[edit: using django-1.1.1]
I'm using django classes that store a blob (a string b64 encoded more exactly) corresponding to an icon for the object.
I serialize the objects as json to communicate with the different front-end clients.
I don't want to expose the pure icon blob in the json result (but serve it as image under a certain url), so my icon field is defined as thus :
icon = models.TextField(null=True, serialize=False)
But when time comes to save my object, I lose my icon, because, obviously, the value is not set by the incoming json dictionnary.
I'd like to write written a hack like so :
class MyIconizedClass(models.Model):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.pk is not None and self._icon is None:
old_self = MyIconizedClass.object.get(pk=self.pk)
self.icon = old.self.icon
Not very satisfied with this because it would query in DB every time, plus, it will recurse indefinitely if the icon is effectively None.
Another way would be to rewrite the deserializer.
Is there any workaround, using django's internal mechanisms?
Try this:
for deserialized_object in serializers.deserialize("json", data):
existing_object = MyIconizedClass.objects.get(pk=deserialized_object.pk)
deserialized_object.icon = existing_object.icon
except MyIconizedClass.DoesNotExist:
It also queries the database but it won't cause any recursion.
I changed my model so as to be less query-greedy.
class MyIconizedClass(models.Model):
class IconClass(models.Model):
obj = models.ForeignKey(MyIconizedClass)
blob = models.TextField()
I only query the IconClass table on demand, when working with certain url entrypoints such as
GET /iconized/42/icon
PUT /iconized/42/icon
DELETE /iconized/42/icon
When accessing the object itself, I don't need to know of icons (GET /iconized/42).
I want to create a model Changelog and make it editable from Admin page. Here is how it is defined in models.py:
class Changelog(models.Model):
id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True, auto_created=True)
title = models.TextField()
description = models.TextField()
link = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True)
picture = models.BinaryField(null=True, blank=True)
title and description are required, link and picture are optional. I wanted to keep this model as simple as possible, so I chose BinaryField over FileField. In this case I wouldn't need to worry about separate folder I need to backup, because DB will be self-contained (I don't need to store filename or any other attributes, just image content).
I quickly realized, that Django Admin doesn't have a widget for BinaryField, so I tried to use widget for FileField. Here is what I did to accomplish that (admin.py):
class ChangelogForm(forms.ModelForm):
picture = forms.FileField(required=False)
def save(self, commit=True):
if self.cleaned_data.get('picture') is not None:
data = self.cleaned_data['picture'].file.read()
self.instance.picture = data
return self.instance
def save_m2m(self):
# FIXME: this function is required by ModelAdmin, otherwise save process will fail
class Meta:
model = Changelog
fields = ['title', 'description', 'link', 'picture']
class ChangelogAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
form = ChangelogForm
admin.site.register(Changelog, ChangelogAdmin)
As you can see it is a bit hacky. You also can create you own form field be subclassing forms.FileField, but code would be pretty much the same. It is working fine for me, but now I'm thinking is there are better/standard way to accomplish the same task?
A better and more standard way would be to create a Widget for this type of field.
class BinaryFileInput(forms.ClearableFileInput):
def is_initial(self, value):
Return whether value is considered to be initial value.
return bool(value)
def format_value(self, value):
"""Format the size of the value in the db.
We can't render it's name or url, but we'd like to give some information
as to wether this file is not empty/corrupt.
if self.is_initial(value):
return f'{len(value)} bytes'
def value_from_datadict(self, data, files, name):
"""Return the file contents so they can be put in the db."""
upload = super().value_from_datadict(data, files, name)
if upload:
return upload.read()
So instead of subclassing the whole form you would just use the widget where it's needed, e.g. in the following way:
class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
formfield_overrides = {
models.BinaryField: {'widget': BinaryFileInput()},
As you already noticed the code is much the same but this is the right place to put one field to be handled in a specific manner. Effectively you want to change one field's appearance and the way of handling when used in a form, while you don't need to change the whole form.
Since writing that response Django has introduced an editable field on the models and in order to get this working you need to set the model field to editable=True which is false for BinaryField by default.
An alternative solution is to create a file storage backend that actually saves the binary data, along with file name and type, in a BinaryField in the database. This allows you to stay within the paradigm of FileField, and have the metadata if you need it.
This would be a lot more work if you had to do it yourself, but it is already done in the form of db_file_storage.
I actually followed #Ania's answer with some workaround since upload.read() was not saving image in the right encoding in Postrgres and image could not be rendered in an HTML template.
Furthermore, re-saving the object will clear the binary field due to None value in the uploading field (Change) [this is something that Django handles only for ImageField and FileField]
Finally, the clear checkbox was not properly working (data were deleted just because of the previous point, i.e. None in Change).
Here how I changed value_from_datadict() method to solve:
class BinaryFileInput(forms.ClearableFileInput):
# omitted
def value_from_datadict(self, data, files, name):
"""Return the file contents so they can be put in the db."""
if 'image-clear' in data:
return None
upload = super().value_from_datadict(data, files, name)
if upload:
binary_file_data = upload.read()
image_data = base64.b64encode(binary_file_data).decode('utf-8')
return image_data
if YourObject.objects.filter(pk=data['pk']).exists():
return YourObject.objects.get(pk=data['pk']).get_image
return None
Then I defined the field as a BinaryField() in models and retrieved the image data for the frontend with a #property:
image = models.BinaryField(verbose_name='Image', blank = True, null = True, editable=True) # editable in admin
def get_image(self):
store the image in Postgres as encoded string
then display that image in template using
<img src="data:image/<IMAGE_TYPE>;base64,<BASE64_ENCODED_IMAGE>">
image_data = base64.b64encode(self.image).decode('utf-8')
return image_data
And finally is rendered in the template with:
<img src="data:image/jpg;base64,{{object.get_image}}" alt="photo">
For modern Django, I found the following approach works best for me:
class BinaryField(forms.FileField):
def to_python(self, data):
data = super().to_python(data)
if data:
data = base64.b64encode(data.read()).decode('ascii')
return data
class BinaryFileInputAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
formfield_overrides = {
models.BinaryField: {'form_class': BinaryField},
The individual model field still needs editable=True, of course.
Working with Google App Engine for Python, I am trying to create and then update an ndb entity. To update a single property, you can just access the property using a dot, e.g.
post.body = body
But I would like to know if there is a simple way to update multiple fields within an ndb entity. The following code:
class Create(Handler):
def post(self):
## code to get params
post = Post(author = author,
title = title,
body = body)
class Update(Handler):
def post(self, post_id):
post = post.get_by_id(int(post_id))
fields = ['author', 'title', 'body']
data = get_params(self.request, fields)
for field in fields:
post[field] = data[field]
The "Create" handler works fine, but the "Update" handler results in:
TypeError: 'Post' object does not support item assignment
So it seems I would need to access the properties using a dot, but that is not going to work when I have a list of properties I want to access.
Can someone provide an alternative way to update multiple properties of an NDB entity after it has been created?
You should use setattr.
for field in fields:
setattr(post, field, data[field])
(Note that GAE objects do actually provide a hidden way of updating them via a dict, but you should use the public interface.)
You can use the populate method:
Context: I am writing an API (using Flask and MongoEngine) with multiple account types, including perhaps buildings. I need the database to hold some temporary accounts until a particular building registers.
This is how I've been referencing just one type of user:
current_holder_of_stuff = ReferenceField(ActiveUser)
I know GenericReferenceField is also an option, but what if I only want to allow two types of references? Is there anything like:
current_holder_of_stuff = ReferenceField(ActiveUser, TempUser)
Muchos thankos!
It may work to create a parent class of type User and then have inherited classes of ActiveUser and TempUser to deal with the various user types. As for the requirement for current_holder_of_stuff to be two possible document types, you cannot use a single reference field. As you've dismissed using GenericReferenceField then one way might be to add a property method and a StringField with options such as this:
import mongoegine as mdb
class User(mdb.Document):
name = mdb.StringField()
meta = {'allow_inheritance': True}
class ActiveUser(User):
activation_date = mdb.DateTimeField()
class TempUser(User):
date_limit = mdb.DateTimeField()
class Building(mdb.Document):
address = mdb.StringField()
class Stuff(mdb.Document):
user = mdb.ReferenceField(User)
building = mdb.ReferenceField(Building)
currently_with = mdb.StringField(options=['user','building'],required=True)
def current_holder_of_stuff(self):
if self.currently_with == "user":
return self.user
return self.building
You can also use mongoengine's signals to perform checks pre-save to ensure there is only a user or building defined.
How do you get the model object of a tastypie modelresource from it's uri?
for example:
if you were given the uri as a string in python, how do you get the model object of that string?
Tastypie's Resource class (which is the guy ModelResource is subclassing ) provides a method get_via_uri(uri, request). Be aware that his calls through to apply_authorization_limits(request, object_list) so if you don't receive the desired result make sure to edit your request in such a way that it passes your authorisation.
A bad alternative would be using a regex to extract the id from your url and then use it to filter through the list of all objects. That was my dirty hack until I got get_via_uri working and I do NOT recommend using this. ;)
id_regex = re.compile("/(\d+)/$")
object_id = id_regex.findall(your_url)[0]
your_object = filter(lambda x: x.id == int(object_id),YourResource().get_object_list(request))[0]
You can use get_via_uri, but as #Zakum mentions, that will apply authorization, which you probably don't want. So digging into the source for that method we see that we can resolve the URI like this:
from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve, get_script_prefix
def get_pk_from_uri(uri):
prefix = get_script_prefix()
chomped_uri = uri
if prefix and chomped_uri.startswith(prefix):
chomped_uri = chomped_uri[len(prefix)-1:]
view, args, kwargs = resolve(chomped_uri)
except Resolver404:
raise NotFound("The URL provided '%s' was not a link to a valid resource." % uri)
return kwargs['pk']
If your Django application is located at the root of the webserver (i.e. get_script_prefix() == '/') then you can simplify this down to:
view, args, kwargs = resolve(uri)
pk = kwargs['pk']
Are you looking for the flowchart? It really depends on when you want the object.
Within the dehydration cycle you simple can access it via bundle, e.g.
class MyResource(Resource):
# fields etc.
def dehydrate(self, bundle):
# Include the request IP in the bundle if the object has an attribute value
if bundle.obj.user:
bundle.data['request_ip'] = bundle.request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR')
return bundle
If you want to manually retrieve an object by an api url, given a pattern you could simply traverse the slug or primary key (or whatever it is) via the default orm scheme?
Can I add a custom restriction for the folder contents in Plone 4.1. Eg. Restrict the folder to contain only files with extensions like *.doc, *.pdf
I am aware of the general restrictions like file/ folder/ page / image which is available in Plone
Not without additional development; you'd have to extend the File type with a validator to restrict the mime types allowed.
Without going into the full detail (try for yourself and ask more questions here on SO if you get stuck), here are the various moving parts I'd implement if I were faced with this problem:
Create a new IValidator class to check for allowed content types:
from zope.interface import implements
from Products.validation.interfaces.IValidator import IValidator
class LocalContentTypesValidator(object):
def __init__(self, name, title='', description='')
self.name = name
self.title = title or name
self.description = description
def __call__(value, *args, **kwargs):
instance = kwargs.get('instance', None)
field = kwargs.get('field', None)
# Get your list of content types from the aq_parent of the instance
# Verify that the value (*usually* a python file object)
# I suspect you have to do some content type sniffing here
# Return True if the content type is allowed, or an error message
Register an instance of your validotor with the register:
from Products.validation.config import validation
Create a new subclass of the ATContentTypes ATFile class, with a copy of the baseclass schema, to add the validator to it's validation chain:
from Products.ATContentTypes.content.file import ATFile, ATFileSchema
Schema = ATFileSchema.schema.copy()
Schema['file'].validators = schema['file'].validators + (
class ContentTypeRestrictedFile(ATFile):
schema = Schema
# Everything else you need for a custom Archetype
or just alter the ATFile schema itself if you want this to apply to all File objects in your deployment:
from Products.ATContentTypes.content.file import ATFileSchema
ATFileSchema['file'].validators = ATFileSchema['file'].validators + (
Add a field to Folders or a custom sub-class to store a list of locally allowed content types. I'd probably use archetypes.schemaextender for this. There is plenty of documentation on this these days, WebLion has a nice tutorial for example.
You'd have to make a policy decision on how you let people restrict mime-types here of course; wildcarding, free-form text, a vocabulary, etc.