I'm developing a custom widget (inheriting from QWidget) to use as a control. How can I fix the aspect-ratio of the widget to be square, but still allow it to be resized by the layout manager when both vertical and horizontal space allows?
I know that I can set the viewport of the QPainter so that it only draws in a central square area, but that still allows the user to click either side of the drawn area.
It seems like there is no universal way to keep a widget square under all circumstances.
You must choose one:
Make its height depend on its width:
class MyWidget(QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
policy = QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Preferred)
def heightForWidth(self, width):
return width
Make its minimal width depend on its height:
class MyWidget(QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Preferred)
def resizeEvent(self, e):
Such a widget will be kept square as long as there is such a possibility.
For other cases you should indeed consider changing the viewport, as you mentioned. Mouse events shouldn't be that much of a problem, just find the center of the widget (divide dimensions by 2), find min(width, height) and go from there. You should be able to validate the mouse events by coordinate. It is nice to call QMouseEvent.accept, only if the event passed the validation and you used the event.
I'd go with BlaXpirit's method, but here's an alternative that I've used before.
If you subclass the custom widget's resiseEvent() you can adjust the requested size to make it a square and then set the widget's size manually.
import sys
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
class CustomWidget(QtGui.QFrame):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
QtGui.QFrame.__init__(self, parent)
# Give the frame a border so that we can see it.
layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
self.label = QtGui.QLabel('Test')
def resizeEvent(self, event):
# Create a square base size of 10x10 and scale it to the new size
# maintaining aspect ratio.
new_size = QtCore.QSize(10, 10)
new_size.scale(event.size(), QtCore.Qt.KeepAspectRatio)
class MainWidget(QtGui.QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
self.custom_widget = CustomWidget()
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
window = MainWidget()
I'm trying to learn it by re-making an old command line C program I've got for working with pixel art.
At the moment, the main window starts as a single QLabel set to show a 300 x 300 scaled up version of a 10 x 10 white image.
I'm using the resizeEvent (I've also tried using paintEvent with the same problem) to rescale the image to fill the window as the window size is increased.
My question is, how do I rescale the image to fit in the window as the window size is decreased? As it stands, the window can't be resized smaller than the widget displaying the image. Essentially, I can make the window (and image) bigger, but never smaller.
My code for this so far is below. As it stands it's only working based on changes to window width, just to keep it simple while I'm working this out. Is there a way to allow the window to be resized to be smaller than the largest widget? Or is there a better way to approach this problem?
#Create white 10*10 image
image = QImage(10,10,QImage.Format.Format_ARGB32)
image_scaled = QImage()
class Window(QMainWindow):
#scale image to change in window width (image is window width * window width square)
def resizeEvent(self,event):
if self.imageLabel.width()>self.imageLabel.height():
self.image_scaled = image.scaled(self.imageLabel.width(),self.imageLabel.width())
self.pixmap = QPixmap.fromImage(self.image_scaled)
QWidget.resizeEvent(self, event)
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.imageLabel = QLabel()
self.image_scaled = image.scaled(self.imageLabel.width(),self.imageLabel.width())
self.pixmap = QPixmap.fromImage(self.image_scaled)
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
win = Window()
While the OP proposed solution might work, it has an important drawback: it uses a QScrollArea for the wrong purpose (since it's never used for scrolling). That approach creates unnecessary overhead while resizing, as the view will need to compute lots of things about its contents before "finishing" the resize event (including scroll bar ranges and geometries) that, in the end, will never be actually used.
The main problem comes from the fact that QLabel doesn't allow resizing to a size smaller than the original pixmap set. To work around this issue, the simplest solution is to create a custom QWidget subclass that draws the pixmap on its own.
class ImageViewer(QWidget):
pixmap = None
_sizeHint = QSize()
ratio = Qt.KeepAspectRatio
transformation = Qt.SmoothTransformation
def __init__(self, pixmap=None):
def setPixmap(self, pixmap):
if self.pixmap != pixmap:
self.pixmap = pixmap
if isinstance(pixmap, QPixmap):
self._sizeHint = pixmap.size()
self._sizeHint = QSize()
def setAspectRatio(self, ratio):
if self.ratio != ratio:
self.ratio = ratio
def setTransformation(self, transformation):
if self.transformation != transformation:
self.transformation = transformation
def updateScaled(self):
if self.pixmap:
self.scaled = self.pixmap.scaled(self.size(), self.ratio, self.transformation)
def sizeHint(self):
return self._sizeHint
def resizeEvent(self, event):
def paintEvent(self, event):
if not self.pixmap:
qp = QPainter(self)
r = self.scaled.rect()
qp.drawPixmap(r, self.scaled)
class Window(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.imageLabel = ImageViewer(QPixmap.fromImage(image))
Found a solution. Turns out putting the image inside a QScrollArea widget allows the window to be made smaller than the image it contains even if the scroll bars are disabled. This then allows the image to be rescaled to fit the window as the window size is reduced.
class Window(QMainWindow):
#scale image to change in window width (image is window width * window width square)
def resizeEvent(self,event):
self.image_scaled = image.scaled(self.scroll.width(),self.scroll.height())
self.pixmap = QPixmap.fromImage(self.image_scaled)
QMainWindow.resizeEvent(self, event)
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.imageLabel = QLabel()
self.scroll = QScrollArea()
self.image_scaled = image.scaled(self.scroll.width(),self.scroll.width())
self.pixmap = QPixmap.fromImage(self.image_scaled)
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
win = Window()
A custom widget (class name MyLabel, inherits QLabel) has a fixed aspect ratio 16:9.
When I resize my window, the label is top-left aligned unless the window happens to be 16:9, in which case it fills the window perfectly.
How do I get the label to be centered? I have looked at size policies, alignments, using spaceitems and stretch, but I cannot seem to get it working as desired.
Here is a minimal reproducible example:
import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QLabel, QMainWindow
from PyQt5.QtCore import QSize, Qt
from PyQt5.Qt import QVBoxLayout, QWidget
class MyLabel(QLabel):
def __init__(self, text, parent=None):
super().__init__(text, parent)
self.setStyleSheet("background-color: lightgreen") # Just for visibility
def resizeEvent(self, event):
# Size of 16:9 and scale it to the new size maintaining aspect ratio.
new_size = QSize(16, 9)
new_size.scale(event.size(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio)
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
# Main widget and layout, and set as centralWidget
self.main_layout = QVBoxLayout()
self.main_widget = QWidget()
# Add button to main_layout
label = MyLabel("Hello World")
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
ex = MainWindow()
Examples of desired outcome:
Examples of actual outcome:
Qt unfortunately doesn't provide a straight forward solution for widgets that require a fixed aspect ratio.
There are some traces in old documentation, but the main problem is that:
all functions related to aspect ratio (hasHeightForWidth() etc) for widgets, layouts and size policies are only considered for the size hint, so no constraint is available if the widget is manually resized by the layout;
as the documentation reports changing the geometry of a widget within the moveEvent() or resizeEvent() might lead to infinite recursion;
it's not possible to (correctly) control the size growth or shrinking while keeping aspect ratio;
For the sake of completeness, here's a partial solution to this issue, but be aware that QLabel is a very peculiar widget that has some constraints related to its text representation (most importantly, with rich text and/or word wrap).
class MyLabel(QLabel):
lastRect = None
isResizing = False
def __init__(self, text, parent=None):
super().__init__(text, parent)
self.setStyleSheet("background-color: lightgreen")
def restoreRatio(self, lastRect=None):
if self.isResizing:
rect = QRect(QPoint(),
QSize(16, 9).scaled(self.size(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio))
if not lastRect:
lastRect = self.geometry()
if rect != lastRect:
self.isResizing = True
self.isResizing = False
self.lastRect = None
def hasHeightForWidth(self):
return True
def heightForWidth(self, width):
if self.pixmap():
return width * self.pixmap().height() / self.pixmap().width()
return width * 9 / 16
def sizeHint(self):
if self.pixmap():
return self.pixmap().size()
return QSize(160, 90)
def moveEvent(self, event):
self.lastRect = self.geometry()
def resizeEvent(self, event):
Since the purpose is to display an image, another possibility is to manually paint everything on your own, for which you don't need a QLabel at all, and you can just override the paintEvent of a QWidget, but for performance purposes it could be slightly better to use a container widget with a child QLabel: this would theoretically make things a bit faster, as all the computation is completely done in Qt:
class ParentedLabel(QWidget):
def __init__(self, pixmap=None):
self.child = QLabel(self, scaledContents=True)
if pixmap:
def setPixmap(self, pixmap):
def updateChild(self):
if self.child.pixmap():
r = self.child.pixmap().rect()
size = self.child.pixmap().size().scaled(
self.size(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio)
r = QRect(QPoint(), size)
def hasHeightForWidth(self):
return bool(self.child.pixmap())
def heightForWidth(self, width):
return width * self.child.pixmap().height() / self.child.pixmap().width()
def sizeHint(self):
if self.child.pixmap():
return self.child.pixmap().size()
return QSize(160, 90)
def moveEvent(self, event):
def resizeEvent(self, event):
Finally, another possibility is to use a QGraphicsView, which is probably the faster approach of all, with a small drawback: the image shown based on the given size hint will probably be slightly smaller (a couple of pixels) than the original, with the result that it will seem a bit "out of focus" due to the resizing.
class ViewLabel(QGraphicsView):
def __init__(self, pixmap=None):
self.setStyleSheet('ViewLabel { border: 0px solid none; }')
scene = QGraphicsScene()
self.pixmapItem = QGraphicsPixmapItem(pixmap)
def setPixmap(self, pixmap):
def updateScene(self):
self.fitInView(self.pixmapItem, Qt.KeepAspectRatio)
def hasHeightForWidth(self):
return not bool(self.pixmapItem.pixmap().isNull())
def heightForWidth(self, width):
return width * self.pixmapItem.pixmap().height() / self.pixmapItem.pixmap().width()
def sizeHint(self):
if not self.pixmapItem.pixmap().isNull():
return self.pixmapItem.pixmap().size()
return QSize(160, 90)
def resizeEvent(self, event):
I am trying to use the setSizePolicy property of a QWidget. Using this feature with a QWidget or QFrame works as expected. However, using this feature with a QAbstractScrollArea the result is unexpected.
The following minimum working example demonstrates this behavior:
Arranged in two Parent widgets are on the left a layout of QAbstractScrollArea widgets and on the right a set of QFrame widgets. Each widget gets assigned an individual height and all widgets specify in the size policy to be fixed to the sizeHint return size, which is fixed to the aforementioned height.
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets
import sys
class ASWidget(QtWidgets.QAbstractScrollArea):
def __init__(self, height, parent=None):
self.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed)
self._height = height
self.setStyleSheet("background: red;")
def sizeHint(self):
return QtCore.QSize(100, self._height)
class NonASWidget(QtWidgets.QFrame):
def __init__(self, height, parent=None):
self.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed)
self._height = height
self.setStyleSheet("background: red;")
def sizeHint(self):
return QtCore.QSize(100, self._height)
class ParentWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget):
def __init__(self, classType, parent=None):
layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self)
layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
sizes = [5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65]
for i in sizes:
class Dialog(QtWidgets.QDialog):
def __init__(self):
w1 = ParentWidget(ASWidget, self)
w2 = ParentWidget(NonASWidget, self)
w2.move(110, 0)
def main():
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
dialog = Dialog()
if __name__ == "__main__":
The result of the code above is this screen shot:
As you can see, the QAbstractScrollArea widgets on the left do not make use of the fixed size policy in contrast to the QFrame widgets on the right.
What is the reason behind this and how can I make use of the setSizePolicy feature with QAbstractScrollArea widgets?
When subclassing widgets (besides QWidget itself), it's important to remember that all existing Qt subclasses also set some default properties or reimplement methods, including the abstract ones.
The minimumSizeHint() is the recommended minimum size of the widget, and the layout will (almost) always respect that. The following paragraph is important:
QLayout will never resize a widget to a size smaller than the minimum size hint unless minimumSize() is set or the size policy is set to QSizePolicy::Ignore. If minimumSize() is set, the minimum size hint will be ignored.
The minimum hint is important as it's valid only for widgets that are inside a layout, and it also can be used as a [sub]class "default" instead of using minimumSize(), which should be used for instances instead.
While many widgets return an invalid (as in ignored) minimum size hint, others don't, as it's important for their nature to have a default minimum size set. This happens for subclasses of QAbstractButton and for all subclasses of QAbstractScrollArea.
To override this behavior (while not suggested under a certain size), just overwrite the method. Note that it's preferred to have the sizeHint() return minimumSizeHint() and not the other way around, so that sizeHint() always respect the minimum hint, but can still be overridden in other subclasses.
class ASWidget(QtWidgets.QAbstractScrollArea):
def __init__(self, height, parent=None):
self.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed)
self._height = height
self.setStyleSheet("background: red;")
def sizeHint(self):
return self.minimumSizeHint()
def minimumSizeHint(self):
return QtCore.QSize(100, self._height)
I am trying to make a GUI that will display (and eventually let the user build) circuits. Below is a rough sketch of what the application is supposed to look like.
The bottom panel (currently a simple QToolBar) should be of constant height but span the width of the application and the side panels (IOPanels in the below code) should have a constant width and span the height of the application.
The main part of the application (Canvas, which is currently a QWidget with an overriden paintEvent method, but might eventually become a QGraphicsScene with a QGraphicsView or at least something scrollable) should then fill the remaining space.
This is my current code:
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QSize
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, *args):
self._wire_ys = None
def update_wire_ys(self):
self._wire_ys = [(i + 0.5) * self.panel.height() / 4 for i in range(4)]
def wire_ys(self):
return self._wire_ys
def _init_ui(self):
self.panel = QWidget(self)
self.canvas = Canvas(self, self.panel)
self.input = IOPanel(self, self.panel)
self.output = IOPanel(self, self.panel)
hbox = QHBoxLayout(self.panel)
hbox.addWidget(self.canvas, 1, Qt.AlignCenter)
hbox.addWidget(self.input, 0, Qt.AlignLeft)
hbox.addWidget(self.output, 0, Qt.AlignRight)
self.addToolBar(Qt.BottomToolBarArea, self._create_run_panel())
def _create_run_panel(self):
# some other code to create the toolbar
return QToolBar(self)
def reset_placement(self):
g = QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry()
self.resize(0.4 * g.width(), 0.4 * g.height())
self.move(g.center().x() - self.width() / 2, g.center().y() - self.height() / 2)
def resizeEvent(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().resizeEvent(*args, **kwargs)
class IOPanel(QWidget):
def __init__(self, main_window, *args):
self.main = main_window
self.io = [Field(self) for _ in range(4)]
def update_field_positions(self):
wire_ys = self.main.wire_ys()
for i in range(len(wire_ys)):
field = self.io[i]
field.move(self.width() - field.width() - 10, wire_ys[i] - field.height() / 2)
def sizeHint(self):
return QSize(40, self.main.height())
class Field(QLabel):
def __init__(self, *args):
self.resize(20, 20)
# This class is actually defined in another module and imported
class Canvas(QWidget):
def __init__(self, main_window, *args):
self.main = main_window
def paintEvent(self, e):
qp = QPainter()
def _draw(self, qp):
# Draw stuff
qp.drawLine(0, 0, 1, 1)
# __main__.py
def main():
import sys
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
w = MainWindow()
if __name__ == '__main__':
Running that code gives me the following:
Here I have coloured the components to better see them using code like this in their construction:
p = self.palette()
p.setColor(self.backgroundRole(), Qt.blue)
Green is the central panel (MainWindow.panel), blue are the IOPanels, the Fields are supposed to be red, and the Canvas is supposed to be white.
Ignore the bottom toolbar, it's some extra code I didn't include above (to keep it as minimal and relevant as possible), but it does no resizing of anything and no layout management except for its own child QWidget. In fact, including the painting code in my above minimal example gave a similar result with thinner bottom toolbar without the Run button. I'm just including the toolbar here to show its expected behaviour (as the toolbar is working correctly) in the general layout.
This result has several problems.
Problem 1
The Fields do not show up, initially. However, they do show up (and are appropriately placed within their respective panels) once I resize the main window. Why is this? The only thing the main window's resizeEvent does is update_wire_ys and update_field_positions, and those are performed by the main window's __init__ as well.
Problem 2
The IOPanels are not properly aligned. The first one should be on the left side of the central panel. Changing the order of adding them fixes this, as so:
hbox.addWidget(self.input, 0, Qt.AlignLeft)
hbox.addWidget(self.canvas, 1, Qt.AlignCenter)
hbox.addWidget(self.output, 0, Qt.AlignRight)
However, shouldn't the Qt.AlignX already do this, regardless of the order they're added in? What if I later on wanted to add another panel to the left side, would I have to remove all the components, add the new panel and then re-add them?
Problem 3
The IOPanels are not properly sized. They need to span the entire height of the central panel and touch the left/right edge of the central panel. I'm not sure if this is an issue with the layout or my colouring of the panels. What am I doing wrong?
Problem 4
The Canvas does not show up at all and in fact its paintEvent is never called ("ASFD" never gets printed to the console). I have not overridden its sizeHint, because I want the central panel's layout to appropriately size the Canvas by itself. I was hoping the stretch factor of 1 when adding the component would accomplish that.
hbox.addWidget(self.canvas, 1, Qt.AlignCenter)
How do I get the canvas to actually show up and fill all the remaining space on the central panel?
This is the typical spaghetti code, where many elements are tangled, which is usually difficult to test, I have found many problems such as sizeEvent is only called when the layout containing the widget is called, another example is when you use the Function update_field_positions and update_wire_ys that handle each other object.
In this answer I will propose a simpler implementation:
IOPanel clas must contain a QVBoxLayout that handles the changes of image size.
In the MainWindow class we will use the layouts with the alignments but you must add them in order.
lay.addWidget(self.input, 0, Qt.AlignLeft)
lay.addWidget(self.canvas, 0, Qt.AlignCenter)
lay.addWidget(self.output, 0, Qt.AlignRight)
To place a minimum width for IOPanel we use QSizePolicy() and setMinimumSize()
Complete code:
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
class Field(QLabel):
def __init__(self, text="0", parent=None):
super(Field, self).__init__(parent=parent)
class IOPanel(QWidget):
numbers_of_fields = 4
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(IOPanel, self).__init__(parent=None)
lay = QVBoxLayout(self)
for _ in range(self.numbers_of_fields):
w = Field()
self.setMinimumSize(QSize(40, 0))
sizePolicy = QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Preferred)
class Panel(QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(Panel, self).__init__(parent=None)
lay = QHBoxLayout(self)
self.input = IOPanel()
self.output = IOPanel()
self.canvas = QWidget()
lay.addWidget(self.input, 0, Qt.AlignLeft)
lay.addWidget(self.canvas, 0, Qt.AlignCenter)
lay.addWidget(self.output, 0, Qt.AlignRight)
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent=parent)
def initUi(self):
panel = Panel(self)
self.addToolBar(Qt.BottomToolBarArea, QToolBar(self))
def reset_placement(self):
g = QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry()
self.resize(0.4 * g.width(), 0.4 * g.height())
self.move(g.center().x() - self.width() / 2, g.center().y() - self.height() / 2)
def main():
import sys
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
w = MainWindow()
if __name__ == '__main__':
I'm trying to build an interface using custom widgets, and have run into the following problem.
I have a widget Rectangle which I want to use as an interactive element in my interface. To define a rectangle I just need to give it a parent, so it knows what window to draw itself in, and a position [x,y, width, height] defining its position and size. (I know that some of you will say "You should be using layouts as opposed to absolute positioning" but I am 100% sure that I need absolute positioning for this particular application).
from PySide.QtCore import *
from PySide.QtGui import *
import sys
class Rectangle(QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent, *args):
print parent, args
#expect args[0] is a list in the form [x,y,width,height]
def enterEvent(self, e):
print 'Enter'
def leaveEvent(self, e):
print 'Leave'
def paintEvent(self, e):
print 'Painted: ',self.pos
painter = QPainter(self)
painter.drawRect(0,0,self.width()-1, self.height()-1)
I also have a Window widget which is the canvas on which my visualization is to be drawn. In the Window's __init__() definition I create a rectangle A at 20,40.
class Window(QWidget):
def __init__(self):
super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
self.widgets = [Rectangle(self,[20,40,100,80])]
def addWidget(self,Widget, *args):
self.widgets += [Widget(self, *args)]
def mousePressEvent(self, e):
for widget in self.widgets:
print widget.geometry()
Since I am building a visualization, I want to create my Window and then add widgets to it afterwords, so I create an instance mWindow, which should already have rectangle A defined. I then use my window's addWidget() method to add a second rectangle at 200,200 - call it rectangle B.
if __name__ == "__main__":
app= QApplication(sys.argv)
mWindow = Window()
mWindow.addWidget(Rectangle, [200,200,200,80])
The issue I have is that only rectangle A actually gets drawn.
I know that both rectangle A and **rectangle B are getting instantiated and both have myWindow as their parent widgets, because of the output of print parent in the constructor for Rectangle.
However, when I resize the window to force it to repaint itself, the paintEvent() method is only called on rectangle A, not rectangle B. What am I missing?
You just forgot to show the rectangle. In addWidget, add this before self.update():
The reason why you don't need show for the first rectangle object is because it is
created in the Window constructor. Then, Qt itself is making sure objects are properly
shown (which is misleading, I agree...).