I've been tinkering around with Python lately and wanted to make a GUI that reads from a CSV and displays it correctly.
CSV build up:
name,description,image location
steven,some guy,/res/pic/steven.gif
the first two entries should be put in text labels, and the last entry should be used as an image.
In my code I got as far as inserting the picture, which worked. But as soon as I also embedded the text label, I think the application runs into an infinity loop.
If I delete the Image from the code, the text label works and vice versa.
from Tkinter import *
from PIL import *
import os
import csv
def insertImage(guiName,picture,x,y):
#This is the Image label insertion, delete it and Text label works
img = PhotoImage(file=entryList[picture][2])
preview = Label(guiName, image=img)
preview.img = img
#This is the Text label insertion, delete it and Image Label works
Name = StringVar()
labelName = Label(mainGUI, textvariable=Name, justify=LEFT)
global mainGUI
mainGUI = Tk()
reader = csv.reader(open("res/test.csv", "rb"))
entryList = []
for row in reader:
entryList.append( row )
Does anyone have an idea what the problem might be?
The problem is that you are using grid() and pack() to position widgets within the same master widget (mainGUI). That won't work, because by default both of those geometry managers attempt to manage the size of the parent widget and end up fighting over the size (which blocks the GUI from ever appearing as a side effect).
The very latest version of Tk (the lib underneath Tkinter) will throw an error if you try to do this (finally!) but your best bet is to just use one geometry manager per parent widget. (There are some subtleties with disabling geometry propagation which can make this work, and “parent” can be a touch tricky in a few situations, but the key issue is that you're doing the wrong thing in the first place.)
Also, a single label can contain both an image and some text; see the compound option (which enables this and controls the relative placement rules).
Advice: i'm working on Windows 8.1, with Python and Tkinter at last version; i wrote from tkinter import * to post less code here, i know that it is a bad practice, use for example import tkinter as tk instead.
I'm coding my first text editor, and i have a problem when i resize the main windows. When i run the program it display on screen a window with dimension 750x500 pixel. So far, all ok, i can write text without problem (note that menu_bar and other features are work-in progress, but we dont care about them). Problem is with Text widget when user tries to resize window with cursor. The content of the text practically adapts to the size of the window (the length of each string is reduced or increased based on the width of the window). But i don't want that this happen. I want that Text widget changes his width automatically in base of window size, but the content mustn't be adapted. I hope that you understand my question, if not, i will try to explain better.
I have searched on online reference if there's a parameter to set this option, but i haven't found anything.
How to solve the problems concerning the Text widget and resizing the window?
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
content_text = Text(root, wrap=WORD, bg="grey25", undo=True, cursor="",
insertbackground="red", foreground="white", font="courier 12")
content_text.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True)
scroll_bar = Scrollbar(content_text)
content_text.configure(yscrollcommand=scroll_bar.set, selectbackground="dodgerblue")
scroll_bar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
if __name__ == '__main__':
You can't do what you want. If you have wrapping turned on, text will always wrap at the edge of the window. When you change the width of the window, the text will re-wrap to the new width. There is no configuration option to tell the widget to wrap at any other place.
I have been stuck trying to add an image to my tkinter GUI and google does not seem to give answers. I understand that I should not use grid or pack gemoetry managers within the same master window, and I havent as far as I can tell but every attempt has resulted in either of the following error messages:
TclError: cannot use geometry manager grid inside . which already has slaves managed by pack
TclError: image "pyimage86" doesn't exist
Incidently everytime I rerun my code the "pyimage86" changes, every run increases the number by 1, for example 'pyimage86', 'pyimage87', etc etc.
The first error message is particularly confusing because I am using .grid to place my labelled image into the class but the error is saying otherwise? (example code is not in a class, I know)
I have tried different images and converted the original image into a .TIF, .JNP, .PNG, .GIF but none give a result. I have also removed the Alpha channel (apprantly that might have been an issue when using ImageTK.PhotoImage but it did not help). I have also converted the image into grasyscale as a last ditch attempt but no luck.
import tkinter as tk
import PIL.Image
import PIL.ImageTk
root = tk.Tk()
image = Image.open("TemplateRack_GUI.png")
photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)
label = tk.Label(image=photo)
label.image = photo
label.grid(row=5, column=5)
You say that your program gives you sometimes:
TclError: cannot use geometry manager grid inside which already has slaves managed by pack.
and sometimes:
TclError: image "pyimage86" doesn't exist.
I can't believe that!
Furthermore you said "I understand that I should not use grid or pack gemoetry managers within the same class"
About which class are you talking?
Tkinter docs says: Never mix grid and pack in the same master window.
Please check your code again because you are using somewhere pack and grid.
I want to put an image in the second window using tkinter, in the first window the code works good, but the second window shows nothing.
In this part I import necessary modules:
from tkinter import filedialog, Tk, Frame, Label, PhotoImage, Button
from PIL import Image
from tkinter import*
import tkinter as tk
Then create the principal window:
raiz = Tk()
Then I create the frame and put the image in the frame:
miFrame = Frame()
miFrame.config(width="1400", heigh=("1200"))
Then a button that will call the second window function:
btn3 = Button(raiz, text="boton")
btn3.place(x=500, y=500)
Here we have the function which opens the second window and here (I guess) is where I want to put the image.
This part also has two buttons named mih which does nothing in the meantime and ok which calls the function to close the second window:
def abrirventana2():
Function to close the second window:
def cerrarventana2():
I use the mainloop to keep the window open
Note: I had already tried creating a frame in the second window, but it didn't work.
Apologies for my previously incorrect answer.
The reason the image is not showing is due to the fact that you did not create a reference to it. If you don't create a reference, the image is garbage collected, which doesn't remove it, but in a sense just renders a blank placeholder on the GUI.
In order to display the image correctly you need to add a reference to the image within the code that displays the image.
You therefore now have:
label1.image = fondov
(label1.image = fondov is the reference)
Sorry for the confusion there. This should work.
I have a label sitting on a frame which is updated periodically to show the status of the application. Periodically, the name of the item being processed will not fit into the window, and with the way I currently have the label configured the window expands to accomidate the label.
Ideally, I'd like way to smartly truncate the text on the label (and then expand if someone expands the window). Is there an easy way to accomplish this?
Practically speaking, how can I just stop the window to expanding based on changes to text in the label?
This is an aproximation of the code I'm working on that is not exhibiting the desired behavior (there is a link at the bottom to the actual code file):
r = tk.Tk()
statusFrame = tk.Frame(r, relief=tk.SUNKEN, borderwidth=2)
statusFrame.pack(anchor=tk.SW, fill=tk.X, side=tk.BOTTOM)
statusVar = tk.StringVar()
tk.Label(statusFrame, textvariable=statusVar).pack(side=tk.LEFT)
statusVar.set("this is a long text, window size should remain the same")
Actual code available here.
The answer depends very much on the way you currently have configured the widget.
For example, I can get the desired functionality as such:
>>> import Tkinter as tk
>>> r=tk.Tk()
>>> r.title('hello')
>>> l= tk.Label(r, name='lbl', width=20, text='reduce the window width')
>>> l.pack(fill=tk.BOTH) # or tk.X, depends; check interactive resizing now
>>> l['text']= "This is a long text, window size should remain the same"
Tell us what you do in your code for a more precise (appropriate for your code) answer.
Is it possible to create a multi-line label with word wrap that resizes in sync with the width of its parent? In other words the wordwrap behavior of Notepad as you change the width of the NotePad window.
The use case is a dialog that needs to present a block of multi-line text (instructions) in its entirety without having the text clipped or resorting to scrollbars. The parent container will have enough vertical space to accomodate narrow widths.
I've been experimenting with Tkinter Label and Message widgets and the ttk Label widget without success. It seems that I need to hard code a pixel wraplength value vs. have these controls auto wordwrap when their text reaches the right edge of their containers. Certainly Tkinters geometry managers can help me auto-resize my labels and update their wraplength values accordingly?
Should I be looking at the Text widget instead? If so, is it possible to hide the border of a Text widget so I can use it as a multi-line label with wordwrap?
Here's a prototype of how one might do what I described above. It was inspired by Bryan Oakley's tip to use the Text widget and the following post on Stackoverflow:
In python's tkinter, how can I make a Label such that you can select the text with the mouse?
from Tkinter import *
master = Tk()
text = """
If tkinter is 8.5 or above you'll want the selection background to appear like it does when the widget is activated. Comment this out for older versions of Tkinter.
This is even more text.
The final line of our auto-wrapping label that supports clipboard copy.
frameLabel = Frame( master, padx=20, pady=20 )
w = Text( frameLabel, wrap='word', font='Arial 12 italic' )
w.insert( 1.0, text )
# - have selection background appear like it does when the widget is activated (Tkinter 8.5+)
# - have label background color match its parent background color via .cget('bg')
# - set relief='flat' to hide Text control borders
# - set state='disabled' to block changes to text (while still allowing selection/clipboard copy)
w.configure( bg=master.cget('bg'), relief='flat', state='disabled' )
Use Message widget:
The Message widget is a variant of the Label, designed to display multiline messages. The message widget can wrap text, and adjust its width to maintain a given aspect ratio.
No, there is no feature built-in to Tk to auto-word-wrap labels. However, it's doable by binding to the <Configure> event of the label and adjusting the wrap length then. This binding will fire every time the label widget is resized.
The other option, as you suggest, is to use a text widget. It is possible to entirely turn off the border if you so desire. This has always been my choice when I want word-wrapped instructional text.
Here is the code:
entry = Label(self, text=text,
anchor=NW, justify=LEFT,
relief=RIDGE, bd=2)
def y(event, entry=entry):
# FIXME: make this a global method, to prevent function object creation
# for every label.
pad = 0
pad += int(str(entry['bd']))
pad += int(str(entry['padx']))
pad *= 2
entry.configure(wraplength = event.width - pad)
entry.bind("<Configure>", y )
The tkinter.Message widget suggested by some people does NOT use TTK styling, which means that it's gonna look like garbage inside a TTK (themed) interface.
You could manually apply the background and foreground colors from your TTK theme to the tkinter.Message (by instantiating ttk.Style() and requesting the active themes' TLabel foreground and background colors from that style object), but it's not worth it... because the ancient Message widget has ZERO advantages over TTK's regular ttk.Label.
The tkinter.Message widget has an "aspect ratio" property that defines how many pixels until it wraps.
The ttk.Label instead has a wraplength= property which determines how many pixels until the words wrap. You should also use its anchor= and justify= properties to customize it to your exact desires. With these properties you can make your Label behave as the old Message widget did.
Example: ttk.Label(root, text="foo", wraplength=220, anchor=tkinter.NW, justify=tkinter.LEFT). Creates a beautifully styled label which permanently wraps its text after 220 pixels wide.
As for automatically updating the wraplength? Well, you should attach to the <Configure> event as people have said... However, if you have a completely fluid window (which resizes itself to fit all content), or a grid/frame that is fluid and contains the label, then you can't automatically calculate it that way, because the parent WINDOW/CONTAINER itself will EXPAND whenever the label grows too wide. Which means that the label will always resize itself to the maximum width it would need to fit all text. So, updating wraplength automatically is only possible if the label itself has some constraints on how wide it can grow (either via its parent container being a fixed size/maxsize, or itself being a fixed size/maxsize). In that case, sure, you can use configure to calculate new wrapping numbers to make sure the text always wraps... However, the example code by t7ko is broken and not valid anymore, just fyi.