I am trying to do Sqlite3 query via webpy framework.The query works in SQLiteManager. But with web.db i get "sqlite3.OperationalError no such column a.id".
Is this a webpy bug?
import web
db = web.database(dbn='sqlite', db='data/feed.db')
account = 1
SELECT a.id, a.url, a.title, a.description, a.account_count, b.id subscribed FROM
(SELECT feed.id, feed.url, feed.title, feed.description, count(account_feed.id) account_count
FROM feed
LEFT OUTER JOIN account_feed
ON feed.id=account_feed.feed_id AND feed.actived=1
GROUP BY feed.id, feed.url, feed.title, feed.description
ORDER BY count(account_feed.id) DESC, feed.id DESC)
a LEFT OUTER JOIN account_feed b ON a.id=b.feed_id AND b.account_id=$account'''
return list(self._db.query(query,vars=locals()))
Traceback is here:http://pastebin.com/pUA7zB9H
Not sure why you are getting the error "no such column a.id", but
it may help to
use a multiline string (easier to read),
use a parametrized argument for account (Was $account a Perl-hangover?)
query = '''
SELECT a.id, a.url, a.title, a.description, a.account_count, b.id subscribed
FROM ( {q} ) a
LEFT OUTER JOIN account_feed b
ON a.id=b.feed_id
AND b.account_id = ?'''.format(q=query)
I'm try to filter if id of column A not exist in column B by this code.
query = db.session.query().select_from(Spare_Parts, Vendors, Replacement)\
.filter(Vendors.vendor_code == Spare_Parts.vendor_code,\
~ exists().where(Spare_Parts.spare_part_code == Replacement.spare_part_code))
I want to query the data from Spare_Parts that not have an id exist in Replacement as a foriegn key but i got the error like this.
Select statement 'SELECT *
FROM spare_parts, replacement
WHERE spare_parts.spare_part_code = replacement.spare_part_code' returned no FROM clauses due to auto-correlation; specify correlate(<tables>) to control correlation manually.
So what is a problem and how to fix that.
try to use the subquery like this instead
to filter spare_part_code from spare_parts which are not in replacement table``
FROM spare_parts
WHERE spare_parts.spare_part_code not in
(select distinct
FROM replacement)
or you can use not exists
FROM spare_parts
WHERE not exists
(select 1
FROM replacement
where spare_parts.spare_parts_code = replacement.spare_parts_code)
The SQL query I have can identify the Max Edit Time from the 3 tables that it is joining together:
Select Identity.SSN, Schedule.First_Class, Students.Last_Name,
(SELECT Max(v)
FROM (VALUES (Students.Edit_DtTm), (Schedule.Edit_DtTm),
(Identity.Edit_DtTm)) AS value(v)) as [MaxEditDate]
FROM Schedule
LEFT JOIN Students ON Schedule.stdnt_id=Students.Student_Id
LEFT JOIN Identity ON Schedule.std_id=Identity.std_id
I need this to be in SQLAlchemy so I can reference the columns being used elsewhere in my code. Below is the simplest version of what i'm trying to do but it doesn't work. I've tried changing around how I query it but I either get a SQL error that I'm using VALUES incorrectly or it doesn't join properly and gets me the actual highest value in those columns without matching it to the outer query
max_edit_subquery = sa.func.values(Students.Edit_DtTm, Schedule.Edit_DtTm, Identity.Edit_DtTm)
base_query = (sa.select([Identity.SSN, Schedule.First_Class, Students.Last_Name,
select_from(Schedule.__table__.join(Students, Schedule.stdnt_id == Students.stdnt_id).
join(Ident, Schedule.std_id == Identity.std_id)))
I am not an expert at SQLAlchemy but you could exchange VALUES with UNION ALL:
Select Identity.SSN, Schedule.First_Class, Students.Last_Name,
(SELECT Max(v)
FROM (SELECT Students.Edit_DtTm AS v
UNION ALL SELECT Identity.Edit_DtTm) s
) as [MaxEditDate]
FROM Schedule
LEFT JOIN Students ON Schedule.stdnt_id=Students.Student_Id
LEFT JOIN Identity ON Schedule.std_id=Identity.std_id;
Another approach is to use GREATEST function (not available in T-SQL):
Select Identity.SSN, Schedule.First_Class, Students.Last_Name,
GREATEST(Students.Edit_DtTm, Schedule.Edit_DtTm,Identity.Edit_DtTm)
as [MaxEditDate]
FROM Schedule
LEFT JOIN Students ON Schedule.stdnt_id=Students.Student_Id
LEFT JOIN Identity ON Schedule.std_id=Identity.std_id;
I hope that it will help you to translate it to ORM version.
I had the similar problem and i solved using the below approach. I have added the full code and resultant query. The code was executed on the MSSQL server. I had used different tables and masked with the tables and columns used in your requirement in the below code snippet.
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
from sqlalchemy.types import String
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import FromClause
class values(FromClause):
def __init__(self, *args):
self.column_names = args
def compile_values(element, compiler, asfrom=False, **kwrgs):
values = "VALUES %s" % ", ".join("(%s)" % compiler.render_literal_value(elem, String()) for elem in element.column_names)
if asfrom:
values = "(%s)" % values
return values
base_query = self.db_session.query(Schedule.Edit_DtTm.label("Schedule_Edit_DtTm"),
).outerjoin(Students, Schedule.stdnt_id==Students.Student_Id
).outerjoin(Identity, Schedule.std_id==Identity.std_id).subquery()
values_at_from_clause = values(("Students_Edit_DtTm"), ("Schedule_Edit_DtTm"), ("Identity_Edit_DtTm")
get_max_from_values = self.db_session.query(func.max(text('MaxEditDate'))
output_query = self.db_session.query(get_max_from_values.subquery()
**print output_query**
anon_1.Schedule_Edit_DtTm AS anon_1_Schedule_Edit_DtTm,
anon_1.Students_Edit_DtTm AS anon_1_Students_Edit_DtTm,
anon_1.Identity_Edit_DtTm AS anon_1_Identity_Edit_DtTm,
anon_1.SSN AS anon_1_SSN
max( MaxEditDate ) AS max_1
VALUES (Students_Edit_DtTm),
) AS values(MaxEditDate)
) AS anon_2
) AS MaxEditDate
Schedule.Edit_DtTm AS Schedule_Edit_DtTm,
Students.Edit_DtTm AS Students_Edit_DtTm,
Identity.Edit_DtTm AS Identity_Edit_DtTm,
Identity.SSN AS SSN
) AS anon_1
I'm struggling to write an aggregating GROUP BY query with SQL Alchemy that returns the result of aggregating over a table "lower down" and a joined entity "higher up" which happens to be the grouping key, instead of returning the aggregating entity, e.g.:
qry = session.query(PSU, func.count(PSU.id)).join(PSU).join(StockUnit).join(Part).group_by(Part)
but I want to return (Part, the_count), not (PSU, the_count). Writing session.query(Part, func.count(...)) queries the wrong way round.
Here is the SQL I want query using SQL Alchemy semantics:
p.*, -- the joined entity
count(psu.*) -- the aggregate
from packaged_stock_unit psu
inner join stock_unit su
on su.id = psu.stock_unit_id
inner join part p
on p.id = su.part_id
psu.some_value = 1
and psu.package_id = 1
group by psu.package_id, p.sku;
Perhaps this is possible with the SQLAlchemy base functions?
Use select_from() to control the "left" side of the join in case you need it:
qry = session.query(Part, func.count(PSU.id)).\
Note: this is a question about SQL Alchemy's expression language not the ORM
SQL Alchemy is fine for adding WHERE or HAVING clauses to an existing query:
q = select([bmt_gene.c.id]).select_from(bmt_gene)
q = q.where(bmt_gene.c.ensembl_id == "ENSG00000000457")
print q
SELECT bmt_gene.id
FROM bmt_gene
WHERE bmt_gene.ensembl_id = %s
However if you try to add a JOIN in the same way you'll get an exception:
q = select([bmt_gene.c.id]).select_from(bmt_gene)
q = q.join(bmt_gene_name)
sqlalchemy.exc.NoForeignKeysError: Can't find any foreign key relationships between 'Select object' and 'bmt_gene_name'
If you specify the columns it creates a subquery (which is incomplete SQL anyway):
q = select([bmt_gene.c.id]).select_from(bmt_gene)
q = q.join(bmt_gene_name, q.c.id == bmt_gene_name.c.gene_id)
(SELECT bmt_gene.id AS id FROM bmt_gene)
JOIN bmt_gene_name ON id = bmt_gene_name.gene_id
But what I actually want is this:
bmt_gene.id AS id
JOIN bmt_gene_name ON id = bmt_gene_name.gene_id
edit: Adding the JOIN has to be after the creation of the initial query expression q. The idea is that I make a basic query skeleton then I iterate over all the joins requested by the user and add them to the query.
Can this be done in SQL Alchemy?
The first error (NoForeignKeysError) means that your table lacks foreign key definition. Fix this if you don't want to write join clauses by hand:
from sqlalchemy.types import Integer
from sqlalchemy.schema import MetaData, Table, Column, ForeignKey
meta = MetaData()
bmt_gene_name = Table(
'bmt_gene_name', meta,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('gene_id', Integer, ForeignKey('bmt_gene.id')),
# ...
The joins in SQLAlchemy expression language work a little bit different from what you expect. You need to create Join object where you join all the tables and only then provide it to Select object:
q = select([bmt_gene.c.id])
q = q.where(bmt_gene.c.ensembl_id == 'ENSG00000000457')
j = bmt_gene # Initial table to join.
table_list = [bmt_gene_name, some_other_table, ...]
for table in table_list:
j = j.join(table)
q = q.select_from(j)
The reason why you see the subquery in your join is that Select object is treated like a table (which essentially it is) which you asked to join to another table.
You can access the current select_from of a query with the froms attribute, and then join it with another table and update the select_from.
As explained in the documentation, calling select_from usually adds another selectable to the FROM list, however:
Passing a Join that refers to an already present Table or other selectable will have the effect of concealing the presence of that selectable as an individual element in the rendered FROM list, instead rendering it into a JOIN clause.
So you can add a join like this, for example:
q = select([bmt_gene.c.id]).select_from(bmt_gene)
q = q.select_from(
join(q.froms[0], bmt_gene_name,
bmt_gene.c.id == bmt_gene_name.c.gene_id)
The following works in SQLite Manager, but doesn't in Python. I get the following error:
sqlite3.OperationalError: no such column: domain_list.short_name
I've tried taking out the "AS domain_list" and referring to just "short_name" and also "websites.short_name" but it still doesn't work in Python. But does in SQLite Manager. It works ok with just the sub query, just not when I join the subquery to the domain_info table.
Any ideas?
INNER JOIN product_info ON product_prices.product_info_id = product_info.id
WHERE product_info.archive = 1
) AS domain_list
domain_list.short_name = domain_info.domain