Where does Python Imaging LIbrary Save Objects - python

I am using the Image.save method from PIL and I cannot find where the file is being placed. I have done a system search yet still no luck.
My code looks like this:
print imageObj.save(fileName, "JPEG")
and gives the proper None response to say that it is working. Any idea where they go and how I can find them?

You should pick a location to save the image when setting the filename variable.
filename = "/Users/clifgray/Desktop/filename.jpeg"


pdf2image conversion of multi page PDFs to images returns the last page on all images

So when I use the pdf2image python import, and pass a multi page PDF into the convert_from_bytes()- or convert_from_path() method, the output array does contain multiple images - but all images are of the last PDF page (whereas I would've expected that each image represented one of the PDF pages).
The output looks something like this:
Any idea on why this would occur? I can't find any solution to this online. I've found some vague suggestion that the use_cropbox argument might be used, but modifying it has no effect.
def convert(opened_file)
# Read PDF and convert pages to PPM image objects
_ppm_pages = self.pdf2image.convert_from_bytes(
grayscale = True
except Exception as e:
print(f"[CreateJPEG] Could not convert PDF pages to JPEG image due to error: \n '{e}'")
# Do stuff with _ppm_pages
for img in _ppm_pages:
img.show() # ...all images in that list are of the last page
Sometimes the output is an empty 1x1 image, instead, which I also haven't found a reason for. So if you have any idea what that is about, please do let me know!
Thanks in advance,
EDIT: Added code.
EDIT: So, when I try this in a random notebook, it actually works fine.
I've removed a few detours I used in my original code, and now it works. Still not sure what the underlying reason was though...
All the same, thanks for your help, everyone!
I'm using this right now....
from pdf2image import convert_from_path
imgSet = convert_from_path(pathToPDF, 500)
That gives me a list of images within imgSet
I guess you have to do something like this as described in the unit tests of the package.
with open("./tests/test.pdf", "rb") as pdf_file:
images_from_bytes = convert_from_bytes(pdf_file.read(), fmt="jpg")
self.assertTrue(images_from_bytes[0].format == "JPEG")

Saving variable name using the .save function in Python

I'm currently working on converting breastcancer scans into black and white photos. This code needs to scan every file in the directory, process it, and save it with a unique name. My code looks like this:
wd = os.getcwd()
lencounter = 0
for file in os.listdir(wd):
lencounter += 1
for x in range(lencounter):
for file in os.listdir(wd):
if file.endswith("class0.png"):
image_file = Image.open(file)
image_file= image_file.convert('L')
image_file= image_file.convert('1')
print(image_file, x)
This code only allows me to save the last transformed picture, as "result1". Somehow the .save function doesn't let me include any iterationumber, just like you would expect when using the write() function.
I need something like "originalname_blackandwhite1.png" for every picture. I hope someone could help me out!
What about image_file.save("{}_blackandwhite1.png".format(x))?
It can be more specific if you elaborate on how do you want your originalname to be

Saving image files from Music21

I've downloaded a bunch of .krn files, and I'd like to convert them into images - either pngs or jpgs - using music21. I've tried this:
When I do this:
from music21 import *
op = krnfile
s = converter.parse(op)
I see a great image file in the Jupyter Notebook I'm using, but when I try to save that file programatically like this:
s.write(fp = 'outputfile.png', fmt = 'png')
It says:
Music21ObjectException: cannot support showing in this format yet: png
Which seems a little weird since it obviously manages to make an image for display in the notebook.
It looks like maybe I could use LilypondConverter.createPNG(fileName=None) from this, but is installing Lilypond required? I already have MuseScore2 installed, which opens when I call s.show().
Thanks a lot!
Install musescore on your computer, re-run python -m music21.configure to help it find it and then do:
from music21 import *
op = 'krnfile.krn'
s = converter.parse(op)
fp = s.write('musicxml.png')
# or just s.show('musicxml.png') to test that it works.
If it's a multi-page file, fp will be the path to the first page. It will end in -1 or -01 or -001 etc. You can read through the directory to find other files with the same name until there are no more to get all the images.
If you use n.show('lily.png'), it should create a temporary png file somewhere. Try to use it and an image may open.
Sorry i don't know much yet, I hope it helps.

Loading QIcons using pkgutil

I am attempting to load in images I can't figure out how to load the images using pkgutil.get_data() which I would prefer to use since I don't want to have fixed paths in my code.
Currently, I have something like this, which works only when running out of the same folder.
self.imagePixmap = QtGui.QPixmap("img/myImage.png")
The issue then is, if you run the script from other folders the path is messed up and you get this error:
QPixmap::scaled: Pixmap is a null pixmap
I would like to use something like: pkutil.get_data("img", "myImage.png") to load the images however this provides the data from the image file where QPixmap() wants other kinds of data.
The only "workaround" I can see is to use part of what they specify here: pkgutil.get_data
and do something like this:
self.myPath = os.path.dirname(sys.modules[__name__].__file__)
self.imagePixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(os.path.join(self.myPath,"img/myImage.png"))
This just seems to much of a kludge to me. Is there a better way?
Here is what I ended up finding out. I should have rtfm a little closer. Anyway, you can use the loadFromData() method to get data from a QByteArray and pass it the format of the data therein.
self.imagePixmap = QtGui.QPixmap()
self.imagePixmap.loadFromData(get_data(__name__, "img/myImage.png"), 'png')
Here is a link to the information from here:
bool QPixmap::loadFromData(const QByteArray &data, const char *format = Q_NULLPTR, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor)
This is an overloaded function.
Loads a pixmap from the binary data using the specified format and conversion flags.

Using MemoryFS file-like object with PIL Image

I'm trying to open Image file from PyFileSystem MemoryFS using PIL, I tried to do that like this example and i got the error below:
from PIL import Image
from fs.memoryfs import MemoryFS
im=Image.open(in) #error: cannot identify image file <IO wrapper for <MemoryFile in <MemoryFS> test/file.jpg>>
however if I don't use a directory (ex. out=fs.open("file.jpg",'wb')) It does work as expected.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for your help.
I already get an error using the following line:
from fs.memoryfs import MemoryFS
Probably I don't have that library installed. Do you need this library? You can just open the image without opening it with MemoryFS:
im = Image.open("test/file.jpg")
Side note: I wouldn't use in as variable name, since it is also a Python keyword.
