Memory Error when calculating pairwise distances in scipy - python

I am trying to apply hierarchial clustering to my dataset which consists of 14039 vectors of users. Each vector has 10 features, where each feature is basically frequency of tags tagged by that user.
I am using Scipy api for clustering.
Now I need to calculate pairwise distances between these 14039 users and pass tis distance matrix to linkage function.
import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as sch
Y = sch.distance.pdist( allUserVector,'cosine')
print Y
But my program gives me MemoryError while calculating the distance matrix itself
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/numpy/core/", line 1424, in array_str
return array2string(a, max_line_width, precision, suppress_small, ' ', "", str)
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/numpy/core/", line 306, in array2string
separator, prefix)
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/numpy/core/", line 210, in _array2string
format_function = FloatFormat(data, precision, suppress_small)
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/numpy/core/", line 392, in __init__
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/numpy/core/", line 399, in fillFormat
non_zero = absolute(data.compress(not_equal(data, 0) & ~special))
Any idea how to fix this? Is my dataset too large? But I guess clustering 14k users shouldnt be too much that it should cause Memory error.
I am running it on i3 and 4 Gb Ram.
I need to apply DBScan clustering too, but that too needs distance matrix as input.
Any suggestions appreciated.
Edit: I get the error only when I print Y. Any ideas why?

Well, hierarchical clustering doesn't make that much sense for large datasets. It's actually mostly a textbook example in my opinion. The problem with hierarchical clustering is that it doesn't really build sensible clusters. It builds a dendrogram, but with 14000 objects the dendrogram becomes pretty much unusable. And very few implementations of hierarchical clustering have non-trivial methods to extract sensible clusters from the dendrogram. Plus, in the general case, hierarchical clustering is of complexity O(n^3) which makes it scale really bad to large datasets.
DBSCAN technically does not need a distance matrix. In fact, when you use a distance matrix, it will be slow, as computing the distance matrix already is O(n^2). And even then, you can safe the O(n^2) memory cost for DBSCAN by computing the distances on the fly at the cost of computing distances twice each. DBSCAN visits each point once, so there is next to no benefit from using a distance matrix except the symmetry gain. And technically, you could do some neat caching tricks to even reduce that, since DBSCAN also just needs to know which objects are below the epsilon threshold. When the epsilon is chosen reasonably, managing the neighbor sets on the fly will use significantly less memory than O(n^2) at the same CPU cost of computing the distance matrix.
Any really good implementation of DBSCAN (it is spelled all uppercase, btw, as it is an abbreviation, not a scan) however should have support for index structures and then run in O(n log n) runtime.
On they run DBSCAN on a 110250 object dataset and 8 dimensions, and the non-indexed variant takes 1446 seconds, the one with index just 219. That is about 7 times faster, including index buildup. (It's not python, however) Similarly, OPTICS is 5 times faster with the index. And their kmeans implementation in my experiments was around 6x faster than WEKA kmeans and using much less memory. Their single-link hierarchical clustering also is an optimized O(n^2) implementation. Actually the only one I've seen so far that is not the naive O(n^3) matrix-editing approach.
If you are willing to go beyond python, that might be a good choice.

It's possible that you really are running out of RAM. Finding pairwise distances between N objects means storing N^2 distances. In your case, N^2 is going to be 14039 ^ 2 = 1.97 * 10^8. If we assume that each distance takes only four bytes (which is almost certainly not the case, as they have to be held in some sort of data structure which may have non-constant overhead) that works out to 800 megabytes. That's a lot of memory for the interpreter to be working with. 32-bit architectures only allow up to 2 GB of process memory, and just your raw data is taking up around 50% of that. With the overhead of the data structure you could be looking at usage much higher than that -- I can't say how much because I don't know the memory model behind SciPy/numpy.
I would try breaking your data sets up into smaller sets, or not constructing the full distance matrix. You can break it down into more manageable chunks (say, 14 subsets of around 1000 elements) and do nearest-neighbor between each chunk and all of the vectors -- then you're looking at loading an order of magnitude less into memory at any one time (14000 * 1000, 14 times instead of 14000 * 14000 once).
Edit: agf is completely right on both counts: I missed your edit, and the problem probably comes about when it tries to construct the giant string that represents your matrix. If it's printing floating point values, and we assume 10 characters are printed per element and the string is stored with one byte per character, then you're looking at exactly 2 GB of memory usage just for the string.


Why Does Tree and Ensemble based Algorithm don't need feature scaling?

Recently, I've been interested in Data analysis.
So I researched about how to do machine-learning project and do it by myself.
I learned that scaling is important in handling features.
So I scaled every features while using Tree model like Decision Tree or LightGBM.
Then, the result when I scaled had worse result.
I searched on the Internet, but all I earned is that Tree and Ensemble algorithm are not sensitive to variance of the data.
I also bought a book "Hands-on Machine-learning" by O'Relly But I couldn't get enough explanation.
Can I get more detailed explanation for this?
Though I don't know the exact notations and equations, the answer has to do with the Big O Notation for the algorithms.
Big O notation is a way of expressing the theoretical worse time for an algorithm to complete over extremely large data sets. For example, a simple loop that goes over every item in a one dimensional array of size n has a O(n) run time - which is to say that it will always run at the proportional time per size of the array no matter what.
Say you have a 2 dimensional array of X,Y coords and you are going to loop across every potential combination of x/y locations, where x is size n and y is size m, your Big O would be O(mn)
and so on. Big O is used to compare the relative speed of different algorithms in abstraction, so that you can try to determine which one is better to use.
If you grab O(n) over the different potential sizes of n, you end up with a straight 45 degree line on your graph.
As you get into more complex algorithms you can end up with O(n^2) or O(log n) or even more complex. -- generally though most algorithms fall into either O(n), O(n^(some exponent)), O(log n) or O(sqrt(n)) - there are obviously others but generally most fall into this with some form of co-efficient in front or after that modifies where they are on the graph. If you graph each one of those curves you'll see which ones are better for extremely large data sets very quickly
It would entirely depend on how well your algorithm is coded, but it might look something like this: (don't trust me on this math, i tried to start doing it and then just googled it.)
Fitting a decision tree of depth ‘m’:
Naïve analysis: 2m-1 trees -> O(2m-1 n d log(n)).
each object appearing only once at a given depth: O(m n d log n)
and a Log n graph ... well pretty much doesn't change at all even with sufficiently large numbers of n, does it?
so it doesn't matter how big your data set is, these algorithms are very efficient in what they do, but also do not scale because of the nature of a log curve on a graph (the worst increase in performance for +1 n is at the very beginning, then it levels off with only extremely minor increases to time with more and more n)
Do not confuse trees and ensembles (which may be consist from models, that need to be scaled).
Trees do not need to scale features, because at each node, the entire set of observations is divided by the value of one of the features: relatively speaking, to the left everything is less than a certain value, and to the right - more. What difference then, what scale is chosen?

Clustering on large, mixed type data

I'm dealing with a dataframe of dimension 4 million x 70. Most columns are numeric, and some are categorical, in addition to the occasional missing values. It is essential that the clustering is ran on all data points, and we look to produce around 400,000 clusters (so subsampling the dataset is not an option).
I have looked at using Gower's distance metric for mixed type data, but this produces a dissimilarity matrix of dimension 4 million x 4 million, which is just not feasible to work with since it has 10^13 elements. So, the method needs to avoid dissimilarity matrices entirely.
Ideally, we would use an agglomerative clustering method, since we want a large amount of clusters.
What would be a suitable method for this problem? I am struggling to find a method which meets all of these requirements, and I realise it's a big ask.
Plan B is to use a simple rules-based grouping method based on categorical variables alone, handpicking only a few variables to cluster on since we will suffer from the curse of dimensionality otherwise.
The first step is going to be turning those categorical values into numbers somehow, and the second step is going to be putting the now all numeric attributes into the same scale.
Clustering is computationally expensive, so you might try a third step of representing this data by the top 10 components of a PCA (or however many components have an eigenvalue > 1) to reduce the columns.
For the clustering step, you'll have your choice of algorithms. I would think something hierarchical would be helpful for you, since even though you expect a high number of clusters, it makes intuitive sense that those clusters would fall under larger clusters that continue to make sense all the way down to a small number of "parent" clusters. A popular choice might be HDBSCAN, but I tend to prefer trying OPTICS. The implementation in free ELKI seems to be the fastest (it takes some messing around with to figure it out) because it runs in java. The output of ELKI is a little strange, it outputs a file for every cluster so you have to then use python to loop through the files and create your final mapping, unfortunately. But it's all doable (including executing the ELKI command) from python if you're building an automated pipeline.

How to efficiently calculate huge matrix multiplication (tfidf features) in Python?

I currently want to calculate all-pair document similarity using cosine similarity and Tfidf features in python. My basic approach is the following:
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
#c = [doc1, doc2, ..., docn]
vec = TfidfVectorizer()
X = vec.fit_transform(c)
del vec
Y = X * X.T
Works perfectly fine, but unfortunately, not for my very large datasets. X has a dimension of (350363, 2526183) and hence, the output matrix Y should have (350363, 350363). X is very sparse due to the tfidf features, and hence, easily fits into memory (around 2GB only). Yet, the multiplication gives me a memory error after running for some time (even though the memory is not full but I suppose that scipy is so clever as to expect the memory usage).
I have already tried to play around with the dtypes without any success. I have also made sure that numpy and scipy have their BLAS libraries linked -- whereas this does not have an effect on the csr_matrix dot functionality as it is implemented in C. I thought of maybe using things like memmap, but I am not sure about that.
Does anyone have an idea of how to best approach this?
Even though X is sparse, X * X.T probably won't, notice, that it just needs one nonzero common element in a given pair of rows. You are working with NLP task, so I am pretty sure that there are huge amounts of words which occur in nearly all documents (and as said before - it does not have to be one word for all pairs, but one (possibly different) for each pair. As a result you get a matrix of 350363^2 elements which has about 122,000,000,000 elements, if you don't have 200GB of ram, it does not look computable. Try to perform much more aggresive filtering of words in order to force X * X.T to be sparse (remove many common words)
In general you won't be able to compute Gram matrix of big data, unless you enforce the sparsity of the X * X.T, so most of your vectors' pairs (documents) have 0 "similarity". It can be done in numerous ways, the easiest way is to set some threshold T under which you treat <a,b> as 0 and compute the dot product by yourself, and create an entry in the resulting sparse matrix iff <a,b> > T
You may want to look at the random_projection module in scikit-learn. The Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma says that a random projection matrix is guaranteed to preserve pairwise distances up to some tolerance eta, which is a hyperparameter when you calculate the number of random projections needed.
To cut a long story short, the scikit-learn class SparseRandomProjection seen here is a transformer to do this for you. If you run it on X after vec.fit_transform you should see a fairly large reduction in feature size.
The formula from sklearn.random_projection.johnson_lindenstrauss_min_dim shows that to preserve up to a 10% tolerance, you only need johnson_lindenstrauss_min_dim(350363, .1) 10942 features. This is an upper bound, so you may be able to get away with much less. Even 1% tolerance would only need johnson_lindenstrauss_min_dim(350363, .01) 1028192 features which is still significantly less than you have right now.
Simple thing to try - if your data is dtype='float64', try using 'float32'. That alone can save a massive amount of space, especially if you do not need double precision.
If the issue is that you cannot store the "final matrix" in memory either, I would recommend working with the data in an HDF5Store (as seen in pandas using pytables). This link has some good starter code, and you could iteratively calculate chunks of your dot product and write to disk. I have been using this extensively in a recent project on a 45GB dataset, and could provide more help if you decide to go this route.
What you could do is slice a row and a column of X, multiply those and save the resulting row to a file. Then move to the next row and column.
It is still the same amount of calculation work but you wouldn't run out of memory.
Using or multiprocessing.Pool.map_async() you migt be able to speed it up, provided you use numpy.memmap() to read the matrix in the mapped function. And you would probably have to write each of the calculated rows to a separate file to merge them later. If you were to return the row from the mapped function it would have to be transferred back to the original process. That would take a lot of memory and IPC bandwidth.

large scale clustering library possibly with python bindings

I've been trying to cluster some larger dataset. consisting of 50000 measurement vectors with dimension 7. I'm trying to generate about 30 to 300 clusters for further processing.
I've been trying the following clustering implementations with no luck:
Pycluster.kcluster (gives only 1-2 non-empty clusters on my dataset)
scipy.cluster.hierarchy.fclusterdata (runs too long)
scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans (runs out of memory)
sklearn.cluster.hierarchical.Ward (runs too long)
Are there any other implementations which I might miss?
50000 instances and 7 dimensions isn't really big, and should not kill an implementation.
Although it doesn't have python binding, give ELKI a try. The benchmark set they use on their homepage is 110250 instances in 8 dimensions, and they run k-means on it in 60 seconds apparently, and the much more advanced OPTICS in 350 seconds.
Avoid hierarchical clustering. It's really only for small data sets. The way it is commonly implemented on matrix operations is O(n^3), which is really bad for large data sets. So I'm not surprised these two timed out for you.
DBSCAN and OPTICS when implemented with index support are O(n log n). When implemented naively, they are in O(n^2). K-means is really fast, but often the results are not satisfactory (because it always splits in the middle). It should run in O(n * k * iter) which usually converges in not too many iterations (iter<<100). But it will only work with Euclidean distance, and just doesn't work well with some data (high-dimensional, discrete, binary, clusters with different sizes, ...)
Since you're already trying scikit-learn: sklearn.cluster.KMeans should scale better than Ward and supports parallel fitting on multicore machines. MiniBatchKMeans is better still, but won't do random restarts for you.
>>> from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans
>>> X = np.random.randn(50000, 7)
>>> %timeit MiniBatchKMeans(30).fit(X)
1 loops, best of 3: 114 ms per loop
My package milk handles this problem easily:
import milk
import numpy as np
data = np.random.rand(50000,7)
%timeit milk.kmeans(data, 300)
1 loops, best of 3: 14.3 s per loop
I wonder whether you meant to write 500,000 data points, because 50k points is not that much. If so, milk takes a while longer (~700 sec), but still handles it well as it does not allocate any memory other than your data and the centroids.
The real answer for actually large scale situations is to use something like FAISS, Facebook Research's library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors.
OpenCV has a k-means implementation, Kmeans2
Expected running time is on the order of O(n**4) - for an order-of-magnitude approximation, see how long it takes to cluster 1000 points, then multiply that by seven million (50**4 rounded up).

Hierarchical clustering of 1 million objects

Can anyone point me to a hierarchical clustering tool (preferable in python) that can cluster ~1 Million objects? I have tried hcluster and also Orange.
hcluster had trouble with 18k objects. Orange was able to cluster 18k objects in seconds, but failed with 100k objects (saturated memory and eventually crashed).
I am running on a 64bit Xeon CPU (2.53GHz) and 8GB of RAM + 3GB swap on Ubuntu 11.10.
The problem probably is that they will try to compute the full 2D distance matrix (about 8 GB naively with double precision) and then their algorithm will run in O(n^3) time anyway.
You should seriously consider using a different clustering algorithm. Hierarchical clustering is slow and the results are not at all convincing usually. In particular for millions of objects, where you can't just look at the dendrogram to choose the appropriate cut.
If you really want to continue hierarchical clustering, I belive that ELKI (Java though) has a O(n^2) implementation of SLINK. Which at 1 million objects should be approximately 1 million times as fast. I don't know if they already have CLINK, too. And I'm not sure if there actually is any sub-O(n^3) algorithm for other variants than single-link and complete-link.
Consider using other algorithms. k-means for example scales very well with the number of objects (it's just not very good usually either, unless your data is very clean and regular). DBSCAN and OPTICS are quite good in my opinion, once you have a feel for the parameters. If your data set is low dimensional, they can be accelerated quite well with an appropriate index structure. They should then run in O(n log n), if you have an index with O(log n) query time. Which can make a huge difference for large data sets. I've personally used OPTICS on a 110k images data set without problems, so I can imagine it scales up well to 1 million on your system.
To beat O(n^2), you'll have to first reduce your 1M points (documents)
to e.g. 1000 piles of 1000 points each, or 100 piles of 10k each, or ...
Two possible approaches:
build a hierarchical tree from say 15k points, then add the rest one by one:
time ~ 1M * treedepth
first build 100 or 1000 flat clusters,
then build your hierarchical tree of the 100 or 1000 cluster centres.
How well either of these might work depends critically
on the size and shape of your target tree --
how many levels, how many leaves ?
What software are you using,
and how many hours / days do you have to do the clustering ?
For the flat-cluster approach,
K-d_tree s
work fine for points in 2d, 3d, 20d, even 128d -- not your case.
I know hardly anything about clustering text;
Locality-sensitive_hashing ?
Take a look at scikit-learn clustering --
it has several methods, including DBSCAN.
Added: see also
"Algorithms for finding all similar pairs of vectors in sparse vector data", Beyardo et el. 2007
SO hierarchical-clusterization-heuristics
