What area deals with the extraction of words with similar characteristics? - python

I have a dataset with annotations in the form: <Word/Phrase, Ontology Class>, where Ontology Class can be one of the following {Physical Object, Action, Quantity}. I have created this dataset manually for my particular ontology model from a large corpus of text.
Because this process was manual, I am sure that I may have missed some words/phrases from my corpus. If such is the case, I am looking at ways to automatically extract other words from the same corpus that have the "characteristics" as these words in the labeled dataset. Therefore, the first task is to define "characteristics" before I even go with the task of extracting other words.
Are there any standard techniques that I can use to achieve this?
EDIT: Sorry. I should have mentioned that these are domain-specific words not found in WordNet.

Take a look at chapter 6 of the NLTK book. From what you have described, it sounds like a supervised classification technique based on feature ("characteristic") extraction might be a good choice. From the book:
A classifier is called supervised if it is built based on training
corpora containing the correct label for each input.
You can use some of the data that you have manually encoded to train your classifier. It might look like this:
def word_features(name):
features = {}
features["firstletter"] = name[0].lower()
features["lastletter"] = name[-1].lower()
for letter in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz':
features["count(%s)" % letter] = name.lower().count(letter)
features["has(%s)" % letter] = (letter in name.lower())
return features
Next you can train your classifier on some of the data you have already tagged:
>> words = [('Rock', 'Physical Object'), ('Play', 'Action'), ... ]
>>> featuresets = [(word_features(n), g) for (n,g) in words]
>>> train_set, test_set = featuresets[500:], featuresets[:500]
>>> classifier = nltk.NaiveBayesClassifier.train(train_set)
You should probably train on half of the data you already tagged. That way you can test the accuracy of the classifier with the other half. Keep working on the features until the accuracy of the classifier is as you desire.
nltk.classify.accuracy(classifier, test_set)
You can check individual classifications as follows:
If you are not familiar with NLTK, then you can read the previous chapters as well.

As jfocht has said, you need a classifier to do this. To train a classifier, you need a set of training data of 'things' with features and their classification. You can then feed in a new 'thing' with features and get out the classification.
The kicker here is that you don't have features, you just have the words. One idea is to use WordNet, which is a fancy dictionary, to generate features from the definitions of the words. One of WordNet's best features is it has a hierarchy for a word e.g.,
cat -> animal -> living thing -> thing ....
You might be able to do this simply by following the hierarchy, but if you can't, you could add features from it and train it. This will likely work much better than using the words themselves as features.
Regardless of whether you find Wordnet to be useful, you need a feature set to train your classifier, and you also have to label all your unclassified data with those features, so unless you have some way to do the feature part computationally, it's going to be less work to do it by hand


How to extract relevant phrases from sentences regarding a particular topic using Neural networks?

I have training data as two columns
2.'Relevant_text' (text in this column is a subset of text in the column 'Sentences')
I tried training a RNN with LSTM directly treating 'Sentences' as input and 'Relevant_text' and output but the results were disappointing.
I want to know how to approach this type of problem? Does this kind of problem have a name? Which models should I explore?
If the target text is the subset of the input text, then, I believe, this problem can be solved as a tagging problem: make your neural network for each word predict whether it is "relevant" or not.
On the one hand, the problem of taking a text and selecting its subset that best reflects its meaning is called extractive summarization, and has lots of solutions, from the well known unsupervised textRank algorithm to complex BERT-based neural models.
On the other hand, technically your problem is just binary token-wise classification: you label each token (word or other symbol) of your input text as "relevant" or not, and train any neural network architecture which is good for tagging on this data. Specifically, I would look into architectures for POS tagging, because they are very well studied. Typically, it is BiLSTM, maybe with a CRF head. More modern models are based on pretrained contextual word embeddings, such as BERT (maybe, you won't even need to fine tune them - just use it as a feature extractor, and add a BiLSTM on top). If you want a more lightweight model, you can consider a CNN over pretrained and fixed word embeddings.
One final parameter you should time playing with is the threshold for classifying the word as relevant - maybe, the default one, 0.5, is not the best choice. Maybe, instead of keeping all the tokens with probability-of-being-important higher than 0.5, you would like to keep the top k tokens, where k is fixed or is some percentage of the whole text.
Of course, more specific recommendations would be dataset-specific, so if you could share your dataset, it would be a great help.

Generating dictionaries to categorize tweets into pre-defined categories using NLTK

I have a list of twitter users (screen_names) and I need to categorise them into 7 pre-defined categories - Education, Art, Sports, Business, Politics, Automobiles, Technology based on thier interest area.
I have extracted last 100 tweets of the users in Python and created a corpus for each user after cleaning the tweets.
As mentioned here Tweet classification into multiple categories on (Unsupervised data/tweets) :
I am trying to generate dictionaries of common words under each category so that I can use it for classification.
Is there a method to generate these dictionaries for a custom set of words automatically?
Then I can use these for classifying the twitter data using a tf-idf classifier and get the degree of correspondence of the tweet to each of the categories. The highest value will give us the most probable category of the tweet.
But since the categorisation is based on these pre-generated dictionaries, I am looking for a way to generate them automatically for a custom list of categories.
Sample dictionaries :
Education - ['book','teacher','student'....]
Automobiles - ['car','auto','expo',....]
Example I/O:
**Input :**
UserA - "students visited share learning experience eye opening
article important preserve linaugural workshop students teachers
others know coding like know alphabets vision driving codeindia office
initiative get students tagging wrong people apologies apologies real
people work..."
UserN - <another corpus of cleaned tweets>
**Expected output** :
UserA - Education (61%)
UserN - Automobiles (43%)
Labels are necessary for supervised machine learning. And if you don't have training data that contains Xs (input texts) and Y (output labels) then (i) supervised learning might not be what you're looking for or (ii) you have to create a dataset with texts and their corresponding labels.
In Long
Lets try to break it down and see reflect what you're looking for.
I have a list twitter users (screen_names) and I need to categorise them into 7 pre-defined categories - Education, Art, Sports, Business, Politics, Automobiles, Technology
So your ultimate task is to label tweets into 7 categories.
I have extracted last 100 tweets of the users in Python and created a corpus for each user after cleaning the tweets.
100 data points is definitely insufficient to do anything if you want to train a supervised machine learning model from scratch.
Another thing is the definition of corpus. A corpus is a body of text so it's not wrong to call any list of strings a corpus. However, to do any supervised training, each text should come with the corresponding label(s)
But I see some people do unsupervised classification without any labels!
Now, that's an oxymoron =)
Unsupervised Classification
Yes, there are "unsupervised learning" which often means to learn representation of the inputs, generally the representation of the inpus is use to (i) generate or (ii) sample.
Generation from a representation means to create from the representation a data point that is similar to the data which an unsupervised model has learnt from. In the case of text process / NLP, this often means to generate new sentences from scratch, e.g. https://transformer.huggingface.co/
Sampling a representation means to give the unsupervised model a text and the model is expected to provide some signal from which the unsupervised model has learnt from. E.g. given a language model and novel sentence, we want to estimate the probability of the sentence, then we use this probability to compare across different sentences' probabilities.
Algorithmia has a nice summary blogpost https://algorithmia.com/blog/introduction-to-unsupervised-learning and a more modern perspective https://sites.google.com/view/berkeley-cs294-158-sp20/home
That's a whole lot of information but you don't tell me how to #$%^&-ing do unsupervised classification!
Yes, the oxymoron explanation isn't finished. If we look at text classification, what are we exactly doing?
We are fitting the input text into some pre-defined categories. In your case, the labels are pre-defined but
Q: Where exactly would the signal come from?
A: From the tweets, of course, stop distracting me! Tell me how to do classification!!!
Q: How do you tell the model that a tweet should be this label and not another label?
A: From the unsupervised learning, right? Isn't that what unsupervised learning supposed to do? To map the input texts to the output labels?
Precisely, that's the oxymoron,
Supervised learning maps the input texts to output labels not unsupervised learning
So what do I do? I need to use unsupervised learning and I want to do classification.
Then the question is ask is:
Do you have labelled data?
If no, then how to get labels?
Use proxies, find signals that tells you a certain tweet is a certain label, e.g. from the hashtags or make some assumptions that some people always tweets on certain category
Use existing tweet classifiers to label your data and then train the classification model on the data
Do I have to pay for these classifiers? Most often, yes you do. https://english.api.rakuten.net/search/text%20classification
If yes, then how much?
If it's too little,
then how to create more? Maybe https://machinelearningmastery.com/a-gentle-introduction-to-the-bootstrap-method/
or maybe use some modern post-training algorithm https://towardsdatascience.com/https-medium-com-chaturangarajapakshe-text-classification-with-transformer-models-d370944b50ca
How about all these AI I keep hearing about, that I can do classification with 3 lines of code.
Don't they use unsupervised language models that sounds like Sesame Street characters, e.g. ELMO, BERT, ERNIE?
I guess you mean something like https://github.com/ThilinaRajapakse/simpletransformers#text-classification
from simpletransformers.classification import ClassificationModel
import pandas as pd
# Train and Evaluation data needs to be in a Pandas Dataframe of two columns. The first column is the text with type str, and the second column is the label with type int.
train_data = [['Example sentence belonging to class 1', 1], ['Example sentence belonging to class 0', 0]]
train_df = pd.DataFrame(train_data)
eval_data = [['Example eval sentence belonging to class 1', 1], ['Example eval sentence belonging to class 0', 0]]
eval_df = pd.DataFrame(eval_data)
# Create a ClassificationModel
model = ClassificationModel('bert', 'bert-base') # You can set class weights by using the optional weight argument
# Train the model
Take careful notice of the comment:
Train and Evaluation data needs to be in a Pandas Dataframe of two columns. The first column is the text with type str, and the second column is the label with type int.
Yes that's the more modern approach to:
First use a pre-trained language model to convert your texts into input representations
Then feed the input representations and their corresponding labels to a classifier
Note, you still can't avoid the fact that you need labels to train the supervised classifier
Wait a minute, you mean all these AI I keep hearing about is not "unsupervised classification".
Genau. There's really no such thing as "unsupervised classification" (yet), somehow the (i) labels needs to be manually defined, (ii) the mapping between the inputs to the labels should exist
The right word to define the paradigm would be transfer learning, where the language is
learned in a self-supervised manner (it's actually not truly unsupervised) so that the model learns to convert any text into some numerical representation
then use the numerical representation with labelled data to produce the classifier.

Text Preprocessing for classification - Machine Learning

what are important steps for preprocess our Twitter texts to classify between binary classes. what I did is that I removed hashtag and keep it without hashtag, I also used some regular expression to remove special char, these are two function I used.
def removeusername(tweet):
return " ".join(word.strip() for word in re.split('#|_', tweet))
def removingSpecialchar(text):
return ' '.join(re.sub("(#[A-Za-z0-9]+)|([^0-9A-Za-z \t])|(\w+:\/\/\S+)"," ",text).split())
what are other things to preprocess textdata. I have also used nltk stopword corpus to remove all stop words form the tokenize words.
I used NaiveBayes classifer in textblob to train data and I am getting 94% accuracy on training data and 82% on testing data. I want to know is there any other method to get good accuracies. By the way I am new in this Machine Learning field, I have a limited idea about all of it!
Well then you can start by play with the size of your vocabulary. You might exclude some of the words that are too frequent in your data (without being considered stop words). And also do the same with words that appear in only one tweet (misspelled words for example). Sklearn CountVectorizer allow to do this in an easy way have a look min_df and max_df parameters.
Since you are working with tweets you can also think in URL strings. Try to obtain some valuable information from links, there are lots of different options from simple stuff based on regular expressions that retrieve the domain name of the page to more complex NLP based methods that study the link content. Once more it's up to you!
I would also have a look at pronouns (if you are using sklearn) since by default replaces all of them to the keyword -PRON- . This is a classic solution that simplifies things but might end in a loss of information.
For preprocessing raw data, you can try:
Stop word removal.
Stemming or Lemmatization.
Exclude terms that are either too common or too rare.
Then a second step preprocessing is possible:
Construct a TFIDF matrix.
Construct or load pretrained wordEmbedding (Word2Vec, Fasttext, ...).
Then you can load result of the second steps into your model.
These are just the most common "method", many others exists.
I will let you check each one of these methods by yourself, but it is a good base.
There are no compulsory steps. For example, it is very common to remove stop words (also called functional words) such as "yes" , "no" , "with". But - in one of my pipelines, I skipped this step and the accuracy did not change. NLP is an experimental field , so the most important advice is to build a pipeline that run as quickly as possible, to define your goal, and to train with different parameters.
Before you move on, you need to make sure you training set is proper. What are you training for ? is your set clean (e.g the positive has only positives)? how do you define accuracy and why?
Now, the situation you described seems like a case of over-fitting. Why? because you get 94% accuracy on the training set, but only 82% on the test set.
This problem happens when you have a lot of features but relatively small training dataset - so the model is fitted best for the specific train set but fails to generalize.
Now, you did not specify the how large is your dataset, so I'm guessing between 50 and 500 tweets, which is too small given the English vocabulary of some 200k words or more. I would try one of the following options:
(1) Get more training data (at least 2000)
(2) Reduce the number of features, for example you can remove uncommon words, names - anything words that appears only small number of times
(3) Using a better classifier (Bayes is rather weak for NLP). Try SVM, or Deep Learning.
(4) Try regularization techniques

Python nltk Naive Bayes doesn't seem to work

I'm using the nltk book - Natural Language Processing with Python(2009) and looking at the Naive Bayes classifier. In particular, Example 6-3 on Pg 228 in my version.
The training set is movie reviews.
classifier = nltk.NaiveBayesClassifier.train(train_set)
I peek at the most informative features -
and I get 'outstanding', 'mulan' and 'wonderfully' among the top ranking ones for the sentence to be tagged 'positive'.
So, I try the following -
in1 = 'wonderfully mulan'
And I get 'neg'. Now this makes no sense. These were supposed to be the top features.
the document_features function is taken directly from the book -
def document_features(document):
document_words = set(document)
features = {}
for word in word_features:
features['contains(%s)' % word] = (word in document_words)
return features
Note that the feature vector in that example is comprised of the "2000 most frequent words in the overall corpus." So assuming that the corpus is comprehensive, a regular review will probably have quite a few of those words. (In real-world reviews of the latest Jackass movie and Dallas Buyers Club, I get 26/2000 and 28/2000 features respectively.)
If you feed it a review containing only "wonderfully mulan", the resulting feature vector only has 2/2000 features set to True. Basically, you're giving it a pseudoreview with little to no information that it knows about or that it can do anything with. For that vector, it's hard to tell what it will predict.
The feature vector should be healthily populated with vectors leaning in a positive direction for it to output pos. Maybe look at the most informative, say, 500 features, look at which ones lean positively and then create a string with only those? That might get you closer to pos, but not necessarily.
Some feature vectors in the train_set classify as pos. (Anecdotally, I found one of them to have 417 features equal to True). However, in my tests, no documents from the neg or pos training set partitions classified to pos, so while you may be right that the classifier doesn't seem to be doing a great job - at least the pos training examples should classify to pos - the example you're giving it is not a great measure of that.
There are at least two different flavors of the naive Bayes classifier. In a quick search, it appears that NLTK implements the Bernoulli flavor: Different results between the Bernoulli Naive Bayes in NLTK and in scikit-learn . In any case, some flavors of naive Bayes pay attention to words/features missing from a document as much as the visible words. So, if you try to classify a document containing a few positive words but that document is also lacking many words that indicate a negative document when they are missing, it is very reasonable that the document will be categorized as negative. So, the bottom line is, pay attention to not only the visible features but also the missing features (depending on the details of the naive Bayes implementation).

Sentiment Classification from own Text Data using NLTK

What I am going to ask may sound very similar to the post Sentiment analysis with NLTK python for sentences using sample data or webservice? , But I am done with Parsing and Tokenization of sentences from text. My question is
Whatever examples till now I have seen in NLTK movie review example seems to be most similar to my problem, But for movie_review the training text is already in a form as it has two folders pos and neg and text are stored there. How can I do that classification for my huge text, Do I read data manually and store them into two folders. Does that make the corpus. After that can I work with them just like movie_review data in example?
2.If the answer to the above question is yes, is there any way to speed up that task by any tool. For example I want to work with only the texts which has "Monty Python" in there content. And then I classify them manually and then store them in pos and neg folder. Does that work?
Please help me
Yes, you need a training corpus to train a classifier. Or you need some other way to detect sentiment.
To create a training corpus, you can classify by hand, you can have others classify it for you (mechanical turk is popular for this), or you can do corpus bootstrapping. For sentiment, that could involve creating 2 lists of keywords, positive words and negative words. Using those, you can create an initial training corpus, correct it by hand, then train a classifier. This is an iterative process, and the key thing to remember is "garbage in, garbage out". In other words, if your training corpus is wrong, you can't expect your classifier to be right.
