self.heightMin <= docHeight <= self.heightMax:

the following code sets a QTextEdit widget to the height of the content:
# using QVBoxLayout in this example
grid = QVBoxLayout()
text_edit = QTextEdit('Some content. I make this a little bit longer as I want to see the effect on a widget with more than one line.')
# read-only
# no scroll bars in this example
text_edit.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)
# you can set the width to a specific value
# text_edit.setFixedWidth(400)
# this is the trick, we nee to show the widget without making it visible.
# only then the document is created and the size calculated.
# Qt.WA_DontShowOnScreen = 103, PyQt does not have this mapping?!
# now that we have a document we can use it's size to set the QTextEdit's size
# also we add the margins
text_edit.setFixedHeight(text_edit.document().size().height() + text_edit.contentsMargins().top()*2)
# finally we add the QTextEdit to our layout
I hope this helps.


PySide2 QTextEdit doesn't adjust to it's own content when using wrapping. (Making chat window)

The PySide2 QTextEdit doesn't change it's own size when the text is placed in.
I'm trying to create something like chat window, where every message - QTextEdit in OnlyRead mode. All the 'messages' placed in QScrollArea. The main goal is to let message-boxes (message-boxeslike on the screen below) adjust their size to content.
wrong working example
I tried this code
which has been copy-pasted lots of times. But it doesn't do what i want. It creates a fixed, no resizable QTextEdit message-boxes.
As example what i actually mean, if we have a single-word message, QTextEdit widget must become a single stroke box, with width of the message. If we have a multi-sentences message, QTextEdit widget must become a multi-stroke box (already expanded in height, without the need to scroll it inside), with maximum constant length(which i ll choose).
Next is the example with correct messages displaying
(good example)
In order to implement a self-adjusting message, some precautions are required.
As explained in my answer and comments to the related post, you must consider the complex and delicate relation between the dimensions of a layout and its requirement, which becomes even more complex as a text layout doesn't have a fixed ratio.
The main problem with setting the width based on the text is that it can change the height required to display it, which can cause a recursion, and since the size is based on the current viewport size, the result is that the minimumSizeHint() will always return the smallest possible size after a certain amount of recursive calls.
Considering the above, we must do the following changes to my original code:
the scroll area must always set a maximum width to its message widgets, possibly with a specified margin (for sent/received distinction) whenever the view is resized;
widgets must be added to the layout with an alignment argument;
the minimumSizeHint() must be changed to:
compute the preferred text width (idealWidth() based on the maximum size of the widget;
get the reference height for that text width;
set the text width to the current width;
compare the new document height with the previous one, if they are the same it means that we can use the new width as maximum width for the hint (the text can be shorter), otherwise we use the initial text width based on the maximum size;
Note that there are a couple of differences from the modified code of your link: most importantly, rewriting the stylesheet doesn't make a lot of sense, and setting the margin creates an issue with the value returned by frameWidth() (that's why they subtracted 100 from the document height); that is certainly not a good choice, as the margin should be set within the layout.
class WrapLabel(QtWidgets.QTextEdit):
def __init__(self, text=''):
def minimumSizeHint(self):
margin = self.frameWidth() * 2
doc = self.document().clone()
idealWidth = doc.idealWidth()
idealHeight = doc.size().height()
if doc.size().height() == idealHeight:
idealWidth = doc.idealWidth()
return QtCore.QSize(
max(50, idealWidth + margin),
doc.size().height() + margin)
def sizeHint(self):
return self.minimumSizeHint()
def resizeEvent(self, event):
class ChatTest(QtWidgets.QScrollArea):
def __init__(self):
self.margin = 100
self.marginRatio = .8
self.messages = []
container = QtWidgets.QWidget()
layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(container)
self.resize(480, 360)
letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz '
for i in range(1, 11):
msg = ''.join(choice(letters) for i in range(randrange(10, 250)))
QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(500 * i, lambda msg=msg, i=i:
self.addMessage(msg, i & 1))
def addMessage(self, text, sent=False):
message = WrapLabel(text)
WrapLabel {{
border: 1px outset palette(dark);
border-radius: 8px;
background: {};
'#fff8c7' if sent else '#ceffbd')
alignment=QtCore.Qt.AlignRight if sent else QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft)
QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(0, self.scrollToBottom)
def scrollToBottom(self):
def resizeEvent(self, event):
sb = self.verticalScrollBar()
atMaximum = sb.value() == sb.maximum()
maxWidth = max(self.width() * self.marginRatio,
self.width() - self.margin) - sb.sizeHint().width()
for message in self.messages:
if atMaximum:

QTreeWidget: How to change sizeHint dynamically?

I have a QTreeWidget where the TopLevelIteps are replaced by a custom widget. Said widget have its maximum and minimum Heights animated with a QStateMachine.
QTreeWidget (GIF):
Custom Widget Animation (GIF):
The problem is that the rows will not adjust its height to fit the custom widget when it expands:
Row height fixed size (GIF):
Causing overlap between the widget items instead of pushing each other away like this:
The results that I'm after (GIF):
I tried using setSizeHint() on the top level item to but it creates a big empty space between items/widgets:
Using setSizeHint()(GIF):
I'm thinking that maybe I have to implement sizeHint() but I'm not really sure what to put there. Or is there a better approach to this problem?
I would really appreciate some hints.
Example code:
# Custom Widget
class ExpandableFrame(QFrame):
def __init__(self):
# Default Properties
self.setStyleSheet('background-color: #2e4076; border: 2px solid black; border-radius: 10px;')
# Setup expand button
self.expandToggle = QToolButton()
# Setup layout
layout = QHBoxLayout()
# Animates minimumHeight and maximumHeight
def expandArea(self):
heigth = self.height()
newHeigth = 100
machine = QStateMachine(self)
state1 = QState()
state1.assignProperty(self, b'minimumHeight', heigth)
state1.assignProperty(self, b'maximumHeight', heigth)
state2 = QState()
state2.assignProperty(self, b'minimumHeight', newHeigth)
state2.assignProperty(self, b'maximumHeight', newHeigth)
# Create animations
expandAnim = QPropertyAnimation(self, 'minimumHeight')
closeAnim = QPropertyAnimation(self, 'maximumHeight')
# Create event transitions
eventTransition1 = QEventTransition(self.expandToggle, QEvent.MouseButtonPress)
eventTransition2 = QEventTransition(self.expandToggle, QEvent.MouseButtonPress)
# Add the states to the machine
# Tree Widget
class CustomTree(QTreeWidget):
customWidget = []
def __init__(self, parent=None):
QTreeWidget.__init__(self, parent)
# Create top level items
itemCount = 3
for element in range(itemCount):
topLevelItem = QTreeWidgetItem()
# Replace the top level items with the expandable custom widget:
# Get the Model Index to each item
modelIndex = self.indexFromItem(topLevelItem, 0)
# Create the ExpandableFrame widgets for all the top level items
# Set the widget to each top level item based on its index
self.setIndexWidget(modelIndex, self.customWidget[element])
# Create more items and add them as children of the top level items
for x in range(itemCount):
child = QTreeWidgetItem()
This is how the example looks:
Minimal Code Example running:
One solution could be to emit the sizeHintChanged signal of the item delegate of your view every time the size of any of the widgets is changed. This tells the view that the position of the items should be updated. To achieve this you could override the resizeEvent of ExpandableFrame and emit a custom signal, e.g.
class ExpandableFrame(QFrame):
resized = pyqtSignal(QVariant)
def resizeEvent(self, event):
In CustomTree, you can then connect ExpandableFrame.resized to the sizeHintChanged signal of the delegate of the custom tree by overriding setIndexWidget, e.g.
class CustomTree(QTreeWidget):
def setIndexWidget(self, index, widget):
super().setIndexWidget(index, widget)
if isinstance(widget, ExpandableFrame):
widget.resized.connect(lambda: self.itemDelegate().sizeHintChanged.emit(index))
Screen capture:
The disadvantage of this approach is that you would need to update the connections if the the widgets are moved or replaced.

How to set dynamically QTextEdit size?

I have QTextEdit where I append procedurally lines. By default QTextEdit breaks line if window size is less than line width and part of the line appears on the next line. I need to activate horizontal scroll bar and set text area size greater than layout size. How to achieve this kind of behaviour. I'm using PySide2.
I have tried this approach but does not get real length(width) of line
for line in [line_one, line_two, line_three, line_four, line_five]:
f_met = QtGui.QFontMetrics(QtGui.QFont())
width = f_met.width(str(line))
print width
if width > 300:
How to get correct length/width of the line?
Here is the full code. Does not matters how long is the line it always breaks line. Here is the example:
class MainWidget(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
super(MainWidget, self).__init__()
self.cent_ly = MW()
self.text_edit = QtWidgets.QTextEdit()
self.cent_ly.vlayout.addWidget(self.text_edit )
self.setCentralWidget(self.cent_ly )
line = 'BlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBl'
met = QtGui.QFontMetrics(QtGui.QFont())
width = met.width(str(line))
class MW(QtWidgets.QWidget):
def __init__(self):
super(MW , self).__init__()
self.vlayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()
w = MainWidget()
Parenting QtTextEdit under QScrollArea solved the problem.
QFontMetrics.width() is obsolete. One must use QFontMetrics.horizontalAdvance() or
QFontMetrics. boundingRect().width()

How to Squeeze the Column to minimum in QTableview in PyQt5?

If I have Table Like as mention Below,
And I want to do as below to squeeze all columns bear to minimum scrollbar size or without scrollbar,
In PyQt5 in QTableview how can I do align any content to center in cell and want to minimum scrollbar and if possible without scrollbar then also it is well good.
as like below image text are not align and I wish to do squeeze all columns as per image 1 and align text to center in PyQt5 in Python.
The trick is to use the Stretch resize mode of the horizontal header, which ensures that all columns fit the available size of the view. The only problem comes from the minimumSectionSize(), which by default is a value dependent on the font and the margin between the sort indicator and the text of each header section, so, even using Stretch, the columns wouldn't resize below that width.
By setting the minimum size to 0 we can prevent that behavior. Keep in mind, though, that even with not-so-narrow columns (under 16-18 pixels wide) you will not be able to see the header text at all, no matter if there could be enough space for the text to be shown: some space is always reserved to the header section separators and their margin.
About the text alignment, the standard approach is to use setTextAlignment on each item. If you need to do that constantly, just use a subclass of QStandardItem that automatically sets its alignment after initialization.
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
class FitTable(QtWidgets.QTableView):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def resizeEvent(self, event):
if not self.model() or not self.model().columnCount():
# the text can be completely hidden on very narrow columns if the
# elide mode is enabled; let's disable it for widths lower than
# the average width of 3 characters
colSize = self.viewport().width() // self.model().columnCount()
if colSize < self.fontMetrics().averageCharWidth() * 3:
class CenteredItem(QtGui.QStandardItem):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class Window(QtWidgets.QWidget):
def __init__(self):
layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self)
self.table = FitTable()
model = QtGui.QStandardItemModel()
for row in range(5):
rowItems = []
for column in range(30):
# usually the text alignment is manually applied like this:
# item = QtGui.QStandardItem(str(column + 1))
# item.setTextAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter)
# for convenience, I use a subclass that automatically does that
item = CenteredItem(str(column + 1))
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
window = Window()

Is it possible to add text on top of a scrollbar?

I would like to add some text to the left end side, the right end side and on the slider as in the figure below
I don't understand how I can add text on top of a widget
here the minimal example of the Qscrollbar (without texts)
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
import sys
class Viewer(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(Viewer, self).__init__()
self.parent = parent
self.centralWidget = QWidget()
self.mainVBOX_param_scene = QVBoxLayout()
self.paramPlotV = QVBoxLayout()
self.horizontalSliders = QScrollBar(Qt.Horizontal)
def main():
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
ex = Viewer(app)
if __name__ == '__main__':
There are two possible approaches, and both of them use QStyle to get the geometry of the slider and the subPage/addPage rectangles (the "spaces" outside the slider and within its buttons, if they are visible).
Subclass QScrollBar and override paintEvent()
Here we override the paintEvent() of the scroll bar, call the base class implementation (which paints the scroll bar widget) and draw the text over it.
To get the rectangle where we're going to draw, we create a QStyleOptionSlider, which is a QStyleOption sub class used for any slider based widget (including scroll bars); a QStyleOption contains all the information QStyle needs to draw graphical elements, and its subclasses allow QStyle to find out how to draw complex elements such as scroll bars or control the behavior against any mouse event.
class PaintTextScrollBar(QScrollBar):
preText = 'pre text'
postText = 'post text'
sliderText = 'slider'
def paintEvent(self, event):
# call the base class paintEvent, which will draw the scrollbar
# create a suitable styleoption and "init" it to this instance
option = QStyleOptionSlider()
painter = QPainter(self)
# get the slider rectangle
sliderRect = self.style().subControlRect(QStyle.CC_ScrollBar,
option, QStyle.SC_ScrollBarSlider, self)
# if the slider text is wider than the slider width, adjust its size;
# note: it's always better to add some horizontal margin for text
textWidth = self.fontMetrics().width(self.sliderText)
if textWidth > sliderRect.width():
sideWidth = (textWidth - sliderRect.width()) / 2
sliderRect.adjust(-sideWidth, 0, sideWidth, 0)
painter.drawText(sliderRect, Qt.AlignCenter,
# get the "subPage" rectangle and draw the text
subPageRect = self.style().subControlRect(QStyle.CC_ScrollBar,
option, QStyle.SC_ScrollBarSubPage, self)
painter.drawText(subPageRect, Qt.AlignLeft|Qt.AlignVCenter, self.preText)
# get the "addPage" rectangle and draw its text
addPageRect = self.style().subControlRect(QStyle.CC_ScrollBar,
option, QStyle.SC_ScrollBarAddPage, self)
painter.drawText(addPageRect, Qt.AlignRight|Qt.AlignVCenter, self.postText)
This approach is very effective and may be fine for most simple cases, but there will be problems whenever the text is wider than the size of the slider handle, since Qt decides the extent of the slider based on its overall size and the range between its minimum and maximum values.
While you can adjust the size of the rectangle you're drawing text (as I've done in the example), it will be far from perfect: whenever the slider text is too wide it might draw over the "pre" and "post" text, and make the whole scrollbar very ugly if the slider is near the edges, since the text might cover the arrow buttons:
Note: the result of a "non adjusted" text rectangle would be the same as the first scroll bar in the image above, with the text "clipped" to the slider geometry.
Use a proxy style
QProxyStyle is a QStyle descendant that makes subclassing easier by providing an easy way to override only methods of an existing style.
The function we're most interested in is drawComplexControl(), which is what Qt uses to draw complex controls like spin boxes and scroll bars. By implementing this function only, the behavior will be exactly the same as the paintEvent() method explained above, as long as you apply the custom style to a standard QScrollBar.
What a (proxy) style could really help with is being able to change the overall appearance and behavior of almost any widget.
To be able to take the most of its features, I've implemented another QScrollBar subclass, allowing much more customization, while overriding other important QProxyStyle functions.
class TextScrollBarStyle(QProxyStyle):
def drawComplexControl(self, control, option, painter, widget):
# call the base implementation which will draw anything Qt will ask
super().drawComplexControl(control, option, painter, widget)
# check if control type and orientation match
if control == QStyle.CC_ScrollBar and option.orientation == Qt.Horizontal:
# the option is already provided by the widget's internal paintEvent;
# from this point on, it's almost the same as explained above, but
# setting the pen might be required for some styles
margin = self.frameMargin(widget) + 1
sliderRect = self.subControlRect(control, option,
QStyle.SC_ScrollBarSlider, widget)
painter.drawText(sliderRect, Qt.AlignCenter, widget.sliderText)
subPageRect = self.subControlRect(control, option,
QStyle.SC_ScrollBarSubPage, widget)
subPageRect.setRight(sliderRect.left() - 1)
painter.drawText(subPageRect.adjusted(margin, 0, 0, 0),
Qt.AlignLeft|Qt.AlignVCenter, widget.preText)
addPageRect = self.subControlRect(control, option,
QStyle.SC_ScrollBarAddPage, widget)
addPageRect.setLeft(sliderRect.right() + 1)
painter.drawText(addPageRect.adjusted(0, 0, -margin, 0),
Qt.AlignRight|Qt.AlignVCenter, widget.postText)
def frameMargin(self, widget):
# a helper function to get the default frame margin which is usually added
# to widgets and sub widgets that might look like a frame, which usually
# includes the slider of a scrollbar
option = QStyleOptionFrame()
return self.pixelMetric(QStyle.PM_DefaultFrameWidth, option, widget)
def subControlRect(self, control, option, subControl, widget):
rect = super().subControlRect(control, option, subControl, widget)
if (control == QStyle.CC_ScrollBar
and isinstance(widget, StyledTextScrollBar)
and option.orientation == Qt.Horizontal):
if subControl == QStyle.SC_ScrollBarSlider:
# get the *default* groove rectangle (the space in which the
# slider can move)
grooveRect = super().subControlRect(control, option,
QStyle.SC_ScrollBarGroove, widget)
# ensure that the slider is wide enough for its text
width = max(rect.width(),
widget.sliderWidth + self.frameMargin(widget))
# compute the position of the slider according to the
# scrollbar value and available space (the "groove")
pos = self.sliderPositionFromValue(widget.minimum(),
widget.maximum(), widget.sliderPosition(),
grooveRect.width() - width)
# return the new rectangle
return QRect(grooveRect.x() + pos,
(grooveRect.height() - rect.height()) / 2,
width, rect.height())
elif subControl == QStyle.SC_ScrollBarSubPage:
# adjust the rectangle based on the slider
sliderRect = self.subControlRect(
control, option, QStyle.SC_ScrollBarSlider, widget)
elif subControl == QStyle.SC_ScrollBarAddPage:
# same as above
sliderRect = self.subControlRect(
control, option, QStyle.SC_ScrollBarSlider, widget)
return rect
def hitTestComplexControl(self, control, option, pos, widget):
if control == QStyle.CC_ScrollBar:
# check click events against the resized slider
sliderRect = self.subControlRect(control, option,
QStyle.SC_ScrollBarSlider, widget)
if pos in sliderRect:
return QStyle.SC_ScrollBarSlider
return super().hitTestComplexControl(control, option, pos, widget)
class StyledTextScrollBar(QScrollBar):
def __init__(self, sliderText='', preText='', postText=''):
self.preText = preText
self.postText = postText
self.sliderText = sliderText
self.sliderTextMargin = 2
self.sliderWidth = self.fontMetrics().width(sliderText) + self.sliderTextMargin + 2
def setPreText(self, text):
self.preText = text
def setPostText(self, text):
self.postText = text
def setSliderText(self, text):
self.sliderText = text
self.sliderWidth = self.fontMetrics().width(text) + self.sliderTextMargin + 2
def setSliderTextMargin(self, margin):
self.sliderTextMargin = margin
self.sliderWidth = self.fontMetrics().width(self.sliderText) + margin + 2
def sizeHint(self):
# give the scrollbar enough height for the font
hint = super().sizeHint()
if hint.height() < self.fontMetrics().height() + 4:
hint.setHeight(self.fontMetrics().height() + 4)
return hint
There's a lot of difference between using the basic paintEvent override, applying the style to a standard QScrollBar and using a full "style-enabled" scroll bar with a fully implemented subclass; as you can see it's always possible that the current style (or the baseStyle chosen for the custom proxy style) might not be very friendly in its appearance:
What changes between the two (three) approaches and what you will finally decide to use depends on your needs; if you need to add other features to the scroll bar (or add more control to text contents or their apparance) and the text is not very wide, you might want to go with subclassing; on the other hand, the QProxyStyle approach might be useful to control other aspects or elements too.
Remember that if the QStyle is not set before the QApplication constructor, it's possible that the applied style won't be perfect to work with: as opposed with QFont and QPalette, QStyle is not propagated to the children of the QWidget it's applied to (meaning that the new proxy style has to be notified about the parent style change and behave accordingly).
class HLine(QFrame):
def __init__(self):
class Example(QWidget):
def __init__(self):
layout = QVBoxLayout(self)
layout.addWidget(QLabel('Base subclass with paintEvent override, small text:'))
shortPaintTextScrollBar = PaintTextScrollBar(Qt.Horizontal)
layout.addWidget(QLabel('Same as above, long text (text rect adjusted to text width):'))
longPaintTextScrollBar = PaintTextScrollBar(Qt.Horizontal)
longPaintTextScrollBar.sliderText = 'I am a very long slider'
layout.addWidget(QLabel('Base QScrollBar with drawComplexControl override of proxystyle:'))
shortBasicScrollBar = QScrollBar(Qt.Horizontal)
shortBasicScrollBar.sliderText = 'slider'
shortBasicScrollBar.preText = 'pre text'
shortBasicScrollBar.postText = 'post text'
layout.addWidget(QLabel('Same as above, long text (text rectangle based on slider geometry):'))
longBasicScrollBar = QScrollBar(Qt.Horizontal)
longBasicScrollBar.sliderText = 'I am a very long slider'
longBasicScrollBar.preText = 'pre text'
longBasicScrollBar.postText = 'post text'
layout.addWidget(QLabel('Subclasses with full proxystyle implementation, all available styles:'))
for styleName in QStyleFactory.keys():
scrollBar = StyledTextScrollBar()
scrollBar.setSliderText('Long slider with {} style'.format(styleName))
scrollBar.setPostText('Post text')
for scrollBar in self.findChildren(QScrollBar):
def setScrollBarPreText(self, value):
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
example = Example()
