Help adding threading for GUI progress - python

I have an FTP function that traces the progress of running upload but my understanding of threading is limited and i have been unable to implement a working solution... I'd like to add a GUI progress bar to my current Application by using threading. Can someone show me a basic function using asynchronous threads that can be updated from another running thread?
def ftpUploader():
BLOCKSIZE = 57344 # size 56 kB
ftp = ftplib.FTP()
ftp.login(login, passwd)
ftp.voidcmd("TYPE I")
f = open(zipname, 'rb')
datasock, esize = ftp.ntransfercmd(
'STOR %s' % os.path.basename(zipname))
size = os.stat(zipname)[6]
bytes_so_far = 0
print 'started'
while 1:
buf =
if not buf:
bytes_so_far += len(buf)
print "\rSent %d of %d bytes %.1f%%\r" % (
bytes_so_far, size, 100 * bytes_so_far / size)
print 'Complete...'

Here's a quick overview of threading, just in case :) I won't go into too much detail into the GUI stuff, other than to say that you should check out wxWidgets. Whenever you do something that takes a long time, like:
from time import sleep
for i in range(5):
You'll notice that to the user, the entire block of code seems to take 50 seconds. In those 5 seconds, your application can't do anything like update the interface, and so it looks like it's frozen. To solve this problem, we use threading.
Usually there are two parts to this problem; the overall set of things you want to process, and the operation that takes a while, that we'd like to chop up. In this case, the overall set is the for loop and the operation we want chopped up is the sleep(10) function.
Here's a quick template for the threading code, based on our previous example. You should be able to work your code into this example.
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep
# Threading.
# The amount of seconds to wait before checking for an unpause condition.
# Sleeping is necessary because if we don't, we'll block the os and make the
# program look like it's frozen.
# The number of iterations we want.
class myThread(Thread):
A thread used to do some stuff.
def __init__(self, gui, otherStuff):
Constructor. We pass in a reference to the GUI object we want
to update here, as well as any other variables we want this
thread to be aware of.
# Construct the parent instance.
# Store the gui, so that we can update it later.
self.gui = gui
# Store any other variables we want this thread to have access to.
self.myStuff = otherStuff
# Tracks the paused and stopped states of the thread.
self.isPaused = False
self.isStopped = False
def pause(self):
Called to pause the thread.
self.isPaused = True
def unpause(self):
Called to unpause the thread.
self.isPaused = False
def stop(self):
Called to stop the thread.
self.isStopped = True
def run(self):
The main thread code.
# The current iteration.
currentIteration = 0
# Keep going if the job is active.
while self.isStopped == False:
# Check for a pause.
if self.isPaused:
# Sleep to let the os schedule other tasks.
# Continue with the loop.
# Check to see if we're still processing the set of
# things we want to do.
if currentIteration < TOTAL_ITERATIONS:
# Do the individual thing we want to do.
# Update the count.
currentIteration += 1
# Update the gui.
# Stop the loop.
self.isStopped = True
except Exception as exception:
# If anything bad happens, report the error. It won't
# get written to stderr.
print exception
# Stop the loop.
self.isStopped = True
# Tell the gui we're done.
To call this thread, all you have to do is:
aThread = myThread(myGui,myOtherStuff)


How can I send a value from a python script to another script?

For example the first script:
from secondScript import Second
while True:
lastResult = <a list> --> I need to send this result to other script
My other script
class Second:
def __init__(self):
self.dum = Thread(target=self.func1)
self.dum.deamon = True
self.tis = Thread(target=self.func2, args= <a list>)
self.tis.deamon = True
def func1(self):
while True:
def func2(self, lastResult):
while True:
As a result, I want to send the value which I found in the first script to a infinity thread function in script 2. I can't import first script to second because I am also getting another values from script 2 to script 1.
We can think of it like: There is a part of my program that is already running. We can say that I am getting real time images from the camera. While the whole code is running, it also generates a number value continuously and uninterruptedly. All of these operations are done in the 1st file. While the 1st file continues to work, it needs to continuously send this number to the 2nd file. In the second code, 2 different infinite loop functions are running at the same time. In the 1st function, the data from the arduino is constantly being read continuously and uninterruptedly. The 2nd function should print the number which coming from the 1st code. So actually there is nothing I can change in code 1. I am generating the number value. I need to send it to code 2 somehow. I'm not sure how to edit the code you wrote. Any sleep etc. I can't use any interrupt method because in code 1 the camera should work without interruption.
Ok this answers your question, but I changed a bit the structure. I would do it as follows:
EDIT: If you have streams of continuous data like the CameraFeed you mentioned, you can use a Queue with a pattern like this (You don't really need the Second class in this case, you can implement the CameraFeed and CameraDataConsumer in different classes).
If the dum thread does not send data to the tis thread, you can use the send_data method of tis to send data to it through main function and remove the queue from CameraFeed.
from threading import Event, Thread
from queue import Queue, Full
import time
class CameraFeed(Thread):
def __init__(self, queue):
# This event is used to stop the thread
# Initially it is unset (False)
self._stopped_event = Event()
self._queue = queue
self._data = []
def run(self):
# sample_data is for demo purposes remove it and
# fetch data however you do it
sample_data = iter(range(10**10))
# Loop as long as the stopped event is not set
while not self._stopped_event.is_set():
# Get data from camera this is mock data
data = next(sample_data)
# Put data in the list for data to be sent
# Get the next available item from the list
data = self._data.pop(0)
# This tries to puts in the queue
# if queue is at max capacity raises a Full Exception
print('CameraFeed, sent data:', data)
except Full:
# If exception occures, put the data back to list
self._data.insert(0, data)
def stop(self):
# Sets the stopped event, so the thread exits the run loop
class CameraDataConsumer(Thread):
def __init__(self, queue):
self._stopped_event = Event()
self._queue = queue
def run(self):
while not self._stopped_event.is_set():
# Waits for data from queue
data = self._queue.get(block=True)
# If data is None then do nothing
if data is None:
print('CameraConsumer, got data:', data)
def send_data(self, data):
"""Method to send data to this thread from main probably"""
self._queue.put(data, block=True)
def stop(self):
# Set the stopped event flag
# Try to put data to queue, to wake up the thread
self._queue.put_nowait(Data(None, EventType.OPERATION))
except Full:
# If queue is full, don't do anything it is probably
# safe to assume that setting the stop flag is sufficient
print('Queue is full')
# Create a Queue with capacity 1000
queue = Queue(maxsize=1000)
dum = CameraFeed(queue)
tis = CameraDataConsumer(queue)
# time.sleep is for demo purposes
In first script:
print(lastResult, end='\n', file=sys.stdout, flush=True)
In other script and other thread:
second = Second()
for lastResult in sys.stdin:
lastResult = lastResult[:-1]

Multiple stdout w/ flush going on in Python threading

I have a small piece of code that I made to test out and hopefully debug the problem without having to modify the code in my main applet in Python. This has let me to build this code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, threading, time
def loop1():
count = 0
while True:
sys.stdout.write('\r thread 1: ' + str(count))
count = count + 1
def loop2():
count = 0
print ""
while True:
sys.stdout.write('\r thread 2: ' + str(count))
count = count + 2
if __name__ == '__main__':
th = threading.Thread(target=loop1)
th1 = threading.Thread(target=loop2)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print ""
My goal with this code is to be able to have both of these threads displaying output in stdout format (with flushing) at the same time and have then side by side or something. problem is that I assume since it is flushing each one, it flushes the other string by default. I don't quite know how to get this to work if it is even possible.
If you just run one of the threads, it works fine. However I want to be able to run both threads with their own string running at the same time in the terminal output. Here is a picture displaying what I'm getting:
terminal screenshot
let me know if you need more info. thanks in advance.
Instead of allowing each thread to output to stdout, a better solution is to have one thread control stdout exclusively. Then provide a threadsafe channel for the other threads to dispatch data to be output.
One good method to achieve this is to share a Queue between all threads. Ensure that only the output thread is accessing data after it has been added to the queue.
The output thread can store the last message from each other thread and use that data to format stdout nicely. This can include clearing output to display something like this, and update it as each thread generates new data.
#1: 0
#2: 0
Some decisions were made to simplify this example:
There are gotchas to be wary of when giving arguments to threads.
Daemon threads terminate themselves when the main thread exits. They are used to avoid adding complexity to this answer. Using them on long-running or large applications can pose problems. Other
questions discuss how to exit a multithreaded application without leaking memory or locking system resources. You will need to think about how your program needs to signal an exit. Consider using asyncio to save yourself these considerations.
No newlines are used because \r carriage returns cannot clear the whole console. They only allow the current line to be rewritten.
import queue, threading
import time, sys
q = queue.Queue()
keepRunning = True
def loop_output():
thread_outputs = dict()
while keepRunning:
thread_id, data = q.get_nowait()
thread_outputs[thread_id] = data
except queue.Empty:
# because the queue is used to update, there's no need to wait or block.
pretty_output = ""
for thread_id, data in thread_outputs.items():
pretty_output += '({}:{}) '.format(thread_id, str(data))
sys.stdout.write('\r' + pretty_output)
def loop_count(thread_id, increment):
count = 0
while keepRunning:
msg = (thread_id, count)
except queue.Full:
count = count + increment
if __name__ == '__main__':
th_out = threading.Thread(target=loop_output)
# make sure to use args, not pass arguments directly
th0 = threading.Thread(target=loop_count, args=("Thread0", 1))
th0.daemon = True
th1 = threading.Thread(target=loop_count, args=("Thread1", 3))
th1.daemon = True
# Keep the main thread alive to wait for KeyboardInterrupt
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Ended by keyboard stroke")
keepRunning = False
for th in [th0, th1]:
Example Output:
(Thread0:110) (Thread1:330)

Can I somehow avoid using time.sleep() in this script?

I have the following python script:
#! /usr/bin/python
import os
from gps import *
from time import *
import time
import threading
import sys
gpsd = None #seting the global variable
class GpsPoller(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
global gpsd #bring it in scope
gpsd = gps(mode=WATCH_ENABLE) #starting the stream of info
self.current_value = None
self.running = True #setting the thread running to true
def run(self):
global gpsd
while gpsp.running: #this will continue to loop and grab EACH set of gpsd info to clear the buffer
if __name__ == '__main__':
gpsp = GpsPoller() # create the thread
gpsp.start() # start it up
while True:
print gpsd.fix.speed
time.sleep(1) ## <<<< THIS LINE HERE
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): #when you press ctrl+c
print "\nKilling Thread..."
gpsp.running = False
gpsp.join() # wait for the thread to finish what it's doing
print "Done.\nExiting."
I'm not very good with python, unfortunately. The script should be multi-threaded somehow (but that probably doesn't matter in the scope of this question).
What baffles me is the line. If I get it right, it was supposed to tell the script that new gps data have been acquired and are ready to be read.
However, I read the data using the infinite while True loop with a 1 second pause with time.sleep(1).
What this does, however, is that it sometimes echoes the same data twice (the sensor hasn't updated the data in the last second). I figure it also skips some sensor data somehow too.
Can I somehow change the script to print the current speed not every second, but every time the sensor reports new data? According to the data sheet it should be every second (a 1 Hz sensor), but obviously it isn't exactly 1 second, but varies by milliseconds.
As a generic design rule, you should have one thread for each input channel or more generic, for each "loop over a blocking call". Blocking means that the execution stops at that call until data arrives. E.g. is such a call.
To synchronize multiple input channels, use a Queue and one extra thread. Each input thread should put its "events" on the (same) queue. The extra thread loops over queue.get() and reacts appropriately.
From this point of view, your script need not be multithreaded, since there is only one input channel, namely the loop.
Example code:
from gps import *
class GpsPoller(object):
def __init__(self, action):
self.gpsd = gps(mode=WATCH_ENABLE) #starting the stream of info
def run(self):
while True:
def myaction(gpsd):
print gpsd.fix.speed
if __name__ == '__main__':
gpsp = GpsPoller(myaction) # runs until killed by Ctrl-C
Note how the use of the action callback separates the plumbing from the data evaluation.
To embed the poller into a script doing other stuff (i.e. handling other threads as well), use the queue approach. Example code, building on the GpsPoller class:
from threading import Thread
from Queue import Queue
class GpsThread(object):
def __init__(self, valuefunc, queue):
self.valuefunc = valuefunc
self.queue = queue
self.poller = GpsPoller(self.on_value)
def start(self):
self.t = Thread(
self.t.daemon = True # kill thread when main thread exits
def on_value(self, gpsd):
# note that we extract the value right here.
# Otherwise it could change while the event is in the queue.
self.queue.put(('gps', self.valuefunc(gpsd)))
def main():
q = Queue()
gt = GpsThread(
valuefunc=lambda gpsd: gpsd.fix.speed,
queue = q
print 'press Ctrl-C to stop.'
while True:
# blocks while q is empty.
source, data = q.get()
if source == 'gps':
print data
The "action" we give to the GpsPoller says "calculate a value by valuefunc and put it in the queue". The mainloop sits there until a value pops out, then prints it and continues.
It is also straightforward to put other Thread's events on the queue and add the appropriate handling code.
I see two options here:
GpsPoller will check if data changed and raise a flag
GpsPoller will check id data changed and put new data in the queue.
Option #1:
global is_speed_changed = False
def run(self):
global gpsd, is_speed_changed
while gpsp.running:
prev_speed = gpsd.fix.speed
if prev_speed != gpsd.fix.speed
is_speed_changed = True # raising flag
while True:
if is_speed_changed:
print gpsd.fix.speed
is_speed_changed = False
Option #2 ( I prefer this one since it protects us from raise conditions):
gpsd_queue = Queue.Queue()
def run(self):
global gpsd
while gpsp.running:
prev_speed = gpsd.fix.speed
curr_speed = gpsd.fix.speed
if prev_speed != curr_speed:
gpsd_queue.put(curr_speed) # putting new speed to queue
while True:
# get will block if queue is empty
print gpsd_queue.get()

Is there a python library for notification and waiting?

I'm using python-zookeeper for locking, and I'm trying to figure out a way of getting the execution to wait for notification when it's watching a file, because zookeeper.exists() returns immediately, rather than blocking.
Basically, I have the code listed below, but I'm unsure of the best way to implement the notify() and wait_for_notification() functions. It could be done with os.kill() and signal.pause(), but I'm sure that's likely to cause problems if I later have multiple locks in one program - is there a specific Python library that is good for this sort of thing?
def get_lock(zh):
lockfile = zookeeper.create(zh,lockdir + '/guid-lock-','lock', [ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE], zookeeper.EPHEMERAL | zookeeper.SEQUENCE)
# this won't work for more than one waiting process, fix later
children = zookeeper.get_children(zh, lockdir)
if len(children) == 1 and children[0] == basename(lockfile):
return lockfile
# yeah, there's a problem here, I'll fix it later
for child in children:
if child < basename(lockfile):
# exists will call notify when the watched file changes
if zookeeper.exists(zh, lockdir + '/' + child, notify):
# Process should wait here until notify() wakes it
def drop_lock(zh,lockfile):
def notify(zh, unknown1, unknown2, lockfile):
def wait_for_notification():
The Condition variables from Python's threading module are probably a very good fit for what you're trying to do:
I've extended to the example to make it a little more obvious how you would adapt it for your purposes:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from collections import deque
from threading import Thread,Condition
QUEUE = deque()
def an_item_is_available():
return bool(QUEUE)
def get_an_available_item():
return QUEUE.popleft()
def make_an_item_available(item):
def consume(cv):
while not an_item_is_available():
print 'We got an available item', get_an_available_item()
def produce(cv):
make_an_item_available('an item to be processed')
def main():
cv = Condition()
Thread(target=consume, args=(cv,)).start()
Thread(target=produce, args=(cv,)).start()
if __name__ == '__main__':
My answer may not be relevant to your question, but it is relevant to the question title.
from threading import Thread,Event
locker = Event()
def MyJob(locker):
while True:
# do some logic here
locker.clear() # Set event state to 'False'
locker.wait() # suspend the thread until event state is 'True'
worker_thread = Thread(target=MyJob, args=(locker,))
# some main thread logic here
locker.set() # This sets the event state to 'True' and thus it resumes the worker_thread
More information here:

Least painful way to run a Python delay loop

I've got an event-driven chatbot and I'm trying to implement spam protection. I want to silence a user who is behaving badly for a period of time, without blocking the rest of the application.
Here's what doesn't work:
if user_behaving_badly():
ban( user )
time.sleep( penalty_duration ) # Bad! Blocks the entire application!
unban( user )
Ideally, if user_behaving_badly() is true, I want to start a new thread which does nothing but ban the user, then sleep for a while, unban the user, and then the thread disappears.
According to this I can accomplish my goal using the following:
if user_behaving_badly():
thread.start_new_thread( banSleepUnban, ( user, penalty ) )
"Simple" is usually an indicator of "good", and this is pretty simple, but everything I've heard about threads has said that they can bite you in unexpected ways. My question is: Is there a better way than this to run a simple delay loop without blocking the rest of the application?
instead of starting a thread for each ban, put the bans in a priority queue and have a single thread do the sleeping and unbanning
this code keeps two structures a heapq that allows it to quickly find the soonest ban to expire and a dict to make it possible to quickly check if a user is banned by name
import time
import threading
import heapq
class Bans():
def __init__(self):
self.lock = threading.Lock()
self.event = threading.Event()
self.heap = []
self.dict = {}
self.thread = threading.thread(target=self.expiration_thread)
def ban_user(self, name, duration):
with self.lock:
now = time.time()
expiration = (now+duration)
heapq.heappush(self.heap, (expiration, user))
self.dict[user] = expiration
def is_user_banned(self, user):
with self.lock:
now = time.time()
return self.dict.get(user, None) > now
def expiration_thread(self):
while True:
with self.lock:
next, user = self.heap[0]
now = time.time()
duration = next-now
if duration > 0:
with self.lock:
if self.heap[0][0] = next:
del self.dict(user)
if not self.heap:
and is used like this:
B = Bans()
B.ban_user("phil", 30.0)
Use a threading timer object, like this:
t = threading.Timer(30.0, unban)
t.start() # after 30 seconds, unban will be run
Then only unban is run in the thread.
Why thread at all?
# do it
# don't
# add a user/start time to a hash
# check hash
# could check if expired now too, or do it seperately if you care about it
# check params or set more values in a hash
This is language agnostic, but consider a thread to keep track of stuff. The thread keeps a data structure that has something like "username" and "banned_until" in a table. The thread is always running in the background checking the table, if banned_until is expired, it unblocks the user. Other threads go on normally.
If you're using a GUI,
most GUI modules have a timer function which can abstract all the yuck multithreading stuff,
and execute code after a given time,
though still allowing the rest of the code to be executed.
For instance, Tkinter has the 'after' function.
