There's lots of good information out there on how to read space-delimited data with missing values if the data is fixed-width.
Reading space delimited file in Python/Pandas with missing values
ASCII table with consecutive white-spaces as separators and missing data python pandas
I'm currently trying to read Japan's Meteorological Agency typhoon history data which is supposed to have this format, but doesn't actually:
# Header rows:
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
# Data rows:
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
It is very similar to NOAA's hurricane best track data, except that it comma delimited, and missing values were given -999 or NaN, which simplified reading the data. Additionally, Japan's data doesn't actually follow the advertised format. For example, column FFFF in the data rows don't always have width 4. Sometimes it has width 3.
I must say that I'm at a complete loss as how to process this data into a dataframe. I've investigated the pd.read_fwf method, and it initially looked promising until I discovered the malformed columns and the two different row types.
My question:
How can I approach cleaning this data and getting it into a dataframe? I'd just find a different dataset, but honestly I can't find any comprehensive typhoon data anywhere else.
I went a little deep for you here, because I'm assuming you're doing this in the name of science and if I can help someone trying to understand climate change then its a good cause.
After looking the data over I've noticed the issue is relating to the data being stored in a de-normalized structure. There are 2 ways you can approach this issue off the top of my head. Re-Writing the file to another file to load into pandas or dask is what I'll show, since thats probably the easiest way to think about it (but certainly not the most efficient for those that will inevitably roast me in the comments)
Think of this like its Two Separate Tables, with a 1-to-Many relationship. 1 table for Typhoons and another for the data belonging to a given typhoon.
A decent, but not really efficient way would be to rewrite it to a better nested structure, like JSON. Then load the data in using that. Note the 2 distinct types of columns.
Step 1: map the data out
There are really 2 tables in one table here. Each typhoon is going to show up as a row that appears like this:
66666 9119 150 0045 9119 0 6 MIRREILE 19920701
While the records for that typhoon are going to follow that row (think of this as a separate row:
20080100 002 3 178 1107 994 035 00000 0000 30600 0200
Load the File in, reading it as raw lines. By using the .readlines() method, we can read each individual line in as an item in a list.
# load the file as raw input
with open('./test.txt') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
Now that we have that read in, we're going to need to perform some logic to separate some lines from others. It appears the every time there is a Typhoon record, the line is preceded with a '66666', so lets key off that. So, given we look at each individual line in a horribly inefficient loop, we can write some if/else logic to have a look:
if row[:5] == '66666':
# do stuff
# do other stuff
Thats going to be a pretty solid way to separate that logic for now, which will be useful to guide splitting that up. Now, we need to write a loop that will check that for each row:
# initialize list of dicts
collection = []
def write_typhoon(row: str, collection: Dict) -> Dict:
if row[:5] == '66666':
# do stuff
# do other stuff
# read through lines list from the .readlines(), looping sequentially
for line in lines:
write_typhoon(line, collection)
Lastly, we're going to need to write some logic to now extract that data out in some manner within the if/then loop inside the write_typhoon() function. I didn't care to do a whole lot of thinking here, and opted for the simplest I could make it: defining the fwf metadata myself. because "yolo":
def write_typhoon(row: str, collection: Dict) -> Dict:
if row[:5] == '66666':
typhoon = {
# clean that whitespace
for key, value in typhoon.items():
if key != 'data':
typhoon[key] = value.strip()
sub_data = {
# clean that whitespace
for key, value in sub_data.items():
sub_data[key] = value.strip()
return collection
Okay that took me longer than I'm willing to admit. I wont lie. Gave me PTSD flashbacks from writing COBOL programs...
Anyway, now we have a nice, nested data structure in native python types. The fun can begin!
Step 2: Load this into a usable format
To analyze it, I'm assuming you'll want it in pandas (or maybe Dask if its too big). Here is what I was able to come up with along that front:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.json_normalize(
A great reference for that can be found in the answers for this question (particularly the second one, not the selected one)
Put it all together now:
from typing import Dict
import pandas as pd
# load the file as raw input
with open('./test.txt') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
# initialize list of dicts
collection = []
def write_typhoon(row: str, collection: Dict) -> Dict:
if row[:5] == '66666':
typhoon = {
for key, value in typhoon.items():
if key != 'data':
typhoon[key] = value.strip()
sub_data = {
for key, value in sub_data.items():
sub_data[key] = value.strip()
return collection
# read through file sequentially
for line in lines:
write_typhoon(line, collection)
# load to pandas df using json_normalize
df = pd.json_normalize(
print(df.head(20)) # lets see what we've got!
There's someone who might have had the same problem and created a library for it, you can check it out here:
It also includes a quickstart notebook with loading the same dataset.
Here is how I ended up doing it. The key was realizing there are two types of rows in the data, but within each type the columns are fixed width:
So, here's how it went. I wrote these two functions to help me reformat the text file int CSV format:
def get_idxs(string, char):
idxs = []
for i in range(len(string)):
if string[i - 1].isalpha() and string[i] == char:
return idxs
def replace(string, idx, replacement):
string = list(string)
for i in idx: string[i] = replacement
except TypeError:
string[idx] = replacement
return ''.join(string)
# test it out
header_idxs = get_idxs(header_fmt, ' ')
track_idxs = get_idxs(track_fmt, ' ')
print(replace(header_fmt, header_idxs, ','))
print(replace(track_fmt, track_idxs, ','))
Testing the function on the format strings, we see commas were put in the appropriate places:
So next apply those functions to the .txt and create a .csv file with the output:
from contextlib import ExitStack
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
with ExitStack() as stack:
read_file = stack.enter_context(open('data/bst_all.txt', 'r'))
write_file = stack.enter_context(open('data/bst_all_clean.txt', 'a'))
for line in tqdm(read_file.readlines()):
if ' ' in line[:8]: # line is header data
write_file.write(replace(line, header_idxs, ',') + '\n')
else: # line is track data
write_file.write(replace(line, track_idxs, ',') + '\n')
The next task is to add the header data to ALL rows, so that all rows have the same format:
header_cols = ['indicator', 'international_id', 'n_tracks', 'cyclone_id', 'international_id_dup',
'final_flag', 'delta_t_fin', 'name', 'last_revision']
track_cols = ['date', 'indicator', 'grade', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'pressure', 'max_wind_speed',
'dir_long50', 'long50', 'short50', 'dir_long30', 'long30', 'short30', 'jp_landfall']
data = pd.read_csv('data/bst_all_clean.txt', names=track_cols, skipinitialspace=True) ='string')
# Get headers. Header rows have variable 'indicator' which is 5 characters long.
headers = data[ <= 5]
data[['storm_id', 'records', 'name']] = headers.iloc[:, [1, 2, 7]]
# Rearrange columns; bring identifiers to the first three columns.
cols = list(data.columns[-3:]) + list(data.columns[:-3])
data = data[cols]
# front fill NaN's for header data
data[['storm_id', 'records', 'name']] = data[['storm_id', 'records', 'name']].fillna(method='pad')
# delete now extraneous header rows
data = data.drop(headers.index)
And that yields some nicely formatted data, like this:
storm_id records name date indicator grade latitude longitude
15 5102.0 37.0 GEORGIA 51031900 2 2 67.0 1614
16 5102.0 37.0 GEORGIA 51031906 2 2 70.0 1625
17 5102.0 37.0 GEORGIA 51031912 2 2 73.0 1635
There is a match index function in Excel that i use to match if the elements are present in the required column
This is the function i am using right now and it is yielding me good results but I want to implement it in python.
brand N Z None
Honor 63 96 190
Tecno 0 695 763
from this table I want
brand L N Z
Honor 0 63 96
Tecno 0 0 695
It should compare both the column and index and give the appropriate value
i have tried the lookup function in python but that gives me the
ValueError: Row labels must have same size as column labels
What you basically do with your excel formula, is creating something like a pivot table, you can also do that with pandas. E.g. like this:
# Define the columns and brands, you like to have in your result table
# along with the dataframe in variable df it's the only input
columns_query=['L', 'N', 'Z']
brands_query=['Honor', 'Tecno', 'Bar']
# no begin processing by selecting the columns
# which should be shown and are actually present
# add the brand, even if it was not selected
columns_present= {col for col in set(columns_query) if col in df.columns}
# select the brands in question and take the
# info in columns we identified for these brands
# from this generate a "flat" list-like data
# structure using melt
# it contains records containing
# (brand, column-name and cell-value)
flat= df.loc[df['brand'].isin(brands_query), columns_present].melt(id_vars='brand')
# if you also want to see the columns and brands,
# for which you have no data in your original df
# you can use the following lines (if you don't
# need them, just skip the following lines until
# the next comment)
# the code just generates data points for the
# columns and rows, which would otherwise not be
# displayed and fills them wit NaN (the pandas
# equivalent for None)
columns_missing= set(columns_query).difference(columns_present)
brands_missing= set(brands_query).difference(df['brand'].unique())
num_dummies= max(len(brands_missing), len(columns_missing))
dummy_records= {
'brand': list(brands_missing) + [brands_query[0]] * (num_dummies - len(brands_missing)),
'variable': list(columns_missing) + [columns_query[0]] * (num_dummies - len(columns_missing)),
'value': [np.NaN] * num_dummies
dummy_records= pd.DataFrame(dummy_records)
flat= pd.concat([flat, dummy_records], axis='index', ignore_index=True)
# we get the result by the following line:
flat.set_index(['brand', 'variable']).unstack(level=-1)
For my testdata, this outputs:
variable L N Z
Bar NaN NaN NaN
Honor NaN 63.0 96.0
Tecno NaN 0.0 695.0
The testdata is (note, that above we don't see col None and row Foo, but we see row Bar and column L, which are actually not present in the testdata, but were "queried"):
brand N Z None
0 Honor 63 96 190
1 Tecno 0 695 763
2 Foo 8 111 231
You can generate this testdata using:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import io
"""brand N Z None
Honor 63 96 190
Tecno 0 695 763
Foo 8 111 231"""
df= pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(raw), sep='\s+')
Note: the result as shown in the output is a regular pandas dataframe. So in case you plan to write the data back to a excel sheet, there should be no problem (pandas provides methods to read/write dataframes to/from excel-files).
Do you need to use Pandas for this action. You can do it with simple python as well. Read from one text file and print out matched and processed fields.
Basic file reading in Python goes like this. Where datafile.csv is your file. This reads all the lines in one file and prints out right result. First you need to save your file in .csv format so there is a separator between fields ','.
import csv # use csv
print('brand L N Z') # print new header
with open('datafile.csv', newline='') as csvfile:
spamreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
next(spamreader, None) # skip old header
for row in spamreader:
# You need to add Excel Match etc... logic here.
print(row[0], 0, row[1], row[2]) # print output
Input file:
Prints out:
brand L N Z
Honor 0 63 96
Tecno 0 0 695
(I am not familiar with Excel Match-function so you may need to add some logic to above Python script to get logic working with all your data.)
I want to read a *.csv file that have numbers with commas.
For example,
Date, Time, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume
2016/11/09,12:10:00,'4355,'4358,'4346,'4351,1,201 # The last value is 1201, not 201
2016/11/09,12:09:00,'4361,'4362,'4353,'4355,1,117 # The last value is 1117, not 117
2016/11/09,12:08:00,'4364,'4374,'4359,'4360,10,175 # The last value is 10175, not 175
2016/11/09,12:04:00,'4379,'1380,'4360,'4365,1,697 # The last value is 1697, not 697
2016/11/09,12:03:00,'4394,'4396,'4376,'4381,1,272 # The last value is 1272, not 272
2014/07/10,12:05:00,'10195,'10300,'10155,'10290,219,271 # The last value is 219271, not 271
2014/07/09,12:04:00,'10345,'10360,'10185,'10194,235,711 # The last value is 235711, not 711
2014/07/08,12:03:00,'10339,'10420,'10301,'10348,232,050 # The last value is 242050, not 050
It actually has 7 columns, but the values of the last column sometimes have commas and pandas take them as extra columns.
My questions is, if there are any methods with which I can make pandas takes only the first 6 commas and ignore the rest commas when it reads columns, or if there are any methods to delete commas after the 6th commas(I'm sorry, but I can't think of any functions to do that.)
Thank you for reading this :)
You can do all of it in Python without having to save the data into a new file. The idea is to clean the data and put in a dictionary-like format for pandas to grab it and turn it into a dataframe. The following should constitute a decent starting point:
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import OrderedDict
import pandas as pd
# Import the data
data = open('prices.csv').readlines()
# Split on the first 6 commas
data = [x.strip().replace("'","").split(",",6) for x in data]
# Get the headers
headers = [x.strip() for x in data[0]]
# Get the remaining of the data
remainings = [list(map(lambda y: y.replace(",",""), x)) for x in data[1:]]
# Create a dictionary-like container
output = defaultdict(list)
# Loop through the data and save the rows accordingly
for n, header in enumerate(headers):
for row in remainings:
# Save it in an ordered dictionary to maintain the order of columns
output = OrderedDict((k,output.get(k)) for k in headers)
# Convert your raw data into a pandas dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(output)
# Print it
This yields:
Date Time Open High Low Close Volume
0 2016/11/09 12:10:00 4355 4358 4346 4351 1201
1 2016/11/09 12:09:00 4361 4362 4353 4355 1117
2 2016/11/09 12:08:00 4364 4374 4359 4360 10175
3 2016/11/09 12:07:00 4371 4376 4360 4365 590
4 2016/11/09 12:06:00 4359 4372 4358 4369 420
5 2016/11/09 12:05:00 4365 4367 4356 4359 542
6 2016/11/09 12:04:00 4379 1380 4360 4365 1697
7 2016/11/09 12:03:00 4394 4396 4376 4381 1272
8 2016/11/09 12:02:00 4391 4399 4390 4393 524
The starting file (prices.csv) is the following:
Date, Time, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume
I hope this helps.
I guess pandas cant handle it so I would do a pre-processing with Perl to generate a new cvs and work on it.
Using Perl split can help you in this situation
perl -pne '$_ = join("|", split(/,/, $_, 7) )' < input.csv > output.csv
Then you can use the usual read_cvs on the output file with the seperator as |
One more way to solve your problem.
import re
import pandas as pd
l1 =[]
with open('/home/yusuf/Desktop/c1') as f:
headers = map(lambda x: x.strip(), f.readline().strip('\n').split(','))
for a in f.readlines():
b = re.findall("(.*?),(.*?),'(.*?),'(.*?),'(.*?),'(.*?),(.*)",a)
df = pd.DataFrame(data=l1, columns=headers)
df['Volume'] = df['Volume'].apply(lambda x: x.replace(",",""))
Regex Demo:
I'm pretty sure pandas can't handle that, but you can easily fix the final column. An approach in Python
with open('yourfile.csv') as csv, open('newcsv.csv','w') as result:
for line in csv:
columns = line.split(',')
if len(columns) > COLUMNAMOUNT:
columns[COLUMNAMOUNT-1] += ''.join(columns[COLUMNAMOUNT:])
Now you can load the new csv in to pandas. Other solutions can be AWK or even shell scripting.
I have a CSV file where each row has an ID followed by several attributes. Initially, my task was to find the IDs with matching attributes and put them together as a family. Then, outputting them in another CSV document under the format of every relationship printed in different rows.
The basic outline for the CSV file looks like this:
123 10 20 2
567 15 30 1
890 10 20 2
321 20 10 3
295 15 30 1
The basic outline for the python module looks like this:
with open('data.csv', 'rb') as f:
data = csv.DictReader(f)
for row in data:
fam_id = str(tuple([row[field_name] for field_name in ATTRIBUTES]))
id = row['ID']
FAMILIES.setdefault(fam_id, [])
output = []
for fam_id, node_arr in FAMILIES.items():
for from_item in node_arr:
for to_item in node_arr:
if from_item != to_item:
output.append(fam_id, from_item, to_item)
def write_array_to_csv(arr):
with open('hdd_output_temp.csv', 'wb') as w:
writer = csv.writer(w)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Which would print into a CSV like this:
('10,20,2') 123 890
('10,20,2') 890 123
('15,30,1') 567 295
('15,30,1') 295 567
Now, my question is, if I were to go into the original csv file and make some revisions, how could I alter the code to detect all the updated relationships. I would like to put all the added relationships into FAMILIES2 and all the broken relationships into FAMILIES3. So if a new ID '589' were added that matched the '20,10,3' family and '890' was updated to have a different ID of '10,20,1',
I would like FAMILIES 2 to be able to output:
('20,10,3') 321 589
('20,10,3') 589 321
And FAMILIES3 to output:
('10,20,2') 123 890
('10,20,2') 890 123
I have a csv file in excel which contains the output from a BLAST search in the following format:
# BLASTN 2.2.29+
# Query: Cryptocephalus androgyne
# Database: SANdouble
# Fields: query id subject id % identity alignment length mismatches gap opens q. start q. end s. start s. end evalue bit score
# 1 hits found
Cryptocephalus ctg7180000094003 79.59 637 110 9 38 655 1300 1935 1.00E-125 444
# BLASTN 2.2.29+
# Query: Cryptocephalus aureolus
# Database: SANdouble
# Fields: query id subject id % identity alignment length mismatches gap opens q. start q. end s. start s. end evalue bit score
# 4 hits found
Cryptocephalus ctg7180000093816 95.5 667 12 8 7 655 1269 1935 0 1051
Cryptocephalus ctg7180000094021 88.01 667 62 8 7 655 1269 1935 0 780
Cryptocephalus ctg7180000094015 81.26 667 105 13 7 654 1269 1934 2.00E-152 532
Cryptocephalus ctg7180000093818 78.64 515 106 4 8 519 1270 1783 2.00E-94 340
I have imported this as a csv into python using
with open('BLASToutput.csv', 'rU') as csvfile:
contents = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|')
for row in contents:
table = ', '.join(row)
What I now want to be able to do is extract columns of data as a list. My overall aim is to count all the matches which have over 98% identity (the third column).
The issue is that, since this is not in the typical csv format, there are no headers at the top so I cant extract a column based on its header. I was thinking if I could extract the third column as a list I can then use normal list tools in python to extract just the numbers I want but I have never used pythons csv module and I'm struggling to find an appropriate command. Other questions on SO are similar but dont refer to my specific case where there are no headers and empty cells. If you could help me I would be very grateful!
The data file is not that like in CSV format. It has comments, and its delimiter is not single character, but formatted spaces.
Since your overall aim is
to count all the matches which have over 98% identity (the third column).
and the data file content is well formed, you can use normal file parsing approach:
import re
with open('BLASToutput.csv') as f:
# read the file line by line
for line in f:
# skip comments (or maybe leave as it is)
if line.startswith('#'):
# print line
# split fields
fields = re.split(r' +', line)
# check if the 3rd field is greater than 98%
if float(fields[2]) > 98:
# output the matched line
print line
I managed to find one way based on:
Python: split files using mutliple split delimiters
import csv
csvfile = open("SANDoubleSuperMatrix.csv", "rU")
dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, dialect)
identity = []
for line in reader:
print identity