vcvarsall.bat with Python 2.7 cannot use pip to install fabric - python

I've searched SO regarding this question, and the only information is regarding Python 2.6.
The apparent fix as outlined here for example: error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat does not seem to work with Python 2.7
I am trying to install fabric utilizing the command pip install fabric and am getting a long list of errors ending with error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat
If anyone could advise on a fix, it would be greatly appreciated.

It sounds like your distutils.cfg file might not be in the right place. Take a look at the fix outlined here: pip mingw compile? If that doesn't help, search StackOverflow for vcvarsall and you'll find other discussions.

you could check up the following that might be helpful:


C1083: Cannot open include file: 'sys/param.h' error message while installing python jenkins package

I am installing Python Jenkins package on Windows 7 x64 bit PC.
I got following error:
'C1083: Cannot open include file: 'sys/param.h''. Python version
Any help is appreciated.
A very similar question was asked for Python in Linux and the solution there actually worked for me in Windows as well: That is, if you were trying:
pip install jenkins
install this package instead:
pip install python-jenkins
"sys/param.h" is known from unix/linux environments only.
I am not that sure but it might be further available with GNU C as well.
I have to assume something in your configuration or setup went horribly wrong.
As this question is rather specific to a certain project you might have more luck finding the answer if asking this directly at their project support channels.

Getting issue on terminal command while creating opencv2.framework

I was facing some issues with opencv2.framework in iOS related to bitcode. While searching on the internet, I found this post regarding creating the opencv2.framework with bitcode support enabled.
First 3 steps run successfully but on 4th step, i am facing some issue. I dont know whether these are issues regarding to python or something else. Kindly help me. Here are the logs.
I get the same issue. My solution is that:
Check cmake has been installed. If not, use home brew to install cmake: brew install cmake.
Then run python ../ <your_save_dic>
Good luck.

Install ScientificPython

I am in between install rnnlib following this link. It describes one of the dependency as ScientificPython(not scipy).
I have been googling but no luck finding the correct module to install. Anyone any idea what this might be.
According to this you can download the program from

installing third party modules to mac

I have been struggling to install a third party module for mac.
I spotted a similar question, (What is the most compatible way to install python modules on a Mac?)
However I'm getting a syntax error when following this advice.
Could anyone help me out?
You are running Python 3.5 according to the image
pip is already available, no need to install it again.
You need to not be within the python interpreter REPL

Can't Install Pygame for Enthought Canopy using pip or easy_install?

Alright tried all the previous suggestions as specified in similar questions asked regarding this topic on StackOverflow. But I've encountered the following problems:
The default package manager has no pygame package available,hence its of no use.
Tried enpkg method,but then it exits sending out error messages which I can't read as they vanish quickly just before the window
Tried the pip and easy_install methods but they all spit out various
errors like "Could not find any downloads specifying the
requirements".I'm sure I haven't made any syntax mistake while
issuing the shell commands.
Hence I wish to ask for any way to install Pygame package in Enthought canopy either completely manually or by any other way conceivable.
If possible,a precise walkthrough would be greatly appreciated.
And please don't close this question right away as it's 'NOT THE SAME' as others because I've tried the other alternatives but to no avail.
Thanks for your time!
Edit:Forgot to mention,I'm using Windows 7 ,64 bit.
Which OS do you use? If you are using windows, try this Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages
Since your pip raise "Could not find any downloads specifying the requirements", I guess the reason is that it's not up-to-date. Try updating it.
I have one non_conventional Idea, just install the pygame for for your python which you just installed in your C:\ drive and then copy the pygame module in the which is found in the python27\Lib\sitepackages\pygame then paste it in the site-packages of the canopy
