Why does python output to a file like this? - python

Trying to have a user input their name, copy that variable to a file, and then read it back. However, when read back, it only says [][]
My code looks like this (currently)
Name = raw_input("What is your Name? ")
print "you entered ", Name
fo = open("foo.txt", "r+")
fo.write (Name)
str = fo.read();
print "Read String is : ", str
When I look at the foo.txt file, it has all of this inside:
Mathew” ÿÿÿÿ _getresponse:16: thread woke up: response: ('OK', {'maybesave': 1, 'format': 1, 'runit': 1, 'remove_selection': 1, 'str': 1, '_file_line_helper': 1, '_asktabwidth': 1, '_filename_to_unicode': 1, 'open_stack_viewer': 1, 'get_region': 1, 'cut': 1, 'open_module': 1, 'showerror': 1, 'class': 1, 'smart_indent_event': 1, 'set_status_bar': 1, 'about_dialog': 1, 'indent_region_event': 1, 'load_extension': 1, 'set_region': 1, '_close': 1, 'cancel_callback': 1, 'postwindowsmenu': 1, 'subclasshook': 1, 'newline_and_indent_event': 1, 'toggle_debugger': 1, 'saved_change_hook': 1, 'eof_callback': 1, 'get_warning_stream': 1, 'get_standard_extension_names': 1, 'guess_indent': 1, 'ResetFont': 1, 'center_insert_event': 1, 'replace_event': 1, 'unload_extensions': 1, 'del_word_right': 1, 'close_debugger': 1, 'EditorWindow_extra_help_callback': 1, 'python_docs': 1, 'fill_menus': 1, 'flush': 1, 'close': 1, 'setattr': 1, 'set_notabs_indentwidth': 1, 'help_dialog': 1, 'set_saved': 1, 'get_selection_indices': 1, 'open_debugger': 1, 'tabify_region_event': 1, 'comment_region_event': 1, 'get_var_obj': 1, 'find_selection_event': 1, '_rmcolorizer': 1, 'goto_line_event': 1, 'load_standard_extensions': 1, 'reset_undo': 1, 'long_title': 1, 'paste': 1, 'close2': 1, 'reset_help_menu_entries': 1, 'set_indentation_params': 1, 'open_class_browser': 1, 'endexecuting': 1, 'delattr': 1, '_addcolorizer': 1, 'repr': 1, 'close_hook': 1, 'home_callback': 1, 'right_menu_event': 1, 'getlineno': 1, 'apply_bindings': 1, 'restart_shell': 1, '_make_blanks': 1, 'get_geometry': 1, 'ApplyKeybindings': 1, 'get_tabwidth': 1, 'ResetColorizer': 1, 'open_path_browser': 1, 'filename_change_hook': 1, '_build_char_in_string_func': 1, 'isatty': 1, 'find_event': 1, 'untabify_region_event': 1, 'reduce': 1, 'find_in_files_event': 1, 'new_callback': 1, 'getvar': 1, 'copy': 1, 'center': 1, 'writelines': 1, 'recall': 1, 'load_extensions': 1, 'showprompt': 1, 'close_event': 1, 'reindent_to': 1, 'askinteger': 1, 'hash': 1, 'RemoveKeybindings': 1, 'dedent_region_event': 1, 'linefeed_callback': 1, 'is_char_in_string': 1, 'getattribute': 1, 'move_at_edge_if_selection': 1, 'beginexecuting': 1, 'enter_callback': 1, 'short_title': 1, 'getwindowlines': 1, 'smart_backspace_event': 1, 'sizeof': 1, 'set_tabwidth': 1, 'find_again_event': 1, 'init': 1, 'del_word_left': 1, 'get_saved': 1, 'reduce_ex': 1, 'new': 1, 'select_all': 1, 'gotoline': 1, 'view_restart_mark': 1, 'change_indentwidth_event': 1, 'write': 1, 'set_debugger_indicator': 1, 'config_dialog': 1, 'set_warning_stream': 1, 'setvar': 1, 'createmenubar': 1, 'begin': 1, 'toggle_tabs_event': 1, 'askyesno': 1, 'ispythonsource': 1, 'resetoutput': 1, 'set_close_hook': 1, 'goto_file_line': 1, 'readline': 1, 'toggle_jit_stack_viewer': 1, 'make_rmenu': 1, 'EditorWindow_recent_file_callback': 1, 'uncomment_region_event': 1, 'update_recent_files_list': 1, 'set_line_and_column': 1}) ã èã”po” èã”po”
Any idea why?

First, you've opened the file in mode "r+" which is read-write. This will not empty the file, and anything you write will overwrite existing bytes. This is almost certainly not what you want: either 'a' if you want to append to the file, or 'w' if you want to delete the file first if it already exists.
Second, you're reading from where the write left off, and not repositioning the file cursor. In fact it's slightly worse than that: behavior of file objects isn't very well defined if you don't seek between reads and writes.
From C reference for fopen
For the modes where both read and writing (or appending) are allowed
(those which include a "+" sign), the stream should be flushed
(fflush) or repositioned (fseek, fsetpos, rewind) between either a
reading operation followed by a writing operation or a writing
operation followed by a reading operation.
The Python reference makes it clear that open() is implemented using standard C file objects.
Here's what I would write:
with open('foo.txt', 'w') as f:
with open('foo.txt', 'r') as f:
print 'Text is:', f.read()
The with statement is nice here as it automatically closes the file once the write is done. By closing the file and reopening it in read mode, you guarantee that the written text made it into the file and isn't being cached.

As for why you get nothing back, that's probably because you have to seek to the beginning first:
result = fo.read()

There is a pointer which marks the "current" position in a file. When you open a file, it is set at the beginning of the file. Next thing you do is write to it. As you write, the pointer keeps advancing. When you have written completely, the pointer is at the end of the file. And if you start reading then (which is what you are doing here), you'll get nothing but junk. So, you need to reset the pointer to the beginning before you start reading which can be done by seek as you can see above or you can close the file after writing and open it again before reading.
Name = raw_input("What is your Name? ")
print "you entered ", Name
fo = open("foo.txt", "r+")
fo.write (Name)
fo = open("foo.txt", "r+")
str = fo.read();
print "Read String is : ", str
It is also a good idea to call flush() after writing to the file.


Reading a text document containing python list into a python program

I have a text file(dummy.txt) which reads as below:
I expect this to be in lists in python as below:
article1 = ['abc',1,1,3,3,0,0]
article2 = ['sdf',3,2,5,1,3,1]
article3 = ['xyz',0,3,4,1,1,1]
That many articles have to be created as many lines present in dummy.txt
I was trying the following things:
Opened the file, split it by '\n' and appended it to an empty list in python, it had extra quotes and square brackets hence tried to use 'ast.literal_eval' which did not work as well.
my_list = []
fvt = open("dummy.txt","r")
for line in fvt.read():
my_list = ast.literal_eval(my_list)
I also tried to manually remove additional quotes and extra square brackets using replace, that did not help me either. Any leads much appreciated.
This should help.
import ast
myLists = []
with open(filename) as infile:
for line in infile: #Iterate Each line
myLists.append(ast.literal_eval(line)) #Convert to python object and append.
[['abc', 1, 1, 3, 3, 0, 0], ['sdf', 3, 2, 5, 1, 3, 1], ['xyz', 0, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1]]
fvt.read() will produce the entire file string, so that means line will contain a single character string. So this will not work very well, you also use literal_eval(..) with the entire list of strings, and not a single string.
You can obtain the results by iterating over the file handler, and each time call literal_eval(..) on a single line:
from ast import literal_eval
with open("dummy.txt","r") as f:
my_list = [literal_eval(line) for line in f]
or by using map:
from ast import literal_eval
with open("dummy.txt","r") as f:
my_list = list(map(literal_eval, f))
We then obtain:
>>> my_list
[['abc', 1, 1, 3, 3, 0, 0], ['sdf', 3, 2, 5, 1, 3, 1], ['xyz', 0, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1]]
ast.literal_eval is the right approach. Note that creating a variable number of variables like article1, article2, ... is not a good idea. Use a dictionary instead if your names are meaningful, a list otherwise.
As Willem mentioned in his answer fvt.read() will give you the whole file as one string. It is much easier to exploit the fact that files are iterable line-by-line. Keep the for loop, but get rid of the call to read.
my_list = ast.literal_eval(my_list)
is problematic because a) you evaluate the wrong data structure - you want to evaluate the line, not the list my_list to which you append and b) because you reassign the name my_list, at this point the old my_list is gone.
Consider the following demo. (Replace fake_file with the actual file you are opening.)
>>> from io import StringIO
>>> from ast import literal_eval
>>> fake_file = StringIO('''['abc',1,1,3,3,0,0]
... ['sdf',3,2,5,1,3,1]
... ['xyz',0,3,4,1,1,1]''')
>>> result = [literal_eval(line) for line in fake_file]
>>> result
[['abc', 1, 1, 3, 3, 0, 0], ['sdf', 3, 2, 5, 1, 3, 1], ['xyz', 0, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1]]
Of course, you could also use a dictionary to hold the evaluated lines:
>>> result = {'article{}'.format(i):literal_eval(line) for i, line in enumerate(fake_file, 1)}
>>> result
{'article2': ['sdf', 3, 2, 5, 1, 3, 1], 'article1': ['abc', 1, 1, 3, 3, 0, 0], 'article3': ['xyz', 0, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1]}
where now you can issue
>>> result['article2']
['sdf', 3, 2, 5, 1, 3, 1]
... but as these names are not very meaningful, I'd just go for the list instead which you can index with 0, 1, 2, ...
When I do this:
import ast
x = '[ "A", 1]'
x = ast.literal_eval(x)
I get:
["A", 1]
So, your code should be:
for line in fvt.read():
Try this split (no imports needed) (i recommend):
with open('dummy.txt','r') as f:
l=[i[1:-1].strip().replace("'",'').split(',') for i in f]
[['abc', 1, 1, 3, 3, 0, 0], ['sdf', 3, 2, 5, 1, 3, 1], ['xyz', 0, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1]]
As expected!!!

NLTK FreqDist incomplete dictionary

I have a problem with the following script because I'm not able to get the full list of items for each line. What I get is something like FreqDist({'be#v': 3, 'have#v': 2, 'get#v': 2, 'publicly#r': 1, 'communicate#v': 1, 'goal#n': 1, 'end#n': 1, 'delight#v': 1, 'prescription#n': 1, 'fertilize#v': 1, ...}), FreqDist({'be#v': 2, 'have#v': 2, 'get#v': 2, '20s#n': 1, 'like#v': 1, 'school#n': 1, 'think#v': 1, 'i#n': 1, 'go#v': 1, 'community#n': 1, ...}), not every word with occurrence 1 is reported.
from nltk import FreqDist
from nltk.tokenize import RegexpTokenizer
tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer('\s+', gaps=True)
m = [FreqDist(tokenizer.tokenize(line)) for line in open('1_tagged_copy.txt')]
print m
Solution: m = [FreqDist(tokenizer.tokenize(line)).items() for line in open('1_tagged_copy.txt')]

How to remove part of string from list

I have a file with data and i want to count numbers of macaddress:
D8:6C:E9:3C:77:FF;2016/01/10 14:02:47
D8:6C:E9:3C:77:FF;2016/01/10 14:02:47
D8:6C:E9:43:52:BF;2016/01/10 13:41:29
F0:82:61:31:6B:88;2016/01/10 13:43:41
8C:10:D4:D4:83:E5;2016/01/10 13:44:35
54:64:D9:E8:64:36;2016/01/10 13:46:13
18:1E:78:5A:CD:25;2016/01/10 13:46:27
18:1E:78:5A:D7:A5;2016/01/10 13:46:35
54:64:D9:75:1B:4B;2016/01/10 13:30:28
54:64:D9:75:1B:4B;2016/01/10 13:30:28
I put it to the list :
with open ('file.txt') as f:
mac = f.read().splitlines()
my_dic = {i:mac.count(i) for i in mac}
print my_dic
{'18:1E:78:5A:D7:A5;2016/01/10 13:46:35': 1, 'D8:6C:E9:3C:77:FF;2016/01/10 14:02:47': 2, '54:64:D9:E8:64:36;2016/01/10 13:46:13': 1, 'D8:6C:E9:43:52:BF;2016/01/10 13:41:29': 1, 'F0:82:61:31:6B:88;2016/01/10 13:43:41': 1, '54:64:D9:75:1B:4B;2016/01/10 13:30:28': 2, '18:1E:78:5A:CD:25;2016/01/10 13:46:27': 1, '8C:10:D4:D4:83:E5;2016/01/10 13:44:35': 1}
how to rid of dates because i expected:
{'18:1E:78:5A:D7:A5 : 1, 'D8:6C:E9:3C:77:FF : 2, '54:64:D9:E8:64:36 : 1, 'D8:6C:E9:43:52:BF : 1, 'F0:82:61:31:6B:88 : 1, '54:64:D9:75:1B:4B : 2, '18:1E:78:5A:CD:25 : 1, '8C:10:D4:D4:83:E5 : 1}
Write a regexp that match this date format, and use re.sub() to remove the matching part.

Python: Using dict as accumulator

I am trying to get the counts of each word in a text file with the below code.
def count_words(file_name):
with open(file_name, 'r') as f: return reduce(lambda acc, x: acc.get(x, 0) + 1, sum([line.split() for line in f], []), dict())
but I get the error
File "C:\Python27\abc.py", line 173, in count_words
with open(file_name, 'r') as f: return reduce(lambda acc, x: acc.get(x, 0) + 1, sum([line.split() for line in f], []), dict())
File "C:\Python27\abc.py", line 173, in <lambda>
with open(file_name, 'r') as f: return reduce(lambda acc, x: acc.get(x, 0) + 1, sum([line.split() for line in f], []), dict())
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'get'
I am not able to understand the error message here. Why does it complain that 'int' has no attribute even when I passed a dict as accumulator?
You can use collections.Counter to count the words:
In [692]: t='I am trying to get the counts of each word in a text file with the below code'
In [693]: from collections import Counter
In [694]: Counter(t.split())
Out[694]: Counter({'the': 2, 'a': 1, 'code': 1, 'word': 1, 'get': 1, 'I': 1, 'of': 1, 'in': 1, 'am': 1, 'to': 1, 'below': 1, 'text': 1, 'file': 1, 'each': 1, 'trying': 1, 'with': 1, 'counts': 1})
In [695]: c=Counter(t.split())
In [696]: c['the']
Out[696]: 2
The problem is that your lambda function returns an int, but not a dict.
So, even if you use a dict as seed, when your lambda function is called the second time, acc will be the result of acc.get(x, 0) + 1 from the first call, and it's an int and not a dict.
So if you are looking for a one-liner, I almost have a one-liner in the spirit of what you were trying to do with get.
>>> words = """One flew over the ocean
... One flew over the sea
... My Bonnie loves pizza
... but she doesn't love me"""
>>> f = open('foo.txt', 'w')
>>> f.writelines(words)
>>> f.close()
The "one-liner" (two-liner actually)
>>> word_count = {}
>>> with open('foo.txt', 'r') as f:
... _ = [word_count.update({word:word_count.get(word,0)+1}) for word in f.read().split()]
>>> word_count
{'but': 1, 'One': 2, 'the': 2, 'she': 1, 'over': 2, 'love': 1, 'loves': 1, 'ocean': 1, "doesn't": 1, 'pizza': 1, 'My': 1, 'me': 1, 'flew': 2, 'sea': 1, 'Bonnie': 1}
I imagine there's something you could do with a dict comprehension, but I couldn't see how to use get in that case.
The f.read().split() gives you a nice list of words to work with, however, and should be easier than trying to get words out of a list of lines. It's a better approach unless you have a huge file.

How do I use the setCmd in pySNMP for a table element?

I have tried various things according to the documentation, but I cannot figure out how set the MIB in a dynamic table. I have code that sets scalar values and works fine. I know that I have to set a value of createAndGo(4) on the RowStatus and then set it to active(1). Here is what I tried and the MIB definition:
abcTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 6367, 3, 21, 4))
abcEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 6367, 3, 21, 4, 1)).setIndexNames((0, "abc-mib", "abcEntryNum"))
abcRowStatus = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 6367, 3, 21, 4, 1, 1), RowStatus()).setMaxAccess("readcreate")
abcEntryNum = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 6367, 3, 21, 4, 1, 2), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=constraint.ValueRangeConstraint(1, 10))).setMaxAccess("noaccess")
abcName = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 6367, 3, 21, 4, 1, 3), DisplayString().subtype(subtypeSpec=constraint.ValueSizeConstraint(0, 30))).setMaxAccess("readcreate")
abcType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 6367, 3, 21, 4, 1, 4), Integer().subtype(subtypeSpec=constraint.SingleValueConstraint(0,2,3,1,)).subtype(namedValues=namedval.NamedValues(("aa", 0), ("ab", 1), ("cb", 2), ("ca", 3), )).clone(0)).setMaxAccess("readcreate")
abcLocation = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 6367, 3, 21, 4, 1, 5), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=constraint.ValueRangeConstraint(-1800, 1800))).setMaxAccess("readcreate")
def getvar(self, symbol):
"""Used to get the dot notation string from the symbol in the MIB"""
varObj, = self.mibBuilder.importSymbols('abc-mib', symbol)
return varObj.getName()
# Create the first Row
errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds = cmdgen.CommandGenerator().setCmd( \
cmdgen.UdpTransportTarget((host_addr, 161)),
(getvar('abcRowStatus') + (1,), 4) )
I get the following error:
Message File Name Line Position Traceback
set_single abc.py
setCmd build\bdist.win32\egg\pysnmp\entity\rfc3413\oneliner\cmdgen.py 374
setCmd build\bdist.win32\egg\pysnmp\entity\rfc3413\oneliner\cmdgen.py 240
AttributeError: MibIdentifier instance has no attribute 'getSyntax'
Any ideas?
You seem to refer to a MIB object identified by OID "abcRowStatus" + 1. That is
(1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 6367, 3, 21, 4, 1, 1, 1)
Is that object really defined in your MIB?
Since you do not specify SNMP type of the value (passing a Python integer), for setCmd() to build a proper request message, it must cast pure Python type (integer in your code) into SNMP type. To figure out SNMP type it looks up MIB object named "abcRowStatus", takes its OID and appends a '1' sub-OID as you requested. Then it looks up MIB object by that OID and if found takes SNMP type associated with it for further casting.
So, I suppose your code should read like:
cmdgen.UdpTransportTarget((host_addr, 161)),
(getvar('abcRowStatus'), 4)
It seems that #pooh is right in that the type is the issue. I used the getvar function as is but just added the correct type (rfc1902.Integer(4)) and it works.
I think you can also use the MibVariable('abc-mib, 'abcRowStatus', 1).addMibSource(/path) but I did not try this. The table index is a bit confusing, that is why I stuck with the getvar + (1,) which indexes into the table. I believe for looking at other examples that the I believe the way to use MibVariable in a multi-level table is MibVariable('abc-mib, 'abcRowStatus', '1.2.3') where '1.2.3' is the index into the multi-level column element.
