Python Homework - Not making sense - python

OK, our professor explained (kinda) this problem, but it still doesn't make much sense.
Question: Implement the function knice(f,a,b,k) that will return 1 if for some integer a <= x <= b and some integer n <= k, n applications of f on x will be x, (e.g. f(f(f...(f(x)))) = x) and 0 if not.
What the professor provided was:
def knice(f,a,b,k):
f(f(f(...(f(x)))) = x
for i = a to b:
y = f(i)
if y = i break
for j = z to k:
y = f(y)
if y = i break
Personally, that example makes no sense to me, so looking to see if I can get clarification.
OP EDIT 1/19/2012 3:03pm CST
This is the final function that was figured out with the help of the GTA:
def f(x):
return 2*x-3
def knice(f,a,b,k):
x = a
while x <= b:
n = 1
y = f(x)
if y == x:
return 1
while n <= k:
y = f(y)
if y == x:
return 1
return 0

Ignore his code; you should write whatever you feel comfortable with and work out the kinks later.
You want to work out whether
f(a) = a, or f(f(a)) = a, or ..., or f^n(a) = a, or,
f(a+1) = a+1, or f(f(a+1)) = a+1, or ..., or f^n(a+1) = a+1, or,
f(b) = b, or f(f(b)) = b, or ..., or f^n(b) = b.
An obvious algorithm should come to mind immediately: try all these values one-by-one! You will need two (nested) loops, because you are iterating over a rectangle of values. Can you now see what to do?

Yeah, I can see why that might be confusing.
Was f(f(f(...(f(x)))) = x wrapped in triple-double-quotes? That's a function documentation string, sort of like commenting your code. It shouldn't have been stand-alone without something protecting it.
Imagine f was called increment_by_one.
Calling increment_by_one 10 times like that on an x of 2 would give 12. No matter how many times you increment, you never seem to get back 2.
Now imagine f was called multiply_by_one.
Calling multiply_by_one 5 times like that on an x of 3 would give 3. Sweet.
So, some example outputs you can test against (you have to write the functions)
knice(increment_by_one, 1, 3, 5) would return 0.
knice(multiply_by_one, 1, 3, 5) would return 1.
As another hint, indentation is important in python.

Here's a concrete example. Start small, and suppose you called knice(f, a=1, b=2, k=1). For k==1, we don't have to worry about iterating the function. The only values of x to consider are 1 and 2, so knice can return 1 (i.e., True) if f(1)==1 or f(2)==2.
Now suppose you called knice(f, a=1, b=2, k=2). You'll have to check f(f(1)) and f(f(2)) as well.
As k gets bigger, you'll have to call f more. And as the range between a and b gets bigger, you'll have to try more values of x as an argument to f.


Is there any way to perform this type of recursion in C++ or python?

Let us say I have a function called my_func(a,b,s,t). Suppose, I want a and b to be passed by value, but I want s and t to be passed by reference. As in, I want to some how pass in let us say (4,5,s',t'). The function performs computations by calling my_func(a/2,b/2,s/2,t/2). The thing is, there is a base case at the "bottom" of the recursion that gives concrete values to s and t.
Let me give a mini example:
def e_euclid(a,b,s,t):
if (a == b):
s = 4
t = -3
return a
if (a%2 == 0 and b%2 == 0):
if (s%2 == 0 and t%2 == 0):
return 2*e_euclid(a/2,b/2,s/2,t/2)
return 2*e_euclid(a/2,b/2,(s+b)/2,(t-a)/2)
So, I would call this function as e_euclid(a,b, something, something) but then I would have to supply concrete values for s and t. Can you guys kind of see what I'm trying to do here?
Doing recursion where I return (s,t) would lead to a tough computation that I don't wish to perform, so I would like to do it this way.
Your code seems broken, already that base case (?) with a == b and s = 4 and t = -3 doesn't make sense. But see this C++ implementation and my Python translation using single-element lists instead of C++'s references:
def gcd(a, b, x=[None], y=[None]):
if b == 0:
x[0] = 1
y[0] = 0
return a
x1, y1 = [None], [None]
d = gcd(b, a % b, x1, y1)
x[0] = y1[0]
y[0] = x1[0] - y1[0] * (a // b)
return d
a, b = 123, 321
x, y = [None], [None]
print(gcd(a, b, x, y), x, y, a*x[0] + b*y[0])
Output (Try it online!):
3 [47] [-18] 3
I think you're trying to use the binary version of the algorithm, that should be doable the same way.

Iteration over multiple maps

I have a question about how Python(3) internally loops when computing multiple maps. Here's a nonsense example:
from random import randint
A = [randint(0,20) for _ in range(100)]
map1 = map(lambda a: a+1, A)
map2 = map(lambda a: a-1, map1)
B = list(map2)
Because map() produces a lazy expression, nothing is actually computed until list(map2) is called, correct?
When it does finally do this computation, which of these methods is it more akin to?
Loop method 1:
A = [randint(0,20) for _ in range(100)]
temp1 = []
for a in A:
B = []
for t in temp1:
Loop method 2:
A = [randint(0,20) for _ in range(100)]
B = []
for a in A:
temp = a+1
Or does it compute in some entirely different manner?
In general, the map() function produces a generator, which in turn doesn't produce any output or calculate anything until it's explicitly asked to. Converting a generator to a list is essentially akin to asking it for the next element until there is no next element.
We can do some experiments on the command line in order to find out more:
>>> B = [i for i in range(5)]
>>> map2 = map(lambda b:2*b, B)
>>> B[2] = 50
>>> list(map2)
[0, 2, 100, 6, 8]
We can see that, even though we modify B after creating the generator, our change is still reflected in the generator's output. Thus, it seems that map holds onto a reference to the original iterable from which it was created, and calculates one value at a time only when it's asked to.
In your example, that means the process goes something like this:
A = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
b = list(map2)
b[0] --> next(map2) = (lambda a: a-1)(next(map1))
--> next(map1) = (lambda a: a+1)(next(A))
--> next(A) = A[0] = 2
--> next(map1) = 2+1 = 3
--> next(map2) = 3-1 = 2
In human terms, the next value of map2 is calculated by asking for the next value of map1. That, in turn, is calculated from A that you originally set.
This can be investigated by using map on functions with side-effects. Generally speaking, you shouldn't do this for real code, but it's fine for investigating the behaviour.
def f1(x):
print('f1 called on', x)
return x
def f2(x):
print('f2 called on', x)
return x
nums = [1, 2, 3]
map1 = map(f1, nums)
map2 = map(f2, map1)
for x in map2:
print('printing', x)
f1 called on 1
f2 called on 1
printing 1
f1 called on 2
f2 called on 2
printing 2
f1 called on 3
f2 called on 3
printing 3
So, each function is called at the latest time it could possibly be called; f1(2) isn't called until the loop is finished with the number 1. Nothing needs to be done with the number 2 until the loop needs the second value from the map.

Can a current generator value interact with the value generated before it?

I'm aware yield generates a value on the fly, by my understanding this means it doesn't keep the value in the memory, and therefore the current value shouldn't be able to interact with the last values.
But I just want to be sure that's the case, could someone confirm if it's possible or not?
I'm going to use 5 as the value in number.
Example without generator:
def factorial(number):
result = number
if number <= 1:
return 1
for x in reversed(range(1, number)): # (4,1) reversed
result *= x # 5*4*3*2*1
return result # returns 120
Is it possible to do the same thing by using the yield function? how?
Thank you
Generators can be stateful:
def fibs():
a, b = 1, 1
while True:
yield b
a, b = b, a + b
g = fibs()
for i in range(10):
print next(g)
Here the state is in the local variables. They are kept alive while the iterator generated by the generator is alive.
EDIT. I'm blind it was a factorial
def factorials():
i = 1
a = 1
while True:
yield a
or if you need a function not a stream of them then here's a one liner
print reduce(lambda a, b: a*b, (range(1, 10+1)))

Want to refer to variable in the outer function's scope from an inner function being returned

So I'm making a simple program that gets 2 functions(a and k) and one integer value(b), then it gets the formal parameter in the two functions(a and k) which is "x" and applies a condition x < b then based on the condition makes a function call, either a or b. But when I run the program it gives an error that x is not defined in the global frame. I want it to get "x" from the formal parameter assigned to the functions a and b and then get the condition based on that.
Here's my code
def square(x):
return x * x
def increment(x):
return x + 1
def piecewise(a, k, b):
if x<b:
return a
return k
mak = piecewise(increment,square ,3 )
I guess you want to do something like this:
def piecewise(a, k, b):
def f(x):
if x < b:
return a(x)
return k(x)
return f
However, I am not sure if it is a good practice. So, I leave my answer here to see the comments and learn if there is any problem with it.

calculating current value based on previous value

i would like to perform a calculation using python, where the current value (i) of the equation is based on the previous value of the equation (i-1), which is really easy to do in a spreadsheet but i would rather learn to code it
i have noticed that there is loads of information on finding the previous value from a list, but i don't have a list i need to create it! my equation is shown below.
can anyone give me tell me a method to do this ?
i tried this sort of thing, but that will not work as when i try to do the equation i'm calling a value i haven't created yet, if i set h=0 then i get an error that i am out of index range
i = 1
for i in range(1, len(b)):
h = [b[0]]
for val in b[1:]:
h.append(2 * val - h[-1]) # As you add to h, you keep up with its tail
for large b list (brr, one-letter identifier), to avoid creating large slice
from itertools import islice # For big list it will keep code less wasteful
for val in islice(b, 1, None):
As pointed out by #pad, you simply need to handle the base case of receiving the first sample.
However, your equation makes no use of i other than to retrieve the previous result. It's looking more like a running filter than something which needs to maintain a list of past values (with an array which might never stop growing).
If that is the case, and you only ever want the most recent value,then you might want to go with a generator instead.
def gen():
def eqn(b):
eqn.h = 2*b - eqn.h
return eqn.h
eqn.h = 0
return eqn
And then use thus
>>> f = gen()
>>> f(2)
>>> f(3)
>>> f(2)
The same effect could be acheived with a true generator using yield and send.
First of, do you need all the intermediate values? That is, do you want a list h from 0 to i? Or do you just want h[i]?
If you just need the i-th value you could us recursion:
def get_h(i):
if i>0:
return (2*b) - get_h(i-1)
return h_0
But be aware that this will not work for large i, as it will exceed the maximum recursion depth. (Thanks for pointing this out kdopen) In that case a simple for-loop or a generator is better.
Even better is to use a (mathematically) closed form of the equation (for your example that is possible, it might not be in other cases):
def get_h(i):
if i%2 == 0:
return h_0
return (2*b)-h_0
In both cases h_0 is the initial value that you start out with.
h = []
for i in range(len(b)):
if i>0:
h.append(2*b - h[i-1])
# handle i=0 case here
You are successively applying a function (equation) to the result of a previous application of that function - the process needs a seed to start it. Your result looks like this [seed, f(seed), f(f(seed)), f(f(f(seed)), ...]. This concept is function composition. You can create a generalized function that will do this for any sequence of functions, in Python functions are first class objects and can be passed around just like any other object. If you need to preserve the intermediate results use a generator.
def composition(functions, x):
""" yields f(x), f(f(x)), f(f(f(x)) ....
for each f in functions
functions is an iterable of callables taking one argument
for f in functions:
x = f(x)
yield x
Your specs require a seed and a constant,
seed = 0
b = 10
The equation/function,
def f(x, b = b):
return 2*b - x
f is applied b times.
functions = [f]*b
print list(composition(functions, seed))
If the intermediate results are not needed composition can be redefined as
def composition(functions, x):
""" Returns f(x), g(f(x)), h(g(f(x)) ....
for each function in functions
functions is an iterable of callables taking one argument
for f in functions:
x = f(x)
return x
print composition(functions, seed)
Or more generally, with no limitations on call signature:
def compose(funcs):
'''Return a callable composed of successive application of functions
funcs is an iterable producing callables
for [f, g, h] returns f(g(h(*args, **kwargs)))
def outer(f, g):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
return f(g(*args, **kwargs))
return inner
return reduce(outer, funcs)
def plus2(x):
return x + 2
def times2(x):
return x * 2
def mod16(x):
return x % 16
funcs = (mod16, plus2, times2)
eq = compose(funcs) # mod16(plus2(times2(x)))
print eq(15)
While the process definition appears to be recursive, I resisted the temptation so I could stay out of maximum recursion depth hades.
I got curious, searched SO for function composition and, of course, there are numerous relavent Q&A's.
