I'm getting this error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Python27/test", line 14, in <module>
tck = interpolate.bisplrep(X,Y,Z)
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\scipy\interpolate\fitpack.py", line 850, in bisplrep
raise TypeError('m >= (kx+1)(ky+1) must hold')
TypeError: m >= (kx+1)(ky+1) must hold
The error says that len(X) = m is <=(kx+1)(ky+1). How can I solve this? Here's my program:
import scipy
import math
import numpy
from scipy import interpolate
x= [1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000]
y= [1000]
Y = numpy.array([[i]*len(x) for i in y])
X = numpy.array([x for i in y])
Z = numpy.array([[21284473.74,2574509.71,453334.97,95761.64,30580.45,25580.60]])
tck = interpolate.bisplrep(x,y,Z)
print interpolate.bisplev(3500,1000,tck)
Have you read the documentation?
If you don't specify kx and ky, default values will be 3:
scipy.interpolate.bisplrep(x, y, z, w=None, xb=None, xe=None, yb=None, ye=None,
kx=3, ky=3, task=0, s=None, eps=1e-16, tx=None, ty=None,
full_output=0, nxest=None, nyest=None, quiet=1)
And of course, len(X) = 6 < 16 = (3+1)(3+1).
Even if you give kx=1 and ky=1 explicitly while calling, you have another problem. Your (x,y) values form a line, and you can not define a surface from a line. Therefore it gives you ValueError: Invalid inputs.. First, you should fix your data. If this is your data, as you have no variation in Y, skip it and do a spline in 2D with X and Z.
My question is similar to this post but I'm having some trouble adapting it:
Ambiguous truth value for meshgrid and user-defined functions using if-statement
Essentially, I would like the conditional statement to not look like this:
import numpy as np
def test(x, y):
a = 1.0/(1+x*x)
b = np.ones(y.shape)
mask = (y!=0)
b[mask] = np.sin(y[mask])/y[mask]
return a*b
Rather, the "mask" to depend on whether x,y lie within a certain polygon. So every value in the resulting array is a 1, but a polygon between 4 values is generated. I only want the function to apply to points from the 2 meshgrid inputs (X,Y) which lay inside the polygon
x and y are real numbers that can be negative.
I'm not sure how to pass in the array items as singular values.
I ultimately want to plot Z on a colour plot
i.e. points within a polygon undergo a transformation, points outside the polygon remain as 1
For example, I would expect my function to look like this
from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
def f(x, y, poly):
a = 1.0/(1+x*x)
b = np.ones(y.shape)
mask = (Point(x,y).within(poly) == True)
b[mask] = a*b
return b
x and y are meshgrids of arbitrary dimensions
I should add that I get the following error:
"only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars"
X and Y are generated and the function is called via
coords = [(0, 0), (4,0), (4,4), (0,4)]
poly = Polygon(coords)
x = np.linspace(0,10, 11, endpoint = True) # x intervals
y = np.linspace(0,10,11, endpoint = True) # y intervals
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x,y)
Z = f(X, Y, poly)
Error Message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "meshgrid_understanding.py", line 28, in <module>
Z = f(X, Y, poly)
File "meshgrid_understanding.py", line 16, in f
mask = (Point(x,y).within(poly) != True)
File "C:\Users\Nick\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\site-packages\shapely\geometry\point.py", line 48, in __init__
File "C:\Users\Nick\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\site-packages\shapely\geometry\point.py", line 137, in _set_coords
self._geom, self._ndim = geos_point_from_py(tuple(args))
File "C:\Users\Nick\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\site-packages\shapely\geometry\point.py", line 214, in geos_point_from_py
dx = c_double(coords[0])
TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
Matplotlib has a function that accepts an array of points. Demo:
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.path import Path
coords = [(0, 0), (4,0), (4,4), (0,4)]
x = np.linspace(0, 10, 11, endpoint=True)
y = np.linspace(0, 10, 11, endpoint=True)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
points = np.c_[X.ravel(), Y.ravel()]
mask = Path(coords).contains_points(points).reshape(X.shape)
You are passing an array to the function Point that accepts single values.
I'm trying to do some plots of some symbolic data. I have some expression from a regression in the form:
expr = '(((((((((1.0)*(2.0)))-(ER)))-(-0.37419122066665467))*0.006633039574629684)*(0.006633039574629684*((((T)-(((1.0)+(P)))))-(P))))+0.1451920626347467)'
Where expr here is some prediction: f = f(T, P, ER). I know this particular example is a crazy expression but it's not really super important. Basically, supposing I have some dataframe, plotdata, I am trying to produce plots with:
import pandas
import sympy
import numexpr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
expr = '(((((((((1.0)*(2.0)))-(ER)))-(-0.37419122066665467))*0.006633039574629684)*(0.006633039574629684*((((T)-(((1.0)+(P)))))-(P))))+0.1451920626347467)'
#Extract some data for surface plot but fixing one variable
plotdata = plotdata.loc[(plotdata.P == 1)]
#Extract data as lists for plotting
x = list(plotdata['T'])
y = list(plotdata['ER'])
f_real = list(plotdata['f'])
T_sympy = sympy.Symbol('T')
P_sympy = sympy.Symbol('P')
ER_sympy = sympy.Symbol('ER')
f_pred = numexpr.evaluate(expr)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.plot_trisurf(x,y,f_real, alpha = 0.3)
However, I am getting an error with f_pred.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numexpr/necompiler.py", line 744, in getArguments
a = local_dict[name]
KeyError: 'ER'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<ipython-input-100-c765b0f1e5ce>", line 1, in <module>
File "/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numexpr/necompiler.py", line 818, in evaluate
arguments = getArguments(names, local_dict, global_dict)
File "/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numexpr/necompiler.py", line 746, in getArguments
a = global_dict[name]
KeyError: 'ER'
I am not super familiar with the numexpr package. However, I have been building this up from a 1D regression to now a 3D regression. ER was my 1D variable and was working fine. I have obviously slightly altered my code since the 1D case but I am still slightly at a loss as to why this error is popping up.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
I've figured it out. Pretty silly error in the end. I needed to change:
#Extract data as lists for plotting
x = list(plotdata['T'])
y = list(plotdata['ER'])
T = list(plotdata['T'])
ER = list(plotdata['ER'])
P = list(plotdata['P'])
i.e. numexpr.evaluate was looking for the input data, not the symbol!
I am fitting a very simple curve having three points. with leastsq method, following all the rules. But still I am getting error. I cannot understand. Can anyone help. Thank you so much
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
x = np.array([2.0,30.2,15.0])
y = np.array([45.0,56.2,30.0])
# model
def t(x,a,b,c):
return a*x**2 + b*x + c
#residual fucntion
def residual_t(x,y,a,b,c):
return y-t(x,a,b,c)
#initial parameters
g0 = np.array([0.0,0.0,0.0])
#leastsq method
coeffs, cov = leastsq(residual_t, g0, args=(x,y))
#finding out Rsquared and Radj squared value
absError = residual_t(y,x,*coeffs)
se = np.square(absError) # squared errors
Rsquared = 1.0 - (np.var(absError) / np.var(y))
n = len(x)
k = len(coeffs)
Radj_sq = (1-((1-Rsquared)/(n-1)))/(n-k-1)
print (f'Rsquared value: {Rsquared} adjusted R saquared value: {Radj_sq}')
TypeError: residual_t() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'b' and 'c'
coeffs is already a array containing best it values of a, b,c. coeffs is also showing undefined and residual_t is also showing problem. Could you please help me to understand.
With a copy-n-paste of your code (including the *coeffs change), I get
1135:~/mypy$ python3 stack58206395.py
[ 2. 30.2 15. ]
[45. 56.2 30. ]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "stack58206395.py", line 24, in <module>
coeffs, cov = leastsq(residual_t, g0, args=(x,y))
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/scipy/optimize/minpack.py", line 383, in leastsq
shape, dtype = _check_func('leastsq', 'func', func, x0, args, n)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/scipy/optimize/minpack.py", line 26, in _check_func
res = atleast_1d(thefunc(*((x0[:numinputs],) + args)))
TypeError: residual_t() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'b' and 'c'
That is the error is in the use of residual_t within the leastsq call.
If I add
residual_t(g0, x, y)
right after the g0 definition I get the same error:
1136:~/mypy$ python3 stack58206395.py
[ 2. 30.2 15. ]
[45. 56.2 30. ]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "stack58206395.py", line 23, in <module>
residual_t(g0, x, y)
TypeError: residual_t() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'b' and 'c'
So you need to define residual_t to work with a call like this. I'm not going to take a guess as to what you really want, so I'll leave the fix up to you.
Just remember that residual_t will be called with the x0, spliced with the args tuple. This is typical usage for scipy.optimize functions. Review the docs if necessary.
Defining the function as:
def residual_t(abc, x, y):
a,b,c = abc
return y-t(x,a,b,c)
runs without error.
I have the following code:
import numpy as np
def J(x, y):
return np.matrix([[8-(4 * y), -4 * y], [y, -5 + x]])
x_0 = np.matrix([[1], [1]])
test = J(x_0[0], x_0[1])
When I go to run it I receive the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "broyden.py", line 15, in <module>
test = J(x_0[0][0], x_0[1][0])
File "broyden.py", line 12, in J
return np.matrix([[8-(4 * y), -4 * y], [y, -5 + x]])
File "/home/collin/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/matrixlib/defmatrix.py", line 261, in __new__
raise ValueError("matrix must be 2-dimensional")
ValueError: matrix must be 2-dimensional
I don't understand why I'm getting this error. Everything appears to be 2-d.
The type of x_0[0] is still numpy.matrixlib.defmatrix.matrix, not a scalar value.
You need get a scale value to treat as a matrix element. Try this code
test = J(x_0.item(0), x_0.item(1))
I seem to be getting an error when I use the root-finder in scipy. I was wondering if anyone could point out what I'm doing wrong.
The function I'm finding the root of is just an easy example, and not particularly important.
If I run this code with scipy 0.9.0:
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
tmpFunc = lambda xIn: (xIn[0]-4)**2 + (xIn[1]-5)**2 + (xIn[2]-7)**3
x0 = [3,4,5]
xFinal = fsolve(tmpFunc, x0 )
print xFinal
I get the following error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tmpStack.py", line 7, in <module>
xFinal = fsolve(tmpFunc, x0 )
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/scipy/optimize/minpack.py", line 115, in fsolve
_check_func('fsolve', 'func', func, x0, args, n, (n,))
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/scipy/optimize/minpack.py", line 26, in _check_func
raise TypeError(msg)
TypeError: fsolve: there is a mismatch between the input and output shape of the 'func' argument '<lambda>'.
Well it looks like I was trying to use this routine incorrectly. This routine requires the same number of equations and variables vs. the one equation with three variables I gave it. So if the input to the function to be minimized is a 3-D array the output should be a 3-D array. This code works:
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
tmpFunc = lambda xIn: np.array( [(xIn[0]-4)**2 + xIn[1], (xIn[1]-5)**2 - xIn[2]) \
, (xIn[2]-7)**3 + xIn[0] ] )
x0 = [3,4,5]
xFinal = fsolve(tmpFunc, x0 )
print xFinal
Which represents solving three equations simultaneously.