I am writing a script that changes the resolution of a floating point 2K (2048x2048) tiff image to 1024x1024.
But I get the following error:
File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\PIL\Image.py", line 1916, in open
IOError: cannot identify image file
My Code:
import Image
im = Image.open( inPath )
im = im.resize( (1024, 1024) , Image.ANTIALIAS )
im.save( outPath )
Any Ideas?
Download My Image From This Link
Also I'm using pil 1.1.6. The pil install is x64 same as the python install (2.6.6)
Try one of these two:
open the file in binary mode,
give the full path to the file.
EDIT after testing the OP's image:
It definitively seems like is the image having some problem. I'm on GNU/Linux and couldn't find a single program being able to handle it. Among the most informative about what the problem is have been GIMP:
and ImageMagik:
display: roadnew_disp27-dm_u0_v0_hr.tif: invalid TIFF directory; tags are not sorted in ascending order. `TIFFReadDirectory' # warning/tiff.c/TIFFWarnings/703.
display: roadnew_disp27-dm_u0_v0_hr.tif: unknown field with tag 18 (0x12) encountered. `TIFFReadDirectory' # warning/tiff.c/TIFFWarnings/703.
I did not try it myself, but googling for "python tiff" returned the pylibtiff library, which - being specifically designed for TIFF files, it might perhaps offer some more power in processing this particular ones...
I need to save an Image in Python (created as a Numpy array) as a JPEG file, while including a "comment" in the file with some specific metadata. This metadata will be used by another (third-party) application and is a simple ASCII string. I have a sample image including such a "comment", which I can read out using Pillow (PIL), via the image.info['comment'] or the image.app['COM'] property. However, when I try a simple round-trip, i.e. loading my sample image and save it again using a different file name, the comment is no longer preserved. Equally, I found no way to include a comment in a newly created image.
I am aware that EXIF tags are the preferred way to save metadata in JPEG images, but as mentioned, the third-party application only accepts this data as a "comment", not as EXIF, which I cannot change. After reading this question, I looked into the binary structure of my sample file and found the comment at the start of the file, after a few bytes of some other (meta)data. I do however not know a lot about binary file manipulation, and also I was wondering if there is a more elegant way, other than messing with the binary...
EDIT: minimum example:
from PIL import Image
img = Image.open(path) # where path is the path to the sample image
# this prints the desired metadata if it is correctly saved in loaded image
img.save(new_path) # save with different file name
# now open to see if it has been saved correctly
new_img = Image.open(new_path)
print(new_img.info['comment']) # now results in KeyError
I also tried img.save(new_path, info=img.info), but this does not seem to have an effect. Since img.info['comment'] appears identical to img.app['COM'], I tried img.save(new_path, app=img.app), again does not work.
Just been having a play with this and I couldn't see anything directly in Pillow to support this. I've found that the save() method supports a parameter called extra that can be used to pass arbitrary bytes to the output file.
We then just need a simple method to turn a comment into a valid JPEG segment, for example:
import struct
from PIL import Image
def make_jpeg_variable_segment(marker: int, payload: bytes) -> bytes:
"make a JPEG segment from the given payload"
return struct.pack('>HH', marker, 2 + len(payload)) + payload
def make_jpeg_comment_segment(comment: bytes) -> bytes:
"make a JPEG comment/COM segment"
return make_jpeg_variable_segment(0xFFFE, comment)
# open source image
with Image.open("foo.jpeg") as im:
# save out with new JPEG comment
im.save('bar.jpeg', extra=make_jpeg_comment_segment("hello world".encode()))
# read file back in to ensure comment round-trips
with Image.open('bar.jpeg') as im:
Note that in my initial attempts I tried appending the comment segment at the end of the file, but Pillow wouldn't load this comment even after calling the .load() method to force it to load the entire JPEG file.
Update: The upcoming version Pillow version 9.4.0 will support this by passing a comment parameter while saving, e.g.:
with Image.open("foo.jpeg") as im:
im.save('bar.jpeg', comment="hello world")
hopefully that makes things easier!
I am trying to add simple text to a mp4 file. I have the mp4 file and I am using moviepy to add the text clip, however, I am continually running into errors.
My code:
import moviepy.editor as mpy
video = mpy.VideoFileClip('test_movie.mp4')
text = mpy.TextClip("Test", font="Arial", fontsize=40, color='white')
text = text.set_position('upper left').set_duration(video.duration)
test = mpy.CompositeVideoClip([video, text])
And here is the error:
IOError: MoviePy Error: creation of None failed because of the following error:
convert: delegate library support not built-in '/Library/Fonts//Arial.ttf' (Freetype) # warning/annotate.c/RenderFreetype/1847.
convert: no decode delegate for this image format `PNG' # error/constitute.c/ReadImage/512.
convert: no images defined `PNG32:/var/folders/l3/m81nh88n57s9ck30_fqd09cmcfj06p/T/tmp06GxjE.png' # error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3275.
.This error can be due to the fact that ImageMagick is not installed on your computer, or (for Windows users) that you didn't specify the path to the ImageMagick binary in file conf.py, or that the path you specified is incorrect
ImageMagick is installed on my system and I have been through a few threads on here but nothing has pointed me in the right direction. My font library is not empty and I do not know what it is having this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am on a Mac and using Spyder for a GUI.
Try to install ImageMagick from their website.
If the problem still there, find the moviepy/config_defaults.py and after the last line add:
IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY = "C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick_VERSION\\convert.exe
Is there a python module that will allow me to read an HDR image's dimensions?
Standard python PIL library can't read HDR images.
HDR references high dynamic range images. Photoshop can read this file format, but I have not been able to find any python module that can read this file format.
PIL Image.open returns "IOError: cannot identify image file"
imghdr returns None when reading an HDR image file format.
There is a python module called smc.freeimage that can read HDR images. Works well, but the trick is getting the module installed successfully. Make sure you install the cython module first... then try easy_install instead of pip install.
import smc.freeimage as fi
filename = "myimage.hdr"
img = fi.Image(filename)
print "width =",img.width
print "height =",img.height
I am receiving an form upload with a Word docx document. I got all the parsing done successfully. I have to then display that Word document on the web.
The problem I am running into at this moment is that I have embedded EMF files (that the PIL library recognizes as WMF format), and I cannot figure how to convert them to something that can be displayed on the web (arbitrarily chosen PNG).
The code is somewhat simple:
im = PIL.Image.open(StringIO.StringIO(data))
fmt = im.format
if (fmt == 'WMF'):
fmt = 'PNG'
output = StringIO.StringIO()
im.save(output, format=fmt)
data = output.getvalue()
return '''<img src="data:image/{0};base64,{1}" />'''.format(fmt, base64.encodestring(data))
The error i get is:
IOError: cannot find loader for this WMF file
These Word documents come from average user that may just have cut-and-paste images from the web or insert from file.
Is there a solution for me on a linux system?
To my defense, I tried to upload that document to google drive and the image is not displayed either. Maybe there are no simple solutions?
pip install Pillow
from PIL import Image
I found it easier to use the Wand package for such conversion. I tried the previous suggestions without success. So here is what I did:
(BTW, I wanted to convert all '.wmf' files into pdf)
import os
from wand.image import Image as wima
for oldfilename in os.listdir(folder):
if oldfilename.endswith(".wmf"):
with wima(filename=folder+'/'+oldfilename) as img:
newfilename = oldfilename.split('.')[0]+'.pdf'
newfilename = folder+'/'+newfilename
img.format = 'pdf'
You need to understand what you are dealing with in order to see why what you are attempting to do is problematic. WMF files (or the more recent EMF and EMF+ formats) require Windows GDI to render the image it describes. So there is no simple solution when you are converting this format outside of Windows, since you need to replicate the GDI API.
One solution is to use the unoconv tool which relies on the UNO bindings for OpenOffice/LibreOffice. A second solution would use the pyemf module to decode the input, and then a second tool (to be done by you) would render it.
You may use libwmf to convert image to SVG and then pyrsvg to convert to PNG (described in another question).
I haven't found libwmf project website, but Debian (and Ubuntu) has package libwmf-bin that contains wmf2svg utility.
WMF stands for Windows Metafile; EMF stands for Enhanced Metafile. These files drive Windows to display an image. Within Microsoft Office applications it is a standard format for vector images. The Metafile is managed by Microsoft and is not an open format.
Since libreoffice is an alternative to Microsoft Office in Linux environment, it would be better to have a small service where we can use libreoffice and imagemagick(install them if you cannot).
Then a language independent solution would be this:
build a libreoffice container using this Dockerfile(or install libreoffice)
FROM linuxserver/libreoffice:7.2.2
start a RESTful API(or RPC API) in the container receiving an emf file and sending back a png file
in the service we implement the following function:
a. save the emf file in a path, say /mnt/b.emf
b. convert the file by the command libreoffice --headless --convert-to png /mnt/b.emf in any language; for example, in Python we can use the snippet at the end of this answer.
c. read the png file /mnt/b.png and send it back via the API
use imagemagick to trim the white space of the resultant image
Here is the Python implementation:
from os
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request
def emf_to_png(im):
temp_emf_path = '/tmp/temp.emf'
temp_png_path = '/tmp/temp.png'
with open(temp_emf_path, 'wb') as f:
command = f"libreoffice --headless --convert-to png {temp_emf_path} --outdir /tmp"
command = f'convert {temp_png_path} -fuzz 1% -trim +repage {temp_png_path}'
f = open(temp_png_path, 'rb')
png_b = f.read()
return png_b
app = Flask(__name__)
#app.route("/convert/emf2png", methods=["POST"])
def start_training():
emf = request.data
png_b = emf_to_png(emf)
return jsonify(code=200, message="succeed", data=png_b)
except Exception as e:
return jsonify(code=100, message=f"error {e}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run("", port=1111)
I have a similar problem, but I used bash and inkscape to convert the images to png format, I attach the small script that performs this task for me:
for file in *.emf; do
export_name=$(echo $file | sed 's/\.emf$/.png/');
echo inkscape $file -e $export_name
inkscape $file -e $export_name
For more information, check the inkscape option:
inkscape --help
# -e, --export-png=FILE NAME
On linux you can use inkscape to do the conversion from .emf to .png with the help of command (pip install Command)
I also tried pillow and wand before, they both only works on windows.
import command
path_emf = 'path_to_your_emf_file'
path_png = 'path_to_save_png_file'
command.run(['inkscape', '-e', path_png, path_emf])
I think this problem is not Zope-related. Nonetheless I'll explain what I'm trying to do:
I'm using a PUT_factory in Zope to upload images to the ZODB per FTP. The uploaded image is saved as a Zope Image inside a newly created container object. This works fine, but I want to resize the image if it exceeds a certain size (width and height). So I'm using the thumbnail function of PIL to resize them i.e. to 200x200. This works fine as long as the uploaded images are relatively small. I didn't check out the exact limit, but 976x1296px is still ok.
With bigger pictures I get:
Module PIL.Image, line 1559, in thumbnail
Module PIL.ImageFile, line 201, in load
IOError: image file is truncated (nn bytes not processed).
I tested a lot of jpegs from my camera. I don't think they are all truncated.
Here is my code:
if img and img.meta_type == 'Image':
pilImg = PIL.Image.open( StringIO(str(img.data)) )
elif imgData:
pilImg = PIL.Image.open( StringIO(imgData) )
pilImg.thumbnail((width, height), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
As I'm using a PUT_factory, I don't have a file object, I'm using either the raw data from the factory or a previously created (Zope) Image object.
I've heard that PIL handles image data differently when a certain size is exceeded, but I don't know how to adjust my code. Or is it related to PIL's lazy loading?
I'm a little late to reply here, but I ran into a similar problem and I wanted to share my solution. First, here's a pretty typical stack trace for this problem:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ..., line 2064, in ...
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/PIL/Image.py", line 1572, in thumbnail
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/PIL/ImageFile.py", line 220, in load
raise IOError("image file is truncated (%d bytes not processed)" % len(b))
IOError: image file is truncated (57 bytes not processed)
If we look around line 220 (in your case line 201—perhaps you are running a slightly different version), we see that PIL is reading in blocks of the file and that it expects that the blocks are going to be of a certain size. It turns out that you can ask PIL to be tolerant of files that are truncated (missing some file from the block) by changing a setting.
Somewhere before your code block, simply add the following:
from PIL import ImageFile
...and you should be good.
EDIT: It looks like this helps for the version of PIL bundled with Pillow ("pip install pillow"), but may not work for default installations of PIL
Here is what I did:
Edit LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = False line from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/PIL/ImageFile.py:40 to LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True.
Editing the file requires root access though.
I encountered this error while running some pytorch which was maybe using the PIL library.
Do this fix only if you encounter this error, without directly using PIL.
Else please do
from PIL import ImageFile
Best thing is that you can:
if img and img.meta_type == 'Image':
pilImg = PIL.Image.open( StringIO(str(img.data)) )
elif imgData:
pilImg = PIL.Image.open( StringIO(imgData) )
except IOError:
pass # You can always log it to logger
pilImg.thumbnail((width, height), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
As dumb as it seems - it will work like a miracle. If your image has missing data, it will be filled with gray (check the bottom of your image).
Note: usage of camel case in Python is discouraged and is used only in class names.
This might not be a PIL issue. It might be related to your HTTP Server setting. HTTP servers put a limit on the size of the entity body that will be accepted.
For eg, in Apache FCGI, the option FcgidMaxRequestLen determines the maximum size of file that can be uploaded.
Check that for your server - it might be the one that is limiting the upload size.
I was trapped with the same problem. However, setting ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True is not suitable in my case, and I have checked that all my image files were unbroken, but big.
I read the images using cv2, and then converted it to PIL.Image to get round the problem.
img = cv2.imread(imgfile, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
img = Image.fromarray(img)
I had to change the tds version to 7.2 to prevent this from happening. Also works with tds version 8.0, however I had some other issues with 8.0.
When image was partly broken, OSError will be caused.
I use below code for check and save the wrong image list.
img = Image.open(file_path)
## do the work with the loaded image
except OSError as error:
print(f"{error} ({file_path})")
with open("./error_file_list.txt", "a") as error_log: