I have a numpy array (actually imported from a GIS raster map) which contains
probability values of occurrence of a species like following example:
a = random.randint(1.0,20.0,1200).reshape(40,30)
b = (a*1.0)/sum(a)
Now I want to get a discrete version for that array again. Like if I have
e.g. 100 individuals which are located on the area of that array (1200 cells) how are they
distributed? Of course they should be distributed according to their probability,
meaning lower values indicated lower probability of occurrence. However, as everything is statistics there is still the chance that a individual is located at a low probability
cell. It should be possible that multiple individuals can occupy on cell...
It is like transforming a continuous distribution curve into a histogram again. Like many different histograms may result in a certain distribution curve it should also be the other way round. Accordingly applying the algorithm I am looking for will produce different discrete values each time.
...is there any algorithm in python which can do that? As I am not that familiar with discretization maybe someone can help.
Use random.choice with bincount:
np.bincount(np.random.choice(b.size, 100, p=b.flat),
If you don't have NumPy 1.7, you can replace random.choice with:
np.searchsorted(np.cumsum(b), np.random.random(100))
np.bincount(np.searchsorted(np.cumsum(b), np.random.random(100)),
So far I think ecatmur's answer seems quite reasonable and simple.
I just want to add may a more "applied" example. Considering a dice
with 6 faces (6 numbers). Each number/result has a probability of 1/6.
Displaying the dice in form of an array could look like:
b = np.array([[1,1,1],[1,1,1]])/6.0
Thus rolling the dice 100 times (n=100) results in following simulation:
np.bincount(np.searchsorted(np.cumsum(b), np.random.random(n)),minlength=b.size).reshape(b.shape)
I think that can be an appropriate approach for such an application.
Thus thank you ecatmur for your help!
this is similar to my question i had earlier this month.
import random
def RandFloats(Size):
Scalar = 1.0
VectorSize = Size
RandomVector = [random.random() for i in range(VectorSize)]
RandomVectorSum = sum(RandomVector)
RandomVector = [Scalar*i/RandomVectorSum for i in RandomVector]
return RandomVector
from numpy.random import multinomial
import math
def RandIntVec(ListSize, ListSumValue, Distribution='Normal'):
ListSize = the size of the list to return
ListSumValue = The sum of list values
Distribution = can be 'uniform' for uniform distribution, 'normal' for a normal distribution ~ N(0,1) with +/- 5 sigma (default), or a list of size 'ListSize' or 'ListSize - 1' for an empirical (arbitrary) distribution. Probabilities of each of the p different outcomes. These should sum to 1 (however, the last element is always assumed to account for the remaining probability, as long as sum(pvals[:-1]) <= 1).
A list of random integers of length 'ListSize' whose sum is 'ListSumValue'.
if type(Distribution) == list:
DistributionSize = len(Distribution)
if ListSize == DistributionSize or (ListSize-1) == DistributionSize:
Values = multinomial(ListSumValue,Distribution,size=1)
OutputValue = Values[0]
elif Distribution.lower() == 'uniform': #I do not recommend this!!!! I see that it is not as random (at least on my computer) as I had hoped
UniformDistro = [1/ListSize for i in range(ListSize)]
Values = multinomial(ListSumValue,UniformDistro,size=1)
OutputValue = Values[0]
elif Distribution.lower() == 'normal':
Normal Distribution Construction....It's very flexible and hideous
Assume a +-3 sigma range. Warning, this may or may not be a suitable range for your implementation!
If one wishes to explore a different range, then changes the LowSigma and HighSigma values
LowSigma = -3#-3 sigma
HighSigma = 3#+3 sigma
StepSize = 1/(float(ListSize) - 1)
ZValues = [(LowSigma * (1-i*StepSize) +(i*StepSize)*HighSigma) for i in range(int(ListSize))]
#Construction parameters for N(Mean,Variance) - Default is N(0,1)
Mean = 0
Var = 1
#NormalDistro= [self.NormalDistributionFunction(Mean, Var, x) for x in ZValues]
NormalDistro= list()
for i in range(len(ZValues)):
if i==0:
ERFCVAL = 0.5 * math.erfc(-ZValues[i]/math.sqrt(2))
elif i == len(ZValues) - 1:
ERFCVAL = NormalDistro[0]
ERFCVAL1 = 0.5 * math.erfc(-ZValues[i]/math.sqrt(2))
ERFCVAL2 = 0.5 * math.erfc(-ZValues[i-1]/math.sqrt(2))
#print "Normal Distribution sum = %f"%sum(NormalDistro)
Values = multinomial(ListSumValue,NormalDistro,size=1)
OutputValue = Values[0]
raise ValueError ('Cannot create desired vector')
return OutputValue
raise ValueError ('Cannot create desired vector')
return OutputValue
ProbabilityDistibution = RandFloats(1200)#This is your probability distribution for your 1200 cell array
SizeDistribution = RandIntVec(1200,100,Distribution=ProbabilityDistribution)#for a 1200 cell array, whose sum is 100 with given probability distribution
The two main lines that are important are the last two lines in the code above
I have tried to filter the two frequencies which have the highest amplitudes. I am wondering if the result is correct, because the filtered signal seems less smooth than the original?
Is it correct that the output of the FFT-function contains the fundamental frequency A0/ C0, and is it correct to include it in the search of the highest amplitude (it is indeed the highest!) ?
My code (based on my professors and collegues code, and I did not understand every detail so far):
# signal
data = np.loadtxt("profil.txt")
t = data[:,0]
x = data[:,1]
x = x-np.mean(x) # Reduce signal to mean
n = len(t)
max_ind = int(n/2-1)
dt = (t[n-1]-t[0])/(n-1)
T = n*dt
df = 1./T
# Fast-Fourier-Transformation
c = 2.*np.absolute(fft(x))/n #get the power sprectrum c from the array of complex numbers
c[0] = c[0]/2. #correction for c0 (fundamental frequency)
f = np.fft.fftfreq(n, d=dt)
a = fft(x).real
b = fft(x).imag
n_fft = len(a)
# filter
p = np.ones(len(c))
p[c[0:int(len(c)/2)].argsort()[int(len(c)/2-1)]] = 0 #setting the positions of p to 0 with
p[c[0:int(len(c)/2)].argsort()[int(len(c)/2-2)]] = 0 #the indices from the argsort function
print(c[0:int(len(c)/2-1)].argsort()[int(n_fft/2-2)]) #over the first half of the c array,
ab_filter_2 = fft(x) #because the second half contains the
ab_filter_2.real = a*p #negative frequencies.
ab_filter_2.imag = b*p
x_filter2 = ifft(ab_filter_2)*2
I do not quite get the whole deal about FFT returning negative and positive frequencies. I know they are just mirrored, but then why can I not search over the whole array? And the iFFT function works with an array of just the positive frequencies?
The resulting plot: (blue original, red is filtered):
This part is very wasteful:
a = fft(x).real
b = fft(x).imag
You’re computing the FFT twice for no good reason. You compute it a 3rd time later, and you already computed it once before. You should compute it only once, not 4 times. The FFT is the most expensive part of your code.
ab_filter_2 = fft(x)
ab_filter_2.real = a*p
ab_filter_2.imag = b*p
x_filter2 = ifft(ab_filter_2)*2
Replace all of that with:
out = ifft(fft(x) * p)
Here you do the same thing twice:
p[c[0:int(len(c)/2)].argsort()[int(len(c)/2-1)]] = 0
p[c[0:int(len(c)/2)].argsort()[int(len(c)/2-2)]] = 0
But you set only the left half of the filter. It is important to make a symmetric filter. There are two locations where abs(f) has the same value (up to rounding errors!), there is a positive and a negative frequency that go together. Those two locations should have the same filter value (actually complex conjugate, but you have a real-valued filter so the difference doesn’t matter in this case).
I’m unsure what that indexing does anyway. I would split out the statement into shorter parts on separate lines for readability.
I would do it this way:
import numpy as np
x = ...
x -= np.mean(x)
fft_x = np.fft.fft(x)
c = np.abs(fft_x) # no point in normalizing, doesn't change the order when sorting
f = c[0:len(c)//2].argsort()
f = f[-2:] # the last two elements are the indices to the largest two frequency components
p = np.zeros(len(c))
p[f] = 1 # preserve the largest two components
p[-f] = 1 # set the same components counting from the end
out = np.fft.ifft(fft_x * p).real
# note that np.fft.ifft(fft_x * p).imag is approximately zero if the filter is created correctly
Is it correct that the output of the FFT-function contains the fundamental frequency A0/ C0 […]?
In principle yes, but you subtracted the mean from the signal, effectively setting the fundamental frequency (DC component) to 0.
I have some code for calculating missing values in an image, based on neighbouring values in a 2D circular window. It also uses the values from one or more temporally-adjacent images at the same locations (i.e. the same 2D window shifted in the 3rd dimension).
For each position that is missing, I need to calculate the value based not necessarily on all the values available in the whole window, but only on the spatially-nearest n cells that do have values (in both images / Z-axis positions), where n is some value less than the total number of cells in the 2D window.
At the minute, it's much quicker to calculate for everything in the window, because my means of sorting to get the nearest n cells with data is the slowest part of the function as it has to be repeated each time even though the distances in terms of window coordinates do not change. I'm not sure this is necessary and feel I must be able to get the sorted distances once, and then mask those in the process of only selecting available cells.
Here's my code for selecting the data to use within a window of the gap cell location:
# radius will in reality be ~100
radius = 2
y,x = np.ogrid[-radius:radius+1, -radius:radius+1]
dist = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
circle_template = dist > radius
# this will in reality be a very large 3 dimensional array
# representing daily images with some gaps, indicated by 0s
dataStack = np.zeros((2,5,5))
dataStack[1] = (np.random.random(25) * 100).reshape(dist.shape)
dataStack[0] = (np.random.random(25) * 100).reshape(dist.shape)
testdata = dataStack[1]
alternatedata = dataStack[0]
random_gap_locations = (np.random.random(25) * 30).reshape(dist.shape) > testdata
testdata[random_gap_locations] = 0
testdata[radius, radius] = 0
# in reality we will go through every gap (zero) location in the data
# for each image and for each gap use slicing to get a window of
# size (radius*2+1, radius*2+1) around it from each image, with the
# gap being at the centre i.e.
# testgaplocation = [radius, radius]
# and the variables testdata, alternatedata below will refer to these
# slices
locations_to_exclude = np.logical_or(circle_template, np.logical_or
(testdata==0, alternatedata==0))
# the places that are inside the circular mask and where both images
# have data
locations_to_include = ~locations_to_exclude
number_available = np.count_nonzero(locations_to_include)
# we only want to do the interpolation calculations from the nearest n
# locations that have data available, n will be ~100 in reality
number_required = 3
available_distances = dist[locations_to_include]
available_data = testdata[locations_to_include]
available_alternates = alternatedata[locations_to_include]
if number_available > number_required:
# In this case we need to find the closest number_required of elements, based
# on distances recorded in dist, from available_data and available_alternates
# Having to repeat this argsort for each gap cell calculation is slow and feels
# like it should be avoidable
sortedDistanceIndices = available_distances.argsort(kind = 'mergesort',axis=None)
requiredIndices = sortedDistanceIndices[0:number_required]
selected_data = np.take(available_data, requiredIndices)
selected_alternates = np.take(available_alternates , requiredIndices)
# we just use available_data and available_alternates as they are...
# now do stuff with the selected data to calculate a value for the gap cell
This works, but over half of the total time of the function is taken in the argsort of the masked spatial distance data. (~900uS of a total 1.4mS - and this function will be running tens of billions of times, so this is an important difference!)
I am sure that I must be able to just do this argsort once outside of the function, when the spatial distance window is originally set up, and then include those sort indices in the masking, to get the first howManyToCalculate indices without having to re-do the sort. The answer might involve putting the various bits that we are extracting from, into a record array - but I can't figure out how, if so. Can anyone see how I can make this part of the process more efficient?
So you want to do the sorting outside of the loop:
sorted_dist_idcs = dist.argsort(kind='mergesort', axis=None)
Then using some variables from the original code, this is what I could come up with, though it still feels like a major round-trip..
loc_to_incl_sorted = locations_to_include.take(sorted_dist_idcs)
sorted_dist_idcs_to_incl = sorted_dist_idcs[loc_to_incl_sorted]
required_idcs = sorted_dist_idcs_to_incl[:number_required]
selected_data = testdata.take(required_idcs)
selected_alternates = alternatedata.take(required_idcs)
Note the required_idcs refer to locations in the testdata and not available_data as in the original code. And this snippet I used take for the purpose of conveniently indexing the flattened array.
#moarningsun - thanks for the comment and answer. These got me on the right track, but don't quite work for me when the gap is < radius from the edge of the data: in this case I use a window around the gap cell which is "trimmed" to the data bounds. In this situation the indices reflect the "full" window and thus can't be used to select cells from the bounded window.
Unfortunately I edited that part of my code out when I clarified the original question but it's turned out to be relevant.
I've realised now that if you use argsort again on the output of argsort then you get ranks; i.e. the position that each item would have when the overall array was sorted. We can safely mask these and then take the smallest number_required of them (and do this on a structured array to get the corresponding data at the same time).
This implies another sort within the loop, but in fact we can use partitioning rather than a full sort, because all we need is the smallest num_required items. If num_required is substantially less than the number of data items then this is much faster than doing the argsort.
For example with num_required = 80 and num_available = 15000 the full argsort takes ~900µs whereas argpartition followed by index and slice to get the first 80 takes ~110µs. We still need to do the argsort to get the ranks at the outset (rather than just partitioning based on distance) in order to get the stability of the mergesort, and thus get the "right one" when distance is not unique.
My code as shown below now runs in ~610uS on real data, including the actual calculations that aren't shown here. I'm happy with that now, but there seem to be several other apparently minor factors that can have an influence on the runtime that's hard to understand.
For example putting the circle_template in the structured array along with dist, ranks, and another field not shown here, doubles the runtime of the overall function (even if we don't access circle_template in the loop!). Even worse, using np.partition on the structured array with order=['ranks'] increases the overall function runtime by almost two orders of magnitude vs using np.argpartition as shown below!
# radius will in reality be ~100
radius = 2
y,x = np.ogrid[-radius:radius+1, -radius:radius+1]
dist = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
circle_template = dist > radius
ranks = dist.argsort(axis=None,kind='mergesort').argsort().reshape(dist.shape)
diam = radius * 2 + 1
# putting circle_template in this array too doubles overall function runtime!
fullWindowArray = np.zeros((diam,diam),dtype=[('ranks',ranks.dtype.str),
fullWindowArray['ranks'] = ranks
fullWindowArray['dist'] = dist
# this will in reality be a very large 3 dimensional array
# representing daily images with some gaps, indicated by 0s
dataStack = np.zeros((2,5,5))
dataStack[1] = (np.random.random(25) * 100).reshape(dist.shape)
dataStack[0] = (np.random.random(25) * 100).reshape(dist.shape)
testdata = dataStack[1]
alternatedata = dataStack[0]
random_gap_locations = (np.random.random(25) * 30).reshape(dist.shape) > testdata
testdata[random_gap_locations] = 0
testdata[radius, radius] = 0
# in reality we will loop here to go through every gap (zero) location in the data
# for each image
gapz, gapy, gapx = 1, radius, radius
desLeft, desRight = gapx - radius, gapx + radius+1
desTop, desBottom = gapy - radius, gapy + radius+1
extentB, extentR = dataStack.shape[1:]
# handle the case where the gap is < search radius from the edge of
# the data. If this is the case, we can't use the full
# diam * diam window
dataL = max(0, desLeft)
maskL = 0 if desLeft >= 0 else abs(dataL - desLeft)
dataT = max(0, desTop)
maskT = 0 if desTop >= 0 else abs(dataT - desTop)
dataR = min(desRight, extentR)
maskR = diam if desRight <= extentR else diam - (desRight - extentR)
dataB = min(desBottom,extentB)
maskB = diam if desBottom <= extentB else diam - (desBottom - extentB)
# get the slice that we will be working within
# ranks, dist and circle are already populated
boundedWindowArray = fullWindowArray[maskT:maskB,maskL:maskR]
boundedWindowArray['alternatedata'] = alternatedata[dataT:dataB, dataL:dataR]
boundedWindowArray['thisdata'] = testdata[dataT:dataB, dataL:dataR]
locations_to_exclude = np.logical_or(boundedWindowArray['circle_template'],
# the places that are inside the circular mask and where both images
# have data
locations_to_include = ~locations_to_exclude
number_available = np.count_nonzero(locations_to_include)
# we only want to do the interpolation calculations from the nearest n
# locations that have data available, n will be ~100 in reality
number_required = 3
data_to_use = boundedWindowArray[locations_to_include]
if number_available > number_required:
# argpartition seems to be v fast when number_required is
# substantially < data_to_use.size
# But partition on the structured array itself with order=['ranks']
# is almost 2 orders of magnitude slower!
reqIndices = np.argpartition(data_to_use['ranks'],number_required)[:number_required]
data_to_use = np.take(data_to_use,reqIndices)
# we just use available_data and available_alternates as they are...
# now do stuff with the selected data to calculate a value for the gap cell
I have run this simulation (given below) and got the simulated transition probabilities for dry-to-dry and wet-to-wet conditions. The simulated results for dry-to-dry are almost equal to the estimated dry-to-dry (d2d_tran). But, the simulated wet-to-wet values are substantially lower than the estimated ones. It seems there is something wrong in the program. I tried several other ways but haven’t got the expected results. Can you please run the program and suggest me how I may get improved results for wet-to-wet probabilities? Thanks in advance.
My codes:
import numpy as np
import random, datetime
d2d = np.zeros(12)
d2w = np.zeros(12)
w2w = np.zeros(12)
w2d = np.zeros(12)
pd2d = np.zeros(12)
pw2w = np.zeros(12)
dry = [0.333] ##unconditional probability of dry for January
d2d_tran = [0.564,0.503,0.582,0.621,0.634,0.679,0.738,0.667,0.604,0.564,0.577,0.621]
w2w_tran = [0.784,0.807,0.8,0.732,0.727,0.728,0.64,0.64,0.665,0.717,0.741,0.769]
mu = [3.71,4.46,4.11,2.94,3.01,2.87,2.31,2.44,2.56,3.45,4.32,4.12]
sigma = [6.72,7.92,7.49,6.57,6.09,5.53,4.38,4.69,4.31,5.71,7.64,7.54]
days = np.array([31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31])
rain = np.array([])
for y in xrange(0,10000):
for m in xrange(0,12):
#Include leap years in the calculation and creat random variables for each month
if ((y%4 == 0 and y%100 != 0) or y%400 == 0) and m==1:
random_num = np.random.rand(29)
random_num = np.random.rand(days[m])
#lets generate a rainfall amount for first day of the random series
if random_num[0] <= dry[0]:
random_num[0] = 0
random_num[0] = abs(random.gauss(mu[0],sigma[0]))
# generate the whole series in sequence of month and year
for i in xrange(0,days[m]):
if random_num[i-1] == 0: #if yesterday was dry
if random_num[i] <= d2d_tran[m]: #check today against the dry2dry transition probabilities
random_num[i] = 0
d2d[m] += 1.0
random_num[i] = abs(random.gauss(mu[m],sigma[m]))
d2w[m] += 1.0
if random_num[i] <= w2w_tran[m]:
random_num[i] = abs(random.gauss(mu[m],sigma[m]))
w2w[m] += 1.0
random_num[i] = 0
w2d[m] += 1.0
pd2d[m] = d2d[m]/(d2d[m] + d2w[m])
pw2w[m] = w2w[m]/(w2d[m] + w2w[m])
print 'Simulated transition probability of dry2dry:\n', np.around(pd2d, decimals=3)
print 'Simulated transition probability of wet2wet:\n', np.around(pw2w, decimals=3)
### pd2d and pw2w of generated data should be identical to d2d_tran and w2w_tran respectively
The simulation looks correct as far as it goes, and after running it for 8000 years, I get transition probabilities within .001 most of the time, and there is convergence as the number of days increases.
Nothing guarantees that you will get the exact transition probabilities - on any single run you may get anything. What you've done is generate an estimator for each single transition probability that has mean equal to the actual value (0.345), and some positive variance. The variance of your estimator decreases with n = sample size, but it will always be positive.
If you'd like values closer to the actual transition probabilities (faster convergence), apply some well-known variance reduction techniques: Stratified Sampling, Importance Sampling, etc. - too many to mention. Here's a quick technique - take the uniform random deviates generated by np.random.rand(), and estimate as usual. Then generate another estimator using the transformed deviates: [(1-x) for x in stored_deviates]. The average of the two estimators has reduced variance (by .5).
I have an array where discreet sinewave values are recorded and stored. I want to find the max and min of the waveform. Since the sinewave data is recorded voltages using a DAQ, there will be some noise, so I want to do a weighted average. Assuming self.yArray contains my sinewave values, here is my code so far:
filterarray = []
filtersize = 2
length = len(self.yArray)
for x in range (0, length-(filtersize+1)):
for y in range (0,filtersize):
summation = sum(self.yArray[x+y])
ave = summation/filtersize
My issue seems to be in the second for loop, where depending on my averaging window size (filtersize), I want to sum up the values in the window to take the average of them. I receive an error saying:
summation = sum(self.yArray[x+y])
TypeError: 'float' object is not iterable
I am an EE with very little experience in programming, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
The other answers correctly describe your error, but this type of problem really calls out for using numpy. Numpy will run faster, be more memory efficient, and is more expressive and convenient for this type of problem. Here's an example:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# make a sine wave with noise
times = np.arange(0, 10*np.pi, .01)
noise = .1*np.random.ranf(len(times))
wfm = np.sin(times) + noise
# smoothing it with a running average in one line using a convolution
# using a convolution, you could also easily smooth with other filters
# like a Gaussian, etc.
n_ave = 20
smoothed = np.convolve(wfm, np.ones(n_ave)/n_ave, mode='same')
plt.plot(times, wfm, times, -.5+smoothed)
If you don't want to use numpy, it should also be noted that there's a logical error in your program that results in the TypeError. The problem is that in the line
summation = sum(self.yArray[x+y])
you're using sum within the loop where your also calculating the sum. So either you need to use sum without the loop, or loop through the array and add up all the elements, but not both (and it's doing both, ie, applying sum to the indexed array element, that leads to the error in the first place). That is, here are two solutions:
filterarray = []
filtersize = 2
length = len(self.yArray)
for x in range (0, length-(filtersize+1)):
summation = sum(self.yArray[x:x+filtersize]) # sum over section of array
ave = summation/filtersize
filterarray = []
filtersize = 2
length = len(self.yArray)
for x in range (0, length-(filtersize+1)):
summation = 0.
for y in range (0,filtersize):
summation = self.yArray[x+y]
ave = summation/filtersize
self.yArray[x+y] is returning a single item out of the self.yArray list. If you are trying to get a subset of the yArray, you can use the slice operator instead:
summation = sum(self.yArray[x:y])
to return an iterable that the sum builtin can use.
A bit more information about python slices can be found here (scroll down to the "Sequences" section): http://docs.python.org/2/reference/datamodel.html#the-standard-type-hierarchy
You could use numpy, like:
import numpy
filtersize = 2
ysums = numpy.cumsum(numpy.array(self.yArray, dtype=float))
ylags = numpy.roll(ysums, filtersize)
ylags[0:filtersize] = 0.0
moving_avg = (ysums - ylags) / filtersize
Your original code attempts to call sum on the float value stored at yArray[x+y], where x+y is evaluating to some integer representing the index of that float value.
summation = sum(self.yArray[x:y])
Indeed numpy is the way to go. One of the nice features of python is list comprehensions, allowing you to do away with the typical nested for loop constructs. Here goes an example, for your particular problem...
import numpy as np
res=[np.sum(myarr[i:i+step],dtype=np.float)/step for i in range(len(myarr)-step+1)]
I'm trying to use some Time Series Analysis in Python, using Numpy.
I have two somewhat medium-sized series, with 20k values each and I want to check the sliding correlation.
The corrcoef gives me as output a Matrix of auto-correlation/correlation coefficients. Nothing useful by itself in my case, as one of the series contains a lag.
The correlate function (in mode="full") returns a 40k elements list that DO look like the kind of result I'm aiming for (the peak value is as far from the center of the list as the Lag would indicate), but the values are all weird - up to 500, when I was expecting something from -1 to 1.
I can't just divide it all by the max value; I know the max correlation isn't 1.
How could I normalize the "cross-correlation" (correlation in "full" mode) so the return values would be the correlation on each lag step instead those very large, strange values?
You are looking for normalized cross-correlation. This option isn't available yet in Numpy, but a patch is waiting for review that does just what you want. It shouldn't be too hard to apply it I would think. Most of the patch is just doc string stuff. The only lines of code that it adds are
if normalize:
a = (a - mean(a)) / (std(a) * len(a))
v = (v - mean(v)) / std(v)
where a and v are the inputted numpy arrays of which you are finding the cross-correlation. It shouldn't be hard to either add them into your own distribution of Numpy or just make a copy of the correlate function and add the lines there. I would do the latter personally if I chose to go this route.
Another, quite possibly better, alternative is to just do the normalization to the input vectors before you send it to correlate. It's up to you which way you would like to do it.
By the way, this does appear to be the correct normalization as per the Wikipedia page on cross-correlation except for dividing by len(a) rather than (len(a)-1). I feel that the discrepancy is akin to the standard deviation of the sample vs. sample standard deviation and really won't make much of a difference in my opinion.
According to this slides, I would suggest to do it this way:
def cross_correlation(a1, a2):
lags = range(-len(a1)+1, len(a2))
cs = []
for lag in lags:
idx_lower_a1 = max(lag, 0)
idx_lower_a2 = max(-lag, 0)
idx_upper_a1 = min(len(a1), len(a1)+lag)
idx_upper_a2 = min(len(a2), len(a2)-lag)
b1 = a1[idx_lower_a1:idx_upper_a1]
b2 = a2[idx_lower_a2:idx_upper_a2]
c = np.correlate(b1, b2)[0]
c = c / np.sqrt((b1**2).sum() * (b2**2).sum())
return cs
For a full mode, would it make sense to compute corrcoef directly on the lagged signal/feature? Code
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Optional, Sequence
import numpy as np
ArrayLike = Any
class XCorr:
cross_correlation: np.ndarray
lags: np.ndarray
def cross_correlation(
signal: ArrayLike, feature: ArrayLike, lags: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None
) -> XCorr:
Computes normalized cross correlation between the `signal` and the `feature`.
Current implementation assumes the `feature` can't be longer than the `signal`.
You can optionally provide specific lags, if not provided `signal` is padded
with the length of the `feature` - 1, and the `feature` is slid/padded (creating lags)
with 0 padding to match the length of the new signal. Pearson product-moment
correlation coefficients is computed for each lag.
See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-correlation
:param signal: observed signal
:param feature: feature you are looking for
:param lags: optional lags, if not provided equals to (-len(feature), len(signal))
signal_ar = np.asarray(signal)
feature_ar = np.asarray(feature)
if np.count_nonzero(feature_ar) == 0:
raise ValueError("Unsupported - feature contains only zeros")
assert (
signal_ar.ndim == feature_ar.ndim == 1
), "Unsupported - only 1d signal/feature supported"
assert len(feature_ar) <= len(
), "Unsupported - signal should be at least as long as the feature"
padding_sz = len(feature_ar) - 1
padded_signal = np.pad(
signal_ar, (padding_sz, padding_sz), "constant", constant_values=0
lags = lags if lags is not None else range(-padding_sz, len(signal_ar), 1)
if np.max(lags) >= len(signal_ar):
raise ValueError("max positive lag must be shorter than the signal")
if np.min(lags) <= -len(feature_ar):
raise ValueError("max negative lag can't be longer than the feature")
assert np.max(lags) < len(signal_ar), ""
lagged_patterns = np.asarray(
(padding_sz + lag, len(signal_ar) - lag - 1),
for lag in lags
return XCorr(
cross_correlation=np.corrcoef(padded_signal, lagged_patterns)[0, 1:],
signal = [0, 0, 1, 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1]
feature = [1, 0, 0, 1]
xcorr = cross_correlation(signal, feature)
assert xcorr.lags[xcorr.cross_correlation.argmax()] == 4