I want to generate an Eclipse plugin that just runs an existing Python script with parameters.
While this sounds very simple, I don't think it's easy to implement. I can generate a Eclipse plugin. My issue is not how to use PDE. But:
can I call the existing Python script from Java, from an Eclipse plugin?
it needs to run from the embedded console with some parameters
Is this reasonably easy to do? And I don't plan to reimplement it in any way. Calling it from command-line works very well. My question is: can Eclipse perform this, too?
You can already create an External Launch config from Run>External Tools>External Tools Configurations. You are basically calling the program from eclipse. Any output should then show up in the eclipse Console view. External launch configs can also be turned into External Builders and attached to projects.
If you are looking to run your python script within your JVM then you need a implementation of python in java ... is that what you are looking for?
I'd like to iteratively write and test my python code in the Python console. I can't find a way to easily load what i've got written in the editor (somefile.py) into the Python console in Pycharm. Is there a trick to doing so?
Pycharm will let me run the entire script but that's not useful because i want to build up my state in the shell by experimenting with the functions and data i've got in the environment (kind of like how a lisp programmer would use a REPL).
Pycharm have this alt-shift-E option.
This way you can write in the editor, select the lines you want to run and run them by alt-shift-E.
I use it all the time, although I find a lot of people not fameliar with this option.
I was using sublime text 2 to write some python code, and i configured to use the interpreter for python. So, i noticed that for simple code like this:
The interpreter works fine as you can see, after I press: ctrl + B
But, when i want to do the same with another that uses Gui code, it does not work, as you can see here:
What could be the problem? Am i missing something?
Thank you for your time and answers.
SublimeText's default build systems suppress GUIs in Windows.
You can use Console Exec or write a custom build system to allow GUI execution.
Here's an example of a build system I developed for personal use.
I've just started using PyCharm, and am consistently pleasantly surprised by its tools and configurability. I know that in PyCharm, you can load code from the editor into a Python console (see https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/webhelp/loading-code-from-editor-into-console.html). However, the remote console I'm using in PyCharm is very slow.
If I access python on the remote machine directly via ssh, it has no performance issues. As such, I'd like to just open the remote version of python via PyCharm's Terminal, and execute code in the terminal from my editor.
However, I haven't found any key bindings (or options) that let me automatically load code -- it's a manual copy and past process for now. When I try to create a keyboard shortcut to do this, the option isn't available. Is there a method to create a keyboard shortcut to load code from the editor into the terminal?
The only way to create such a shortcut by yourself is by writing a plugin to PyCharm. PyCharm plugins are written in Java, so I don't know whether this sounds like an appealing option for you. Alternatively, you can file a feature request at http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/ asking for this feature to be added.
Note that you can set up a run configuration that will run your code for you on a remote interpreter without going through a console. Have you tried this? Is it also slow?
I've noticed how easy it is to debug a Python script from Eclipse. Simply set breakpoints and run a Python script from the debug menu. But is it possible to start a Python Interactive Interpreter instead of running a particular Python script, whilst still having Eclipse breaking on breakpoints? This would make it so much easier to test functions.
Thanks for any help
Still looking for a simple/ish way to start the debugger in Eclipse->PyDev that lets me use the interactive debugger. None of the answers as of yet is acceptable
You can explicitly write code to setup a breakpoint in your script, and then "remote debug". That means having pydevd in the pythonpath of your script wherever it is running, and running the eclipse pydev remote debugger on your devbox. If it's all happening on the same machine, this is fairly straightforward.
If not, you'll need to specify the hostname of the dev machine running the python remote debugger in the call to settrace(). You'll also need pydevd available on the machine running the script.
I have got this working in the past without having to install eclipse+pydevd on the machine running the script. It's not totally straightforward, and if you go that route I'd recommend checking that the pydevd versions match or at least you know they're compatible. Otherwise you end up wasting time debugging the debugger.
For details see: Pydev Remote Debugger
what about this, in the script, you can write a function, say onlyForTest, then each time you write a new function and want to test it, you can just put it in the onlyForTest function, then specify some arguments required by the new function you just write, then open the interactive python shell, import the script, call the onlyForTest function, check out the result.
I'd like to have an xterm-compatible virtual terminal running inside a Python app.
I'll need to run ncurses-based applications inside it, feed it with user's input and read its output.
So far I've found python-vte, but it only provides a GTK+ widget (libvte has the required VtePty class, but Python bindings don't) and has an unacceptable libgtk dependency.
Is there any other way to perform a teminal emulation in Python?
After all, I've found the pyte, which is exactly what I wanted.
Have you looked at this VT100 terminal emulator, also described in blog form here? It's not an xterm emulator, but perhaps it can be leveraged for your purposes.
I have been running a Rails Tutorial site & have deployed Gateone terminal emulator for users to execute commands. Later we devloped our own Terminal emulation. Check http://github.com/pocha/terminal-codelearn .
If you just need to execute command as a user, then probably you just need http://docs.python.org/2/library/pty.html