Rabbitmq connection issue when using a username and password - python

I am trying to start some background processing through rabbitmq, but when I send the request, I get the below error in the rabbitmq log. But, I think I am providing the right credentials, as my celery works are able to connect to rabbitmq server using the same username/password combination.
=ERROR REPORT==== 12-Jun-2012::20:50:29 ===
exception on TCP connection from
"AMQPLAIN login refused: user 'guest' - invalid credentials",

To get resolve connection with rabbitmq need to inspect below points:
Connectivity from client machine to rabbitmq server machine [in case if client and server are running on separate machine], need to check
along with port as well.
Credential (username and password), a user must be onboarded into RabbitMQ which will be used to connect with RabbitMQ
Permission to User must be given (permission may be attached to VHOST as well so need to provide permission carefully)

The best way to debug permissions issues in the amqp protocol is to look at the request:
from http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/configuration.html#conf-broker-settings


Unable to run a simple SMTP server

A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
import smtplib
password="ekjhgisxavzw"#Not Original Password
Can anyone help with this
I need a simple smtp server running on my device initially, then i want to configutre it according to my needs.
You need to change your password to an app password. Follow the below link for that: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/185833?hl=en
So, the answer is to use
connection = smtplib.SMTP_SSL("smtp.gmail.com")
and we have to remove the tls connection,I don't know why.But it worked.

Cannot connect to Remote MySql database using python

Hello , i am trying to connect to the database on my Hosting . I followed this tutorial : https://www.thepythoncode.com/article/connect-to-a-remote-mysql-server-in-python
This is my code :
import pymysql.cursors
import pymysql
connection = pymysql.connect(host='',
print("Connected to:", connection.get_server_info())
except Exception as e:
print('connection failed')
However, everytime I try to connect, this error occurs :
(2003, "Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (timed out)")
The website address is : assamjobsapp.turboweb.online and doing a ping here,give me this IP :
I have created the Database , User and tables from the Hosting PHPMyadmin, but I dont know how to connect to it.
Should I provide the database username/pass or the Cpanel username/pass for the connection
Please Help. Thanks
As comments have mentioned, many (most!) hosting providers put a firewall between their database servers and the public internet. Because cybercreeps. Attempts to do things that firewalls forbid usually results in the kind of timeout you got.
If you want to connect to your MySQL database from your laptop or some other machine that's outside the provider's firewall, you must ask them to adjust their firewall rule to allow your particular machine to connect. Once the firewall allows your machine to connect, use your database username / password to establish the connection.
Some providers have self-service user interfaces for this, often in their cpanels. Others require you to ask a customer support agent to do it.

creating producer and consumer application in python

I am trying to write a producer and consumer code in python using pika for rabbitmq. However for my specific case, I need to run producer on a different host and consumer on other.
I have already written a producer code as:
import pika
credentials = pika.PlainCredentials('username', 'password')
parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters('ip add of another host', 5672, '/', credentials)
connection = pika.BlockingConnection()
channel = connection.channel()
channel.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key='test', body='hello all!')
print (" [x] sent 'Hello all!")
The above producer code is running without any error. I also created a new user and gave administrator credentials to it on rabbitmq-server. However when I run the consumer code on another host running rabbitmq-server, I do not see any output:
import pika
credentials = pika.PlainCredentials('username', 'password')
parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters('localhost', 5672, '/', credentials)
connection = pika.BlockingConnection()
channel = connection.channel()
def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
print(" [x] Recieved %r" % body)
queue='test', on_message_callback=callback, auto_ack=True)
print (' [x] waiting for messages. To exit press ctrl+c')
So, here i had two hosts on the same network which had rabbitmq installed. However one has 3.7.10 and other had 3.7.16 version of rabbitmq.
The producer is able to send the text without error, but the consumer on another host is not receiving any text.
I do not get any problem when both run on same machine, as i just replace connection settings with localhost. Since user guest is only allowed to connect on localhost by default, i created a new user on consumer host running rabbitmq-server.
Please look if anyone can help me out here...
I have a couple of questions when I see your problem:
Are you 100% sure that on your RabbitMQ management monitoring
you see 2 connections? One from your local host and another from the another host? This will help to debug
Second, Did you check that your ongoing port 5672 on the server that host RabbitMQ is open? Because maybe your producer does not manage to connect What is your cloud provider?
If you don't want to manage those kinds of issues, you should use a service like https://zenaton.com. They host everything for you, and you have integrated monitoring, error handling etc.
Your consumer and producer applications must connect to the same RabbitMQ server. If you have two instances of RabbitMQ running they are independent. Messages do not move from one instance of RabbitMQ to another unless you configure Shovel or Federation.
NOTE: the RabbitMQ team monitors the rabbitmq-users mailing list and only sometimes answers questions on StackOverflow.
You don't seem to be passing the parameters to the BlockingConnection instance.
import pika
rmq_server = "ip_address_of_rmq_server"
credentials = pika.PlainCredentials('username', 'password')
parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters(rmq_server, 5672, '/', credentials)
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters)
channel = connection.channel()
Also, your consumer is attaching to the localhost hostname. Make sure this actually resolves and that your RabbitMQ service is listening on the localhost address ( It may not be bound to that address. I believe that RMQ will bind to all interfaces (and thus all addresses) by default but I'm not sure.

Errno 10060 A connection attempt failed

EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'
DEFAULT_EMAIL_FROM = 'yogi#gmail.com'
above are the settings for django core mail module. I am using its send_mail to send mails to users. When i try to build the program with the gmail smtp it throws the following error
'Errno 10060 A connection attempt failed because the connected party
did not properly respond after a period of time, or established
connection failed because connected host has failed to respond'.
I am doing this in my company and so it has proxy settings. I have given the proxy credentials in .condarc settings file. But still the connection timeout error. Do i need to set the proxy settings somewhere else or let me know where i am going wrong. ?
As far as I know django does not detect any SMTP proxy settings from anaconda configuration files. You can overcome this by manually building a connection.
Notice that send_mail , has an option parameter for a connection. You get one by calling mail.get_connection now you need to wrap it around sockspi
see Python smtplib proxy support and Python send email behind a proxy server for further details.

Unable to connect to remote rabbitmq server using pika

I am trying to connect to my remote rabbitmq using pika but I am getting Connectionclosed() error. I have made the required changes in rabbit.config for guest user to allow all connections and also the same connection works from my Java code. I even tried creating a new user with all the permission and connecting it, but it still doesn't work. The same code works fine on my localhost though. Can anyone please let me know what might I be doing wrong here?
def queue_message(message, queue):
credentials = pika.PlainCredentials('xxxx', 'xxxx')
parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters('remote-server',
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters)
channel = connection.channel()
logger.info("Sent message: {} to queue: {}".format(message, queue))
print 'message sent'
Below is the error I get:
app/project/rabbitmq.py" in queue_message
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters)
env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pika/adapters/blocking_connection.py" in __init__
env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pika/adapters/blocking_connection.py" in ss_io_for_connection_setup
env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pika/adapters/blocking_connection.py" in _flush_output
raise exceptions.ConnectionClosed
add a connection timeout to your connection parameters - you're probably running into a timeout issue where the connection isn't happening fast enough, across the network.
also, your code is explicitly calling connection.close() ... so that may be why your connection is closing
It was indeed a timeout issue. After increasing the timeout in the connection parameters, the connection was established properly.
parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters('remote-server',
If you connect to remote rabbitmq server, check this:
remote server port open with firewall
remote server have public ip and rabbitmq user have access to that server
rabbitmq server is activately running
add your user admin in administrator tag;
rabbitmqctl set_user_tags admin administrator
add enough permissions to the user admin
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / admin ".*" ".*" ".*"
