A loop within tkinter - HELP! - python

this is my first time using this forum, hopefully, i can get a quick response with a detailed explanation.
Python 3.2
Tkinter 8.5 & Windows7 x64
My code:
from tkinter import *
import tkinter.messagebox
class Application(Frame):
def __init__(self, master):
super(Application, self).__init__(master)
self.lvl_one_att = 4
self.bttn_clicks = 2
self.bttn_clicks2 = 2
self.bttn_clicks3 = 1
self.bttn_clicks4 = 2
self.bttn_clicks5 = 1
self.bttn_clicks6 = 2
self.bttn_clicks7 = 1
self.bttn_clicks8 = 2
self.bttn_clicks9 = 2
def level_one(self):
self.lbl1 = Label(self, text = "You must flip all the boxes to show the same colour!")
self.lbl1.grid(row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 3)
self.levellbl = Label(self, text = "Level 1")
self.levellbl.grid(row = 4, column = 1, sticky = W, columnspan = 2)
self.rulesbttn = Button(self, text = "Instructions", command = self.rules)
self.rulesbttn.grid(row = 4, column = 0, sticky = W, columnspan = 1)
self.tlbttn = Button(self, bg = "red", width = 20, height = 10, command = self.callback1)
self.tlbttn.grid(row = 1, column = 0, columnspan = 1)
self.tmbttn = Button(self, bg = "red", width = 20, height = 10, command = self.callback2)
self.tmbttn.grid(row = 1, column = 1, columnspan = 1)
self.trbttn = Button(self, bg = "blue", width = 20, height = 10, command = self.callback3)
self.trbttn.grid(row = 1, column = 2, columnspan = 1)
self.mlbttn = Button(self, bg = "red", width = 20, height = 10, command = self.callback4)
self.mlbttn.grid(row = 2, column = 0, columnspan = 1)
self.mmbttn = Button(self, bg = "blue", width = 20, height = 10, command = self.callback5)
self.mmbttn.grid(row = 2, column = 1, columnspan = 1)
self.mrbttn = Button(self, bg = "red", width = 20, height = 10, command = self.callback6)
self.mrbttn.grid(row = 2, column = 2, columnspan = 1)
self.blbttn = Button(self, bg = "blue", width = 20, height = 10, command = self.callback7)
self.blbttn.grid(row = 3, column = 0, columnspan = 1)
self.bmbttn = Button(self, bg = "red",width = 20, height = 10, command = self.callback8)
self.bmbttn.grid(row = 3, column = 1, columnspan = 1)
self.brbttn = Button(self, bg = "red", width = 20, height = 10, command = self.callback9)
self.brbttn.grid(row = 3, column = 2, columnspan = 1)
def callback1(self):
self.lvl_one_att -= 1
def callback2(self):
self.lvl_one_att -= 1
def callback3(self):
self.lvl_one_att -= 1
def callback4(self):
self.lvl_one_att -= 1
def callback5(self):
self.lvl_one_att -= 1
def callback6(self):
self.lvl_one_att -= 1
def callback7(self):
self.lvl_one_att -= 1
def callback8(self):
self.lvl_one_att -= 1
def callback9(self):
self.lvl_one_att -= 1
def color_change1(self):
self.bttn_clicks += 1
if self.bttn_clicks == 3:
self.bttn_clicks = 1
if self.bttn_clicks == 1:
self.tlbttn.configure(bg = "blue")
self.tlbttn.configure(bg = "red")
def color_change2(self):
self.bttn_clicks2 += 1
if self.bttn_clicks2 == 3:
self.bttn_clicks2 = 1
if self.bttn_clicks2 == 1:
self.tmbttn.configure(bg = "blue")
self.tmbttn.configure(bg = "red")
def color_change3(self):
self.bttn_clicks3 += 1
if self.bttn_clicks3 == 3:
self.bttn_clicks3 = 1
if self.bttn_clicks3 == 1:
self.trbttn.configure(bg = "blue")
self.trbttn.configure(bg = "red")
def color_change4(self):
self.bttn_clicks4 += 1
if self.bttn_clicks4 == 3:
self.bttn_clicks4 = 1
if self.bttn_clicks4 == 1:
self.mlbttn.configure(bg = "blue")
self.mlbttn.configure(bg = "red")
def color_change5(self):
self.bttn_clicks5 += 1
if self.bttn_clicks5 == 3:
self.bttn_clicks5 = 1
if self.bttn_clicks5 == 1:
self.mmbttn.configure(bg = "blue")
self.mmbttn.configure(bg = "red")
def color_change6(self):
self.bttn_clicks6 += 1
if self.bttn_clicks6 == 3:
self.bttn_clicks6 = 1
if self.bttn_clicks6 == 1:
self.mrbttn.configure(bg = "blue")
self.mrbttn.configure(bg = "red")
def color_change7(self):
self.bttn_clicks7 += 1
if self.bttn_clicks7 == 3:
self.bttn_clicks7 = 1
if self.bttn_clicks7 == 1:
self.blbttn.configure(bg = "blue")
self.blbttn.configure(bg = "red")
def color_change8(self):
self.bttn_clicks8 += 1
if self.bttn_clicks8 == 3:
self.bttn_clicks8 = 1
if self.bttn_clicks8 == 1:
self.bmbttn.configure(bg = "blue")
self.bmbttn.configure(bg = "red")
def color_change9(self):
self.bttn_clicks9 += 1
if self.bttn_clicks9 == 3:
self.bttn_clicks9 = 1
if self.bttn_clicks9 == 1:
self.brbttn.configure(bg = "blue")
self.brbttn.configure(bg = "red")
def rules(self):
tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Instructions", "The idea of the game, is to make sure all the boxes on the screen are the same colour. By pressing a button it will flip, all colours touching it, including diagonally. ")
def round_win(self):
def win(self):
self.lbl2 = Label(self, text = "CONGRATULATIONS!", font=("Helvetica", 40))
self.lbl2.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
root = Tk()
app = Application(root)
What i can work out how to do, is somehow use a loop so that when all 9 squares are the Red that it runs the round_win() function.
im unsure where to put the loop, and how to write it (for loop, while loop, if, but, else, etc)
Thanks heaps guys for any help you may be able to provide :)

You can put the original buttons into a list:
def level_one(self):
self.game_buttons = []
for btn_index in range(9):
bg = "red" # change this to something based on the index
next_button = Button(self, bg = bg, width = 20, height = 10)
next_button['command'] = (lambda index=btn_index: self.callback(index))
row = index/3 + 1
column = index % 3
next_button.grid(row = row, column = column, columnspan = 1)
def callback1(self, index):
button = self.game_buttons[index]
# add the appropriate code here
def color_change(self, index):
# add the appropriate code here
Also, you can change the following code:
self.bttn_clicks2 += 1
if self.bttn_clicks2 == 3:
self.bttn_clicks2 = 1
self.bttn_clicks2 = self.bttn_clicks2 % 3 + 1


time.sleep skips multiple lines in my script

def fctCountdown():
t = 3
countdown = Label(Pong, text = "3", font = ("Fixedsys", 30), bg = "#CB997E", fg = 'black')
countdown.place(x = 387, y = 300)
while t >= 0:
if t == 2:
countdown.config(text = "2")
if t == 1:
countdown.config(text = "1")
if t == 0:
countdown.config(text = "Start !")
t -= 1
def fctGoDown():
global x1, y1
def fctGameMenu():
background_image = PhotoImage(master = Pong, file = "fondpong0.png")
background_label = Label(Pong, image = background_image)
background_label.place(x = 0, y = 0)
background_label.image = background_image
def fctStartGame(evt):
global state
if state == 0:
state = 1
Hi guys ! I'm asking you for help because the sleep(1) line in fctStartGame is executed before the fctGameMenu() and i don't understand why. Because of it my countdown doesn't work.

How do I modify reset button to make it work correctly?

I am creating a tic tac toe. In this, I have created a reset button which refers a reset function. In that function, I have reset the board and stop_game value. When I click on reset button in middle of game, it works fine. But, when someone wins and then I click on reset button, it just resets the board but on pressing board buttons, it does nothing. Please help me to solve this problem.
from tkinter import *
from copy import deepcopy
import random
game = Tk()
game.title("TIC TAC TOE")
#game.configure(bg = '#b3b3b3')
player = 'X'
stop_game = False
def callback(r, c):
global player
if player == 'X' and states[r][c] == 0 and stop_game == False:
board[r][c].configure(text = 'X', fg = '#f64c72')
states[r][c] = 'X'
player = 'O'
if player == 'O' and states[r][c] == 0 and stop_game == False:
board[r][c].configure(text = 'O', fg = '#f64c72')
states[r][c] = 'O'
player = 'X'
def checkWinner():
global stop_game
win_color = '#3b5b5b'
for i in range(3):
if states[i][0] == states[i][1] == states[i][2] != 0:
board[i][0].config(bg = win_color)
board[i][1].config(bg = win_color)
board[i][2].config(bg = win_color)
stop_game = True
for i in range(3):
if states[0][i] == states[1][i] == states[2][i] != 0:
board[0][i].config(bg = win_color)
board[1][i].config(bg = win_color)
board[2][i].config(bg = win_color)
stop_game = True
if states[0][0] == states[1][1] == states[2][2] != 0:
board[0][0].configure(bg = win_color)
board[1][1].configure(bg = win_color)
board[2][2].configure(bg = win_color)
stop_game = True
if states[2][0] == states[1][1] == states[0][2] != 0:
board[2][0].configure(bg = win_color)
board[1][1].configure(bg = win_color)
board[0][2].configure(bg = win_color)
stop_game = True
f = [[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0]]
board = [[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0]]
states = [[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0]]
def reset():
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
board[i][j].configure(text = ' ', fg = '#ffda30', bg = "#242582")
states[i][j] = 0
stop_game = False
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
f[i][j] = Frame(game, width = 150, height = 150)
f[i][j].grid(row = i, column = j, sticky = "nsew", padx = 1, pady = 1)
board[i][j] = Button(f[i][j], font = ("Helvatica", 70), bg = "#242582", fg = "#ffda30",
command = lambda r = i, c = j: callback(r, c))
board[i][j].pack(expand = True, fill = BOTH)
reset_game = Button(text = "Reset the game!", font = ("Helvatica", 13), bg = "#ffda30", fg = "#000000",
command = lambda :reset())
reset_game.grid(row = 3, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'nsew')
quit_game = Button(text = "Quit game!", font = ("Helvatica", 13), bg = "#ffda30", fg = "red",
command = lambda :game.destroy())
quit_game.grid(row = 3, column = 2, sticky = 'nsew')
game.resizable(False, False)
You need to declare stop_game as global inside Reset() function.

Python Tkinter Entry not placing

In Croatia we have competitions where you make apps. I'm making an app to help 1st and 2nd graders learn and revise math. I just started recently so it doesn't have almost anything.
The problem is that when variable: mode = "number" , entries aren't placed.
Btw when opening the app you will be presented with 4 options.
They are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
I translated it from Croatian to English so you can understand.
When you run the program press the Addition button.
Then you will see the task but entries missing.
If you change the value of the variable mode to mode = "result", entries are placed.
I tried everything but couldn't get it to work.
Here's the code:
import tkinter as tk
import random
wn = tk.Tk()
wn.config(width = 550, height = 500)
wn.resizable(False, False)
wn.title("Learn and Revise")
number1_1 = 0
number1_2 = 0
number2_1 = 0
number2_2 = 0
number3_1 = 0
number3_2 = 0
number4_1 = 0
number4_2 = 0
number5_1 = 0
number5_2 = 0
def makeRandomNumbers():
global number1_1, number1_2
global number2_1, number2_2
global number3_1, number3_2
global number4_1, number4_2
global number5_1, number5_2
if mode == "number":
while True:
number1_1 = random.randint(0, 10)
number1_2 = random.randint(0, 10)
if number1_1 > number1_2:
while True:
number2_1 = random.randint(0, 10)
number2_2 = random.randint(0, 10)
if number2_1 > number2_2:
while True:
number3_1 = random.randint(0, 10)
number3_2 = random.randint(0, 10)
if number3_1 > number3_2:
while True:
number4_1 = random.randint(0, 10)
number4_2 = random.randint(0, 10)
if number4_1 > number4_2:
while True:
number5_1 = random.randint(0, 10)
number5_2 = random.randint(0, 10)
if number5_1 > number5_2:
elif mode == "result":
number1_1 = random.randint(0, 10)
number1_2 = random.randint(0, 10)
number2_1 = random.randint(0, 10)
number2_2 = random.randint(0, 10)
number3_1 = random.randint(0, 10)
number3_2 = random.randint(0, 10)
number4_1 = random.randint(0, 10)
number4_2 = random.randint(0, 10)
number5_1 = random.randint(0, 10)
number6_2 = random.randint(0, 10)
def placeTasks(oper):
global operation
operation = oper
button_check.place(x = 310, y = 225)
label1.place(x = 150, y = 125)
label2.place(x = 150, y = 175)
label3.place(x = 150, y = 225)
label4.place(x = 150, y = 275)
label5.place(x = 150, y = 325)
if mode == "number":
entry1.place(x = 240, y = 130)
entry2.place(x = 240, y = 180)
entry3.place(x = 240, y = 230)
entry4.place(x = 240, y = 280)
entry5.place(x = 240, y = 330)
elif mode == "result":
entry1.place(x = 240, y = 130)
entry2.place(x = 240, y = 180)
entry3.place(x = 240, y = 230)
entry4.place(x = 240, y = 280)
entry5.place(x = 240, y = 330)
task1 = 0
task2 = 0
task3 = 0
task4 = 0
task5 = 0
def makeTasks():
global task1, task2, task3, task4, task5
global label1, label2, label3, label4, label5
operation_sign = ""
if operation == "addition":
operation_sign = '+'
elif operation == "subtraction":
operation_sign = '-'
elif operation == "multiplication":
operation_sign = '•'
elif operation == "division":
operation_sign = '÷'
if mode == "result":
task1 = "{} {} {} =".format(number1_1, operation_sign, number1_2)
task2 = "{} {} {} =".format(number2_1, operation_sign, number2_2)
task3 = "{} {} {} =".format(number3_1, operation_sign, number3_2)
task4 = "{} {} {} =".format(number4_1, operation_sign, number4_2)
task5 = "{} {} {} =".format(number5_1, operation_sign, number5_2)
elif mode == "number":
task1 = "{} {} = {}".format(number1_1, operation_sign, number1_2)
task2 = "{} {} = {}".format(number2_1, operation_sign, number2_2)
task3 = "{} {} = {}".format(number3_1, operation_sign, number3_2)
task4 = "{} {} = {}".format(number4_1, operation_sign, number4_2)
task5 = "{} {} = {}".format(number5_1, operation_sign, number5_2)
label1 = tk.Label(wn, text = task1, font = ("Arial", 15))
label2 = tk.Label(wn, text = task2, font = ("Arial", 15))
label3 = tk.Label(wn, text = task3, font = ("Arial", 15))
label4 = tk.Label(wn, text = task4, font = ("Arial", 15))
label5 = tk.Label(wn, text = task5, font = ("Arial", 15))
operation = ""
mode = "number"
button_check = tk.Button(wn, width = 20, text = "Check")
label1 = tk.Label(wn, text = task1, font = ("Arial", 15))
entry1 = tk.Entry(wn, width = 7)
label2 = tk.Label(wn, text = task2, font = ("Arial", 15))
entry2 = tk.Entry(wn, width = 7)
label3 = tk.Label(wn, text = task3, font = ("Arial", 15))
entry3 = tk.Entry(wn, width = 7)
label4 = tk.Label(wn, text = task4, font = ("Arial", 15))
entry4 = tk.Entry(wn, width = 7)
label5 = tk.Label(wn, text = task5, font = ("Arial", 15))
entry5 = tk.Entry(wn, width = 7)
def placeMenu():
menu_label1.place(x = 175, y = 75)
button1.place(x = 200, y = 150)
button2.place(x = 200, y = 200)
button3.place(x = 200, y = 250)
button4.place(x = 200, y = 300)
def wipeMenu():
menu_label1 = tk.Label(wn, text = "Revise", font = ("Arial", 35))
button1 = tk.Button(wn, width = 20, text = "Addition", command = lambda: placeTasks("addition"))
button2 = tk.Button(wn, width = 20, text = "Subtraction")
button3 = tk.Button(wn, width = 20, text = "Multiplication")
button4 = tk.Button(wn, width = 20, text = "Division")
Postavi font prilikom inicijalizacije entrya, preimenuj if statement i ukloni globalnu varijablu te koristi lokalnu (oper)
Prvo što vidim je mnoštvo ponavljanja. Napravi funkciju s više parametara na kojima ćeš izvršavati for loopove - kod će biti kraći i čitljiviji 20 puta. Tkinter je jednostavan, ali nije praktičan ukoliko nije objektno orijentiran (preporučujem tk.Toplevel klase za prebacivanje prozora, onda samo switchaš screenove i nema potrebe za brisanjem i postavljanjem, što dodatno ubrzava izvrašavanje). Idealno bi bilo kreirati class za svaku aritmetičku operaciju i uz to ne koristiti (spore) lambda anonimne funkcije samo za pozivanje s atributima.
Dakle, kod bi izgledao otprilike ovako:
for (akcija, klasa) in zip(["Addition", "Substraction", ...], lista_klasi):
button = tk.Button(wn, width=20, text=akcija, command=klasa);
button.pack() # Izbjegavaj .place(), uvijek samo pack() ili grid()
class Solution(tk.Toplevel):
def __init__(self, atributi):
self.attributes("-topmost", False)
self.solution = tk.Canvas(self, bg="white" ...)
# Za najbolji izgled postavljaj widgete na canvas...
self.solution.create_window(w, h, window=atribut[neki])
# Također, ako želiš ostati u istom prozoru, spremi widgete i koristi:
Osobno koristim pack jer je najjednostavniji, u početku nezgodan jer ne dobivaš izgledom točno kako zamišljaš ali kad pohvataš sve ne bi se nikad vratio na place(), osim ako nije nužno :)
Zasad prvo prouči sve pojašnjene primjere ovdje.
Tek kad savladaš tkinter kreni na kivy ako misliš stvarno rasturit na natjecanju.

How to move Tkinter widget precisely. Place method not working

Here's the code so far:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from Tkinter import *
#Creates game window
master = Tk()
master.resizable(width = False, height = False)
master.title("YeeHaw Poker")
#Divides window into subsections
menuFrame = Frame(master, bg = "black", height = 60)
menuFrame.pack(fill = X, side = TOP)
tableFrame = Frame(master, highlightbackground = "black", highlightthickness = 4)
tableFrame.pack(fill = BOTH, expand = True)
optionsFrame = Frame(master, bg = "black", height = 100)
optionsFrame.pack(fill = X, side = BOTTOM)
#Draws poker table decorations
tableDecorations = Canvas(tableFrame, bg = "#771427", highlightthickness = 0)
tableDecorations.pack(fill = BOTH, expand = True)
#Renders window thus far so that dimensions can be found
tWidth = tableDecorations.winfo_width()
tHeight = tableDecorations.winfo_height()
#Main edge
gap = 10
tableDecorations.create_rectangle(gap, gap, tWidth - gap, tHeight - gap, fill ="#277714", width = 4)
#Table outline
gap = 30
tableDecorations.create_rectangle(gap, gap, tWidth - gap, tHeight - gap, outline = "#35a31b", width = 2)
#Card outline coordinates
cardNum = 5
cardSize = 20
cardHeight = cardSize * 3.5
cardWidth = cardSize * 2.5
cardSpace = 10
cardTop = tHeight / 4
cardLeft = (tWidth - (cardNum * (cardWidth + cardSpace))) / 2
cardY1 = cardTop + cardHeight
cardY2 = cardTop
cardX1 = [0 for i in range(0, cardNum)]
cardX2 = [0 for i in range(0, cardNum)]
suit = [0 for i in range(0, cardNum)]
for i in range(0, cardNum):
cardX1[i] = cardLeft + (i * (cardWidth + cardSpace))
cardX2[i] = cardX1[i] + cardWidth
suit[i] = Label(tableDecorations, text = "", bg = "white", font = (None, 50))
suit[i].place(x = 5000, y = 5000)
#Draws specified card in specified place
def drawCard(pos, type, pip):
if type == "empty":
tableDecorations.create_rectangle(cardX1[pos], cardY1, cardX2[pos], cardY2, outline = "#35a31b", width = 2)
tableDecorations.create_rectangle(cardX1[pos], cardY1, cardX2[pos], cardY2, fill = "white", outline = "grey", width = 1)
if type == "diamond":
suit[pos].config(text = "♦", fg = "red")
elif type == "heart":
suit[pos].config(text = "♥", fg = "red")
elif type == "spade":
suit[pos].config(text = "♠", fg = "black")
elif type == "club":
suit[pos].config(text = "♣", fg = "black")
#Creates new table
def newTable():
for i in range(0, cardNum):
drawCard(i, "diamond", 0)
However this doesn't move the labels with the diamonds in at all, as shown here:
It's infuriating...
I'm wanting the diamond to appear on each individual card, but clearly that's not happening here...
Any ideas?

Python tkinter code stops working

I am working on a roulette code in python with tkinter. I am pretty far with it. But the problem is that after a few Rolls it starts bugging out and crashes. (I know its not a too good code and there are quite a lot of unnecessary steps in it, I am still pretty new to programming).
from tkinter import *
import tkinter.messagebox
root = Tk()
import random
money2 = StringVar()
varblack = StringVar()
vargreen = StringVar()
varred = StringVar()
numlist = [7]
newnumlist = [1]
def num():
global numlist
number = random.randint(1,15)
if num.counter == 10:
num.counter +=1
return numlist[len(numlist) - 1]
def newnumone():
global newnumlist
newnumber = random.randint(1, 4)
if newnumone.counter == 10:
newnumone.counter += 1
return newnumlist[len(newnumlist) - 1]
newnumone.counter = 0
num.counter = 0
RollList = ['red', 'black', 'red','black', 'red', 'black','red', 'green', 'black', 'red','black', 'red', 'black', 'red', 'black']
def colorsone():
newList = RollList[::-1]
if newList[0:9] == ['red', 'black', 'red','black', 'red', 'black','red', 'black', 'red']:
if newList[0] == 'red':
if newList[0] == 'black':
def lol():
i = 0
global RollList
if lol.counter == 0:
num.counter = 10
newnumone.counter = 10
RollList = RollList[0:15]
number = int(num())
newnum = int(newnumone())
newRollsList = RollList[::-1]
if newRollsList[0] == 'red':
colorbgo1 = 'red'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[0] == 'green':
colorbgo1 = 'green'
i = i + 1
# colors('red')
if newRollsList[0] == 'black':
colorbgo1 = 'black'
i = i + 1
# colors('green')
if newRollsList[1] == 'red':
colorbgo2 = 'red'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[1] == 'green':
colorbgo2 = 'green'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[1] == 'black':
colorbgo2 = 'black'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[2] == 'red':
colorbgo3 = 'red'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[2] == 'green':
colorbgo3 = 'green'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[2] == 'black':
colorbgo3 = 'black'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[3] == 'red':
colorbgo4 = 'red'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[3] == 'green':
colorbgo4 = 'green'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[3] == 'black':
colorbgo4 = 'black'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[4] == 'red':
colorbgo5 = 'red'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[4] == 'green':
colorbgo5 = 'green'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[4] == 'black':
colorbgo5 = 'black'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[5] == 'red':
colorbgo6 = 'red'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[5] == 'green':
colorbgo6 = 'green'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[5] == 'black':
colorbgo6 = 'black'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[6] == 'red':
colorbgo7 = 'red'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[6] == 'green':
colorbgo7 = 'green'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[6] == 'black':
colorbgo7 = 'black'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[7] == 'red':
colorbgo8 = 'red'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[7] == 'green':
colorbgo8 = 'green'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[7] == 'black':
colorbgo8 = 'black'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[8] == 'red':
colorbgo9 = 'red'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[8] == 'green':
colorbgo9 = 'green'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[8] == 'black':
colorbgo9 = 'black'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[9] == 'red':
colorbgo10 = 'red'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[9] == 'green':
colorbgo10 = 'green'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
if newRollsList[9] == 'black':
colorbgo10 = 'black'
i = i + 1
# colors('black')
lol.counter += 1
if lol.counter < 150:
countdownone(1, 10)
if lol.counter < 200 and lol.counter > 149:
countdownone(1, 40)
if lol.counter < 230 and lol.counter > 199:
countdownone(1, 80)
if lol.counter < 240 and lol.counter >229:
countdownone(1, 140)
if lol.counter < 250 and lol.counter > 239:
countdownone(1, 200)
if number == 8:
if lol.counter < 258 and lol.counter > 249:
countdownone(1, 300)
if lol.counter < 259 and lol.counter > 257:
countdownone(1, 500)
if lol.counter == 259:
# lol.counter = 0
if number >= 9: #black
if newnum == 1:
if lol.counter < 254 and lol.counter > 249:
countdownone(1, 300)
if lol.counter < 257 and lol.counter > 253:
countdownone(1, 500)
if lol.counter == 257:
# print(1)
# lol.counter = 0
if newnum == 2:
if lol.counter < 252 and lol.counter > 249:
countdownone(1, 300)
if lol.counter < 255 and lol.counter > 251:
countdownone(1, 500)
if lol.counter == 255:
# print(2)
# lol.counter = 0
if newnum == 3:
if lol.counter < 259 and lol.counter > 249:
countdownone(1, 300)
if lol.counter < 262 and lol.counter > 258:
countdownone(1, 500)
if lol.counter == 262:
# print(3)
# lol.counter = 0
if newnum == 4:
if lol.counter < 258 and lol.counter > 249:
countdownone(1, 300)
if lol.counter < 260 and lol.counter > 257:
countdownone(1, 500)
if lol.counter == 260:
# print(4)
# lol.counter = 0
if number <= 7: #red
if newnum == 1:
if lol.counter < 254 and lol.counter > 249:
countdownone(1, 300)
if lol.counter < 256 and lol.counter > 253:
countdownone(1, 500)
if lol.counter == 256:
# print(5)
# lol.counter = 0
if newnum == 2:
if lol.counter < 252 and lol.counter > 249:
countdownone(1, 300)
if lol.counter < 253 and lol.counter > 251:
countdownone(1, 500)
if lol.counter == 253:
# print(6)
# lol.counter = 0
if newnum == 3:
if lol.counter < 256 and lol.counter > 249:
countdownone(1, 300)
if lol.counter < 258 and lol.counter > 255:
countdownone(1, 500)
if lol.counter == 258:
# print(7)
# lol.counter = 0
if newnum == 4:
if lol.counter < 258 and lol.counter > 249:
countdownone(1, 300)
if lol.counter < 261 and lol.counter > 257:
countdownone(1, 500)
if lol.counter == 261:
# print(8)
# lol.counter = 0
labelRoll1 = Label(root, bg = colorbgo1, height=4, width = 8).grid(row = 10, column = 4)
# labelRollsw1 = Label(root, text = ' ').grid(row = 15, column = 4)
labelRoll2 = Label(root, bg = colorbgo2, height=4, width = 8).grid(row = 10, column = 5)
# labelRollsw2 = Label(root, text = ' ').grid(row = 15, column = 5)
labelRoll3 = Label(root, bg = colorbgo3, height=4, width = 8).grid(row = 10, column = 6)
# labelRollsw3 = Label(root, text = ' ').grid(row = 15, column = 6)
labelRoll4 = Label(root, bg = colorbgo4, height=4, width = 8).grid(row = 10, column = 7)
# labelRollsw4 = Label(root, text = ' ').grid(row = 15, column = 7)
labelRoll5 = Label(root, bg = colorbgo5, height=4, width = 8).grid(row = 10, column = 8)
# labelRollsw5 = Label(root, text = ' ').grid(row = 15, column = 8)
labelRoll6 = Label(root, bg = colorbgo6, height=4, width = 8).grid(row = 10, column = 9)
# labelRollsw6 = Label(root, text = ' ').grid(row = 15, column = 9)
labelRoll7 = Label(root, bg = colorbgo7, height=4, width = 8).grid(row = 10, column = 10)
# labelRollsw7 = Label(root, text = ' ').grid(row = 15, column = 10)
labelRoll8 = Label(root, bg = colorbgo8, height=4, width = 8).grid(row = 10, column = 11)
# labelRollsw8 = Label(root, text = ' ').grid(row = 15, column = 11)
labelRoll9 = Label(root, bg = colorbgo9, height=4, width = 8).grid(row = 10, column = 12)
# labelRollsw9 = Label(root, text = ' ').grid(row = 15, column = 12)
labelRoll10 = Label(root, bg = colorbgo10, height=4, width = 8).grid(row = 10, column = 13)
labelRollsw1 = Label(root, height=4, width = 8).grid(row = 17, column = 4)
labelRollsw2 = Label(root, height=4, width = 8).grid(row = 17, column = 5)
labelRollsw3 = Label(root, height=4, width = 8).grid(row = 17, column = 6)
labelRollsw4 = Label(root, height=4, width = 8).grid(row = 17, column = 7)
labelRollsw5 = Label(root, height=4, width = 8).grid(row = 17, column = 8)
labelRollsw6 = Label(root, height=4, width = 8).grid(row = 17, column = 9)
labelRollsw7 = Label(root, height=4, width = 8).grid(row = 17, column = 10)
labelRollsw8 = Label(root, height=4, width = 8).grid(row = 17, column = 11)
labelRollsw9 = Label(root, height=4, width = 8).grid(row = 17, column = 12)
labelRollsw10 = Label(root, height=4, width = 8).grid(row = 17, column = 13)
labelRollsw11 = Label(root, height=4, width = 8).grid(row = 17, column = 14)
lol.counter = 0
def countdownone(count, i):
# timer['text'] = count
if count > 0:
root.after(i, countdownone, count-count, i)
if count == 0:
#timerone = Label(root)
end = Label(root, text = '↓').grid(row = 8, column =9)
endone = Label(root, text = '↑').grid(row = 16, column =9)
#allin = Button(root, text = 'LOL', command = countdown(1, 100)).grid(row = 3, column = 3)
def countdown(count):
timer['text'] = count
if count > 0:
root.after(1000, countdown, count-1)
if count == 3:
countdownone(1, 10)
if count == 20:
if count == 0:
# if count == 0:
# play()
def play():
varblack1 = varblack.get()
vargreen1 = vargreen.get()
varred1 = varred.get()
if vargreen1 == 'off' and varblack1 == 'off' and varred1 == 'off':
if varred1 == 'on':
# blackB.deselect()
# greenB.deselect()
if varblack1 == 'on':
# greenB.deselect()
if vargreen1 == 'on':
lol.counter = 0
entry_money.delete(0, 'end')
# newnumone.counter = 0
# num.counter = 0
def all():
def red():
money1 = money2.get()
roulette3('red', money1)
def black():
money1 = money2.get()
roulette3('black', money1)
def green():
money1 = money2.get()
roulette3('green', money1)
def nothing():
roulette3('no', 1)
def colors(clr):
file = open('newfile.txt', 'a')
file = open('newfile.txt', 'r')
def PrevRollsColor():
lastRollsList = []
lastRolls = open("newfile.txt", "r")
Rolls = lastRolls.read().splitlines()
for line in Rolls:
newRollsList = lastRollsList[::-1]
#labelRollsList = [labelRolls2, labelRolls3, labelRolls4, labelRolls5, labelRolls6, labelRolls7, labelRolls8, labelRolls9, labelRolls10]
if newRollsList[0] == 'red':
colorbg1 = 'red'
if newRollsList[0] == 'green':
colorbg1 = 'green'
if newRollsList[0] == 'black':
colorbg1 = 'black'
if newRollsList[1] == 'red':
colorbg2 = 'red'
if newRollsList[1] == 'green':
colorbg2 = 'green'
if newRollsList[1] == 'black':
colorbg2 = 'black'
if newRollsList[2] == 'red':
colorbg3 = 'red'
if newRollsList[2] == 'green':
colorbg3 = 'green'
if newRollsList[2] == 'black':
colorbg3 = 'black'
if newRollsList[3] == 'red':
colorbg4 = 'red'
if newRollsList[3] == 'green':
colorbg4 = 'green'
if newRollsList[3] == 'black':
colorbg4 = 'black'
if newRollsList[4] == 'red':
colorbg5 = 'red'
if newRollsList[4] == 'green':
colorbg5 = 'green'
if newRollsList[4] == 'black':
colorbg5 = 'black'
if newRollsList[5] == 'red':
colorbg6 = 'red'
if newRollsList[5] == 'green':
colorbg6 = 'green'
if newRollsList[5] == 'black':
colorbg6 = 'black'
if newRollsList[6] == 'red':
colorbg7 = 'red'
if newRollsList[6] == 'green':
colorbg7 = 'green'
if newRollsList[6] == 'black':
colorbg7 = 'black'
if newRollsList[7] == 'red':
colorbg8 = 'red'
if newRollsList[7] == 'green':
colorbg8 = 'green'
if newRollsList[7] == 'black':
colorbg8 = 'black'
if newRollsList[8] == 'red':
colorbg9 = 'red'
if newRollsList[8] == 'green':
colorbg9 = 'green'
if newRollsList[8] == 'black':
colorbg9 = 'black'
if newRollsList[9] == 'red':
colorbg10 = 'red'
if newRollsList[9] == 'green':
colorbg10 = 'green'
if newRollsList[9] == 'black':
colorbg10 = 'black'
labelRolls1 = Label(root, bg = colorbg1, height = 1, width = 2).grid(row = 18, column = 16)
labelRollsw1 = Label(root, bg = 'white', text = ' ').grid(row = 18, column = 17)
labelRolls2 = Label(root, bg = colorbg2, height = 1, width = 2).grid(row = 18, column = 18)
labelRollsw2 = Label(root, bg = 'white', text = ' ').grid(row = 18, column = 19)
labelRolls3 = Label(root, bg = colorbg3, height = 1, width = 2).grid(row = 18, column = 20)
labelRollsw3 = Label(root, bg = 'white', text = ' ').grid(row = 18, column = 21)
labelRolls4 = Label(root, bg = colorbg4, height = 1, width = 2).grid(row = 18, column = 22)
labelRollsw4 = Label(root, bg = 'white', text = ' ').grid(row = 18, column = 23)
labelRolls5 = Label(root, bg = colorbg5, height = 1, width = 2).grid(row = 18, column = 24)
labelRollsw5 = Label(root, bg = 'white', text = ' ').grid(row = 18, column = 25)
labelRolls6 = Label(root, bg = colorbg6, height = 1, width = 2).grid(row = 18, column = 26)
labelRollsw6 = Label(root, bg = 'white', text = ' ').grid(row = 18, column = 27)
labelRolls7 = Label(root, bg = colorbg7, height = 1, width = 2).grid(row = 18, column = 28)
labelRollsw7 = Label(root, bg = 'white', text = ' ').grid(row = 18, column = 29)
labelRolls8 = Label(root, bg = colorbg8, height = 1, width = 2).grid(row = 18, column = 30)
labelRollsw8 = Label(root, bg = 'white', text = ' ').grid(row = 18, column = 31)
labelRolls9 = Label(root, bg = colorbg9, height = 1, width = 2).grid(row = 18, column = 32)
labelRollsw9 = Label(root, bg = 'white', text = ' ').grid(row = 18, column = 33)
labelRolls10 = Label(root, bg = colorbg10, height = 1, width = 2).grid(row = 18, column = 34)
def roulette3(color, money):
yes = 'yes'
no = 'no'
on = 'yes'
total_money = total.get()
number = int(num())
if color == no and money == 1:
if number == 8:
if number <= 7:
if number >= 9:
if int(money) <= int(total_money) and int(money) > 0:
if color == 'green' or color == 'red' or color == 'black':
if number == 8:
if color == 'green':
total.set(int(total_money) + int(money) * 14 - int(money))
a = ('It was green! You won!')
# tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('You won', a)
elif color != 'green':
total.set(int(total_money) - int(money))
b = ('It was green! You lost!')
# tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('You lost', b)
if number <= 7:
if color == 'red':
total.set(int(total_money) + int(money) * 2 - int(money))
c = ('It was red! You won!')
# tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('You won', c)
elif color != 'red':
total.set(int(total_money) - int(money))
d = ('It was red! You lost!')
# tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('You lost', d)
if number >= 9:
if color == 'black':
total.set(int(total_money) + int(money) * 2 - int(money))
e = ('It was black! You won!')
# tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('You won', e)
elif color != 'black':
total.set(int(total_money) - int(money))
f = ('It was black! You lost!')
# tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('You lost', f)
g = ('you are unable to play with this amount')
# tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('Wrong Amount', g)
tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('Invalid Input', 'Invalid Input')
total = StringVar()
yourMoney = Label(root, text = 'Your Money:')
yourMoney.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
all_money = Label(root, textvariable = total)
all_money.grid(row = 1, column = 1)
roulette = Label(root, text = 'Roulette', bg = 'red', fg = 'black')
roulette.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = N)
moneyLabel = Label(root, text = 'How much:')
entry_money = Entry(root, textvariable = money2)
moneyLabel.grid(row = 2, column = 1)
entry_money.grid(row = 3, column = 1)
selectcolor = Label(root, text = 'Select your color:')
selectcolor.grid(row = 5, column = 0)
redB = Checkbutton(root, text = 'Red', variable = varred, onvalue = 'on', offvalue = 'off')
redB.grid(row = 4, column = 1)
blackB = Checkbutton(root, text = 'Black', variable = varblack, onvalue = 'on', offvalue = 'off')
blackB.grid(row = 5, column = 1)
greenB = Checkbutton(root, text = 'Green', variable = vargreen, onvalue = 'on', offvalue = 'off')
greenB.grid(row = 6, column = 1)
#playButton = Button(root, text = 'Play', command = play).grid(row = 4, column = 5)
#dontroll = Button(root, text = 'Wait for next Roll', command = nothing).grid(row = 3, column = 3)
lastrolls = Label(root, text = 'Last Rolls:')
lastrolls.grid(row = 18, column = 15)
zeit = Label(root, text = 'Time left until next roll:').grid(row = 1, column = 3)
timer = Label(root)
timer.grid(row = 1, column = 4)
allin = Button(root, text = 'All In', command = all).grid(row = 3, column = 3)
#photo = PhotoImage(file = 'C:\\Users\\Louis\\Desktop\\roulette.png')
#label = Label(root, image=photo)
#label.grid(row = 7, column = 1)
