Date ticks and rotation in matplotlib - python

I am having an issue trying to get my date ticks rotated in matplotlib. A small sample program is below. If I try to rotate the ticks at the end, the ticks do not get rotated. If I try to rotate the ticks as shown under the comment 'crashes', then matplot lib crashes.
This only happens if the x-values are dates. If I replaces the variable dates with the variable t in the call to avail_plot, the xticks(rotation=70) call works just fine inside avail_plot.
Any ideas?
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime as dt
def avail_plot(ax, x, y, label, lcolor):
ax.set_ylabel(label, rotation='horizontal', color=lcolor)
ax2 = ax.twinx()
ax2.plot(x, [1 for a in y], 'b')
f, axs = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True, sharey=True)
t = np.arange(0.01, 5, 1)
s1 = np.exp(t)
start =
for val in t:
next_val = start + dt.timedelta(0,val)
start = next_val
avail_plot(axs[0], dates, s1, 'testing', 'green')
avail_plot(axs[1], dates, s1, 'testing2', 'red')
plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, bottom=0.3)
#doesn't crash, but does not rotate the xticks

If you prefer a non-object-oriented approach, move plt.xticks(rotation=70) to right before the two avail_plot calls, eg
avail_plot(axs[0], dates, s1, 'testing', 'green')
avail_plot(axs[1], dates, s1, 'testing2', 'red')
This sets the rotation property before setting up the labels. Since you have two axes here, plt.xticks gets confused after you've made the two plots. At the point when plt.xticks doesn't do anything, plt.gca() does not give you the axes you want to modify, and so plt.xticks, which acts on the current axes, is not going to work.
For an object-oriented approach not using plt.xticks, you can use
plt.setp( axs[1].xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=70 )
after the two avail_plot calls. This sets the rotation on the correct axes specifically.

Solution works for matplotlib 2.1+
There exists an axes method tick_params that can change tick properties. It also exists as an axis method as set_tick_params
ax.tick_params(axis='x', rotation=45)
As a side note, the current solution mixes the stateful interface (using pyplot) with the object-oriented interface by using the command plt.xticks(rotation=70). Since the code in the question uses the object-oriented approach, it's best to stick to that approach throughout. The solution does give a good explicit solution with plt.setp( axs[1].xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=70 )

An easy solution which avoids looping over the ticklabes is to just use
This command automatically rotates the xaxis labels and adjusts their position. The default values are a rotation angle 30° and horizontal alignment "right". But they can be changed in the function call
fig.autofmt_xdate(bottom=0.2, rotation=30, ha='right')
The additional bottom argument is equivalent to setting plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=bottom), which allows to set the bottom axes padding to a larger value to host the rotated ticklabels.
So basically here you have all the settings you need to have a nice date axis in a single command.
A good example can be found on the matplotlib page.

Another way to applyhorizontalalignment and rotation to each tick label is doing a for loop over the tick labels you want to change:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime as dt
now =
hours = [now + dt.timedelta(minutes=x) for x in range(0,24*60,10)]
days = [now + dt.timedelta(days=x) for x in np.arange(0,30,1/4.)]
hours_value = np.random.random(len(hours))
days_value = np.random.random(len(days))
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2)
for label in axs[0].get_xmajorticklabels() + axs[1].get_xmajorticklabels():
And here is an example if you want to control the location of major and minor ticks:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime as dt
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2)
now =
hours = [now + dt.timedelta(minutes=x) for x in range(0,24*60,10)]
days = [now + dt.timedelta(days=x) for x in np.arange(0,30,1/4.)]
x_major_lct = mpl.dates.AutoDateLocator(minticks=2,maxticks=10, interval_multiples=True)
x_minor_lct = matplotlib.dates.HourLocator(byhour = range(0,25,1))
x_fmt = matplotlib.dates.AutoDateFormatter(x_major_lct)
axs[0].set_xlabel("minor ticks set to every hour, major ticks start with 00:00")
x_major_lct = mpl.dates.AutoDateLocator(minticks=2,maxticks=10, interval_multiples=True)
x_minor_lct = matplotlib.dates.DayLocator(bymonthday = range(0,32,1))
x_fmt = matplotlib.dates.AutoDateFormatter(x_major_lct)
axs[1].set_xlabel("minor ticks set to every day, major ticks show first day of month")
for label in axs[0].get_xmajorticklabels() + axs[1].get_xmajorticklabels():

Simply use
ax.set_xticklabels(label_list, rotation=45)

I am clearly late but there is an official example which uses
plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha="right", rotation_mode="anchor")
to rotate the labels while keeping them correctly aligned with the ticks, which is both clean and easy.


Equally and centered distribute data point in matplotlib [duplicate]

I need help with setting the limits of y-axis on matplotlib. Here is the code that I tried, unsuccessfully.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.figure(1, figsize = (8.5,11))
plt.suptitle('plot title')
ax = []
aPlot = plt.subplot(321, axisbg = 'w', title = "Year 1")
plt.plot(paramValues,plotDataPrice[0], color = '#340B8C',
marker = 'o', ms = 5, mfc = '#EB1717')
plt.ylabel('Average Price')
With the data I have for this plot, I get y-axis limits of 20 and 200. However, I want the limits 20 and 250.
Get current axis via plt.gca(), and then set its limits:
ax = plt.gca()
ax.set_xlim([xmin, xmax])
ax.set_ylim([ymin, ymax])
One thing you can do is to set your axis range by yourself by using matplotlib.pyplot.axis.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
plt.axis([0, 10, 0, 20])
0,10 is for x axis range.
0,20 is for y axis range.
or you can also use matplotlib.pyplot.xlim or matplotlib.pyplot.ylim
plt.ylim(-2, 2)
Another workaround is to get the plot's axes and reassign changing only the y-values:
x1,x2,y1,y2 = plt.axis()
You can instantiate an object from matplotlib.pyplot.axes and call the set_ylim() on it. It would be something like this:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
axes = plt.axes()
axes.set_ylim([0, 1])
Just for fine tuning. If you want to set only one of the boundaries of the axis and let the other boundary unchanged, you can choose one or more of the following statements
plt.xlim(right=xmax) #xmax is your value
plt.xlim(left=xmin) #xmin is your value
plt.ylim(top=ymax) #ymax is your value
plt.ylim(bottom=ymin) #ymin is your value
Take a look at the documentation for xlim and for ylim
This worked at least in matplotlib version 2.2.2:
plt.axis([None, None, 0, 100])
Probably this is a nice way to set up for example xmin and ymax only, etc.
To add to #Hima's answer, if you want to modify a current x or y limit you could use the following.
import numpy as np # you probably alredy do this so no extra overhead
fig, axes = plt.subplot()
axes.plot(data[:,0], data[:,1])
xlim = axes.get_xlim()
# example of how to zoomout by a factor of 0.1
factor = 0.1
new_xlim = (xlim[0] + xlim[1])/2 + np.array((-0.5, 0.5)) * (xlim[1] - xlim[0]) * (1 + factor)
I find this particularly useful when I want to zoom out or zoom in just a little from the default plot settings.
This should work. Your code works for me, like for Tamás and Manoj Govindan. It looks like you could try to update Matplotlib. If you can't update Matplotlib (for instance if you have insufficient administrative rights), maybe using a different backend with matplotlib.use() could help.

How do I set the axes to a certain value? I have tried using set_xlim and set_ylim but Matplotlib does not recognise them [duplicate]

I need help with setting the limits of y-axis on matplotlib. Here is the code that I tried, unsuccessfully.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.figure(1, figsize = (8.5,11))
plt.suptitle('plot title')
ax = []
aPlot = plt.subplot(321, axisbg = 'w', title = "Year 1")
plt.plot(paramValues,plotDataPrice[0], color = '#340B8C',
marker = 'o', ms = 5, mfc = '#EB1717')
plt.ylabel('Average Price')
With the data I have for this plot, I get y-axis limits of 20 and 200. However, I want the limits 20 and 250.
Get current axis via plt.gca(), and then set its limits:
ax = plt.gca()
ax.set_xlim([xmin, xmax])
ax.set_ylim([ymin, ymax])
One thing you can do is to set your axis range by yourself by using matplotlib.pyplot.axis.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
plt.axis([0, 10, 0, 20])
0,10 is for x axis range.
0,20 is for y axis range.
or you can also use matplotlib.pyplot.xlim or matplotlib.pyplot.ylim
plt.ylim(-2, 2)
Another workaround is to get the plot's axes and reassign changing only the y-values:
x1,x2,y1,y2 = plt.axis()
You can instantiate an object from matplotlib.pyplot.axes and call the set_ylim() on it. It would be something like this:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
axes = plt.axes()
axes.set_ylim([0, 1])
Just for fine tuning. If you want to set only one of the boundaries of the axis and let the other boundary unchanged, you can choose one or more of the following statements
plt.xlim(right=xmax) #xmax is your value
plt.xlim(left=xmin) #xmin is your value
plt.ylim(top=ymax) #ymax is your value
plt.ylim(bottom=ymin) #ymin is your value
Take a look at the documentation for xlim and for ylim
This worked at least in matplotlib version 2.2.2:
plt.axis([None, None, 0, 100])
Probably this is a nice way to set up for example xmin and ymax only, etc.
To add to #Hima's answer, if you want to modify a current x or y limit you could use the following.
import numpy as np # you probably alredy do this so no extra overhead
fig, axes = plt.subplot()
axes.plot(data[:,0], data[:,1])
xlim = axes.get_xlim()
# example of how to zoomout by a factor of 0.1
factor = 0.1
new_xlim = (xlim[0] + xlim[1])/2 + np.array((-0.5, 0.5)) * (xlim[1] - xlim[0]) * (1 + factor)
I find this particularly useful when I want to zoom out or zoom in just a little from the default plot settings.
This should work. Your code works for me, like for Tamás and Manoj Govindan. It looks like you could try to update Matplotlib. If you can't update Matplotlib (for instance if you have insufficient administrative rights), maybe using a different backend with matplotlib.use() could help.

Matplotlib - Python can not get the minor tick labels to show every month

This is my code:
from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
dates = pd.date_range('01/01/2016',, freq = 'M')
X = pd.DataFrame(index = dates)
X['values'] = np.random.rand(len(X)) * 300
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.set_size_inches(8 * phi, 8 )
X['values'].plot(ax = ax)
ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: '$ {:,.0f}'.format(x)))
I've been trying for half an hour now and I really need some help with this.
What is the cleanest, simplest way to show the other months on the minor tick labels for the xaxis? Instead of what it wants to do for some reason, show only months that start with a J....
Notes: I do have seaborne installed.
First, in order to be able to use matplotlib tickers on pandas date plots you needs to set the compatibility option x_compat=True.
X.plot(ax = ax, x_compat=True)
Next, in order to format the x axis, you needs to use xaxis. In order to set the minor ticklabels, you need to use set_minor_formatter.
In order to assign some ticks to certain positions you need a Locator not a Formatter.
Now it seems you want to have full control over the output plot, hence you need to set the major and minor locators and formatters.
Note that labeling each month will surely let the labels overlap. So a larger figure or smaller fontsize would be needed.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,3))
X.plot(ax = ax, x_compat=True)
plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=0, ha="center")

Matplotlib Subplot Datetime X-Axis Ticks Not Working As Intended

I'm attempting to plot many plots, here's a sample of how the data is organized:
My intention is to build a series of subplots for either hours or days (say 7 days in a week, or 24 hours in a day) using google analytics data. My index are date-time objects.
Here's an example of how a single plot looks, when the axis is done correctly.
from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.dates as dates
#creating our graph and declaring our locator/formatters used in axis labelling.
hours = dates.HourLocator(interval=2)
hours_ = dates.DateFormatter('%I %p')
el = datetime(year=2016, day=1, month=3, hour=0)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols = 1, nrows= 1)
fig.set_size_inches(18.5, 10.5)
ax.set_title(el.strftime('%a, %m/%d/%y'))
ax.plot(df_total.loc[el:el+timedelta(hours=23, minutes=59),:].index,
df_total.loc[el:el+timedelta(hours=23, minutes=59),:].hits, '-')
As you can see, the x axis looks good, working as intended with the right ticks/date labels.
However, when I try and run the same plot on a subplot series, I'm running into the following error. Here's my code:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols = 3, nrows= 2)
fig.set_size_inches(18.5, 10.5)
count = 0
for row in range(nrows):
for column in range(ncols):
el = cleaned_date_range[count]
ax[row][column].set_title(el.strftime('%a, %m/%d/%y'))
ax[row][column].plot(df_total.loc[el:el+timedelta(hours=23,minutes=59),:].index, df_total.loc[el:el+timedelta(hours=23,minutes=59),:].hits)
count += 1
if count == 7:
However, that yields the very funky plot below, with mislabelled axes:
I experimented with adding an additional row to see if it was just covering up because of vertical space:
but was confronted with the same behavior, only the last subplot's axes appears to be working with the rest not working.
Any insight would be appreciated!
so the answer is in the following github issue raised a few years ago related to the set_major_locator() and set_major_formatter() objects:
to quote eric:
"You are missing something, but it is something that is quite non-intuitive and easy to miss: Locators can't be shared among axes. The set_major_locator() method assigns its axis to that Locator, overwriting any axis that was previously assigned."
so the solution is to instantiate a new dates.MinuteLocator and dates.DateFormatter object for each new axes, e.g:
for ax in list_of_axes:
minutes = dates.MinuteLocator(interval=5)
minutes_ = dates.DateFormatter('%I:%M %p')
I've experimented and it looks like you don't need to reference the dates.Locator and dates.Formatter objects after the plot so it's ok to just re-instantiate with each loop using the same name. (I could be wrong here though!)
I had the same missing subplot datetime x-axis tick marks issue. The following code, which is quite similar to the OP's, seems to work, see the attached figure. However, I'm using matplotlib 3.1.0, perhaps the issue has been addressed in this version? But I do have one observation: if I enable fig.autofmt_xdate() for the second subplot, the first subplot datetime x-axis will not display.
fig = plt.figure()
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (width, height)
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25, hspace=0.2)
ax = fig.add_subplot(2,1,1)
ax.plot(df1['DATE'], df1['Movement'], '-')
plt.ylabel(r'$D$', fontsize=18)
plt.legend(fontsize=16, frameon=False)
ax = fig.add_subplot(2,1,2)
ax.plot(df2['DATE'], df2['Movement'], '-')
#plt.ylabel(r'$D`enter code here`$', fontsize=18)
plt.legend(fontsize=16, frameon=False)

matplotlib: Creating two (stacked) subplots with SHARED X axis but SEPARATE Y axis values

I am using matplotlib 1.2.x and Python 2.6.5 on Ubuntu 10.0.4. I am trying to create a SINGLE plot that consists of a top plot and a bottom plot.
The X axis is the date of the time series. The top plot contains a candlestick plot of the data, and the bottom plot should consist of a bar type plot - with its own Y axis (also on the left - same as the top plot). These two plots should NOT OVERLAP.
Here is a snippet of what I have done so far.
datafile = r'/var/tmp/trz12.csv'
r = mlab.csv2rec(datafile, delimiter=',', names=('dt', 'op', 'hi', 'lo', 'cl', 'vol', 'oi'))
mask = (r["dt"] >= & (r["dt"] <=
selected = r[mask]
plotdata = zip(date2num(selected['dt']), selected['op'], selected['cl'], selected['hi'], selected['lo'], selected['vol'], selected['oi'])
# Setup charting
mondays = WeekdayLocator(MONDAY) # major ticks on the mondays
alldays = DayLocator() # minor ticks on the days
weekFormatter = DateFormatter('%b %d') # Eg, Jan 12
dayFormatter = DateFormatter('%d') # Eg, 12
monthFormatter = DateFormatter('%b %y')
# every Nth month
months = MonthLocator(range(1,13), bymonthday=1, interval=1)
fig = pylab.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(monthFormatter) #weekFormatter
ax.format_xdata = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d')
ax.format_ydata = price
candlestick(ax, plotdata, width=0.5, colorup='g', colordown='r', alpha=0.85)
pylab.setp( pylab.gca().get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, horizontalalignment='right')
# Add volume data
# Note: the code below OVERWRITES the bottom part of the first plot
# it should be plotted UNDERNEATH the first plot - but somehow, that's not happening
ay = fig.add_subplot(212)
volumes = [ x[-2] for x in plotdata], volumes, 0.05)
I have managed to display the two plots using the code above, however, there are two problems with the bottom plot:
It COMPLETELY OVERWRITES the bottom part of the first (top) plot - almost as though the second plot was drawing on the same 'canvas' as the first plot - I can't see where/why that is happening.
It OVERWRITES the existing X axis with its own indice, the X axis values (dates) should be SHARED between the two plots.
What am I doing wrong in my code?. Can someone spot what is causing the 2nd (bottom) plot to overwrite the first (top) plot - and how can I fix this?
Here is a screenshot of the plot created by the code above:
After modifying the code as suggested by hwlau, this is the new plot. It is better than the first in that the two plots are separate, however the following issues remain:
The X axis should be SHARED by the two plots (i.e. the X axis should be shown only for the 2nd [bottom] plot)
The Y values for the 2nd plot seem to be formmated incorrectly
I think these issues should be quite easy to resolve however, my matplotlib fu is not great at the moment, as I have only recently started programming with matplotlib. any help will be much appreciated.
There seem to be a couple of problems with your code:
If you were using figure.add_subplots with the full
signature of subplot(nrows, ncols, plotNum) it may have
been more apparent that your first plot asking for 1 row
and 1 column and the second plot was asking for 2 rows and
1 column. Hence your first plot is filling the whole figure.
Rather than fig.add_subplot(111) followed by fig.add_subplot(212)
use fig.add_subplot(211) followed by fig.add_subplot(212).
Sharing an axis should be done in the add_subplot command using sharex=first_axis_instance
I have put together an example which you should be able to run:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import datetime as dt
n_pts = 10
dates = [ + dt.timedelta(days=i) for i in range(n_pts)]
ax1 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
ax1.plot(dates, range(10))
ax2 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2, sharex=ax1), range(10, 20))
# Now format the x axis. This *MUST* be done after all sharex commands are run.
# put no more than 10 ticks on the date axis.
# format the date in our own way.
# rotate the labels on both date axes
for label in ax1.xaxis.get_ticklabels():
for label in ax2.xaxis.get_ticklabels():
# tweak the subplot spacing to fit the rotated labels correctly
plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.35, bottom=0.125)
Hope that helps.
You should change this line:
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax = fig.add_subplot(211)
The original command means that there is one row and one column so it occupies the whole graph. So your second graph fig.add_subplot(212) cover the lower part of the first graph.
If you dont want the gap between two plots, use subplots_adjust() to change the size of the subplots margin.
The example from #Pelson, simplified.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime as dt
#Two subplots that share one x axis
#plot data
n_pts = 10
dates = [ + dt.timedelta(days=i) for i in range(n_pts)]
ax[0].bar(dates, range(10, 20))
ax[1].plot(dates, range(10))
#rotate and format the dates on the x axis
The subplots sharing an x-axis are created in one line, which is convenient when you want more than two subplots:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(number_of_subplots, sharex=True)
To format the date correctly on the x axis, we can simply use fig.autofmt_xdate()
For additional informations, see shared axis demo and date demo from the pylab examples.
This example ran on Python3, matplotlib 1.5.1
