Scraping dynamic content in a website [duplicate] - python

This question already has answers here:
Scrape a dynamic website [duplicate]
(8 answers)
Closed 6 months ago.
I need to scrape news announcements from this website, Link.
The announcements seem to be generated dynamically. They dont appear in the source. I usually use mechanize but I assume it wouldnt work. What can I do for this? I'm ok with python or perl.

If the content is generated dynamically, you can use Windmill or Seleninum to drive the browser and get the data once it's been rendered.
You can find an example here.

The polite option would be to ask the owners of the site if they have an API which allows you access to their news stories.
The less polite option would be to trace the HTTP transactions that take place while the page is loading and work out which one is the AJAX call which pulls in the data.
Looks like it's this one. But it looks like it might contain session data, so I don't know how long it will continue to work for.

There's also WWW::Scripter "For scripting web sites that have scripts" . Never used it.

In python you can use urllib and urllib2 to connect to a website and collect data. For example:
from urllib2 import urlopen
myUrl = "!News/List"
inStream = urlopen(myUrl) # etc, in a while loop
# all your fun page parsing code (perhaps: import from xml.dom.minidom import parse)


How to webscrape the correct element from a stat tracking website ( using Python

On this specific page (or any 'matches' page) there are names you can select to view individual statistics for a match. How do I grab the 'kills' stat for example using webscraping?
In most of the tutorials I use the webscraping seems simple. However, when inspecting this site, specifically the 'kills' item, you see something like
<span data-v-71c3e2a1 title="Kills" class ="name".
Question 1.) What is the 'data-v-71c3e2a1'? I've never seen anything like this in my html,css, or webscraping tutorials. It appears in different variations all over the site.
Question 2.) More importantly, how do I grab the number of kills in this section? I've tried using scrapy and grabbing by xpath:
scrapy shell
but this raises a syntax error
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Grabbing by response.css("").get() is also difficult. Should I be using selenium? Or just regular requests/bs4? Nothing I do can grab it.
Thank you.
Does this return the data you need?
import requests
endpoint = ""
r = requests.get(endpoint, params={"handle": "PatrickPM"})
data = r.json()["data"]
In any way I suggest using API if there's one available. It's much easier than using BeautifulSoup or selenium.

How to extract hidden html content with scrapy?

I'm using scrapy (on PyCharm v2020.1.3) to build a spider that crawls this webpage: "", i want to extract the products names, and the breadcrumb in a list format, and save the results in a csv file.
I tried the following code but it returns empty brackets [] , after i've inspected the html code i discovred that the content is hidden in angularjs format.
If someone has a solution for that it would be great
Thank you
import scrapy
class ProductsSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'products'
start_urls = ['']
def parse(self, response):
product = response.css('a.shelfProductTile-descriptionLink::text').extract()
yield "productnames"
You won't be able to get the desired products through parsing the HTML. It is heavily javascript orientated and therefore scrapy wont parse this.
The simplest way to get the product names, I'm not sure what you mean by breadcrumbs is to re-engineer the HTTP requests. The woolworths website generates the product details via an API. If we can mimick the request the browser makes to obtain that product information we can get the information in a nice neat format.
First you have to set within ROBOTSTXT_OBEY = False. Becareful about protracted scrapes of this data because your IP will probably get banned at some point.
Code Example
import scrapy
class TestSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'test'
allowed_domains = ['']
data = {
'excludeUnavailable': 'true',
'source': 'RR-Best Sellers'}
def start_requests(self):
url = ',341057,305224,70660,208073,69391,69418,65416,305227,305084,305223,427068,201688,427069,341058,305195,201689,317793,714860,57624'
yield scrapy.Request(url=url,,callback=self.parse)
def parse(self, response):
data = response.json()
for a in data:
yield {
'name': a['Name'],
We start of with our defined url in start_requests. This URL is the specific URL of the API woolworth uses to obtain information for iced tea. For any other link on woolworths the part of the URL after /products/ will be specific to that part of the website.
The reason why we're using this, is because using browser activity is slow and prone to being brittle. This is fast and the information we can get is usually highly structured much better for scraping.
So how do we get the URL you may be asking ? You need to inspect the page, and find the correct request. If you click on network tools and then reload the website. You'll see a bunch of requests. Usually the largest sized request is the one with all the data. Clicking that and clicking preview gives you a box on the right hand side. This gives all the details of the products.
In this next image, you can see a preview of the product data
We can then get the request URL and anything else from this request.
I will often copy this request as a CURL (Bash Command) as seen here
And enter it into This can convert CURL to python. Giving you a nice formatted headers and any other data needed to mimick the request.
Now putting this into jupyter and playing about, you actually only need the params NOT the headers which is much better.
So back to the code. We do a request, using meta argument we can pass on the data, remember because it's outside the function we have to use and then specifying the callback to parse.
We can use the response.json() method to convert the JSON object to a set of python dictionaries corresponding to each product. YOU MUST have scrapy V2.2 to use this method. Other you could use data = json.loads(response.text), but you'll have put to import json at the top of the script.
From the preview and playing about with the json in requests we can see these python dictionaries are actually within a list and so we can use a for loop to loop round each product, which is what we are doing here.
We then yield a dictionary to extract the data, a refers to each products which is it's own dictionary and a['Name'] refers to that specific python dictionary key 'Name' and giving us the correct value. To get a better feel for this, I always use requests package in jupyter to figure out the correct way to get the data I want.
The only thing left to do is to use scrapy crawl test -o products.csv to output this to a CSV file.
I can't really help you more than this until you specify any other data you want from this page. Please remember that you're going against what the site wants you to scrape, but also any other pages on that website you will need to find out the specific URL to the API to get those products. I have given you the way to do this, I suggest if you want to automate this it would be worth your while trying to struggle with this. We are hear to help but an attempt on your part is how you're going to learn coding.
Additional Information on the Approach of Dynamic Content
There is a wealth of information on this topic. Here are some guidelines to think about when looking at javascript orientated websites. The default is you should try re-engineer the requests the browser makes to load the pages information. This is what the javascript in this site and many other sites is doing, it's providing a dynamic way without reloading the page to display new information by making an HTTP request. If we can mimic that request, we can get the information we desire. This is the most efficent way to get dynamic content.
In order of preference
Re-engineering the HTTP requests
importing selenium package into your scripts
Scrapy-splash is slightly better than the selenium package, as it pre-renders the page, giving you access to the selectors with the data. Selenium is slow, prone to errors but will allow you to mimic browser activity.
There are multiple ways to include selenium into your scripts see down below as an overview.
Recommended Reading/Research
Look at the scrapy documentation with regard to dynamic content here
This will give you an overview of the steps to handling dynamic content. I will say generally speaking selenium should be thought of as a last resort. It's pretty inefficient when doing larger scale scraping.
If you are consider adding in the selenium package into your script. This might be the lower barrier of entry to getting your script working but not necessarily that efficient. At the end of the day scrapy is a framework but there is a lot of flexibility in adding in 3rd party packages. The spider scripts are just a python class importing the scrapy architecture in the background. As long as you're mindful of the response and translating some of the selenium to work with scrapy, you should be able to input selenium into your scripts. I would this solution is probably the least efficient though.
Consider using scrapy-splash, splash pre-renders the page and allows for you to add in javascript execution. Docs are here and a good article from scrapinghub here
Scrapy-selenium is a package with a custom scrapy downloader middleware that allows you to do selenium actions and execute javascript. Docs here You'll need to have a play around to get the login in procedure from this, it doesn't have the same level of detail as the selenium package itself.

How can i convert scraping script as web-service?

I want to build a api that accepts a string and returns html code.
Here is my scraping code that i want as a web-service.
from selenium import webdriver
import bs4
import requests
import time
url = ""
browser = webdriver.Firefox()
string = "3 PS 232 M 03FEB 7 JFKKBP HK2 1230A 420P 03FEB E
button =
button.send_keys(string) #accept string
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(browser.page_source,'html.parser')
html = soup.find('div',class_="main-content") #returns html
Can anyone tell me the best possible solution to wrap up my code as a api/web-service.
There's no best possible solution in general, because a solution has to fit the problem and the available resources.
Right now it seems like you're trying to wrap someone else's website. If that's the problem you're actually trying to solve, and you want to give credit, you should probably just forward people to their site. Have your site return a 302 Redirect with their URL in the Location field in your header.
If what you're trying to do is get the response from this one sample check you have hardcoded, and and make that result available, I would suggest you put it in a static file behind nginx.
If what you're trying to do is use their backend to turn itineraries you have into responses you can return, you can do that by using their backend API, once that becomes available. Read the documentation, use the requests library to hit the API endpoint that you want, and get the JSON result back, and format it to your desires.
If you're trying to duplicate their site by making yourself a man-in-the-middle, that may be illegal and you should reconsider what you're doing.
For hosting purposes, you need to figure out how often your API will be hit. You can probably start on Heroku or something similar fairly easily, and scale up if you need to. You'll probably want WebObj or Flask or something similar sitting at the website where you intend to host this application. You can use those to process what I presume will be a simple request into the string you wish to hit their API with.
I am the owner of PNR Converter, so I can shed some light on your attempt to scrape content from our site. Unfortunately scraping from PNR Converter is not recommended. We are developing an API which looks like it would suit your needs, and should be ready in the not too distant future. If you contact us through the site we would be happy to work with you should you wish to use PNR Converter legitimately. PNR Converter gets at least one complete update per year and as such we change all the code on a regular basis. We also monitor all requests to our site, and we will block any requests which are deemed as improper usage. Our filter has already picked up your IP address (ends in 250.144) as potential misuse.
Like I said, should you wish to work with us at PNR Converter legitimately and not scrape our content then we would be happy to do so! please keep checking for information relating to our API.
We are releasing a backend upgrade this weekend, which will have a different HTML structure, and dynamically named elements which will cause a serious issue for web scrapers!

getting full content of web page (using Python-requests) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Programmatic Python Browser with JavaScript
(8 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am new to this subject, so my question could prove stupid.. sorry in advance.
My challenge is to do web-scraping, say for this page: link (google)
I try to web-scrape it using Python,
My problem is that once I use Python requests.get, I don't seem to get the full content of the page. I guess it is because that page has many resources, and Python does not get them all. (more than that, once I scroll my mouse up - more data is reviled on Chrome. I can see from the source code that no more data is downloaded to be shown..)
How can I get the full content of a web page? what am I missing?
requests.get will get you the page web but only what the page decides to give a robot. If you want the full page web as you see it as a human you need to trick it by changing your headers. If you need to scroll or click on buttons in order to see the whole page web, which is what I think you'll need to do, I suggest you take a look at selenium.

getting information from a webpage for an application using python

I am currently trying to create a bot for the betfair trading site, it involves using the betfair api which uses soap and the new API-NG will use json so I can understand how to access the information that I need.
My question is, using python, what would the best way to get information from a website that uses just html, can I convert it some way to maybe xml or what is the best/easiest way.
Json, xml and basically all this is new to me so any help will be appreciated.
This is one of the websites I am trying to access to get horse names and prices,
I know there are some similar questions but looking at the answers and the source of the above page I am no nearer to figuring out how to get the info I need.
For getting html from a website there are two well used options.
urllib2 This is built in.
requests This is third party but really easy to use.
If you then need to parse your html then I would suggest using Beautiful soup.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = ''
page_request = requests.get(url)
page_source = page_request.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(page_source)
The page_source is just the basic html of the page, not much use, the soup object on the other hand can be used to access different parts of the page automatically.
