How do I launch a CGI script from a WSGI handler? - python

I'm trying to make a small testing server for Bugzilla so I can test out changes I make before they are deployed to the main Apache based server. I'm most familiar with Python, and I was wanting to make Python's built-in HTTP server run Bugzilla's CGI programs.
Unfortunately, Bugzilla has lots more than CGI apps. It has a bunch of css and other data that is served up directly. This means the handler needs to deal with those as well. I would like to set up a WSGI handler that looks at the request URL and appropriately routes the request to either one of the Bugzilla CGI scripts or pulls the data directly from the filesystem.
Is there a better way to accomplish what I want to do? If there isn't, is there a WSGI app out there already that will set up a CGI environment and call out to a CGI app via Python's subprocess module?

Here is a solution that works, though it's rather ugly and kind of slow. It demands a separate CGIApplication object for each CGI script you want to run. So if you have a directory full of them, you will need to instantiate a different CGIApplication object for each one. When you instantiate it, of course, is up to you. You can choose to instantiate new ones for every request, but you will likely save a bit of time if you somehow avoid this.
import os
import os.path as _osp
import re
import subprocess
import io
import email.parser
env_forward = re.compile('^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*$')
header_match = re.compile(b'^(.*?\\n[ \\t\\r]*\\n)(.*)$', re.M | re.S)
env_whitelist = frozenset(('AUTH_TYPE', 'CONTENT_LENGTH', 'CONTENT_TYPE',
class CGIApplication(object):
def __init__(self, appfname):
self._appfname = _osp.abspath(appfname)
def __call__(self, environ, start_respose):
appenv = {item[0]: item[1] \
for item in environ.items() \
if ((item[0] in env_whitelist) or
appenv['GATEWAY_INTERFACE'] = 'CGI/1.1'
appenv['PATH'] = '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin'
appenv['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = self._appfname
nbytes_for_cgi = appenv.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', '')
nbytes_for_cgi = (int(nbytes_for_cgi) if nbytes_for_cgi != '' else 0)
args = [self._appfname]
query = environ.get('QUERY_STRING', None)
query = query.replace('+', ' ')
if '=' not in query:
proc = subprocess.Popen(args,
env = appenv,
cwd = _osp.dirname(self._appfname))
bytes_read = 0
data_for_cgi = io.BytesIO()
while bytes_read < nbytes_for_cgi:
data = environ['wsgi.input'].read(nbytes_for_cgi - bytes_read)
bytes_read += len(data)
data = None
data_for_cgi = data_for_cgi.getvalue()
output, errdata = proc.communicate(data_for_cgi)
data_for_cgi = None
errdata = errdata.decode('utf-8')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
errdata = errdata.decode('iso8859-1')
errdata = None
if proc.returncode != 0:
start_respose('500 Internal Server Error',
[('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
return (b"CGI application died with non-zero return code.\n",)
output_hdr = header_match.match(output)
output_hdr, output = output_hdr.groups()
parser = email.parser.HeaderParser()
headers = parser.parsestr(output_hdr.decode('iso8859-1'))
status = headers.get_all('Status', ['200 OK'])[-1]
del headers['Status']
start_respose(status, list(headers.items()))
return (output,)

Are you using pybugz?
Also, setting up WSGI through Django and AppEngine is really easy. Pretty quick to install and might be worth using as a work around. That would get you a testing server that should be able to handle bugzilla's cgi, css, etc.
Good Luck


Is google app engine right for me (hosting a few rapidly updating text files created w/ python)

I have a python script that creates a few text files, which are then uploaded to my current web host. This is done every 5 minutes. The text files are used in a software program which fetches the latest version every 5 min. Right now I have it running on my web host, but I'd like to move to GAE to improve reliability. (Also because my current web host does not allow for just plain file hosting, per their TOS.)
Is google app engine right for me? I have some experience with python, but none related to web technologies. I went through the basic hello world tutorial and it seems pretty straightforward for a website, but I don't know how I would implement my project. I also worry about any caching which could cause the latest files not to propagate fast enough across google's servers.
Yes and no.
Appengine is great in terms of reliability, server speed, features, etc. However, it has two main drawbacks: You are in a sandboxed environment (no filesystem access, must use datastore), and you are paying by instance hour. Normally, if you're just hosting a small server accessed once in a while, you can get free hosting; if you are running a cron job all day every day, you must use at least one instance at all times, thus costing you money.
Your concerns about speed and propagation on google's servers is moot; they have a global time server pulsating through their datacenters ensuring your operations are atomic; if you request data with consistency=STRONG, so long as your get begins after the put, you will see the updated data.
If your text files are always going to be under one meg, and you are not planning to scale to a large number of users, it would very easy to set up a system to post your text files into an entity as a TextProperty. If you are a complete newbie to GAE it is probably < 1 hours to get this running. I do this a lot to speed testing of my HTML work (beats deploying your static files by a mile). Here is some very simple code extracts as an example. (Apologies if I screwed it up when modifying it to simplify/anonimize.) HTH -stevep
#client side python...
import time
import urllib
import httplib
def processUpdate(filename):
f = open(filename, 'rb')
parts = filename.split('/')
name = parts[len(parts)-1]
print name
html =
htmlToLoad = urllib.quote(html)
params = urllib.urlencode({'key':'your_arbitrary_password_here(or use admin account)',
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Accept': 'text/plain'}
#conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('your_localhost_here')
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('your_app_id_here')
conn.request('POST', '/your_on-line_handler_url_stub_here', params, headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
print '%s, %s, %s' % (filename, response.status, response.reason)
def main():
startTime = time.time()
print '----------Start Process----------\n'
print '\n----------End Process----------', time.time() - startTime
if __name__ == '__main__':
# GAE Kind
class Html_Source(db.Model):
html = db.TextProperty(required=True, indexed=False)
dateM = db.DateTimeProperty(required=True, indexed=False, auto_now=True)
v = db.IntegerProperty(required=False, indexed=False, default=1)
#GAE handler classes
EVENTUAL = db.create_config(read_policy=db.EVENTUAL_CONSISTENCY)
class load_test(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
if (self.request.get('key') != 'your_arbitrary_password_here(or use admin account)'):"----------------------------------bad key")
name = self.request.get('name')
rec = Html_Source(
key_name = name,
html = urllib.unquote(self.request.get('htmlToLoad')),
self.response.out.write('OK=' + name)
class get_test(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
urlList = self.request.url.split('/')
name = urlList[len(urlList) - 1]
extension = name.split('.')
type = '' if len(extension) < 2 else extension[1]
typeM = None
if type == 'js': typeM = 'application/javascript'
if type == 'css': typeM = 'text/css'
if type == 'html': typeM = 'text/html'
if typeM: self.response.headers["Content-Type"] = typeM'%s-----name, %s-----typeM' % (name, typeM))
htmlRec = Html_Source.get_by_key_name(name, config=EVENTUAL)
if htmlRec is None:
self.response.out.write('<p>invalid:%s</p>' % (name))

Requests with multiple connections

I use the Python Requests library to download a big file, e.g.:
r = requests.get("")
content = r.content
The big file downloads at +- 30 Kb per second, which is a bit slow. Every connection to the bigfile server is throttled, so I would like to make multiple connections.
Is there a way to make multiple connections at the same time to download one file?
You can use HTTP Range header to fetch just part of file (already covered for python here).
Just start several threads and fetch different range with each and you're done ;)
def download(url,start):
req = urllib2.Request('')
req.headers['Range'] = 'bytes=%s-%s' % (start, start+chunk_size)
f = urllib2.urlopen(req)
parts[start] =
threads = []
parts = {}
# Initialize threads
for i in range(0,10):
t = threading.Thread(target=download, i*chunk_size)
# Join threads back (order doesn't matter, you just want them all)
for i in threads:
# Sort parts and you're done
result = ''.join(parts[i] for i in sorted(parts.keys()))
Also note that not every server supports Range header (and especially servers with php scripts responsible for data fetching often don't implement handling of it).
Here's a Python script that saves given url to a file and uses multiple threads to download it:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from functools import partial
from itertools import count, izip
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool # use threads
from urllib2 import HTTPError, Request, urlopen
def download_chunk(url, byterange):
req = Request(url, headers=dict(Range='bytes=%d-%d' % byterange))
return urlopen(req).read()
except HTTPError as e:
return b'' if e.code == 416 else None # treat range error as EOF
except EnvironmentError:
return None
def main():
url, filename = sys.argv[1:]
pool = Pool(4) # define number of concurrent connections
chunksize = 1 << 16
ranges = izip(count(0, chunksize), count(chunksize - 1, chunksize))
with open(filename, 'wb') as file:
for s in pool.imap(partial(download_part, url), ranges):
if not s:
break # error or EOF
if len(s) != chunksize:
break # EOF (servers with no Range support end up here)
if __name__ == "__main__":
The end of file is detected if a server returns empty body, or 416 http code, or if the response size is not chunksize exactly.
It supports servers that doesn't understand Range header (everything is downloaded in a single request in this case; to support large files, change download_chunk() to save to a temporary file and return the filename to be read in the main thread instead of the file content itself).
It allows to change independently number of concurrent connections (pool size) and number of bytes requested in a single http request.
To use multiple processes instead of threads, change the import:
from multiprocessing.pool import Pool # use processes (other code unchanged)
This solution requires the linux utility named "aria2c", but it has the advantage of easily resuming downloads.
It also assumes that all the files you want to download are listed in the http directory list for location MY_HTTP_LOC. I tested this script on an instance of lighttpd/1.4.26 http server. But, you can easily modify this script so that it works for other setups.
import os
import urllib
import re
import subprocess
# retrieve webpage source code
f = urllib.urlopen(MY_HTTP_LOC)
page =
# extract relevant URL segments from source code
rgxp = '(\<td\ class="n"\>\<a\ href=")([0-9a-zA-Z\(\)\-\_\.]+)(")'
results = re.findall(rgxp,str(page))
files = []
for match in results:
# download (using aria2c) files
for afile in files:
if os.path.exists(afile) and not os.path.exists(afile+'.aria2'):
print 'Skipping already-retrieved file: ' + afile
print 'Downloading file: ' + afile
subprocess.Popen(["aria2c", "-x", "16", "-s", "20", MY_HTTP_LOC+str(afile)]).wait()
you could use a module called pySmartDLfor this it uses multiple threads and can do a lot more also this module gives a download bar by default.
for more info check this answer

Why does SimpleHTTPServer redirect to ?querystring/ when I request ?querystring?

I like to use Python's SimpleHTTPServer for local development of all kinds of web applications which require loading resources via Ajax calls etc.
When I use query strings in my URLs, the server always redirects to the same URL with a slash appended.
For example /folder/?id=1 redirects to /folder/?id=1/ using a HTTP 301 response.
I simply start the server using python -m SimpleHTTPServer.
Any idea how I could get rid of the redirecting behaviour? This is Python 2.7.2.
The right way to do this, to ensure that the query parameters remain as they should, is to make sure you do a request to the filename directly instead of letting SimpleHTTPServer redirect to your index.html
For example http://localhost:8000/?param1=1 does a redirect (301) and changes the url to http://localhost:8000/?param=1/ which messes with the query parameter.
However http://localhost:8000/index.html?param1=1 (making the index file explicit) loads correctly.
So just not letting SimpleHTTPServer do a url redirection solves the problem.
Okay. With the help of Morten I've come up with this, which seems to be all I need: Simply ignoring the query strings if they are there and serving the static files.
import SimpleHTTPServer
import SocketServer
PORT = 8000
class CustomHandler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
def __init__(self, req, client_addr, server):
SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.__init__(self, req, client_addr, server)
def do_GET(self):
# cut off a query string
if '?' in self.path:
self.path = self.path.split('?')[0]
class MyTCPServer(SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer):
allow_reuse_address = True
if __name__ == '__main__':
httpd = MyTCPServer(('localhost', PORT), CustomHandler)
httpd.allow_reuse_address = True
print "Serving at port", PORT
I'm not sure how the redirect is generated... I've tried implementing a very basic SimpleHTTPServer, and I don't get any redirects when using query string params.
Just do something like self.path.split("/") and process the path before handling the request?
This code does what you want I think:
import SocketServer
import SimpleHTTPServer
import os
class CustomHandler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
def folder(self):
fid = self.uri[-1].split("?id=")[-1].rstrip()
return "FOLDER ID: %s" % fid
def get_static_content(self):
# set default root to cwd
root = os.getcwd()
# look up routes and set root directory accordingly
for pattern, rootdir in ROUTES:
if path.startswith(pattern):
# found match!
path = path[len(pattern):] # consume path up to pattern len
root = rootdir
# normalize path and prepend root directory
path = path.split('?',1)[0]
path = path.split('#',1)[0]
path = posixpath.normpath(urllib.unquote(path))
words = path.split('/')
words = filter(None, words)
path = root
for word in words:
drive, word = os.path.splitdrive(word)
head, word = os.path.split(word)
if word in (os.curdir, os.pardir):
path = os.path.join(path, word)
return path
def do_GET(self):
path = self.path
self.uri = path.split("/")[1:]
actions = {
"folder": self.folder,
resource = self.uri[0]
if not resource:
return self.get_static_content()
action = actions.get(resource)
if action:
print "action from looking up '%s' is:" % resource, action
return self.wfile.write(action())
class MyTCPServer(SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer):
allow_reuse_address = True
httpd = MyTCPServer(('localhost', 8080), CustomHandler)
httpd.allow_reuse_address = True
print "serving at port", 8080
Try it out:
HTTP GET /folder/?id=500x -> "FOLDER ID: 500x"
Okay so if you haven't used the SimpleHTTPServer-stuff before, you basically implement the base request handler, implement do_GET(), do_PUT(), do_POST() etc.
What I usually do then is parse the request string (using re), pattern match and see if I can find a request-handler and if not, handle the request as a request for static content if possible.
You say you want to serve static content if at all possible, then you should flip this pattern matching around, and FIRST see if the request matches the file-store and if not, then match against handlers :)

Does python fabric support dynamic set env.hosts?

I want to change the env.hosts dynamically because sometimes I want to deploy to one machine first, check if ok then deploy to many machines.
Currently I need to set env.hosts first, how could I set the env.hosts in a method and not in global at script start?
Yes you can set env.hosts dynamically. One common pattern we use is:
from fabric.api import env
def staging():
env.hosts = ['XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX', ]
def production():
env.hosts = ['YYY.YYY.YYY.YYY', 'ZZZ.ZZZ.ZZZ.ZZZ', ]
def deploy():
# Do something...
You would use this to chain the tasks such as fab staging deploy or fab production deploy.
Kind of late to the party, but I achieved this with ec2 like so (note in EC2 you do not know what the ip/hostname may be, generally speaking - so you almost have to go dynamic to really account for how the environment/systems could come up - another option would be to use dyndns, but then this would still be useful):
from fabric.api import *
import datetime
import time
import urllib2
import ConfigParser
from platform_util import *
config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
def load_config(configfile=None):
***REQUIRED*** Pass in the configuration to use - usage load_config:</path/to/config.cfg>
if configfile != None:
# Load up our config file
# Key/secret needed for aws interaction with boto
# (anyone help figure out a better way to do this with sub modules, please don't say classes :-) )
global aws_key
global aws_sec
aws_key = config.get("main","aws_key")
aws_sec = config.get("main","aws_sec")
# Stuff for fabric
env.user = config.get("main","fabric_ssh_user")
env.key_filename = config.get("main","fabric_ssh_key_filename")
env.parallel = config.get("main","fabric_default_parallel")
# Load our role definitions for fabric
for i in config.sections():
if i != "main":
hostlist = []
if config.get(i,"use-regex") == 'yes':
for x in get_running_instances_by_regex(aws_key,aws_sec,config.get(i,"security-group"),config.get(i,"pattern")):
env.roledefs[i] = hostlist
for x in get_running_instances(aws_key,aws_sec,config.get(i,"security-group")):
env.roledefs[i] = hostlist
if config.has_option(i,"base-group"):
if config.get(i,"base-group") == 'yes':
print "%s is a base group" % i
print env.roledefs[i]
# env["basegroups"][i] = True
where get_running_instances and get_running_instances_by_regex are utility functions that make use of boto (
import logging
import re
from boto.ec2.connection import EC2Connection
from boto.ec2.securitygroup import SecurityGroup
from boto.ec2.instance import Instance
from boto.s3.key import Key
# B-O-F get_instances
def get_instances(access_key=None, secret_key=None, security_group=None):
Get all instances. Only within a security group if specified., doesnt' matter their state (running/stopped/etc)
conn = EC2Connection(aws_access_key_id=access_key, aws_secret_access_key=secret_key)
if security_group:
sg = SecurityGroup(connection=conn, name=security_group)
instances = sg.instances()
return instances
instances = conn.get_all_instances()
return instances
Here is a sample of what my config looked like:
# Config file for fabric toolset
# This specific configuration is for <whatever> related hosts
aws_key = <key>
aws_sec = <secret>
fabric_ssh_user = <your_user>
fabric_ssh_key_filename = /path/to/your/.ssh/<whatever>.pem
fabric_default_parallel = 1
# Groupings - Fabric knows them as roledefs (check env dict)
# Production groupings
security-group = app-prod
use-regex = no
pattern =
security-group = db-prod
use-regex = no
pattern =
security-group = db-prod
use-regex = yes
pattern = mysql-[d-s]01
Yet another new answer to an old question. :) But I just recently found myself attempting to dynamically set hosts, and really have to disagree with the main answer. My idea of dynamic, or at least what I was attempting to do, was take an instance DNS-name that was just created by boto, and access that instance with a fab command. I couldn't do fab staging deploy, because the instance doesn't exist at fabfile-editing time.
Fortunately, fabric does support a truly dynamic host-assignment with execute. (It's possible this didn't exist when the question was first asked, of course, but now it does). Execute allows you to define both a function to be called, and the env.hosts it should use for that command. For example:
def create_EC2_box(data=fab_base_data):
conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(region)
reservations = conn.run_instances(image_id=image_id, ...)
return instance.public_dns_name
def _ping_box():
run('uname -a')
run('tail /var/log/cloud-init-output.log')
def build_box():
box_name = create_EC2_box(fab_base_data)
new_hosts = [box_name]
# new_hosts = [''] # testing
execute(_ping_box, hosts=new_hosts)
Now I can do fab build_box, and it will fire one boto call that creates an instance, and another fabric call that runs on the new instance - without having to define the instance-name at edit-time.

How do I search for unpublished Plone content in an IPython debug shell?

I like to use IPython's zope profile to inspect my Plone instance, but a few annoying permissions differences come up compared to inserting a breakpoint and hitting it with the admin user.
For example, I would like to iterate over the content objects in an unpublished testing folder. This query will return no results in the shell, but works from a breakpoint.
$ bin/instance shell
$ ipython --profile=zope
from Products.CMFPlone.utils import getToolByName
catalog = getToolByName(context, 'portal_catalog')
Can I authenticate as admin or otherwise rejigger the permissions to fully manipulate my site from ipython?
here's the (very dirty) code I use to manage my plone app from the debug shell. It may requires some updates depending on your versions of Zope and Plone.
from sys import stdin, stdout, exit
import base64
from thread import get_ident
from ZPublisher.HTTPRequest import HTTPRequest
from ZPublisher.HTTPResponse import HTTPResponse
from ZPublisher.BaseRequest import RequestContainer
from ZPublisher import Publish
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo, getSecurityManager
from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager
from AccessControl.User import UnrestrictedUser
def loginAsUnrestrictedUser():
"""Exemple of use :
old_user = loginAsUnrestrictedUser()
# Manager stuff
current_user = getSecurityManager().getUser()
newSecurityManager(None, UnrestrictedUser('manager', '', ['Manager'], []))
return current_user
def loginAsUser(user):
newSecurityManager(None, user)
def makerequest(app, stdout=stdout, query_string=None, user_pass=None):
"""Make a request suitable for CMF sites & Plone
- user_pass = "user:pass"
# copy from Testing.makerequest
resp = HTTPResponse(stdout=stdout)
env = {}
env['SERVER_NAME'] = ''
env['SERVER_PORT'] = '80'
env['REMOTE_HOST'] = ''
env['REMOTE_ADDR'] = ''
env['HTTP_HOST'] = ''
env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = 'LxToolsUserAgent/1.0'
env['HTTP_ACCEPT']='image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, */* '
if user_pass:
env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']="Basic %s" % base64.encodestring(user_pass)
if query_string:
p_q = query_string.split('?')
if len(p_q) == 1:
env['PATH_INFO'] = p_q[0]
elif len(p_q) == 2:
(env['PATH_INFO'], env['QUERY_STRING'])=p_q
raise TypeError, ''
req = HTTPRequest(stdin, env, resp)
req['URL1']=req['URL'] # fix for CMFQuickInstaller
# copy/hacked from Localizer __init__ patches
# first put the needed values in the request
req['HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET'] = 'latin-9'
#req.other['AcceptCharset'] = AcceptCharset(req['HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET'])
#accept_language = AcceptLanguage(req['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])
#req.other['AcceptLanguage'] = accept_language
# XXX For backwards compatibility
#req.other['USER_PREF_LANGUAGES'] = accept_language
#req.other['AcceptLanguage'] = accept_language
# Plone stuff
#req['plone_skin'] = 'Plone Default'
# then store the request in Publish._requests
# with the thread id
id = get_ident()
if hasattr(Publish, '_requests'):
# we do not have _requests inside ZopeTestCase
Publish._requests[id] = req
# add a brainless session container
req['SESSION'] = {}
# ok, let's wrap
return app.__of__(RequestContainer(REQUEST = req))
def debug_init(app):
app = makerequest(app)
return app
This lives in a wshelpers Zope product. Once the debug shell launched, it's just a matter of;
>> from Products.wshelpers import wsdebug
>> app = wsdebug.debug_init(app)
>> # now you're logged in as admin
Just use{'path':'Plone/testing'}). It performs the same query as catalog() but does not filter the results based on the current user's permissions.
IPython's zope profile does provide a method'username') to change the current user, but it does not recognize the admin user (defined in /acl_users instead of /Plone/acl_users) and after calling it subsequent calls to catalog() fail with AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'checkPermission'.
