How to make a request to the Intersango API - python

I'm trying to figure out what's the correct URL format for the Intersango API (which is poorly documented). I'm programming my client in C#, but I'm looking at the Python example and I'm a little confused as to what is actually being placed in the body of the request:
def make_request(self,call_name,params):
params.append(('api_key',self.api_key)) // <-- How does this get serialized?
body = urllib.urlencode(params)
response = self.connection.getresponse()
return json.load(response)
I can't figure out this piece of code: params.append(('api_key',self.api_key))
Is it some kind of a dictionary, something that gets serialized to JSON, comma delimited, or exactly how does it get serialized? What would the body look like when the parameters are encoded and assigned to it?
P.S. I don't have anything that I can run the code with so I can debug it, but I'm just hoping that this is simple enough to understand for somebody that knows Python and they would be able to tell me what's happening on that line of code.

params is a list of 2-element lists. The list would look like ((key1, value1), (key2, value2), ...)
params.append(('api_key',self.api_key)) adds another 2-element list to the existing params list.
Finally, urllib.urlencode takes this list and converts it into a propert urlencoded string. In this case, it will return a string key1=value1&key2=value2&api_key=23423. If there are any special characters in your keys or values, urlencode will %encode them. See documentation for urlencode

I tried to get the C# code working, and it kept failing with exception {"The remote server returned an error: (417) Expectation Failed."}. I finally found what the problem is. You could read about it in depth here
In short, the way to make C# access Intersango API is to add following code:
System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;
This code needs to only run once. This is a global setting, so it affects your full application, so beware that something else could break as a result.
Here's a sample code:
System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;
var address = "";
HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(address) as HttpWebRequest;
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
var postBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("api_key=aa75***************fd65785");
request.ContentLength = postBytes.Length;
var dataStream = request.GetRequestStream();
dataStream.Write(postBytes, 0, postBytes.Length);
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

Piece of cake
instead of params.append(('api_key',self.api_key))
just write:


How to extract only wanted property from JSON object

When I run the code:
import requests
import json
def get_fact():
catFact = requests.get("")
json_data = json.loads(catFact.text)
return json_data
The output is like
{'fact': "Cats are the world's most popular pets, outnumbering dogs by as many as three to one", 'length': 84}
However I just want the fact.
How do I get rid of the 'fact:' at the front and 'length:' at the back?
What you want is to access the key in the python dict you made with the json.loads call. We actually don't need the json library as requests can read and deserialize JSON itself.
This code also checks if the response was OK and fails with informative error message. It follows PEP 20 – The Zen of Python.
import requests
def get_fact():
# Get the facts dictionary in a JSON serialized form.
cat_fact_response = requests.get("")
# Let the response raise the exception if something bad happened to the cat facts server connection.
# Deserialize the json (make a Python dict from the text we got). requests can do that on it's own:
cat_fact_dict = cat_fact_response.json()
# Access the fact from the json from the dictionary
return cat_fact_dict['fact']
When called you get following output as wanted:
# python3
The cat's tail is used to maintain balance.
Short answer:
you need to use either get_fact()['fact'] or get_fact().get('fact'). The former will throw an exception if fact doesn't exist whereas the latter will return None.
In your code sample you fetch some json data, and then print out the entire bit of json. When you parse json, the output is a key/value map called a dictionary (or map or object in other languages). The dictionary in this case contains two keys: fact and length. If you only one want of the values, then you need to tell python that you want only a single value -- fact in this case.
Remember though: this wouldn't apply to every json object you read. Not every one is going to have a fact key.
What you are returning in get_fact is a complete JSON object which you are then printing.
To get just its property fact (without the length) use a reference to that key or property like:
return json_data["fact"]
Below is also a link to a tutorial on using JSON in Python:
w3schools: Python JSON
To extract fact field from the response, use:
import requests
import json
def get_fact():
catFact = requests.get("")
json_data = json.loads(catFact.text)
return json_data['fact'] # <- HERE
Cats have "nine lives" thanks to a flexible spine and powerful leg and back muscles
Note: you don't need json module here, use json() method of Response instance returned by requests:
import requests
def get_fact():
catFact = requests.get("").json()
return catFact['fact']

Creating a list holding JSON arrays from values in another list

I have a python script that sends a JSON post. Part of the payload comes from a list in the following format
SERVICES = [{'id':'PZV8CL7', 'type':'service'}, {'id':'PYMOSPH', 'type':'service'}]
payload = {
'maintenance_window': {
'services': SERVICES,
The script works just fine when manually adding the services to the script, however I needed it to be able to work with a lot of them, so I added this:
code = ['PH6FKI0', 'PD1EK3Z', 'PSJR02A', 'PI8VRN1']
list = []
for c in code:
list.append("{'id':'%s', 'type':'service'}" % s)
["{'id':'PH6FKI0', 'type':'service'}", "{'id':'PD1EK3Z', 'type':'service'}"
The problem here is that the quotation marks seem to interfere when sent in the the JSON post which returns an error.
['Services must be an object containing properties id and type.']
How can I make a list without the quotations mark being added to it? any other way to make this, would be awesome as well.
Thanks in advance
Insert objects, not strings:
for c in code:
list.append({'id':s, 'type':'service'})

Python Requests - add text at the beginning of query string

When sending data through python-requests a GET request, I have a need to specifically add something at the beginning of the query string. I have tried passing the data in through dicts and json strings with no luck.
The request as it appears when produced by requests:
The request as it appears when produced by their interactive API documentation (Swagger):
Where the key-value pairs of my data follow the excerpt above.
Ultimately, I think the missing piece is the record= that gets produced by their documentation. It is the only piece that is different from what is produced by Requests.
At the moment I've got it set up something like this:
import requests
s = requests.Session()
s.auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username,password)
s.verify = certificate_path
# with data below being a dictionary of the values I need to pass.
r = s.get(url,data=data)
I am trying to include an image of the documentation below, but don't yet have enough reputation to do so:
apply/model/explain documentation
'GET' requests don't have data, that's for 'POST' and friends.
You can send the query string arguments using params kwarg instead:
>>> params = {'record': '{"'}
>>> response = requests.get('', params=params)
>>> response.request.url
From the comments i felt the need to explain this.
Let's assume you have a url like the above in order to call with python requests you only have to write
response = requests.get('', params={
Have in mind that if your value or your keys have any special character in them they will be escaped thats the reason for the %7B%2 part of url in your question.

Telegram bot updates to python dict conversion

I am trying to create a Telegram bot from scratch using python. I've done all the initial steps and got the bot token, and now what I want to do is, for easy manipulation of the data it sends me (Like getting the first_name of the person from getupdates method) I want the data neatly arranged into a python dictionary.
When I try /getme, I get this:
Since the b' at the beginning and ' at the end causes an error when I do json.loads(data) (Where data is the thing given above converted to a string).
So I do data[2:-1] to remove the b' and ' and json.loads() works just fine, but when I change the /getme to /getupdates, a bunch of new errors pop up.
All in all, it's a mess. Can someone give me a clean way to get data from the bot and sort it into a python dictionary? Please do not tell me to use a different language or just copy an existing bot framework.
My current code:
from urllib.request import urlopen
import json
This code correctly coverts the output of /getme to a python dictionary, but gives errors when I try /getupdates instead.
Output of /getupdates before I slice it is:
This should work for you. You can use the .decode('utf-8') to get rid of the byte prefix.
token = "999999999:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
url="" +token + "/getme"
req = Request(url)
response = urlopen(req)
data ='utf-8')
json_data = json.loads(data)
print(str(data['ok'])) #should print True

Passing a Python list using JSON and Django

I'm trying to send a Python list in to client side (encoded as JSON). This is the code snippet which I have written:
array_to_js = [vld_id, vld_error, False]
array_to_js[2] = True
jsonValidateReturn = simplejson.dumps(array_to_js)
return HttpResponse(jsonValidateReturn, mimetype='application/json')
How do I access it form client side? Can I access it like the following?
Or how do I assign a name to the returned JSON array in order to access it?
Actually I'm trying to convert a server side Ajax script that returns an array (see Stack Overflow question Creating a JSON response using Django and Python that handles client side POST requests, so I wanted the same thing in return with Python, but it didn't go well.
The JSON array will be dumped without a name / assignment.
That is, in order to give it a name, in your JavaScript code you would do something like this:
var my_json_data_dump = function_that_gets_json_data();
If you want to visualize it, for example, substitute:
var my_json_data_dump = { 'first_name' : Bob, 'last_name': smith };
Also, like Iganacio said, you're going to need something like json2.js to parse the string into the object in the last example. You could wrap that parsing step inside of function_that_gets_json_data, or if you're using jQuery you can do it with a function like jQuery.getJSON().
json2.js is still nice to have, though.
In response to the comment (I need space and markup):
Yes, of course. All the Python side is doing is encoding a string representation (JSON) for you. You could do something like 'var blah = %s' % json.dumps(obj_to_encode) and then on the client side, instead of simply parsing the response as JSON, you parse it as JavaScript.
I wouldn't recommend this for a few reasons:
You're no longer outputting JSON. What if you want to use it in a context where you don't want the variable name, or can't parse JavaScript?
You're evaluating JavaScript instead of simply parsing JSON. It's an operation that's open to security holes (if someone can seed the data, they might be able to execute a XSS attack).
I guess you're facing something I think every Ajax developer runs in to. You want one place of truth in your application, but now you're being encouraged to define variables and whatnot in JavaScript. So you have to cross reference your Python code with the JavaScript code that uses it.
I wouldn't get too hung up on it. I can't see why you would absolutely need to control the name of the variable from Python in this manner. If you're counting on the variable name being the same so that you can reference it in subsequent JavaScript or Python code, it's something you might obviate by simply restructuring your code. I don't mean that as a criticism, just a really helpful (in general) suggestion!
If both client and server are in Python, here's what you need to know.
Server. Use a dictionary to get labels on the fields. Write this as the response.
>>> import json
>>> json.dumps( {'vld_id':1,'vls_error':2,'something_else':True} )
'{"vld_id": 1, "something_else": true, "vls_error": 2}'
Client. After reading the response string, create a Python dictionary this way.
>>> json.loads( '{"vld_id": 1, "something_else": true, "vls_error": 2}' )
{u'vld_id': 1, u'something_else': True, u'vls_error': 2}
