How to use POST method in Tornado? - python

I'm trying to use Tornado to start a server and post a string to it. I've found lots of examples of how to write the post method in the handler class, but no examples of how to write the post request. My current code does cause the post method to execute, but get_argument isn't getting the data--it just prints the default "No data received" every time. What am I doing wrong?
My code looks like this:
class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
data = self.get_argument('body', 'No data received')
application = tornado.web.Application([
(r"/", MainHandler),
if __name__ == "__main__":
def handle_request(response):
if response.error:
print "Error:", response.error
print response.body
test = "test data"
http_client = tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
http_client.fetch("", handle_request, method='POST', headers=None, body=test)
Is putting the string I want to send in the "body" parameter the right thing to do? In some examples I've seen, like here, it seems people create their own parameters, but if I try to add a new parameter to the request, like
http_client.fetch("", handle_request, method='POST', headers=None, data=test)
I just get an error saying "TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'data'"

it seems people create their own parameters
Not quite. From the docs:
fetch(request, **kwargs)
Executes a request, returning an
The request may be either a string URL or an HTTPRequest object. If it
is a string, we construct an HTTPRequest using any additional kwargs:
HTTPRequest(request, **kwargs)
So the kwargs are actually from this method.
Anyways, to the real meat of the problem: How do you send POST data? You were on the right track, but you need to url encode your POST data and use that as your body kwarg. Like this:
import urllib
post_data = { 'data': 'test data' } #A dictionary of your post data
body = urllib.urlencode(post_data) #Make it into a post request
http_client.fetch("", handle_request, method='POST', headers=None, body=body) #Send it off!
Then to get the data:
data = self.get_argument('data', 'No data received')


How to return a 400 Bad Request response using Flask-RESTful.RequestParser?

I am creating an API using Flask and Flask-RESTful. I wish to parse the body of an incoming request using flask_restful.reqparse.RequestParser(). Upon receiving an incorrect JSON, I would like to return a 400 Bad Request response. However, my application is instead returning a 500 Internal Server Error response. I thought the RequestParser() was supposed to handle these responses automatically? Can anyone explain what is going wrong?
Below is the code for the API Resource
from flask_restful import Resource, reqparse
class Foo(Resource):
parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
help="Request body must contain a 'foo' key which comprises a list of IDs, e.g. {'foo': [44, 3213, 532, 4312]}"
def get(self):
data = self.parser.parse_args(strict=True)
return {'bar': data['foo']}
When I send a GET request to the API with the body {"err": [3, 4, 1]} I receive the following 500 Internal Server Error response:
{"message": "Internal Server Error"}
and not the message I specified in the help parameter. In my logs I also get the following error message:
KeyError: "'foo'"
I know I could wrap the data = self.parser.parse_args(strict=True) in a try/except KeyError clause and handle the incorrect JSON myself, but I thought that Flask-RESTful would do that for me? What else could I try?
By defining an APIArgument class that will be passed to the RequestParser constructor you can define your own customized response. You also need to pass the bundle_errors = True to the constructor and configure flask by setting the application configuration key "BUNDLE_ERRORS" to True
See error handling of Request Parsing.
import json
from flask import Flask, Response, abort
from flask_restful import Api, Resource, reqparse
from flask_restful.reqparse import Argument
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config["BUNDLE_ERRORS"] = True
api = Api(app)
class APIArgument(Argument):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(APIArgument, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def handle_validation_error(self, error, bundle_errors):
help_str = "(%s) " % if else ""
msg = "[%s]: %s%s" % (, help_str, str(error))
res = Response(
json.dumps({"message": msg, "code": 400, "status": "FAIL"}),
return abort(res)
class Foo(Resource):
parser = reqparse.RequestParser(argument_class=APIArgument, bundle_errors=True)
help="Request body must contain a 'foo' key which comprises a list of IDs, e.g. {'foo': [44, 3213, 532, 4312]}",
def get(self):
data = self.parser.parse_args(strict=True)
return {'bar': data['foo']}
api.add_resource(Foo, '/')
if __name__ == "__main__":, debug=True)
For those who do not want to deal with the boilerplate code, this also works:
By moving the parser code into the get() route, the default handle_validation_error function provided by flask-restful will be used (I guess):
class Foo(Resource):
def get(self):
parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
parser.add_argument('foo', required=True, action="append", help="Request body must contain a 'foo' key which comprises a list of IDs, e.g. {'foo': [44, 3213, 532, 4312]}",
data = parser.parse_args()
# this code won't be reached, because the parser aborts the request early if foo is missing
return {'bar': data['foo']}
this means that you have to provide a separate parser for every method, but I think this is usually a good idea anyway, rather than defining this in the route itself, for all methods. flask-restful probably didn't intend to do that this way, that's why it doesn't work out of the box.
Also: Keep in mind that GET requests cannot have a json body if the request comes from a browser, this is only possible if no browser is involved! I generally advise against this, because it's not standard-compatible.

Flask Middleware with both Request and Response

I want to create a middleware function in Flask that logs details from the request and the response. The middleware should run after the Response is created, but before it is sent back. I want to log:
The request's HTTP method (GET, POST, or PUT)
The request endpoint
The response HTTP status code, including 500 responses. So, if an exception is raised in the view function, I want to record the resulting 500 Response before the Flask internals send it off.
Some options I've found (that don't quite work for me):
The before_request and after_request decorators. If I could access the request data in after_request, my problems still won't be solved, because according to the documentation
If a function raises an exception, any remaining after_request functions will not be called.
Deferred Request Callbacks - there is an after_this_request decorator described on this page, which decorates an arbitrary function (defined inside the current view function) and registers it to run after the current request. Since the arbitrary function can have info from both the request and response in it, it partially solves my problem. The catch is that I would have to add such a decorated function to every view function; a situation I would very much like to avoid.
def index():
def add_header(response):
response.headers['X-Foo'] = 'Parachute'
return response
return 'Hello World!'
Any suggestions?
My first answer is very hacky. There's actually a much better way to achieve the same result by making use of the g object in Flask. It is useful for storing information globally during a single request. From the documentation:
The g name stands for “global”, but that is referring to the data being global within a context. The data on g is lost after the context ends, and it is not an appropriate place to store data between requests. Use the session or a database to store data across requests.
This is how you would use it:
def gather_request_data():
g.method = request.method
g.url = request.url
def log_details(response: Response):
g.status = response.status'method: {g.method}\n url: {g.url}\n status: {g.status}')
return response
Gather whatever request information you want in the function decorated with #app.before_request and store it in the g object.
Access whatever you want from the response in the function decorated with #app.after_request. You can still refer to the information you stored in the g object from step 1. Note that you'll have to return the response at the end of this function.
you can use flask-http-middleware for it link
from flask import Flask
from flask_http_middleware import MiddlewareManager, BaseHTTPMiddleware
app = Flask(__name__)
class MetricsMiddleware(BaseHTTPMiddleware):
def __init__(self):
def dispatch(self, request, call_next):
url = request.url
response = call_next(request)
response.headers.add("x-url", url)
return response
app.wsgi_app = MiddlewareManager(app)
def health():
return {"message":"I'm healthy"}
if __name__ == "__main__":
Every time you make request, it will pass the middleware
Okay, so the answer was staring me in the face the whole time, on the page on Deferred Request Callbacks.
The trick is to register a function to run after the current request using after_this_request from inside the before_request callback. This is the code snippet of what worked for me:
def log_details():
method = request.method
url = request.url
def log_details_callback(response: Response):'method: {method}\n url: {url}\n status: {response.status}')
These are the steps:
Get the required details from the response in the before_request callback and store them in some variables.
Then access what you want of the response in the function you decorate with after_this_request, along with the variables you stored the request details in earlier.

Ensure the POST data is valid JSON

I am developping a JSON API with Python Flask.
What I want is to always return JSON, with a error message indicating any error that occured.
That API also only accept JSON data in the POST body, but Flask by default return a HTML error 400 if it can't read the data as JSON.
Preferably, I d also like to not force the user to send the Content-Type header, and if raw or text content-type, try to parse the body as JSON nonetheless.
In short, I need a way to validate that the POST body's is JSON, and handle the error myself.
I've read about adding decorator to request to do that, but no comprehensive example.
You have three options:
Register a custom error handler for 400 errors on the API views. Have this error return JSON instead of HTML.
Set the Request.on_json_loading_failed method to something that raises a BadRequest exception subclass with a JSON payload. See Custom Errors in the Werkzeug exceptions documentation to see how you can create one.
Put a try: except around the request.get_json() call, catch the BadRequest exception and raise a new exception with a JSON payload.
Personally, I'd probably go with the second option:
from werkzeug.exceptions import BadRequest
from flask import json, Request, _request_ctx_stack
class JSONBadRequest(BadRequest):
def get_body(self, environ=None):
"""Get the JSON body."""
return json.dumps({
'code': self.code,
'description': self.description,
def get_headers(self, environ=None):
"""Get a list of headers."""
return [('Content-Type', 'application/json')]
def on_json_loading_failed(self):
ctx =
if ctx is not None and'DEBUG', False):
raise JSONBadRequest('Failed to decode JSON object: {0}'.format(e))
raise JSONBadRequest()
Request.on_json_loading_failed = on_json_loading_failed
Now, every time request.get_json() fails, it'll call your custom on_json_loading_failed method and raise an exception with a JSON payload rather than a HTML payload.
Combining the options force=True and silent=True make the result of request.get_json be None if the data is not parsable, then a simple if allow you to check the parsing.
from flask import Flask
from flask import request
#app.route('/foo', methods=['POST'])
def function(function = None):
print "Data: ", request.get_json(force = True, silent = True);
if request.get_json() is not None:
return "Is JSON";
return "Nope";
if __name__ == "__main__":
Credits to lapinkoira and Martijn Pieters.
You can try to decode JSON object using python json library.
The main idea is to take plain request body and try to convert to JSON.E.g:
import json
# somewhere in view
def view():
except ValueError:
# not a JSON! return error
return {'error': '...'}
# do plain stuff

how to get access to error message from abort command when using custom error handler

Using a python flask server, I want to be able to throw an http error response with the abort command and use a custom response string and a custom message in the body
def custom400(error):
response = jsonify({'message': error.message})
response.status_code = 404
response.status = 'error.Bad Request'
return response
abort(400,'{"message":"custom error message to appear in body"}')
But the error.message variable comes up as an empty string. I can't seem to find documentation on how to get access to the second variable of the abort function with a custom error handler
If you look at flask/ you will see that abort is actually imported from werkzeug.exceptions. Looking at the Aborter class, we can see that when called with a numeric code, the particular HTTPException subclass is looked up and called with all of the arguments provided to the Aborter instance. Looking at HTTPException, paying particular attention to lines 85-89 we can see that the second argument passed to HTTPException.__init__ is stored in the description property, as #dirn pointed out.
You can either access the message from the description property:
def custom400(error):
response = jsonify({'message': error.description['message']})
# etc.
abort(400, {'message': 'custom error message to appear in body'})
or just pass the description in by itself:
def custom400(error):
response = jsonify({'message': error.description})
# etc.
abort(400, 'custom error message to appear in body')
People rely on abort() too much. The truth is that there are much better ways to handle errors.
For example, you can write this helper function:
def bad_request(message):
response = jsonify({'message': message})
response.status_code = 400
return response
Then from your view function you can return an error with:
def index():
if error_condition:
return bad_request('message that appears in body')
If the error occurs deeper in your call stack in a place where returning a response isn't possible then you can use a custom exception. For example:
class BadRequestError(ValueError):
def bad_request_handler(error):
return bad_request(str(error))
Then in the function that needs to issue the error you just raise the exception:
def some_function():
if error_condition:
raise BadRequestError('message that appears in the body')
I hope this helps.
I simply do it like this:
abort(400, description="Required parameter is missing")
flask.abort also accepts flask.Response
abort(make_response(jsonify(message="Error message"), 400))

Proper way to modify a response in Flask with eg process_response

Given a simple Flask application, I'm just curious about whether there is a proper way to modify a Response in the hooks such as process_response?
e.g. Given:
from flask import Flask, Response
class MyFlask(Flask):
def process_response(self, response):
# edit response data, eg. add "... MORE!", but
# keep eg mimetype, status_code += "... This is added" # but should I modify `data`?
return response
# or should I:
# return Response( + "... this is also added",
# mimetype=response.mimetype, etc)
app = MyFlask(__name__)
def root():
return "abddef"
if __name__ == '__main__':
Is it proper to just create a new response each time, or is it canonical to just edit in-place the response parameter and return that modified response?
This may be purely stylistic, but I'm curious – and I haven't noticed anything in my reading that would indicate the preferred way to do this (even though it's probably quite common).
Thanks for reading.
From the Flask.process_response docs:
Can be overridden in order to modify the response object before it's sent to the WSGI server.
The response object is created on flask dispacher mechanism (Flask.full_dispatch_request). So if you want to create response objects under your own way, override Flask.make_reponse. Use Flask.process_response only when the desired modifications can be made using the created response object parameter.
Actually, you can use Flask.process_response to intercept and modify the response this way:
from flask import Flask
import json
import ast
appVersion = 'v1.0.0'
class LocalFlask(Flask):
def process_response(self, response):
#Every response will be processed here first
response.headers['App-Version'] = appVersion
success = True if response.status_code in [ 200, 201, 204 ] else False
message = 'Ok' if success else 'Error'
dict_str ="UTF-8")
dataDict = ast.literal_eval(dict_str)
standard_response_data = {
'success': success,
'message': message,
'result': dataDict
} = json.dumps(standard_response_data)
super(LocalFlask, self).process_response(response)
return response
