What is the syntax for inserting a SQL datetime data type into a row?
The following in Python gives a NULL value for the timestamp variable only.
timestamp = datetime.datetime.today()
print timestamp
query = "INSERT INTO table1 (name, class, time_update) VALUES('ONE','TWO',#timestamp)"
I'm sure it depends on which database backend you're using, but in SQLite for example, you need to send your parameter as part of the query (that's what a parameterized statement is all about):
timestamp = datetime.datetime.today()
print timestamp
query = "INSERT INTO table1 (name, class, time_update) VALUES('ONE','TWO',?)"
cursor.execute(query, (timestamp,))
It really depends on the database. For MySQL, according to this, you can specify a timestamp/datetime in several formats, mostly based on ISO8601: 'YYYY-MM-DD', 'YY-MM-DD', 'YYYYMMDD' and 'YYMMDD' (without delimiters) or if you want greater precision 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' or 'YY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' ('YYYYMMDDHHMMSS' or 'YYMMDDHHMMSS').
As far as querying goes you should probably parameterise (it's safer and a very good habit) by specifying a placeholder in the query string. For MySQL you could do:
query = "INSERT INTO table1 (name, class, time_update) VALUES('ONE','TWO',%s)"
cursor.execute(query, (timestamp,))
but the syntax for placeholders varies (depending on the db interface/driver) — see the documentation for your DB/Python interface.
Im currently using python mysql and cannot find relevant information online (ive been looking for around an hour) maybe i am miss-searching correct terms to find this relivant information.
while inputting data within a table it requires % values, i am using the following to insert strings:
i assume %s identifies strings, i am wondering how you identify other data types ie. int, tinyint, smallint, date, etc.
or if there is a specific web-page which shows thse data types which i have missed?
%s is placeholder, it can be used for integer, float also..
The following should do the job:
values_to_enter = ("value1", "value2")
query = "insert into <table_name> values (%s, %s)"
mycursor.execute(query, values_to_enter)
Here is my insert query which is working correctly,
db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost",user="root",passwd="", db="databseFile")
cur = db.cursor()
print "source_id is: ",srcId[0]
cur.execute('INSERT into config(col_1,col_2) values("%s","%s")'%(detail_1,detail_2))
And here is how to get datetime in python:
from datetime import datetime
currentTime=datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
I want to insert currentTime into my config Table.What is the data type for datetime? I searched on net, but i didn't find any solution. My question is, How to write insert query to insert datetime in database(I am using cherrypy and mysql).
I want something like this:
cur.execute('INSERT into config(col_1,col_2,col_3) values("%s","%s","WhatToWriteHere???")'%(detail_1,detail_2, currentTime))
What you are looking for is probably a built-in function, which exists in MySQL — NOW(). Here's how you may use it:
cur.execute('INSERT INTO config(col_1, col_2, col_3) values("%s", "%s", NOW())' % (detail_1, detail_2))
P.S. Normally you would use some ORM for interfacing with DB without raw SQL queries in more clean and safe way. Take a look at SQLAlchemy.
I'm trying to insert the current date into MySQL using Python and its MySQLdb module. I can successfully insert the data as such:
insert = "INSERT INTO table(utdate) VALUES('2015-12-31')"
However, I don't want to hard code the date and would rather use a variable or function like:
today = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
I've tried all of the following queries but without success. A successful entry into the database should appear as datetime.date(2016, 01, 01). Below each query is the error message or the resulting entry into the database.
insert = "INSERT INTO table(utdate) VALUES(today)"
_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1054, "Unknown column 'today' in 'field list'")
insert = "INSERT INTO table(utdate) VALUES('today')"
insert = "INSERT INTO table(utdate) VALUES('%s')" % (today)
insert = "INSERT INTO table(utdate) VALUES(%s)" % (today)
My hunch is that the issue has to do something with the today variable since it is a string and I must use quotes to insert it. What are your thoughts and suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
Use a prepared statement and the db api will handle the type mapping for you. From the documentation at http://mysql-python.sourceforge.net/MySQLdb.html#some-examples
import MySQLdb
To perform a query, you first need a cursor, and then you can execute
queries on it:
c.execute("""SELECT spam, eggs, sausage FROM breakfast
WHERE price < %s""", (max_price,))
In this example, max_price=5 Why, then, use %s in the string? Because
MySQLdb will convert it to a SQL literal value, which is the string
'5'. When it's finished, the query will actually say, "...WHERE price < 5".
Why the tuple? Because the DB API requires you to pass in any
parameters as a sequence. Due to the design of the parser, (max_price)
is interpreted as using algebraic grouping and simply as max_price and
not a tuple. Adding a comma, i.e. (max_price,) forces it to make a
I am receiving an error when trying to write data to a database table when using a variable for the table name that I do not get when using a static name. For some reason on the line where I insert, if I insert an integer as the column values the code runs and the table is filled, however, if I try to use a string I get a SQL syntax error
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s' %data[1])
for key in data[0]:
cur_ip = key.split(".")[3]
cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO %s VALUES (%s,%s)""" %(data[1],key,data[0][key]))
the problem is where I have %(data[1], key, data[0][key]) any ideas?
It's a little hard to analyse your problem when you don't post the actual error, and since we have to guess what your data actually is. But some general points as advise:
Using a dynamic table name is often not way DB-systems want to be used. Try thinking if the problem could be used by using a static table name and adding an additional key column to your table. Into that field you can put what you did now as a dynamic table name. This way the DB might be able to better optimize your queries, and your queries are less likely to get errors (no need to create extra tables on the fly for once, which is not a cheap thing to do. Also you would not have a need for dynamic DROP TABLE queries, which could be a security risk.
So my advice to solve your problem would be to actually work around it by trying to get rid of dynamic table names altogether.
Another problem you have is that you are using python string formatting and not parameters to the query itself. That is a security problem in itself (SQL-Injections), but also is the problem of your syntax error. When you use numbers, your expression evaluates to
INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (100, 200)
Which is valid SQL. But with strings you get
INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (Some Text, some more text)
which is not valid (since you have no quotes ' around the strings.
To get rid of your syntax problem and of the sql-injection-problem, don't add the values to the string, pass them as a list to execute():
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (%s,%s)", (key, data[0][key]))
If you must have a dynamic table name, put that in your query string first (e.g. with % formatting), and give the actual values for your query as parameters as above (since I cannot imagine that execute will accept the table name as a parameter).
To put it in some simple sample code. Right now you are trying to do it like this:
# don't do this, this won't even work!
table_name = 'some_table'
user_name = 'Peter Smith'
user_age = 47
query = "INSERT INTO %s VALUES (%s, %s)" % (table_name, user_name, user_age)
That creates query
INSERT INTO some_table VALUES (Peter Smith, 100)
Which cannot work, because of the unquoted string. So you needed to do:
# DON'T DO THIS, it's bad!
query = "INSERT INTO %s VALUES ('%s', %s)" % (table_name, user_name, user_age)
That's not a good idea, because you need to know where to put quotes and where not (which you will mess up at some point). Even worse, imagine a user named named Connor O'Neal. You would get a syntax error:
INSERT INTO some_table VALUES ('Connor O'Neal', 100)
(This is also the way sql-injections are used to crush your system / steal your data). So you would also need to take care of escaping the values that are strings. Getting more complicated.
Leave those problems to python and mysql, by passing the date (not the table name) as arguments to execute!
table_name = 'some_table'
user_name = 'Peter Smith'
user_age = 47
query = "INSERT INTO " + table_name + " VALUES (%s, %s)"
cursor.execute(query, (user_name, user_age))
This way you can even pass datetime objects directly. There are other ways to put the data than using %s, take a look at this examples http://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-python/en/connector-python-api-mysqlcursor-execute.html (that is python3 used there, I don't know which you use - but except of the print statements it should work with python2 as well, I think).
I would not call myself a newbie, but I am not terribly conversant with programming. Any help would be appreciated. I have this project that is almost done. Figured out lots of stuff, but this issue has me at a loss.
Is there a simple way to insert an acceptable date value in a postgresql query from:
start_date = raw_input('Start date: ')
end_date = raw_input('End date: ')
I want the variables above to work in the following.
WHERE (gltx.post_date > start_date AND gltx.post_date < end_date )
'YYYY-MM-DD' format works in the SELECT Query of the postgresql database through python triple quoted cursor.execute.
The postgresql column(post.date) is date format.
here is the header for the python script.
import psycopg2 as dbapi2
import psycopg2.extras
import sys
import csv
For now I have been altering the query for different periods of time.
Also is there an easy way format the date returned as YYYYMMDD. Perhaps a filter that replaced dashes or hyphens with nothing. I could use that for phone numbers also.
If you are going to execute this SELECT inside a Python script, you should not be placing strings straight into your database query - else you run the risk of SQL injections. See the psycopg2 docs - the problem with query parameters.
Instead you need to use placeholders and place all your string arguments into an iterable (usually a tuple) which is passed as the second argument to cursor.execute(). Again see the docs -passing parameters to sql queries.
So you would create a cursor object, and call the execute() method passing the query string as the first argument and a tuple containing the two dates as the second. Eg
query = "SELECT to_char(gltx.post_date, 'YYYYMMDD') FROM gltx WHERE (gltx.post_date > %s AND gltx.post_date < %s)"
args = (start_date, end_date)
cursor.execute(query, args)
To format the date in Python space, you can use the strftime() method on a date object. You should probably be working with datetime objects not strings anyway, if you want to do anything more than print the output.
You also probably want to validate that the date entered into the raw_input() is a valid date too.
Use the cursor.execute method's parameter substitution
import psycopg2
query = """
select to_char(gltx.post_date, 'YYYYMMDD') as post_date
from gltx
where gltx.post_date > %s AND gltx.post_date < %s
start_date = '2014-02-17'
end_date = '2014-03-04'
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=cpn")
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute(query, (start_date, end_date))
rs = cur.fetchall()
print rs