I'm trying to optmize a problem of clients/facility allocation and I'm using pyomo to do so. I have the following problem that appear and cannot solve it even if I initialize all the values of Model.z to 0; the problems is still infeasible
from __future__ import division
import pyomo.environ as pyo
#from pyomo.environ import *
from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory
import sys
import numpy as np
import sys
import os
from time import perf_counter
from pulp import *
from pyomo.util.infeasible import log_infeasible_constraints
opt = pyo.SolverFactory('glpk')
opt.options['threads'] =4
#import instance
model = pyo.ConcreteModel()
# n is the number of facility related to J
# m is the number of clients related to I
# t is the number of periods relatdd to T
# H is the maximum number of clients that can be served
[m,n,t,H] = np.genfromtxt(fname = r'./Instances/data-100-10-4-3-0.txt', dtype = None, max_rows = 1)
f_values = np.genfromtxt(fname = r'./Instances/data-100-10-4-3-0.txt', dtype = None, max_rows = 4,skip_header=1)
c_values = np.genfromtxt(fname = r'./Instances/data-100-10-4-3-0.txt', dtype = None, skip_footer = 1,skip_header=5)
p_values = np.genfromtxt(fname = r'./Instances/data-100-10-4-3-0.txt', dtype = None, skip_header=405)
model.J = pyo.Set(initialize=[int(i)+1 for i in range(n)])
model.T= pyo.Set(initialize=[int(i)+1 for i in range(t)])
model.I = pyo.Set(initialize=[int(i)+1 for i in range(m)])
model.H = pyo.Set(initialize=[int(i)+1 for i in range(H)])
# Generation of Subsets of all clients
client_list = [int(i)+1 for i in range(100)]
list_H = [int(i)+1 for i in range(H)]
for i in list_H:
possible_groups_of_clients += [list(elem) for elem in itertools.combinations(client_list,i)]
possible_groups_of_clients = possible_groups_of_clients[0:5] #Only select the first 5 subsets
model.K = pyo.Set(initialize=[int(i)+1 for i in range(len(possible_groups_of_clients))])
p_val = np.zeros((len(model.K),len(model.J),len(model.T)))
for t in model.T:
t=t-1 #Pyomo starts at 1
for j in model.J:
count = 0
for k in possible_groups_of_clients:
for p in k:
if t==0:
c_sum = c_sum +c_values[p][j]
elif t==1:
c_sum = c_sum +c_values[p+100][j]
elif t==2:
c_sum = c_sum +c_values[p+200][j]
elif t==3:
c_sum = c_sum +c_values[p+300][j]
p_val[count][j][t] = f_values[t][j]+ c_sum
model.p_val = pyo.Param(model.K,model.J,model.T, initialize = lambda model,k,j,t: p_val[k-1][j-1][t-1])
#Matrice Aik
A = [[0 for k in range(len(possible_groups_of_clients))] for i in range(100)]
#model.p_val = pyo.Param(model.T,model.J,model.K, initialize = lambda model,t,j,k: A[t-1][j-1][k-1])
model.A = pyo.Param(model.I, model.K, mutable= True,initialize= lambda model,i,k: A[i-1][k-1])
for i in possible_groups_of_clients:
for k in range(100):
if k in i:
model.z = pyo.Var(model.K,model.J,model.T,initialize= 0,within=pyo.NonNegativeReals,bounds=(0,1))
# Minization of objective functions
# Constraint unique client
model.uniq_client = pyo.Constraint(
rule=lambda model, i: sum(model.A[i,k]*model.z[k,j,t] for t in model.T for j in model.J for k in model.K) == 1
model.unique_service_groupclients = pyo.Constraint(
model.J, model.T,
rule=lambda model,j,t: sum(model.z[k,j,t] for k in model.K)<=1
model.min_factory_perperiod = pyo.Constraint(
rule=lambda model, t: sum(model.z[k,j,t] for j in model.J for k in model.K )>=p_values[t-1]
model.obj = pyo.Objective(rule= lambda model:sum(model.p_val[k,j,t]*model.z[k,j,t] for t in model.T for j in model.J for k in model.K ), sense= pyo.minimize)
Constraint Group Client
sol = pyo.SolverFactory('glpk',).solve(model).write()
# ==========================================================
# = Solver Results =
# ==========================================================
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# Problem Information
# ----------------------------------------------------------
- Name: unknown
Lower bound: -inf
Upper bound: inf
Number of objectives: 1
Number of constraints: 145
Number of variables: 201
Number of nonzeros: 601
Sense: minimize
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# Solver Information
# ----------------------------------------------------------
- Status: ok
Termination condition: infeasible
Branch and bound:
Number of bounded subproblems: 0
Number of created subproblems: 0
Error rc: 0
Time: 0.008042335510253906
ERROR: evaluating object as numeric value: z[1,1,1]
(object: <class 'pyomo.core.base.var._GeneralVarData'>)
No value for uninitialized NumericValue object z[1,1,1]
ERROR: evaluating object as numeric value: 1.0 - (A[1,1]*z[1,1,1] +
A[1,2]*z[2,1,1] + A[1,3]*z[3,1,1] + A[1,4]*z[4,1,1] + A[1,5]*z[5,1,1] +
A[1,1]*z[1,2,1] + A[1,2]*z[2,2,1] + A[1,3]*z[3,2,1] + A[1,4]*z[4,2,1] +
A[1,5]*z[5,2,1] + A[1,1]*z[1,3,1] + A[1,2]*z[2,3,1] + A[1,3]*z[3,3,1] +
A[1,4]*z[4,3,1] + A[1,5]*z[5,3,1] + A[1,1]*z[1,4,1] + A[1,2]*z[2,4,1] +
A[1,3]*z[3,4,1] + A[1,4]*z[4,4,1] + A[1,5]*z[5,4,1] + A[1,1]*z[1,5,1] +
A[1,2]*z[2,5,1] + A[1,3]*z[3,5,1] + A[1,4]*z[4,5,1] + A[1,5]*z[5,5,1] +
A[1,1]*z[1,6,1] + A[1,2]*z[2,6,1] + A[1,3]*z[3,6,1] + A[1,4]*z[4,6,1] +
A[1,5]*z[5,6,1] + A[1,1]*z[1,7,1] + A[1,2]*z[2,7,1] + A[1,3]*z[3,7,1] +
A[1,4]*z[4,7,1] + A[1,5]*z[5,7,1] + A[1,1]*z[1,8,1] + A[1,2]*z[2,8,1] +
A[1,3]*z[3,8,1] + A[1,4]*z[4,8,1] + A[1,5]*z[5,8,1] + A[1,1]*z[1,9,1] +
A[1,2]*z[2,9,1] + A[1,3]*z[3,9,1] + A[1,4]*z[4,9,1] + A[1,5]*z[5,9,1] +
A[1,1]*z[1,10,1] + A[1,2]*z[2,10,1] + A[1,3]*z[3,10,1] + A[1,4]*z[4,10,1]
+ A[1,5]*z[5,10,1] + A[1,1]*z[1,1,2] + A[1,2]*z[2,1,2] + A[1,3]*z[3,1,2] +
A[1,4]*z[4,1,2] + A[1,5]*z[5,1,2] + A[1,1]*z[1,2,2] + A[1,2]*z[2,2,2] +
A[1,3]*z[3,2,2] + A[1,4]*z[4,2,2] + A[1,5]*z[5,2,2] + A[1,1]*z[1,3,2] +
A[1,2]*z[2,3,2] + A[1,3]*z[3,3,2] + A[1,4]*z[4,3,2] + A[1,5]*z[5,3,2] +
A[1,1]*z[1,4,2] + A[1,2]*z[2,4,2] + A[1,3]*z[3,4,2] + A[1,4]*z[4,4,2] +
A[1,5]*z[5,4,2] + A[1,1]*z[1,5,2] + A[1,2]*z[2,5,2] + A[1,3]*z[3,5,2] +
A[1,4]*z[4,5,2] + A[1,5]*z[5,5,2] + A[1,1]*z[1,6,2] + A[1,2]*z[2,6,2] +
A[1,3]*z[3,6,2] + A[1,4]*z[4,6,2] + A[1,5]*z[5,6,2] + A[1,1]*z[1,7,2] +
A[1,2]*z[2,7,2] + A[1,3]*z[3,7,2] + A[1,4]*z[4,7,2] + A[1,5]*z[5,7,2] +
A[1,1]*z[1,8,2] + A[1,2]*z[2,8,2] + A[1,3]*z[3,8,2] + A[1,4]*z[4,8,2] +
A[1,5]*z[5,8,2] + A[1,1]*z[1,9,2] + A[1,2]*z[2,9,2] + A[1,3]*z[3,9,2] +
A[1,4]*z[4,9,2] + A[1,5]*z[5,9,2] + A[1,1]*z[1,10,2] + A[1,2]*z[2,10,2] +
A[1,3]*z[3,10,2] + A[1,4]*z[4,10,2] + A[1,5]*z[5,10,2] + A[1,1]*z[1,1,3] +
A[1,2]*z[2,1,3] + A[1,3]*z[3,1,3] + A[1,4]*z[4,1,3] + A[1,5]*z[5,1,3] +
A[1,1]*z[1,2,3] + A[1,2]*z[2,2,3] + A[1,3]*z[3,2,3] + A[1,4]*z[4,2,3] +
A[1,5]*z[5,2,3] + A[1,1]*z[1,3,3] + A[1,2]*z[2,3,3] + A[1,3]*z[3,3,3] +
A[1,4]*z[4,3,3] + A[1,5]*z[5,3,3] + A[1,1]*z[1,4,3] + A[1,2]*z[2,4,3] +
A[1,3]*z[3,4,3] + A[1,4]*z[4,4,3] + A[1,5]*z[5,4,3] + A[1,1]*z[1,5,3] +
A[1,2]*z[2,5,3] + A[1,3]*z[3,5,3] + A[1,4]*z[4,5,3] + A[1,5]*z[5,5,3] +
A[1,1]*z[1,6,3] + A[1,2]*z[2,6,3] + A[1,3]*z[3,6,3] + A[1,4]*z[4,6,3] +
A[1,5]*z[5,6,3] + A[1,1]*z[1,7,3] + A[1,2]*z[2,7,3] + A[1,3]*z[3,7,3] +
A[1,4]*z[4,7,3] + A[1,5]*z[5,7,3] + A[1,1]*z[1,8,3] + A[1,2]*z[2,8,3] +
A[1,3]*z[3,8,3] + A[1,4]*z[4,8,3] + A[1,5]*z[5,8,3] + A[1,1]*z[1,9,3] +
A[1,2]*z[2,9,3] + A[1,3]*z[3,9,3] + A[1,4]*z[4,9,3] + A[1,5]*z[5,9,3] +
A[1,1]*z[1,10,3] + A[1,2]*z[2,10,3] + A[1,3]*z[3,10,3] + A[1,4]*z[4,10,3]
+ A[1,5]*z[5,10,3] + A[1,1]*z[1,1,4] + A[1,2]*z[2,1,4] + A[1,3]*z[3,1,4] +
A[1,4]*z[4,1,4] + A[1,5]*z[5,1,4] + A[1,1]*z[1,2,4] + A[1,2]*z[2,2,4] +
A[1,3]*z[3,2,4] + A[1,4]*z[4,2,4] + A[1,5]*z[5,2,4] + A[1,1]*z[1,3,4] +
A[1,2]*z[2,3,4] + A[1,3]*z[3,3,4] + A[1,4]*z[4,3,4] + A[1,5]*z[5,3,4] +
A[1,1]*z[1,4,4] + A[1,2]*z[2,4,4] + A[1,3]*z[3,4,4] + A[1,4]*z[4,4,4] +
A[1,5]*z[5,4,4] + A[1,1]*z[1,5,4] + A[1,2]*z[2,5,4] + A[1,3]*z[3,5,4] +
A[1,4]*z[4,5,4] + A[1,5]*z[5,5,4] + A[1,1]*z[1,6,4] + A[1,2]*z[2,6,4] +
A[1,3]*z[3,6,4] + A[1,4]*z[4,6,4] + A[1,5]*z[5,6,4] + A[1,1]*z[1,7,4] +
A[1,2]*z[2,7,4] + A[1,3]*z[3,7,4] + A[1,4]*z[4,7,4] + A[1,5]*z[5,7,4] +
A[1,1]*z[1,8,4] + A[1,2]*z[2,8,4] + A[1,3]*z[3,8,4] + A[1,4]*z[4,8,4] +
A[1,5]*z[5,8,4] + A[1,1]*z[1,9,4] + A[1,2]*z[2,9,4] + A[1,3]*z[3,9,4] +
A[1,4]*z[4,9,4] + A[1,5]*z[5,9,4] + A[1,1]*z[1,10,4] + A[1,2]*z[2,10,4] +
A[1,3]*z[3,10,4] + A[1,4]*z[4,10,4] + A[1,5]*z[5,10,4])
(object: <class 'pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.SumExpression'>)
No value for uninitialized NumericValue object z[1,1,1]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "main.py", line 246, in <module>
File "/home/john/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyomo /util/infeasible.py", line 25, in log_infeasible_constraints
if constr.equality and fabs(value(constr.lower - constr.body)) >= tol:
File "/home/john/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyomo/core/expr/numvalue.py", line 226, in value
tmp = obj(exception=True)
File "/home/john/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyomo/core/expr/numeric_expr.py", line 222, in __call__
return evaluate_expression(self, exception)
File "/home/john/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyomo/core/expr/visitor.py", line 973, in evaluate_expression
return visitor.dfs_postorder_stack(exp)
File "/home/john/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyomo/core/expr/visitor.py", line 518, in dfs_postorder_stack
flag, value = self.visiting_potential_leaf(_sub)
File "/home/john/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyomo/core/expr/visitor.py", line 893, in visiting_potential_leaf
return True, value(node)
File "/home/john/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyomo/core/expr/numvalue.py", line 230, in value
% (obj.name,))
ValueError: No value for uninitialized NumericValue object z[1,1,1]
I got this error whatever I try and I don't understand why Z should be initialized as it is the variable I'm trying to minimize
I am using Python 3 and my OS is Windows 7.
I understand that some commands have changed from the transition from python 2.7 to 3 (What I have used).
The variable is temporary but is this:
(((((0, 7), 7), 8), 4), 5)
Here is the code to get rid of the brackets:
randy = randy.replace(")", "")
randy = randy.replace("(", "")
randy = randy.replace(" ", "")
When it tries to execute the replace function, I get thrown an error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 248, in run_nodebug
File "Criptic.py", line 134, in <module>
randy = randy.replace(")", "")
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'replace'
Here is all of the code:
#Import string
import string
import random
#Input user data
text = input("Enter your text to be converted: ")
#Test Print
print("Your text is: ",text)
#Break up all the data
data = list(text)
count = text.count("a")
count1 = text.count("b")
count2 = text.count("c")
count3 = text.count("d")
count4 = text.count("e")
count5 = text.count("f")
count6 = text.count("g")
count7 = text.count("h")
count8 = text.count("i")
count9 = text.count("j")
count10 = text.count("k")
count11 = text.count("l")
count12 = text.count("m")
count13 = text.count("n")
count14 = text.count("o")
count15 = text.count("p")
count16 = text.count("q")
count17 = text.count("r")
count18 = text.count("s")
count19 = text.count("t")
count20 = text.count("u")
count21 = text.count("v")
count22 = text.count("w")
count23 = text.count("x")
count24 = text.count("y")
count25 = text.count("z")
count26 = text.count("A")
count27 = text.count("B")
count28 = text.count("C")
count29 = text.count("D")
count30 = text.count("E")
count31 = text.count("F")
count32 = text.count("G")
count33 = text.count("H")
count34 = text.count("I")
count35 = text.count("J")
count36 = text.count("K")
count37 = text.count("L")
count38 = text.count("M")
count39 = text.count("N")
count40 = text.count("O")
count41 = text.count("P")
count42 = text.count("Q")
count43 = text.count("R")
count44 = text.count("S")
count45 = text.count("T")
count46 = text.count("U")
count47 = text.count("V")
count48 = text.count("W")
count49 = text.count("X")
count50 = text.count("Y")
count51 = text.count("Z")
#Other Characters
count52 = text.count(" ")
count53 = text.count("?")
count54 = text.count("#")
count55 = text.count("(")
count56 = text.count(")")
count57 = text.count(".")
count58 = text.count("1")
count59 = text.count("2")
count60 = text.count("3")
count61 = text.count("4")
count62 = text.count("5")
count63 = text.count("6")
count64 = text.count("7")
count65 = text.count("8")
count66 = text.count("9")
count67 = text.count("0")
#Counting how many characters in the sentence
finalcount = count + count1 + count2 + count3 + count4 + count5 + count6 + count7 + count8 + count9 + count10 + count11 + count12 + count13 + count14 + count15 + count16 + count17 + count18 + count19 + count20 + count21 + count22 + count23 + count24 + count25 + count26 + count27 + count28 + count29 + count31 + count32 + count33 + count34 + count35 + count36 + count37 + count38 + count39 + count40 + count41 + count42 + count43 + count44 + count45 + count46 + count47 + count48 + count49 + count50 + count51 + count52 + count53 + count54 + count55 + count56 + count57 + count58 + count59 + count60 + count61 + count62 + count63 + count64 + count65 + count66 + count67
#Final count of Characters
print(" Chars: ",finalcount)
char = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!##$%^&*()?_+-=1234567890 "
charnum = 74 + 11
randy = 0
num = 0
while num < finalcount:
rand = random.randrange(1,9)
randy = randy,rand
finalcount = finalcount - 1
if rand == 1:
if rand == 2:
if rand == 3:
if rand == 4:
if rand == 5:
if rand == 6:
if rand == 7:
if rand == 8:
if rand == 9:
randy = randy.replace(")", "")
randy = randy.replace("(", "")
randy = randy.replace(" ", "")
print("-This is your code unlock key. Without this code it will not decript!!!! ")
You have a tuple (a sort of list) of numbers, and you want to make that a string. You can't replace the brackets, they aren't a part of the variable, they are just a part of its representation.
Instead you should use join() and str()
result = " ".join(str(x) for x in randy)
However, this probably will not give the right result either, as it is a nested list of tuples. You probably mean: randy = randy + (rand,) instead if randy = randy,rand.
randy = randy,rand
This notation creates a tuple of two elements, tuples do not have a method called replace.
If you just want to concatenate the numbers into a list representation separated by commas, you could do this in your loop:
randy = []
num = 0
while num < finalcount:
rand = random.randrange(1,9)
Then you remove the replace lines, and instead do this
randy = ",".join(randy)
to get a string that has the values separated by commas.
You should maybe add the output that you would like to get to your question, because at the moment it's not quite clear what you want to do exactly.
exam_st_date = (11, 12, 2014)
# Sample Output : The examination will start from : 11 / 12 / 2014
newtup = str(exam_st_date).replace(',', ' /')
look at mine example should give you some results
To delete a list of characters, you could use the string's translate method:
import string
name = "(((((0, 7), 7), 8), 4), 5)"
table = string.maketrans( '', '', )
print name.translate(table,"()")