Exploring a maze (using python 2.7) - python

I have done everything on my homework except a one step.
I did it in a different way, but it gave kind of right answer somehow.
Anyway, I have to explore a maz, so I went all the way through and got everything completely right, except part (Q COMMAND) of this task.
I need to use string method .upper()
2.2.6 The Top-Level Interface
interact() is the top-level function that denes the text-base user interface
as described in the introduction.
Note that when either the user quits or
when the finish square is found, the interact function should exit.
def interact():
mazefile = raw_input('Maze File: ')
maze = load_maze(mazefile)
position = (1, 1)
poshis = [position]
while True:
#print poshis, len(poshis)
print 'You are at position', position
command = raw_input('Command: ')
#print command
if command == '?':
print HELP
elif command == 'N' or command == 'E' or command == 'S'or command == 'W':
mov = move(maze, position, command)
if mov[0] == False: #invalid direction
print "You can't go in that direction"
elif mov[1] == True:#finished
print 'Congratulations - you made it!'
else: #can move, but not finished
position = mov[2]
elif command == 'R': # reseting the maze to the first pos
position = (1, 1)
poshis = [position]
elif command == 'B': # back one move
if len(poshis) > 1:
position = poshis[-1]
elif command == 'L': # listing all possible leg dir
toggle = 0
result = ''
leg_list = get_legal_directions(maze, poshis[-1])
for Legal in leg_list:
if toggle:
result += ', '
result += Legal
result += Legal
if not toggle:
toggle = 1
print result
elif command == 'Q': #quiting
m = raw_input('Are you sure you want to quit? [y] or n: ')
if m == 'y':
#print 'Are you sure you want to quit? [y] or n: '
#if raw_input == 'y':
# break
else: #invalid input
print 'Invalid Command:', command

Your question isn't particularly clear, but I'm guessing that the 'problem' is that if a user were to answer "Y" instead of "y" when asked if they are sure they want to quit, then the loop will continue.
If that is the problem, you should merely replace the line:
if m == 'y':
if m.upper() == 'Y':
Because regardless of whether the user types "y" or "Y", the loop will still be broken out of.


Write a function to exit the program, which automatically generates usernames based on the first letter of the first and last name

so I am writing program based on this instructions:
Write a function to exit the program, which automatically generates usernames based on the first letter of the first and last name and saves the entries in the dictionary.
For example: Brad Pitt --> bpitt
When the user no longer wants to enter names, write STOP.
Then the program asks him: Do you want to leave the program (yes / no)?
If the user enters "yes", the program ends with the greeting "Thank you for using".
If the user enters "no", the program continues to ask for first and last name.
If the user does not enter "yes" or "no", the program asks him if he really wants to leave the program until he enters one of the mentioned options.
At the end the program displays the contents of the dictionary.
I write this:
dict = {}
while True:
x = input('Enter name and surname: ').lower()
if x != 'STOP':
def name(s):
l = s.split()
new = ''
for i in range(len(l) - 1):
s = l[i]
new += s[0]
new += l[-1]
return new
s = x
dict[x] = (name(s))
elif x == 'STOP':
a = input('Do you want to leave the program (yes / no)? ')
if a == 'Yes':
print('Thank you for using.')
elif a == 'No':
if x != 'STOP':
def name(s):
l = s.split()
new = ''
for i in range(len(l) - 1):
s = l[i]
new += s[0]
new += l[-1]
return new
s = x
a = input('Do you want to leave the program (yes / no)? ')
if a == 'Yes':
print('Thank you for using.')
elif a == 'No':
x = input('Enter name and surname: ')
if x != 'STOP':
def name(s):
l = s.split()
new = ''
for i in range(len(l) - 1):
s = l[i]
new += s[0]
new += l[-1]
return new
s = x
At first it worked somehow, but not properly. Now I have made a mistake that I cannot find, because I am totally lost. Is there any easier way to write this code including function?
To answer your basic question, yes there is an easier way to write this code including the function. To begin, lets look at your basic coding style.
Using the variable name dict is a bad idea, since this can and will be confused with the builtin dict structure. This can lead to confusion in understand ing the code as well as subtle errors in execution should the compiler confuser your variable for the builtin function.
The creation of the function name is a great idea, since it splits out this operation into a separately executable and testable piece of code. Embedding thise function within the while loop is not such a good idea since it is unnecessary and I believe reduces the efficiency of the overall python script.
exit is a helper function for for the interactive shell and is not needed in this application
The following is my recommendations for improving your script.
def name(s):
l = s.lower().split()
new = ''
for i in range(len(l) - 1):
s = l[i]
new += s[0]
new += l[-1]
return new
def createDict():
names_dict = dict()
while True:
indata = input('Enter name and surname: ')
if indata.lower() == 'stop':
indata = input('Do you want to leave the program (yes / no)? ')
if indata.lower()[0] == 'y':
print('Thank you for using.')
nm = name(indata)
names_dict[indata] = nm
To run use createDict()

Can I add two VALUES to a dictionary from user input?

I keep getting an error when I run this functions. Everything goes through and then it shows this error. I have tried adding .items() to the end when I print the dictionary and still throws this error.
CLARIFICATION just realized. Not getting any type errors or anything. It prints fine but when doesn't add the second variable to the dictionary. Instead it prints this..
{'Frappe': ('small', function type_of_milk at 0x000002BE2BCD2F78>)}
def order():
ready_to_order = True
while ready_to_order != False:
ordering_q = input(
"""Do you know what you would like to order or do you need to see the menu?
[M]enu or [R]eady to order or [Q]uit: """)
if ordering_q.upper() == "Q":
elif ordering_q.upper() == "M":
elif ordering_q.upper() == "R":
ready_to_order = False
print("Please enter valid letters only, try again.")
print(" ")
print(" ")
add_cart = True
while add_cart != False:
order1 = input("What would you like to order?")
if order1.upper() == "Done":
add_cart = False
elif order1 == 'a1':
print("Frappe added to cart")
global total_order
total_order += 3
order_dict['Frappe'] = (drink_sizes, type_of_milk)
add_cart = False
This line:
order_dict['Frappe'] = (drink_sizes, type_of_milk)
is adding the function type_of_milk to your dict, which is why you see function type_of_milk at 0x000002BE2BCD2F78> when you print the dict out. Maybe you meant to say type_of_milk()?

making tic tac toe, code is complete without error messages but wont run?

This is my first project, I used a lot of resources from others with the same project and this is what I have come up with. I am using Jupyter notebook. I am not getting any more error messages in my code, but for some reason I can't get it to run? Also, any advice or improvements in my code would also be appreciated.
I've tried to just call the tic_tac_toe() command but nothing comes up and I'm not sure why.
def tic_tac_toe():
brd = [None] + list(range(1,10))
end = False
winner = ((1,2,3),(4,5,6),(7,8,9),(1,4,7),(2,5,8),(3,6,9),(1,5,9), (3,5,7))
from IPython.display import clear_output
def show_board():
def player_input():
marker = ''
while marker != 'x' and marker != 'o':
marker = input('Do you want to be x or o?: ')
player1 = marker
if player1 == 'x':
player2 ='o'
player2 = 'x'
player_markers = [player1,player2]
def choose_number():
while True:
val = int(input())
if val in brd:
return val
print('\n Please choose another number')
except ValueError:
print('\n Please choose another number')
def game_over():
for a, b, c in winner:
if brd[a] == brd[b] == brd[c]:
print("{0} wins!\n".format(board[a]))
return True
if 9 == sum((pos == 'x' or pos == 'o') for pos in board):
print("The game ends in a tie\n")
return True
for player in 'x' or 'o' * 9:
if is_game_over():
print("{0} pick your move".format(player))
brd[choose_number()] = player
while True:
if input("Play again (y/n)\n") != "y":
I'm not sure why it is not running normally.
There's a couple things wrong with your code here. Your indentation for one. Also wondering why your functions are all in another function. You also create a bunch of functions but never call most of them. And have some functions that do not seem to exist. There are also a lot of logic errors here and there.
Try this instead:
# numpy is a package that has a lot of helpful functions and lets you manipulate
# numbers and arrays in many more useful ways than the standard Python list allows you to
import numpy as np
def show_board(brd):
def player_input():
marker = ''
while marker != 'x' and marker != 'o':
marker = input('Do you want to be x or o?: ')
player1 = marker
if player1 == 'x':
player2 ='o'
player2 = 'x'
player_markers = [player1,player2]
return player_markers
def choose_number(brd):
while True:
val = int(input())
if brd[val-1] == "_":
return val
print('\nNumber already taken. Please choose another number:')
except ValueError:
print('\nYou did not enter a number. Please enter a valid number:')
def is_game_over(winner, brd):
for a, b, c in winner:
if brd[a] != "_" and (brd[a] == brd[b] == brd[c]):
print("{} wins!\n".format(brd[a]))
return True
if 9 == sum((pos == 'x' or pos == 'o') for pos in brd):
print("The game ends in a tie\n")
return True
# I split this function in two because the "is_game_over" code was included here
# instead of being by itself.
def game_over(winner, brd, player_markers):
last = 0
# The first player is the one stored in "player_markers[0]"
player = player_markers[0]
# There are nine turns so that is what this is for. It has nothing to do with
# 'x' or 'o'. And one more turn is added for the "is_game_over" to work in
# case of a tie.
for i in range(10):
if is_game_over(winner, brd):
print("{0} pick your move [1-9]:".format(player))
brd[choose_number(brd)-1] = player
# This is added to change from one player to another
# by checking who was the last one (look up ternary operators)
player = player_markers[1] if last==0 else player_markers[0]
last = 1 if last==0 else 0
def tic_tac_toe():
brd = ["_"] * 9
end = False
winner = ((1,2,3),(4,5,6),(7,8,9),(1,4,7),(2,5,8),(3,6,9),(1,5,9),(3,5,7))
winner = np.array([list(elem) for elem in winner]) - 1
player_markers = player_input()
game_over(winner, brd, player_markers)
while True:
if input("Play again (y/n)\n") != "y":

Score function for a flashcard game in python

I am trying to add a very simple score function to an also very simple flashcard game and I can't make the game remember the value of the variable containing the score (it always resets it 0). The score is obviously relying on the honesty of the user (and that's fine) that has to press "Y" when guessing the word.
from random import *
def add_score():
pos_score = 0
score = input("Press Y if you got the correct word or N if you got it wrong!" )
if score == 'Y':
pos_score += 1
def show_flashcard():
""" Show the user a random key and ask them
to define it. Show the definition
when the user presses return.
random_key = choice(list(glossary))
print('Define: ', random_key)
input('Press return to see the definition')
def add_flashcard():
""" This function allows the user to add a new
word and related value to the glossary. It will
be activated when pressing the "a" button.
key = input("Enter the new word: ")
value = input("Enter the definition: ")
glossary[key] = value
print("New entry added to glossary.")
# Set up the glossary
glossary = {'word1':'definition1',
# The interactive loop
exit = False
while not exit:
user_input = input('Enter s to show a flashcard, a to add a new card. or q to quit: ')
if user_input == 'q':
exit = True
elif user_input == 's':
elif user_input == 'a':
print('You need to enter either q, a or s.')
Some notes:
I am aware that right now only the positive score is implemented in the code, but I figured it would be better to proceed step by step and have that working first.
In your def add_score(), you initialise the variable to 0 every time. Also, it is a local variable, which means you can only reference it from within your function add_score(). This means that every time you exit that function, that variable is completely deleted.
You need to make that a global variable, that is, initialise it to 0 at the start of the game, and outside your function. Then inside your add_score you simply reference to the global variable and increase it without initialising it every time:
from random import *
def add_score():
score = input("Press Y if you got the correct word or N if you got it wrong!" )
if score == 'Y':
global pos_score
pos_score += 1
# Set up the glossary
glossary = {'word1':'definition1',
# The interactive loop
pos_score = 0 #NOTE you initialise it here as a global variable
exit = False
while not exit:
user_input = input('Enter s to show a flashcard, a to add a new card. or q to quit: ')
if user_input == 'q':
exit = True
elif user_input == 's':
elif user_input == 'a':
print('You need to enter either q, a or s.')
Note I skipped the irrelevant functions. However, usually changing the scope of variables like this is considered bad practice. What you should do is either have a class -- a bit overly complicated for this example -- or return a value to add from your add_score and add that value in the main loop. This would be the code:
from random import *
def add_score():
score = input("Press Y if you got the correct word or N if you got it wrong!" )
if score == 'Y':
#global pos_score
#pos_score += 1
return 1
return 0
def show_flashcard():
""" Show the user a random key and ask them
to define it. Show the definition
when the user presses return.
random_key = choice(list(glossary))
print('Define: ', random_key)
input('Press return to see the definition')
def add_flashcard():
""" This function allows the user to add a new
word and related value to the glossary. It will
be activated when pressing the "a" button.
key = input("Enter the new word: ")
value = input("Enter the definition: ")
glossary[key] = value
print("New entry added to glossary.")
# Set up the glossary
glossary = {'word1':'definition1',
# The interactive loop
pos_score = 0 #NOTE you initialise it here as a global variable
exit = False
while not exit:
user_input = input('Enter s to show a flashcard, a to add a new card. or q to quit: ')
if user_input == 'q':
exit = True
elif user_input == 's':
pos_score += add_score()
elif user_input == 'a':
print('You need to enter either q, a or s.')

"list index out of range" exception (Python3)

I keep getting a list index out of range exception when I check the length of the list a. The error pops up for either the if or elif part of the second if statement, depending on what the user inputs. I know that when the user input is split the list is created correctly because I print it out... So I'm a little lost about why I'm getting that error.
if __name__ == '__main__':
for line in sys.stdin:
s = line.strip()
if not s: break
if (str(s) is "quit") == True: quit()
elif (str(s) is "quit") == False:
a = s.split()
if (len(a) == 2) == True: first(a)
elif (len(a) == 3) == True: first(a)
else: print("Invalid Input. Please Re-enter.")
The first method is: (The methods it calls in the if statement just print things out at the moment)
def first(self, a = list()):
word = a[0]
if word is ls:
elif word is format:
form(a[1]) # EDIT: was format
elif word is reconnect:
elif word is mkfile:
elif word is mkdir:
elif word is append:
append(a[1], a[2])
elif word is delfile:
elif word is deldir:
print("Invalid Prompt. Please Re-enter.")
Other methods:
def reconnect(one = ""):
def ls(one = ""):
def mkfile(one = ""):
print("make file")
def mkdir(one = ""):
print("make drive")
def append(one = "", two = ""):
def form(one = ""):
def delfile(one = ""):
print("delete file")
def deldir(one = ""):
print("delete directory")
def quit():
The problem seems to be the definition of first(). You invoke it as a function:
if (len(a) == 2) == True: first(a)
elif (len(a) == 3) == True: first(a)
But you define it as a method:
def first(self, a = list()):
The array of command and argument gets put into self and a is always an empty list which you attempt to index and fail. Also, you shouldn't use a mutable type like list() as a default value unless you're certain what you are doing. I suggest simply:
def first(a):
As far as your __main__ code goes, simplify:
if __name__ == '__main__':
for line in sys.stdin:
string = line.strip()
if not string:
if string == "quit":
tokens = string.split()
length = len(tokens)
if 2 <= length <= 3:
print("Invalid Input. Please Re-enter.")
Real issue:
To solve your error you have to remove the self parameter of the first function
def first(a=list())
Basically the self is only used for object orientation creating methods.
Function like yours can't use self otherwise you will passing the first parameter to self not to a which you want to.
My second issue I can point out is that, You are trying to compare using is between a string and a function.
def first(a = list()):
word = a[0]
if word is "ls":
elif word is "format":
elif word is "reconnect":
elif word is "mkfile":
elif word is "mkdir":
elif word is "append":
append(a[1], a[2])
elif word is "delfile":
elif word is "deldir":
print("Invalid Prompt. Please Re-enter.")
The is function on built in operations in Python. is compare the equity of the objects.
But this expression:
if (str(s) is "quit") == True:
Can be simpler like:
if str(s) == "quit":
if str(s) is "quit":
The == True is meaningless either == False you can use not more pythonicly.
