Importing the database content along with the code.. - python

I have written a code in Python which accesses Mysql database in my computer.My question is how do I make my program run on other machines i.e how do I transfer the database ??
Thank you for reading...

use the tools that come with MYSQL installation
from command line
mysqldump -u root -p pass21 --databases yourdb > multibackup.sql
mysql -u sadmin -p pass21 Customers < multibackup.sql


"stdin is not a tty" when populating Postgres database

Please help, I have this stdin is not a tty message when i run the command below in my terminal.
psql -U postgres kdc < kdc.psql
kdc is the database and kdc.psql is the psql file with commands to populate the database. I am in the directory that holds the psql file.
I am not sure what causes that message (it does not happen here), but you should be able to avoid it using the -f option:
psql -U postgres -d kdc -f kdc.psql

Downloading a postgreSQL pg_dump file from a remote server using Python

I'm struggling getting data from an older postgres database to an newer one.
I have already tried a few things without success. For more information, see Useing ANSI driver to connect to a postgreSQL DB with python psycopg2
The last idea is now to use pg_dump and pg_restore.
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
# destination handling has to be adjusted.
def dump_table(host_name, database_name, user_name, database_password, table_name):
command = 'pg_dump -h {0} -d {1} -U {2} -p 5432 -t public.{3} -Fc -f /tmp/table.dmp'.format(host_name, database_name, user_name, table_name)
p = Popen(command, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
return p.communicate('{}n'.format(database_password))
After some research, I came across the above approach. Unfortunately, I haven't really done anything with the shell yet. As I currently understand it, the postgresDB is addressed locally so that the table.dmp is stored there in the /tmp/ directory.
However, I do not have direct access to this directory in order to download files from it. Do I have a possibility to receive the file created here directly in Python in order to process it directly on the target server? Because the target server is the one I have access to.

Lemur + PostgreSQL - can't render element of type

I'm trying to locally deploy a Netflix open project locally using the following documentation (page 46)
and following these steps:
git clone git://
# Create a python virtualenv
mkvirtualenv lemur
# Make the magic happen
When I call lemur init I get the following error:
sqlalchemy.exc.CompileError: (in table 'authorities', column 'options'): Compiler <sqlalchemy.dialects.sqlite.base.SQLiteTypeCompiler object at 0x10aaa3dd0> can't render element of type <class 'sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.JSON'>
I have a Postgres SQL server running locally (using docker) only address
But it's seems that the project fails to connect.
This is how I deployed to database docker:
docker run --name some-postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=lemur -e POSTGRES_USER=lemmr -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=lemur -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
Working on Mac OS
Please advise
Issue was caused because a config file was not created, which by default caused Lemur to access SQlite.
Before calling 'lemur init' called 'lemur create_config', which resolved the issue.

OperationalError: (2002, "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)") [duplicate]

I am getting the following error when I try to connect to mysql:
Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
Is there a solution for this error? What might be the reason behind it?
Are you connecting to "localhost" or "" ? I noticed that when you connect to "localhost" the socket connector is used, but when you connect to "" the TCP/IP connector is used. You could try using "" if the socket connector is not enabled/working.
Ensure that your mysql service is running
service mysqld start
Then, try the one of the following following:
(if you have not set password for mysql)
mysql -u root
if you have set password already
mysql -u root -p
If your file my.cnf (usually in the etc folder) is correctly configured with
you can check if mysql is running with the following command:
mysqladmin -u root -p status
try changing your permission to mysql folder. If you are working locally, you can try:
sudo chmod -R 777 /var/lib/mysql/
that solved it for me
The MySQL server is not running, or that is not the location of its socket file (check my.cnf).
Most likely mysql.sock does not exist in /var/lib/mysql/.
If you find the same file in another location then symlink it:
For ex: I have it in /data/mysql_datadir/mysql.sock
Switch user to mysql and execute as mentioned below:
su mysql
ln -s /data/mysql_datadir/mysql.sock /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
That solved my problem
If you are on a recent RHEL, you may need to start mariadb (an open source mysql db) instead of the mysql db:
yum remove mysql
yum -y install mariadb-server mariadb
service mariadb start
You should then be able to access mysql in the usual fashion:
mysql -u root -p
Just edit /etc/my.cnf
Add following lines to my.cnf
Restart mysql and connect again
mysql -u user -p password database -h host;
In my case I have moved socket file to another location inside /etc/my.cnf
from /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock to /tmp/mysql.sock
Even after restarting the mysqld service, I still see the error message when I try to connect.
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
The problem is with the way that the client is configured. Running diagnostics will actually show the correct socket path. eg ps aux | grep mysqld
mysql -uroot -p -h127.0.0.1
mysql -uroot -p --socket=/tmp/mysql.sock
Does not Work:
mysql -uroot -p
mysql -uroot -p -hlocalhost
You can fix this problem by adding the same socket line under [client] section inside mysql config.
Check if your mysqld service is running or not, if not run, start the service.
If your problem isn't solved, look for /etc/my.cnf and modify as following, where you see a line starting with socket. Take a backup of that file before doing this update.
Change to
socket=/opt/lampp/var/mysql/mysql.sock -u root
MariaDB, a community developed fork of MySQL, has become the default implementation of MySQL in many distributions.
So first you should start,
$ sudo systemctl start mariadb
If this fails rather try,
$ sudo systemctl start mysqld
Then to start mysql,
$ mysql -u root -p
As of today, in Fedora the package is named mariadb
And in Ubuntu it is called mariadb-server.
So you may have to install it if its not already installed in your system.
Make sure you have enough space left in /var. If Mysql demon is not able to write additional info to the drive the mysql server won't start and it leads to the error Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
Consider using
expire_logs_days = 10
max_binlog_size = 100M
This will help you keep disk usage down.
Please check whether another mysql service is running.
Make sure you started the server:
mysql.server start
Then connect with root user:
mysql -uroot
Here's what worked for me:
ln -s /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock /tmp/mysql.sock
service mysqld restart
One way to reproduce this error: If you meant to connect to a foreign server but instead connect to the non existent local one:
eric#dev ~ $ mysql -u dev -p
Enter password:
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through
socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
eric#dev ~ $
So you have to specify the host like this:
eric#dev ~ $ mysql -u dev -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 235
Server version: 5.6.19 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| information_schema |
| mysql |
| performance_schema |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> exit
eric#dev ~ $
If your mysql was previously working and has stopped suddenly just "reboot" the server.
Was facing this issue on my CentOS VPS.->
Was constantly getting
Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock'(2)
Tried all techniques, finally restarting the server fixed the issues ->
shutdown -r now
Hope this helps !!
echo 0 > /selinux/enforce
if you change files in /var/lib/mysql [ like copy or replace that ], you must set owner of files to mysql this is so important if mariadb.service restart has been faild
chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql/*
chmod -R 700 /var/lib/mysql/*
First enter "service mysqld start" and login
It worked for me with the following changes
Whatever path for socket is mentioned in [mysqld] and same in [client] in my.cnf and restart mysql
Please ensure you have installed MySQL server correctly, I met this error many times and I think it's complicated to debug from the socket, I mean it might be easier to reinstall it.
If you are using CentOS 7, here is the correct way to install it:
First of all, add the mysql community source
yum install
Then you can install it by yum install mysql-community-server
Start it with systemctl: systemctl start mysqld
My problem was that I installed mysql successfully and it worked fine.
But one day, the same error occurred.
Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
And no mysql.sock file existed.
This sollution solved my problem and mysql was up and running again:
Log in as root:
sudo su -
systemctl stop mysqld.service
systemctl start mysqld.service
systemctl enable mysqld.service
Test as root:
mysql -u root -p
mysql should now be up and running.
I hope this can help someone else as well.
Note that while mysql reads the info of the location of the socketfile from the my.cnf file, the mysql_secure_installation program seems to not do that correctly at times.
So if you are like me and shuffle things around at installationtime you might get into the situation where you can connect to the database with mysql just fine, but the thing can not be secured (not using that script anyway).
To fix this the suggestion from sreddy works well: make a softlink from where the script would expect the socket to where it actually is. Example:
ln -s /tmp/mysql.sock /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
(I use /tmp/ as a default location for sockets)
This might be a stupid suggestion but make 100% sure your DB is still hosted at localhost. For example, if a Network Admin chose (or changed to) Amazon DB hosting, you will need that hostname instead!
In my case, I was importing a new database, and I wasnt able to connect again after that. Finally I realized that was a space problem.
So you can delete the last database and expand you hard drive or what I did, restored a snapshot of my virtual machine.
Just in case someone thinks that is useful
I came to this issue when i reinstall mariadb with yum, which rename my /etc/my.cnf.d/client.cnf to /etc/my.cnf.d/client.cnf.rpmsave but leave /etc/my.cnf unchanged.
For I has configed mysqld's socket in /etc/my.cnf, and mysql's socket in /etc/my.cnf.d/client.cnf with customized path.
So after the installation, mysql client cannot find the mysql's socket conf, so it try to use the default socket path to connect the msyqld, which will cause this issue.
Here are some steps to locate this isue.
check if mysqld is running with ps -aef | grep mysqld
$ps -aef | grep mysqld | grep -v grep
mysql 19946 1 0 09:54 ? 00:00:03 /usr/sbin/mysqld
if mysqld is running, show what socket it use with netstat -ln | grep mysql
$netstat -ln | grep mysql
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 560340807 /data/mysql/mysql.sock
check if the socket is mysql client trying to connect.
if not, edit /etc/my.conf.d/client.cnf or my.conf to make the socket same with it in mysqld
You also can edit the mysqld's socket, but you need to restart or reload mysqld.
Just rain into the same problem -- and here's how I addressed it.
Assuming mysqld is running, then the problem might just be the mysql client not knowing where to look for the socket file.
The most straightforward way to address this consists in adding the following line to your user's profile .my.cnf file (on linux that's usually under /home/myusername):
socket=<path to the mysql socket file>
If you don't have a .my.cnf file there, then create one containing the following:
socket=<path to the mysql socket file>
In my case, since I moved the mysql default data folder (/var/lib/mysql) in a different location (/data/mysql), I added to .my.cnf the following:
Hope this helps.
ran into this issue while trying to connect mysql in SSH client, found adding the socket path to the command helpful when switching between sockets is necessary.
> mysql -u user -p --socket=/path/to/mysql5143.sock
This is a problem if you are running out of disk space.
Solution is to free some space from the HDD.
Please read more to have the explanation :
If you are running MySQL at LINUX check the free space of HDD with the command disk free :
if you are getting something like that :
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2 5162828 4902260 0 100% /
udev 156676 84 156592 1% /dev
/dev/sda3 3107124 70844 2878444 3% /home
Then this is the problem and now you have the solution!
Since mysql.sock wants to be created at the mysql folder which is almost always under the root folder could not achieve it because lack of space.
If you are periodicaly give the ls command under the mysql directory (at openSUSE 11.1 is at /var/lib/mysql) you will get something like :
hostname:/var/lib/mysql #
.protected IT files ibdata1 mysqld.log systemtemp
.tmp NEWS greekDB mysql test
ARXEIO TEMP1 ib_logfile0 mysql.sock polis
DATING deisi ib_logfile1 mysql_upgrade_info restore
The mysql.sock file appearing and disappearing often (you must to try allot with the ls to hit a instance with the mysql.sock file on folder).
This caused by not enough disk space.
I hope that i will help some people!!!!
I had to disable explicit_defaults_for_timestamp from my.cnf.

Django: standard commands not working

I'm developing a web app in Python 2.7 using Django 1.4 with PyCharm 2.5 as my IDE and a Postgres database. I am able to run commands such as sql and syncdb to create the SQL and the tables, but other commands are not recognized. When I attempt to run sqlreset (or any other command that drops tables or alters data), I get an "Unknown command" error:
runnerw.exe C:\Python27\python.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\PyCharm 2.5.1\helpers\pycharm\" sqlreset EventMapperApp C:/Users/Karen/PycharmProjects/eventsMap
Unknown command: 'sqlreset'
Type ' help' for usage.
Process finished with exit code 1
Could anyone help me figure out what's going on?
Are you sure you are running Django 1.4? sqlreset has been deprecated since 1.3, I think, and is slated to be removed in 1.5. It is present in Django 1.4, but has been removed in the development version.
There isn't a sqlreset.
Info here:
or help as your post shows...
Django's management commands don't automatically run commands that may destroy your database (commands such as altering a table, or changing the type of columns).
If you want to completely reset your application - as if you just ran syncdb, you need to do it manually.
I wrote this gist that will reset your database. It is not portable (only works on *inx-like systems), but it might help you out.
Note: this will delete (drop) everything.
echo 'from django.conf import settings; print settings.INSTALLED_APPS; quit();' | \
python shell --plain 2>&1 | \
tail -n1 | sed -r "s|^.*\((.*)\).*$|\1|; s|[',]| |g; s|django\.contrib\.||g" | \
xargs python sqlclear | \
python dbshell && python syncdb
