How to add a option in right click menu on ubuntu - python

I am making an app for ubuntu 12.04.What i want to do is add an option to the menubar which appear when we right click on some select option.
To make it more clear-
In Normally when we select some text and right click there appear some option like cut copy pasteI want to add another option how can i do it.
When clicked the option would just have to execute another application and send the selected data to that applicaion.
I would be using Glade with python for development.

you should know some basics about glade and gtk first. the following is just notes:
1-On glade you can use the menu button to create menu.
2-Right click on it an dchoose "edit ..."
3-from the window you can add items.(the right part display the name and type of the menu item , the left part display the properties of the selected item, the lower part display the signals which could connected to the menu item)
4- now connect the menu item with the function which do what you want (When clicked the option would just have to execute another application and send the selected data to that applicaion.)
5- go to your code. get the menu as usual . = self.builder.get_object("menu")
6- to popup the menu on right click on an object, you should connect that object with the function ahich execute the menu ( assuming that its name is :on_button_press ) :
def on_button_press(self, treeview, event):
if event.button == 3:
x = int(event.x)
y = int(event.y)
time = event.time
pthinfo = treeview.get_path_at_pos(x, y)
if pthinfo is not None:
path, col, cellx, celly = pthinfo
treeview.set_cursor( path, col, 0)
self.popupmenu.popup( None, None, None, event.button, time)
return True


MacOS Pyside2 QSystemTrayIcon, left click/right different functions

I would like to know how to do in python/Pyside2:
Create a QSystemTrayIcon with a custom icon, in which:
If I click left button on it, I do a custom action (just print “left click pressed”). No menu should be shown...
If I click right button on it, a context menu appears with an exit action on it, just to close the program.
On MacOS, maybe not in win nor linux, the menu just opens on mouse press... That's why the need of left and right click differentiations
otherwise both actions will be done with left and right click. See note here: On macOS... since the menu opens on mouse press
I need help just implementing the left and right click differentiations in the following code:
from PySide2 import QtWidgets
import sys
class SystrayLauncher(object):
def __init__(self):
w = QtWidgets.QWidget() #just to get the style(), haven't seen other way
icon =
self.tray = QtWidgets.QSystemTrayIcon()
self.trayIconMenu = QtWidgets.QMenu()
self.quitAction = QtWidgets.QAction("&Quit", None, triggered=QtWidgets.QApplication.instance().quit)
def customAction(self, signal):
print "left click pressed"
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
sl = SystrayLauncher()
Can anyone help me, please?
you can differentiate the click "reason" and decide what to do. Therefore you will need to add a function like follows:
def right_or_left_click(reason):
if reason == QSystemTrayIcon.ActivationReason.Trigger:
print("Left-click detected")
elif reason == QSystemTrayIcon.ActivationReason.Context:
print("Right-click detected")
elif reason == QSystemTrayIcon.ActivationReason.MiddleClick:
print("Middle-click detected")
print("Unknown reason")
Then, you can call the desired function on left-click or middle-click. The right-click is occupied by your context menu :)

How to choose line-edit according to which button was clicked

I have two buttons (Eg. A andB) which do the same things (based on user selection). So when you select something, then click the button, the selection's name will be input into the line-edit for the button. For example, if I click on buttonA, the input will be to lineEditA.
Currently I have created a signal function as follows:
def _connections_setup(self):
def get_sel_nameA(self):
sel_name = get_name_from_sel()
def get_sel_nameB(self):
sel_name = get_name_from_sel()
def get_sel_name(self):
# Returns me a blank
button = self.sender()
print button.objectName()
# My objective here would be, if btnA is clicked, the sel_name will be inputted into lineEditA. Likewise for btnB
Instead of creating two similar functions, how can I determine which button was clicked and have the selection's name to be input correctly into the line-edit?
I tried using self.sender() (see get_sel_name()) but it does not seems to return me the button name.
The sender() function only works in slots directly connected to signals. So your code needs to look something like this:
def _connections_setup(self):
def get_sel_name(self):
button = self.sender()
name = button.objectName()
if button is self.btnA:
elif button is self.btnB:

Qt get action clicked from submenu

I got a menu opening when right clicking on a table, I'd like to get the action name I clicked on. The thing is that I create actions in a loop. Basically each action add the right clicked item to a file (a playlist). So in order to add the item I need to know where.
def menu(self, event):
self.menu_table = QtWidgets.QMenu(self.tableWidget)
self.submenu = QtWidgets.QMenu("Add to a playlist")
list = os.listdir("playlists")
for i in list:
Your context menu handler should look like this:
def menu(self, pos):
menu = QtWidgets.QMenu()
submenu = menu.addMenu("Add to a playlist")
for filename in os.listdir("playlists"):
action = menu.exec_(self.mapToGlobal(pos))
if action is not None:
As mentioned, the menu's exec call returns the selected action. What would probably be easiest for you is to use QAction.setData to store the information you need into each action. It's a QVariant, so you can store practically anything. Then, in the result of the "exec" call, you use the selected action's to get the value back out. (Sorry if my syntax isn't right...I don't know much Python.)

Add right-click functionality to listwidget in PyQt4

Im trying to add right-click functionality to items in a list widget in PyQt4 using Python. Id like a pop up context menu to show that has buttons and when clicked should perform some function.
How do I get a context menu to pop up when right clicking on each of the items?
I have come up with a pretty simple way of doing this and works perfectly. In the ControlMainWindow class add the following to initialise the Context menu policy as CustomeContextMenu where listWidget_extractedmeters will be the name of your QListWidget:
self.listWidget_extractedmeters.connect(self.listWidget_extractedmeters,QtCore.SIGNAL("customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)" ), self.listItemRightClicked)
Then in the ControlMainwindow class the following functions allow you to add context menu items and to call a funtion that performs some functionality:
def listItemRightClicked(self, QPos):
self.listMenu= QtGui.QMenu()
menu_item = self.listMenu.addAction("Remove Item")
self.connect(menu_item, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.menuItemClicked)
parentPosition = self.listWidget_extractedmeters.mapToGlobal(QtCore.QPoint(0, 0))
self.listMenu.move(parentPosition + QPos)
def menuItemClicked(self):
currentItemName=str(self.listWidget_extractedmeters.currentItem().text() )

python: Right Click on list menu not showing item selected

In my ongoing effort to learn more about python, I am trying to add a right click event to my mp3 manager program. What currently works is that it shows the menu and all of the options. What is not working is the functions selected from the menu are not executing as I think they should be. Much of this code was taken from a 'how to' on another site.
Here are the right click menu options
menu_titles = ["Remove Selection from list",
"Delete Selection from system",
"Move Selection",
"Copy Selection",
"Print Selection"]
menu_title_by_id = {}
for title in menu_titles:
menu_title_by_id[ wxNewId() ] = title
The code that is run when the right click event happens
def RightClickCb( self, event ):
# record what was clicked
self.list_item_clicked = right_click_context = event.GetText()
### 2. Launcher creates wxMenu. ###
menu = wxMenu()
for (id,title) in menu_title_by_id.items():
### 3. Launcher packs menu with Append. ###
menu.Append( id, title )
### 4. Launcher registers menu handlers with EVT_MENU, on the menu. ###
EVT_MENU( menu, id, self.MenuSelectionCb )
### 5. Launcher displays menu with call to PopupMenu, invoked on the source component, passing event's GetPoint. ###
self.MainPanel.PopupMenu( menu, event.GetPoint() )
menu.Destroy() # destroy to avoid mem leak
def MenuSelectionCb( self, event ):
# do something
operation = menu_title_by_id[ event.GetId() ]
target = self.list_item_clicked
print 'Perform "%(operation)s" on "%(target)s."' % vars()
What I expect to get when I do a right-click and then select one of the options in the menu is the output
Perform "Print Selection" on "<data about the selection here>"
What I am getting is
Perform "Print Selection" on "."
How do I get the data from the item I have selected as part of my right click event?
Maybe you should use event.GetString() in place of event.GetText()
See here
Your code seems outdated tho, binding to events should be done like this:
menu.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.MenuSelectionCb, id=id)
moreover if you bind all ids to the same function you can just bind once for all ids:
menu.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.MenuSelectionCb)
You can find a solution under Python: Right click on objectlistview not showing item name selected where the use of objectlistview's GetSelectedObject() method is proposed instead.
