This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
declaring a global dynamic variable in python
>>> def f():
global cat
exec 'cat'+'="meow"'
>>> f()
>>> cat
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#23>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'cat' is not defined
This is just a stripped down example of the issue I've come across. In my actual script, I need various instances of a class be created and named, hence the exec statement.
Just calling
exec 'cat'+'="meow"'
directly in the shell works fine, but as soon as it's packed in a function, it doesn't seem to work anymore.
I still don't understand why you are using exec, its a bad design choice and alternatives are usually easier, for example instead of global and then something else you could simply do this
ns = {}
def f():
ns["cat"] = "miow"
print ns
Now isn't that cleaner?
looks like the exec ignores the global, the documentation is a bit vague. but this works:
>>> def f():
... global cat
... exec 'global cat; cat'+'="meow"'
>>> f()
>>> cat
This question already has answers here:
Python global variables don't seem to work across modules
(3 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
So, this is a bit tricky.
a = None
def set_a():
global a
a = 10
from file1 import a, set_a
Why a's value didn't change? I know there are other ways to change the value of a, but why this doesn't work?
The big problem is where globals actually lives. Each script has its own globals. So the globals that is in set_a really points to file1's scope:
import file1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'a' is not defined
This change does not persist to your calling script. So let's just avoid the global entirely.
It would be much clearer for the function to just return the value, which you can name whatever you want in the calling script:
def set_a():
return 10
from file1 import set_a
# this doesn't have any reliance on a name existing
# in any namespaces
a = set_a()
The general concensus on the issue is to avoid globals where possible, as they can make your code difficult to maintain.
I sometimes use embed at a certain point in a script to quickly flesh out some local functionality. Minimal example:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# ...
import IPython
Developing a local function often requires a new import. However, importing a module in the IPython session does not seem to work, when used in a function. For instance:
In [1]: import os
In [2]: def local_func(): return os.path.sep
In [3]: local_func()
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-f0e5d4635432> in <module>()
----> 1 local_func()
<ipython-input-2-c530ce486a2b> in local_func()
----> 1 def local_func(): return os.path.sep
NameError: global name 'os' is not defined
This is rather confusing, especially since I can even use tab completion to write os.path.sep.
I noticed that the problem is even more fundamental: In general, functions created in the IPython embed session do not close over variables from the embed scope. For instance, this fails as well:
In [4]: x = 0
In [5]: def local_func(): return x
In [6]: local_func()
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-f0e5d4635432> in <module>()
----> 1 local_func()
<ipython-input-5-2116e9532e5c> in local_func()
----> 1 def local_func(): return x
NameError: global name 'x' is not defined
Module names are probably just the most common thing to "close over"...
Is there any solution to this problem?
Update: The problem not only applies for closures, but also nested list comprehensions.
Disclaimer: I'll post an (unsatisfactory) answer to the question myself -- still hoping for a better solution though.
I also had the same problem. I used this trick to deal with the case when the embed() is called outside a function, so that globals() and locals() should be the same dictionary.
The simplest way is to call the following function after ipython is launched
ipy = get_ipython()
setattr(ipy.__class__, 'user_global_ns', property(lambda self: self.user_ns))
Another way is to subclass InteractiveShellEmbed
class InteractiveShellEmbedEnhanced(InteractiveShellEmbed):
def user_global_ns(self):
if getattr(self, 'embedded_outside_func', False):
return self.user_ns
return self.user_module.__dict__
def init_frame(self, frame):
if frame.f_code.co_name == '<module>':
self.embedded_outside_func = True
self.embedded_outside_func = False
and modify slightly the code of IPython.terminal.embed.embed() so that in it all InteractiveShellEmbed is changed to InteractiveShellEmbedEnhanced and call shell.init_frame(frame) after the line shell = InteractiveShellEmbed.instance(...).
This is based on the following observations:
In an ipython session, we always have id(globals()) == id(ipy.user_module.__dict__) == id(ipy.user_global_ns) (user_global_ns is a class property of the super class of InteractiveShellEmbed, which returns ipy.user_module.__dict__)
Also we have id(locals()) == id(ipy.user_ns)
For normal ipython session, id(locals()) == id(globals())
user_global_ns (a property) and user_ns (a dict) define the execution context
In embedded ipython, ipy.user_module and ipy.user_ns are set in function ipy.__call__() and passed to ipy.mainloop(). They are not the same object since ipy.user_ns is constructed inside the functions.
If you are to launch ipython outside a function (like in a script), then it is safe to assume the globals() should be identical to locals().
With this setup, the following code should work while not working using the default embedded shell:
(lambda :a)() # default behavior: name 'a' is not defined
import time
(lambda: time.time())() # default behavior: name 'time' is not defined
(default behavior is due to a and time are not added to globals() and ipython does not make closures for local functions (the lambdas defined above) and insists to look up the variables in global scope. search closure in this page)
Update: Again only a work-around, but somewhat simpler: globals().update(locals())
I don't have a general solution, but at least a work-around: After defining a local function, it is possible to add the locals() of the session to the func_globals of the function just defined, e.g.:
In [1]: import os
In [2]: def local_func(): return os.path.sep
In [3]: local_func.func_globals.update(locals())
In [4]: local_func()
Out[4]: '/'
However, one should be aware that this is only a "manual closure" and will not work as a regular closure in cases like this:
In [1]: x = 1
In [2]: def local_func(): return x
In [3]: local_func.func_globals.update(locals())
In [4]: local_func()
Out[4]: 1
In [5]: x = 42
In [6]: local_func() # true closure would return 42
Out[6]: 1
In [7]: local_func.func_globals.update(locals()) # but need to update again
In [8]: local_func()
Out[8]: 42
At least it can solve the notorious global name '...' is not defined problem for imports.
This "bug" of IPython.embed() is still there today. But from the comment of developer, we could instead use:
from IPython import start_ipython
... # some random code
start_ipython(argv=[], user_ns = locals())
Or more aggressively, replace the user_ns = locals() to user_ns = locals() | globals()
This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What’s the difference between eval, exec, and compile in Python?
I known that
eval is a function
exec is a statement
And the simple usage of both is :
exec 'print 1+2'
But there are other usages that I can't understand.
Using a variable to store a function name, and using this variable to
call the function
def test():
print 'hello world'
func = 'test'
func = eval(func)
func() # this will call test()
I type(func) after
func = eval(func)
it returns
<type 'function'>
I read the document of eval, but I don't known why the eval can do
Using a variable to store a module name, and using this variable to import the module.
m = 'sys'
exec "import " + m
Is this the reason:
import module_name is a statement, not expression?
eval does only to calculate a expression
exec does to run the statement in the str?
The part of your question about storing the function name can be explained by the fact that this would be equivalent:
def test():
print 'hello world'
func = test
func() # this will call test()
The call to eval() in your example is no different than a call like:
y = eval('x + 1')
I believe your second question is the same as this one, and the answers might be helpful.
Certain list comprehensions don't work properly when I embed IPython 0.10 as per the instructions. What's going on with my global namespace?
$ python
>>> import IPython.Shell
>>> IPython.Shell.IPShellEmbed()()
In [1]: def bar(): pass
In [2]: list(bar() for i in range(10))
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/<ipython console>
/tmp/<ipython console> in <generator expression>([outmost-iterable])
NameError: global name 'bar' is not defined
List comprehensions are fine, this works:
[bar() for i in range(10)]
It's generator expressions (which is what you passed to that list() call) that are not fine:
gexpr = (bar() for i in range(10))
The difference: items in the list comprehension are evaluated at definition time. Items in the generator expression are evaluated when next() is called (e.g. through iteration when you pass it to list()), so it must keep a reference to the scope where it is defined. That scope reference seems to be incorrectly handled; most probably that's simply an IPython bug.
Seems to work, but IPython thinks it's the main program. So after instantiating IPShell, a crash shows "whoops, IPython crashed".
import IPython.Shell
ipshell = IPython.Shell.IPShell(argv=[], user_ns={'root':root})
For this situation, I've found the following updates the scope so that bar() can be found:
I'm having a bit of trouble understanding what's going wrong with the following function:
def ness():
print vars()[pie]
print yum
So When I run that I get this result:
>>> ness()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 5, in ness
NameError: global name 'yum' is not defined
If I don't write it as a function and just type it in on the command line one line at a time it works fine, like so:
>>> pie='yum'
>>> vars()[pie]=4
>>> print vars()[pie]
>>> print yum
Suppose I wanted to make things a bit more complicated than this and instead of setting yum to a value and printing that value, I define some functions, and want to call one of them based on some input:
def ness(choo):
def p():
print 'ummmm ummm'
def i():
print 'hooo aaaaa'
def e():
print 'woooo'
So when I call ness I get a key error:
>>> ness(3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 7, in ness
KeyError: 'p'
Now I know I can do things like this with some elif statements, but I'm wondering if this would work too, and if using bisect like this would be more efficient (say if i need to check 1000 values of choo) than using elifs.
Thanks much for the assistance.
vars() within a function gives you the local namespace, just like locals() -- see the docs. Outside of a function (e.g. at the prompt) locals() (and vars() of course) gives you the module's global namespace, just like globals(). As the docs say, trying to assign to a function's local variable through locals() (or equivalently, vars() inside a function) is not supported in Python. If you want to assign to a global variable, as you do when you're at the prompt (or otherwise outside of a function), use globals() instead of vars() (maybe not the cleanest approach -- global variables are understandably frowned upon -- but it does work).
There is way to do it with exec
>>> def ness():
... pie='yum'
... exec pie+"=4"
... print vars()[pie]
... print yum
>>> ness()
But Instead of doing that, using a new dict is better and safe
>>> def ness():
... dic={}
... pie='yum'
... dic[pie]=4
... print dic[pie]
... print dic['yum']
>>> ness()
It's not safe to modify the dict returned by vars()
Without an argument, act like locals().
With a module, class or class instance object as argument (or
anything else that has a dict
attribute), return that attribute.
The returned dictionary should not be modified: the effects on the
corresponding symbol table are
Your second example is a special case. vars() is equivalent to globals() in the global namespace, and the dict returned by globals() behaves as you would expect ( but is frowned upon )
>>> id(vars()),id(globals())
(3085426868L, 3085426868L)
vars() is equivalent to locals(), which in the case of the function is the local variables in its scope and at in the interactive interpreter at the scope you have it, vars() is globals(). locals() is for reading only; the effects of trying to change it are undefined (and in practice, just doesn't work). globals() can be modified, but you still should never directly put anything in the dict it returns.
[Edit: I must be wrong here, since the 'exec' example works.]
As everyone points out, it's a bad idea to modify vars(). You can understand the error, though, by realizing that python in some sense doesn't "see" that "yum" is a local. "print yum" is still resolved as a global reference; this happens before any code is executed.
It's the same reason you get an UnboundLocalError from:
>>> y = 100
>>> def foo(x):
... if x == 1:
... y = 10
... print y
>>> foo(1)
>>> foo(2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 4, in foo
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'y' referenced before assignment