Contextual parsing of structured text configuration files using pyparsing - python

I'm trying to build a simple parser using pyparsing.
My example file looks as follows:
# comment
# comment
name1 = value1
name2 = value2
example_list a
grp1 (
example_list2 aa
example_list3 bb
grp2 (
example_list4 x
example_list5 x
example_list6 x
The parser I've come up with so far looks like this:
import sys
from pyparsing import *
blank_line = lineStart + restOfLine
comment = Suppress("#") + restOfLine
alias = Word(alphas, alphanums)
name = Word(alphas, alphanums + "_")
value = Word(printables)
parameter = name + Suppress("=") + value
flag = Literal("*") | Literal("#") | Literal("!")
list_item = Optional(flag) + value
list = name + alias + lineEnd + OneOrMore(list_item) + blank_line
group = alias + Suppress("(") + lineEnd + OneOrMore(list) + lineStart + Suppress(")")
script = ZeroOrMore(Suppress(blank_line) | Suppress(comment) | parameter ^ list ^ group)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print script.parseFile(sys.argv[1])
but of course it doesn't work.
What I think I need is some way for the parser to know that if we have a string followed by an equals sign, that only then can we expect just one more string.
If we have a string followed by a bracket, then we've started a group.
And if we have two strings, then we've started a list.
How do I do this?
Also, comments could conceivably also appear on the end of lines...

I'm not sure if you are settled on your file format, but your file could easily be expressed as an RSON file (see The RSON format (and associated parser) was developed to be a "readable" version of JSON. I'm using the python RSON parser in some of my projects.
If you are doing this to learn how to parse a file like this, you may still be able to glean some info from the RSON parser.


How to use PyParsing's QuotedString?

I'm trying to parse a string which contains several quoted values. Here is what I have so far:
from pyparsing import Word, Literal, printables
package_line = "package: name='' versionCode='6' versionName='1.003' platformBuildVersionName='5.0.1-1624448'"
package_name = Word(printables)("name")
versionCode = Word(printables)("versionCode")
versionName = Word(printables)("versionName")
platformBuildVersionName = Word(printables)("platformBuildVersionName")
expression = Literal("package:") + "name=" + package_name + "versionCode=" + versionCode \
+ "versionName=" + versionName + "platformBuildVersionName=" + platformBuildVersionName
tokens = expression.parseString(package_line)
print tokens['name']
print tokens['versionCode']
print tokens['versionName']
print tokens['platformBuildVersionName']
which prints
Note that all the extracted tokens are contains within single quotes. I would like to remove these, and it seems like the QuotedString object is meant for this purpose. However, I'm having difficulty adapting this snippet to use QuotedStrings; in particular, their constructor doesn't seem to take printables.
How might I go about removing the single quotes?
Replacing the expressions with the following:
package_name = QuotedString(quoteChar="'")("name")
versionCode = QuotedString(quoteChar="'")("versionCode")
versionName = QuotedString(quoteChar="'")("versionName")
platformBuildVersionName = QuotedString(quoteChar="'")("platformBuildVersionName")
seems to work. Now the script prints the output
without quotation marks.

How to use pyparsing LineStart?

I'm trying to use pyparsing to parse key:value pairs from the comments in a document. A key starts at the beginning of a line, and a value follows. Values may be continued on multiple lines that begin with whitespace.
import pyparsing as pp
instring = """
-- This is (a) #%^& comment
name1: val
name2: val2 with $*&##) junk
name3: val3: with #)(*% multi-
line: content
comment1 = pp.Literal("--") + pp.originalTextFor(pp.SkipTo(pp.LineEnd())).setDebug()
identifier = pp.Word(pp.alphanums + "_").setDebug()
meta1 = pp.LineStart() + identifier + pp.Literal(":") + pp.SkipTo(pp.LineEnd())
meta2 = pp.LineStart() + pp.White() + pp.SkipTo(pp.LineEnd())
metaval = meta1 + pp.ZeroOrMore(meta2)
metalist = pp.ZeroOrMore(comment1) + pp.Literal("/*") + pp.OneOrMore(metaval) + pp.Literal("*/")
if __name__ == "__main__":
p = metalist.parseString(instring)
Fails with:
Matched {Empty SkipTo:(LineEnd) Empty} -> ['This is (a) #%^& comment']
File "C:\Users\user\py3\lib\site-packages\", line 2305, in parseImpl
raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self)
pyparsing.ParseException: Expected start of line (at char 32), (line:4, col:1)
The answer to pyparsing whitespace match issues says
LineStart has always been difficult to work with, but ...
If the parser is at line 4 column 1 (the first key:value pair), then why is it not finding a start of line? What is the correct pyparsing syntax to recognize lines beginning with no whitespace and lines beginning with whitespace?
I think the confusion I have with LineStart is that, for LineEnd, I can look for a '\n' character, but there is no separate character for LineStart. So in LineStart I look to see if the current parser location is positioned just after a '\n'; or if it is currently on a '\n', move past it and still continue. Unfortunately, I implemented this in a place that messes up the reporting location, so you get those weird errors that read like "failed to find a start of line on line X col 1," which really does sound like it should be a successfully matched start of a line. Also, I think I need to revisit this implicit newline-skipping, or for that matter, all whitespace-skipping in general for LineStart.
For now, I've gotten your code to work by expanding your line-starting expression slightly, as:
LS = pp.Optional(pp.LineEnd()) + pp.LineStart()
and replaced the LineStart references in meta1 and meta2 with LS:
comment1 = pp.Literal("--") + pp.originalTextFor(pp.SkipTo(pp.LineEnd())).setDebug()
identifier = pp.Word(pp.alphanums + "_").setDebug()
meta1 = LS + identifier + pp.Literal(":") + pp.SkipTo(pp.LineEnd())
meta2 = LS + pp.White() + pp.SkipTo(pp.LineEnd())
metaval = meta1 + pp.ZeroOrMore(meta2)
metalist = pp.ZeroOrMore(comment1) + pp.Literal("/*") + pp.OneOrMore(metaval) + pp.Literal("*/")
If this situation with LineStart leaves you uncomfortable, here is another tactic you can try: using a parse-time condition to only accept identifiers that start in column 1:
comment1 = pp.Literal("--") + pp.originalTextFor(pp.SkipTo(pp.LineEnd())).setDebug()
identifier = pp.Word(pp.alphanums + "_").setName("identifier")
identifier.addCondition(lambda instring,loc,toks: pp.col(loc,instring) == 1)
meta1 = identifier + pp.Literal(":") + pp.SkipTo(pp.LineEnd()).setDebug()
meta2 = pp.White().setDebug() + pp.SkipTo(pp.LineEnd()).setDebug()
metaval = meta1 + pp.ZeroOrMore(meta2, stopOn=pp.Literal('*/'))
metalist = pp.ZeroOrMore(comment1) + pp.Literal("/*") + pp.LineEnd() + pp.OneOrMore(metaval) + pp.Literal("*/")
This code does away with LineStart completely, while I figure out just what I want this particular token to do. I also had to modify the ZeroOrMore repetition in metaval so that */ would not be accidentally processed as continued comment content.
Thanks for your patience with this - I am not keen to quickly put out a patched LineStart change and then find that I have overlooked other compatibility or other edge cases that just put me back in the current less-than-great state on this class. But I'll put some effort into clarifying this behavior before putting out 2.1.10.

pyparsing conditional parser

I need to parse the following three lines:
Uptime is 1w2d
Last reset at 23:05:56
Reason: reload
But last two lines are not always there, output could look like this prior to 1st reboot:
Uptime is 1w2d
Last reset
My parser looks like this:
parser = SkipTo(Literal('is'), include=True)('uptime') +
delimitedList(Suppress(SkipTo(Literal('at'), include=True))'(reset)' +
SkipTo(Literal(':'), include=true) +
SkipTo(lineEnd)('reason'), combine=True)
It works in first case with 3 lines, but doesnt work with second case.
I will use for the file that you've reported this syntax (supposing that the order is relevant):
from pyparsing import Literal, Word, alphanums, nums, alphas, Optional, delimitedList
def createParser():
firstLine = Literal('Uptime is') + Word(alphanums)
secLine = Literal('Last reset at') + delimitedList(Word(nums) + Literal(':') + Word(nums) + Literal(':') + Word(nums))
thirdLine = Literal('Reason:') + Word(alphas)
return firstLine + secLine + Optional(thirdLine)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = createParser()
firstText = """Uptime is 1w2d\n
Last reset at 23:05:56\n
Reason: reload"""
Declaring a parsing element optional you are able to let the parser skip it when it is not present, without raising any errors.

python & pyparsing newb: how to open a file

Paul McGuire, the author of pyparsing, was kind enough to help a lot with a problem I'm trying to solve. We're on 1st down with a yard to goal, but I can't even punt it across the goal line. Confucius said if he gave a student 1/4 of the solution, and he did not return with the other 3/4s, then he would not teach that student again. So it is after almost a week of frustation and with great anxiety that I ask this...
How do I open an input file for pyparsing and print the output to another file?
Here is what I've got so far, but it's really all his work
from pyparsing import *
datafile = open( 'test.txt' )
# Backaus Nuer Form
num = Word(nums)
accessionDate = Combine(num + "/" + num + "/" + num)("accDate")
accessionNumber = Combine("S" + num + "-" + num)("accNum")
patMedicalRecordNum = Combine(num + "/" + num + "-" + num + "-" + num)("patientNum")
gleason = Group("GLEASON" + Optional("SCORE:") + num("left") + "+" + num("right") + "=" + num("total"))
patientData = Group(accessionDate + accessionNumber + patMedicalRecordNum)
partMatch = patientData("patientData") | gleason("gleason")
lastPatientData = None
def patientRecord( datafile ):
for match in partMatch.searchString(datafile):
if match.patientData:
lastPatientData = match
elif match.gleason:
if lastPatientData is None:
print "bad!"
print "{0.accDate}: {0.accNum} {0.patientNum} Gleason({1.left}+{1.right}={})".format(
lastPatientData.patientData, match.gleason
if __name__=="__main__":
It looks like you need to call in order to read the contents of the file. Right now you are trying to call searchString on the file object itself, not the text in the file. You should really look at the Python tutorial (particularly this section) to get up to speed on how to read files, etc.
It seems like you need some help putting it together. The advice of #BrenBarn is spot-on, work with problem of simple complexity before you put it all together. I can help by giving you a minimal example of what you are trying to do, with a much simpler grammar. You can use this as a template to learn how to read/write a file in python. Consider the input text file data.txt:
cat 3
dog 5
foo 7
Let's parse this file and output the results. To have some fun, let's mulpitply the second column by 2:
from pyparsing import *
# Read the input data
filename = "data.txt"
FIN = open(filename)
# Define a simple grammar for the text, multiply the first col by 2
digits = Word(nums)
digits.setParseAction(lambda x:int(x[0]) * 2)
blocks = Group(Word(alphas) + digits)
grammar = OneOrMore(blocks)
# Parse the results
result = grammar.parseString( TEXT )
# This gives a list of lists
# [['cat', 6], ['dog', 10], ['foo', 14]]
# Open up a new file for the output
filename2 = "data2.txt"
FOUT = open(filename2,'w')
# Walk through the results and write to the file
for item in result:
print item
FOUT.write("%s %i\n" % (item[0],item[1]))
This gives in data2.txt:
cat 6
dog 10
foo 14
Break each piece down until you understand it. From here, you can slowly adapt this minimal example to your more complex problem above. It's OK to read the file in (as long as it is relatively small) since Paul himself notes:
parseFile is really just a simple shortcut around parseString, pretty
much the equivalent of expr.parseString(open(filename).read()).

Can’t fix pyparsing error…

So, I’m in the middle of refactoring a project, and I’m separating out a bunch of parsing code. The code I’m concerned with is pyparsing.
I have a very poor understanding of pyparsing, even after spending a lot of time reading through the official documentation. I’m having trouble because (1) pyparsing takes a (deliberately) unorthodox approach to parsing, and (2) I’m working on code I didn’t write, with poor comments, and a non-elementary set of existing grammars.
(I can’t get in touch with the original author, either.)
Failing Test
I’m using PyVows to test my code. One of my tests is as follows (I think this is clear even if you’re unfamiliar with PyVows; let me know if it isn’t):
def test_multiline_command_ends(self, topic):
output = parsed_input('multiline command ends\n\n',topic)
r'''['multiline', 'command ends', '\n', '\n']
- args: command ends
- multiline_command: multiline
- statement: ['multiline', 'command ends', '\n', '\n']
- args: command ends
- multiline_command: multiline
- terminator: ['\n', '\n']
- terminator: ['\n', '\n']''')
But when I run the test, I get the following in the terminal:
Failed Test Results
Expected topic("['multiline', 'command ends']\n- args: command ends\n- command: multiline\n- statement: ['multiline', 'command ends']\n - args: command ends\n - command: multiline")
to equal "['multiline', 'command ends', '\\n', '\\n']\n- args: command ends\n- multiline_command: multiline\n- statement: ['multiline', 'command ends', '\\n', '\\n']\n - args: command ends\n - multiline_command: multiline\n - terminator: ['\\n', '\\n']\n- terminator: ['\\n', '\\n']"
Since the output is to a Terminal, the expected output (the second one) has extra backslashes. This is normal. The test ran without issue before this piece of refactoring began.
Expected Behavior
The first line of output should match the second, but it doesn’t. Specifically, it’s not including the two newline characters in that first list object.
So I’m getting this:
"['multiline', 'command ends']\n- args: command ends\n- command: multiline\n- statement: ['multiline', 'command ends']\n - args: command ends\n - command: multiline"
When I should be getting this:
"['multiline', 'command ends', '\\n', '\\n']\n- args: command ends\n- multiline_command: multiline\n- statement: ['multiline', 'command ends', '\\n', '\\n']\n - args: command ends\n - multiline_command: multiline\n - terminator: ['\\n', '\\n']\n- terminator: ['\\n', '\\n']"
Earlier in the code, there is also this statement:
pyparsing.ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t')
…Which I think should prevent exactly this kind of error. But I’m not sure.
Even if the problem can’t be identified with certainty, simply narrowing down where the problem is would be a HUGE help.
Please let me know how I might take a step or two towards fixing this.
Edit: So, uh, I should post the parser code for this, shouldn’t I? (Thanks for the tip, #andrew cooke !)
Parser code
Here’s the __init__ for my parser object.
I know it’s a nightmare. That’s why I’m refactoring the project. ☺
def __init__(self, Cmd_object=None, *args, **kwargs):
# This is one of the biggest pain points of the existing code.
# To aid in readability, I CAPITALIZED all variables that are
# not set on `self`.
# That means that CAPITALIZED variables aren't
# used outside of this method.
# Doing this has allowed me to more easily read what
# variables become a part of other variables during the
# building-up of the various parsers.
# I realize the capitalized variables is unorthodox
# and potentially anti-convention. But after reaching out
# to the project's creator several times over roughly 5
# months, I'm still working on this project alone...
# And without help, this is the only way I can move forward.
# I have a very poor understanding of the parser's
# control flow when the user types a command and hits ENTER,
# and until the author (or another pyparsing expert)
# explains what's happening to me, I have to do silly
# things like this. :-|
# Of course, if the impossible happens and this code
# gets cleaned up, then the variables will be restored to
# proper capitalization.
# —Zearin
# 2012 Mar 26
if Cmd_object is not None:
self.Cmd_object = Cmd_object
raise Exception('Cmd_object be provided to Parser.__init__().')
# Refactor methods into this class later
preparse = self.Cmd_object.preparse
postparse = self.Cmd_object.postparse
self._allow_blank_lines = False
self.abbrev = True # Recognize abbreviated commands
self.case_insensitive = True # Commands recognized regardless of case
# make sure your terminators are not in legal_chars!
self.legal_chars = u'!#$%.:?#_' + PYP.alphanums + PYP.alphas8bit
self.multiln_commands = [] if 'multiline_commands' not in kwargs else kwargs['multiln_commands']
self.no_special_parse = {'ed','edit','exit','set'}
self.redirector = '>' # for sending output to file
self.reserved_words = []
self.shortcuts = { '?' : 'help' ,
'!' : 'shell',
'#' : 'load' ,
'##': '_relative_load'
# self._init_grammars()
# def _init_grammars(self):
# Add Docstring
# ----------------------------
# Tell PYP how to parse
# file input from '< filename'
# ----------------------------
FILENAME = PYP.Word(self.legal_chars + '/\\')
INPUT_MARK = PYP.Literal('<')
INPUT_MARK.setParseAction(lambda x: '')
INPUT_FROM.setParseAction( self.Cmd_object.replace_with_file_contents )
# ----------------------------
#OUTPUT_PARSER = (PYP.Literal('>>') | (PYP.WordStart() + '>') | PYP.Regex('[^=]>'))('output')
OUTPUT_PARSER = (PYP.Literal( 2 * self.redirector) | \
(PYP.WordStart() + self.redirector) | \
PYP.Regex('[^=]' + self.redirector))('output')
PIPE = PYP.Keyword('|', identChars='|')
STRING_END = PYP.stringEnd ^ '\nEOF'
(hasattr(t, 'parseString') and t)
PYP.Literal(t) for t in TERMINATORS
self.comment_grammars = PYP.Or([ PYP.pythonStyleComment,
PYP.cStyleComment ])
self.comment_grammars.setParseAction(lambda x: '')
self.comment_grammars.addParseAction(lambda x: '')
self.comment_in_progress = '/*' + PYP.SkipTo(PYP.stringEnd ^ '*/')
# QuickRef: Pyparsing Operators
# ----------------------------
# ~ creates NotAny using the expression after the operator
# + creates And using the expressions before and after the operator
# | creates MatchFirst (first left-to-right match) using the
# expressions before and after the operator
# ^ creates Or (longest match) using the expressions before and
# after the operator
# & creates Each using the expressions before and after the operator
# * creates And by multiplying the expression by the integer operand;
# if expression is multiplied by a 2-tuple, creates an And of
# (min,max) expressions (similar to "{min,max}" form in
# regular expressions); if min is None, intepret as (0,max);
# if max is None, interpret as expr*min + ZeroOrMore(expr)
# - like + but with no backup and retry of alternatives
# * repetition of expression
# == matching expression to string; returns True if the string
# matches the given expression
# << inserts the expression following the operator as the body of the
# Forward expression before the operator
# ----------------------------
DO_NOT_PARSE = self.comment_grammars | \
self.comment_in_progress | \
# moved here from class-level variable
self.URLRE = re.compile('(https?://[-\\w\\./]+)')
self.keywords = self.reserved_words + [fname[3:] for fname in dir( self.Cmd_object ) if fname.startswith('do_')]
# not to be confused with `multiln_parser` (below)
self.multiln_command = PYP.Or([
PYP.Keyword(c, caseless=self.case_insensitive)
for c in self.multiln_commands
ONELN_COMMAND = ( ~self.multiln_command +
# Configure according to `allow_blank_lines` setting
if self._allow_blank_lines:
self.blankln_termination_parser = PYP.NoMatch
BLANKLN_TERMINATOR = (2 * PYP.lineEnd)('terminator')
self.blankln_termination_parser = (
(self.multiln_command ^ ONELN_COMMAND)
+ PYP.SkipTo(
).setParseAction(lambda x: x[0].strip())('args')
# ONELN_COMMAND and self.multiln_command
if self.case_insensitive:
# Set parsers to account for case insensitivity (if appropriate)
self.multiln_command.setParseAction(lambda x: x[0].lower())
ONELN_COMMAND.setParseAction(lambda x: x[0].lower())
self.save_parser = ( PYP.Optional(PYP.Word(PYP.nums)^'*')('idx')
+ PYP.Optional(PYP.Word(self.legal_chars + '/\\'))('fname')
+ PYP.stringEnd)
) + \
).setParseAction(lambda x: x[0].strip())('outputTo')
self.multiln_parser = (((self.multiln_command ^ ONELN_COMMAND)
+ PYP.SkipTo(
).setParseAction(lambda x: x[0].strip())('args')
+ TERMINATOR_PARSER)('statement')
+ PYP.SkipTo(
).setParseAction(lambda x: x[0].strip())('suffix')
self.singleln_parser = (
).setParseAction(lambda x:x[0].strip())('args'))('statement')
#self.multiln_parser = self.multiln_parser('multiln_parser')
#self.singleln_parser = self.singleln_parser('singleln_parser')
self.prefix_parser = PYP.Empty()
self.parser = self.prefix_parser + (STRING_END |
self.multiln_parser |
self.singleln_parser |
self.blankln_termination_parser |
self.multiln_command +
# a not-entirely-satisfactory way of distinguishing
# '<' as in "import from" from
# '<' as in "lesser than"
self.input_parser = INPUT_MARK + \
PYP.Optional(INPUT_FROM) + \
PYP.Optional('>') + \
PYP.Optional(FILENAME) + \
(PYP.stringEnd | '|')
I suspect that the problem is pyparsing's builtin whitespace skipping, which will skip over newlines by default. Even though setDefaultWhitespaceChars is used to tell pyparsing that newlines are significant, this setting only affects all expressions that are created after the call to setDefaultWhitespaceChars. The problem is that pyparsing tries to help by defining a number of convenience expressions when it is imported, like empty for Empty(), lineEnd for LineEnd() and so on. But since these are all created at import time, they are defined with the original default whitespace characters, which include '\n'.
I should probably just do this in setDefaultWhitespaceChars, but you can clean this up for yourself too. Right after calling setDefaultWhitespaceChars, redefine these module-level expressions in pyparsing:
PYP.ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t')
# redefine module-level constants to use new default whitespace chars
PYP.empty = PYP.Empty()
PYP.lineEnd = PYP.LineEnd()
PYP.stringEnd = PYP.StringEnd()
I think this will help restore the significance of your embedded newlines.
Some other bits on your parser code:
self.blankln_termination_parser = PYP.NoMatch
should be
self.blankln_termination_parser = PYP.NoMatch()
Your original author might have been overly aggressive with using '^' over '|'. Only use '^' if there is some potential for parsing one expression accidentally when you would really have parsed a longer one that follows later in the list of alternatives. For instance, in:
self.save_parser = ( PYP.Optional(PYP.Word(PYP.nums)^'*')('idx')
There is no possible confusion between a Word of numeric digits or a lone '*'. Or (or '^' operator) tells pyparsing to try to evaluate all of the alternatives, and then pick the longest matching one - in case of a tie, chose the left-most alternative in the list. If you parse '*', there is no need to see if that might also match a longer integer, or if you parse an integer, no need to see if it might also pass as a lone '*'. So change this to:
self.save_parser = ( PYP.Optional(PYP.Word(PYP.nums)|'*')('idx')
Using a parse action to replace a string with '' is more simply written using a PYP.Suppress wrapper, or if you prefer, call expr.suppress() which returns Suppress(expr). Combined with preference for '|' over '^', this:
self.comment_grammars = PYP.Or([ PYP.pythonStyleComment,
PYP.cStyleComment ])
self.comment_grammars.setParseAction(lambda x: '')
self.comment_grammars = (PYP.pythonStyleComment | PYP.cStyleComment
Keywords have built-in logic to automatically avoid ambiguity, so Or is completely unnecessary with them:
self.multiln_command = PYP.Or([
PYP.Keyword(c, caseless=self.case_insensitive)
for c in self.multiln_commands
should be:
self.multiln_command = PYP.MatchFirst([
PYP.Keyword(c, caseless=self.case_insensitive)
for c in self.multiln_commands
(In the next release, I'll loosen up those initializers to accept generator expressions so that the []'s will become unnecessary.)
That's all I can see for now. Hope this helps.
I fixed it!
Pyparsing was not at fault!
I was. ☹
By separating out the parsing code into a different object, I created the problem. Originally, an attribute used to “update itself” based on the contents of a second attribute. Since this all used to be contained in one “god class”, it worked fine.
Simply by separating the code into another object, the first attribute was set at instantiation, but no longer “updated itself” if the second attribute it depended on changed.
The attribute multiln_command (not to be confused with multiln_commands—aargh, what confusing naming!) was a pyparsing grammar definition. The multiln_command attribute should have updated its grammar if multiln_commands ever changed.
Although I knew these two attributes had similar names but very different purposes, the similarity definitely made it harder to track the problem down. I have no renamed multiln_command to multiln_grammar.
However! ☺
I am grateful to #Paul McGuire’s awesome answer, and I hope it saves me (and others) some grief in the future. Although I feel a bit foolish that I caused the problem (and misdiagnosed it as a pyparsing issue), I’m happy some good (in the form of Paul’s advice) came of asking this question.
Happy parsing, everybody. :)
