Hey there, I have a rather large file that I want to process using Python and I'm kind of stuck as to how to do it.
The format of my file is like this:
0 xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
1 xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
So I basically want to read in the chunk up from 0-1, do my processing on it, then move on to the chunk between 1 and 2.
So far I've tried using a regex to match the number and then keep iterating, but I'm sure there has to be a better way of going about this. Any suggestion/info would be greatly appreciated.
If they are all within the same line, that is there are no line breaks between "1." and "2." then you can iterate over the lines of the file like this:
for line in open("myfile.txt"):
#do stuff
The line will be disposed of and overwritten at each iteration meaning you can handle large file sizes with ease. If they're not on the same line:
for line in open("myfile.txt"):
if #regex to match start of new string
parsed_line = line
parsed_line += line
and the rest of your code.
Why don't you just read the file char by char using file.read(1)?
Then, you could - in each iteration - check whether you arrived at the char 1. Then you have to make sure that storing the string is fast.
If the "N " can only start a line, then why not use use the "simple" solution? (It sounds like this already being done, I am trying to reinforce/support it ;-))
That is, just reading a line at a time, and build up the data representing the current N object. After say N=0, and N=1 are loaded, process them together, then move onto the next pair (N=2, N=3). The only thing that is even remotely tricky is making sure not to throw out a read line. (The line read that determined the end condition -- e.g. "N " -- also contain the data for the next N).
Unless seeking is required (or IO caching is disabled or there is an absurd amount of data per item), there is really no reason not to use readline AFAIK.
Happy coding.
Here is some off-the-cuff code, which likely contains multiple errors. In any case, it shows the general idea using a minimized side-effect approach.
# given an input and previous item data, return either
# [item_number, data, next_overflow] if another item is read
# or None if there are no more items
def read_item (inp, overflow):
data = overflow or ""
# this can be replaced with any method to "read the header"
# the regex is just "the easiest". the contract is just:
# given "N ....", return N. given anything else, return None
def get_num(d):
m = re.match(r"(\d+) ", d)
return int(m.groups(1)) if m else None
for line in inp:
if data and get_num(line) ne None:
# already in an item (have data); current line "overflows".
# item number is still at start of current data
return [get_num(data), data, line]
# not in item, or new item not found yet
data += line
# and end of input, with data. only returns above
# if a "new" item was encountered; this covers case of
# no more items (or no items at all)
if data:
return [get_num(data), data, None]
return None
And usage might be akin to the following, where f represents an open file:
# check for error conditions (e.g. None returned)
# note feed-through of "overflow"
num1, data1, overflow = read_item(f, None)
num2, data2, overflow = read_item(f, overflow)
If the format is fixed, why not just read 3 lines at a time with readline()
If the file is small, you could read the whole file in and split() on number digits (might want to use strip() to get rid of whitespace and newlines), then fold over the list to process each string in the list. You'll probably have to check that the resultant string you are processing on is not initially empty in case two digits were next to each other.
If the file's content can be loaded in memory, and that's what you answered, then the following code (needs to have filename defined) may be a solution.
import re
regx = re.compile('^((\d+).*?)(?=^\d|\Z)',re.DOTALL|re.MULTILINE)
with open(filename) as f:
text = f.read()
def treat(inp,regx=regx):
m1 = regx.search(inp)
numb,chunk = m1.group(2,1)
li = [chunk]
for mat in regx.finditer(inp,m1.end()):
n,ch = mat.group(2,1)
if int(n) == int(numb) + 1:
yield ''.join(li)
numb = n
li = []
chunk = ch
yield ''.join(li)
for y in treat(text):
print repr(y)
This code, run on a file containing :
1 mountain
orange 2
2 gas
3 grimace
4 snow
51 guludururu
52asabi dabada
5 yellow
6 pink
7 guitar
blank 8
8 Canada
9 Rimini
'1 mountain\norange 2\napple\nproduce\n'
'2 gas\nsolemn\nenlightment\nprotectorate\n'
'3 grimace\nsong\n'
'4 snow\nwheat\n51 guludururu\nkelemekinonoto\n52asabi dabada\n'
'5 yellow\n'
'6 pink \nmusic\nair\n'
'7 guitar\nblank 8\n'
'8 Canada\n'
'9 Rimini'
I need this program to create a sheet as a list of strings of ' ' chars and distribute text strings (from a list) into it. I have already coded return statements in python 3 but this one keeps giving
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
It's the return(riplns) on line 39. I want the function to create a number of random numbers (randint) inside a range built around another randint, coming from the function ripimg() that calls this one.
I see clearly where the program declares the list I want this return() to give me. I know its type. I see where I feed variables (of the int type) to it, through .append(). I know from internet research that SyntaxErrors on python's return() functions usually come from mistype but it doesn't seem the case.
#loads the asciified image ("/home/userX/Documents/Programmazione/Python projects/imgascii/myascify/ascimg4")
#creates a sheet "foglio1", same number of lines as the asciified image, and distributes text on it on a randomised line
#create the sheet foglio1
def create():
ref = open("/home/userX/Documents/Programmazione/Python projects/imgascii/myascify/ascimg4")
charcount = ""
field = []
for line in ref:
for c in line:
if c != '\n':
charcount += ' '
if c == '\n':
for i in range(50):#<------- VALUE ADJUSTMENT FROM WRITER.PY GOES HERE(default : 50):
charcount += ' '
charcount += '\n'
for line in ref:
#turn text in a list of lines and trasforms the lines in a list of strings
def poemln():
txt = open("/home/gcg/Documents/Programmazione/Python projects/imgascii/writer/poem")
arrays = []
for line in txt:
#rander is to be called in ripimg()
def rander(rando, fldepth):
riplns = []
for i in range(fldepth):
return(riplns) #<---- THIS RETURN GIVES SyntaxError upon execution
#opens a rip on the side of the image.
def ripimg():
upmost = randint(160, 168)
positions = []
fldepth = 52 #<-----value is manually input as in DISTRIB function.
positions = rander(upmost,fldepth)
I omitted the rest of the program, I believe these functions are enough to get the idea, please tell me if I need to add more.
You have incomplete set of previous line's parenthesis .
In this line:-
You have to add one more brace at the end. This was causing error because python was reading things continuously and thought return statement to be a part of previous uncompleted line.
What I'm trying to do is open a file, then find every instance of '[\x06I"' and '\x06;', then return whatever is between the two.
Since this is not a standard text file (it's map data from RPG maker) readline() will not work for my purposes, as the file is not at all formatted in such a way that the data I want is always neatly within one line by itself.
What I'm doing right now is loading the file into a list with read(), then simply deleting characters from the very beginning until I hit the string '[\x06I'. Then I scan ahead to find '\x06;', store what's between them as a string, append said string to a list, then resume at the character after the semicolon I found.
It works, and I ended up with pretty much exactly what I wanted, but I feel like that's the worst possible way to go about it. Is there a more efficient way?
My relevant code:
while eofget == 0:
savor = 0
while savor == 0 or eofget == 0:
if line[0:4] == '[\x06I"':
x = 4
spork = 0
while spork == 0:
x += 1
if line[x] == '\x06':
if line[x+1] == ';':
spork = x
savor = line[5:spork] + "\n"
line = line[x+1:]
linefinal[lineinc] = savor
lineinc += 1
elif line[x:x+7] == '#widthi':
print("eof reached")
spork = 1
eofget = 1
savor = 0
elif line[x:x+7] == '#widthi':
print("finished map " + mapname)
eofget = 1
savor = 0
line = line[1:]
You can just ignore the variable names. I just name things the first thing that comes to mind when I'm doing one-offs like this. And yes, I am aware a few things in there don't make any sense, but I'm saving cleanup for when I finalize the code.
When eofget gets flipped on this subroutine terminates and the next map is loaded. Then it repeats. The '#widthi' check is basically there to save time, since it's present in every map and indicates the beginning of the map data, AKA data I don't care about.
I feel this is a natural case to use regular expressions. Using the findall method:
>>> s = 'testing[\x06I"text in between 1\x06;filler text[\x06I"text in between 2\x06;more filler[\x06I"text in between \n with some line breaks \n included in the text\x06;ending'
>>> import re
>>> p = re.compile('\[\x06I"(.+?)\x06;', re.DOTALL)
>>> print(p.findall(s))
['text in between 1', 'text in between 2', 'text in between \n with some line breaks \n included in the text']
The regex string '\[\x06I"(.+?)\x06;'can be interpreted as follows:
Match as little as possible (denoted by ?) of an undetermined number of unspecified characters (denoted by .+) surrounded by '[\x06I"' and '\x06;', and only return the enclosed text (denoted by the parentheses around .+?)
Adding re.DOTALL in the compile makes the .? match line breaks as well, allowing multi-line text to be captured.
I would use split():
fulltext = 'adsfasgaseg[\x06I"thisiswhatyouneed\x06;sdfaesgaegegaadsf[\x06I"this is the second what you need \x06;asdfeagaeef'
parts = fulltext.split('[\x06I"') # split by first label
results = []
for part in parts:
if '\x06;' in part: # if second label exists in part
results.append(part.split('\x06;')[0]) # get the part until the second label
print results
Python: 2.7.9
I erased all of my code because I'm going nuts.
Here's the gist (its for Rosalind challenge thingy):
I want to take a file that looks like this (no quotes on carets)
What I can't figure out how to do is basically everything at this point, my mind is so muddled. I'll just show kind of what I was doing, but failing to do.
1st. I want to search the file for '>'
Then assign the rest of that line into the dictionary as a key.
read the next lines up until the next '>' and do some calculations and return
findings into the value for that key.
go through the file and do it for every string.
then compare all values and return the key of whichever one is highest.
Can anyone help?
It might help if I just take a break. I've been coding all day and i think I smell colors.
def func(dna_str):
return gcp #gc count percentage returned to the value in dict
With my_function somewhere that returns that percentage value:
with open('rosalind.txt', 'r') as ros:
rosa = {line[1:].split(' ')[0]:my_function(line.split(' ')[1].strip()) for line in ros if line.strip()}
top_key = max(rosa, key=rosa.get)
print(top_key, rosa.get(top_key))
For each line in the file, that will first check if there's anything left of the line after stripping trailing whitespace, then discard the blank lines. Next, it adds each non-blank line as an entry to a dictionary, with the key being everything to the left of the space except for the unneeded >, and the value being the result of sending everything to the right of the space to your function.
Then it saves the key corresponding to the highest value, then prints that key along with its corresponding value. You're left with a dictionary rosa that you can process however you like.
Complete code of the module:
def my_function(dna):
return 100 * len(dna.replace('A','').replace('T',''))/len(dna)
with open('rosalind.txt', 'r') as ros:
with open('rosalind_clean.txt', 'w') as output:
for line in ros:
if line.startswith('>'):
elif line.strip():
with open('rosalind_clean.txt', 'r') as ros:
rosa = {line[1:].split(' ')[0]:my_function(line.split(' ')[1].strip()) for line in ros if line.strip()}
top_key = max(rosa, key=rosa.get)
print(top_key, rosa.get(top_key))
Complete content of rosalind.txt:
>Rosalind_0808 CCACCCTCGTGGT
Result when running the module:
Rosalind_0808 60.91954022988506
This should properly handle an input file that doesn't necessarily have one entry per line.
See SO's formatting guide to learn how to make inline or block code tags to get past things like ">". If you want it to appear as regular text rather than code, escape the > with a backslash:
I think I got that part down now. Thanks so much. BUUUUT. Its throwing an error about it.
rosa = {line[1:].split(' ')[0]:calc(line.split(' ')[1].strip()) for line in ros if line.strip()}
IndexError: list index out of range
this is my func btw.
def calc(dna_str):
for x in dna_str:
if x == 'G':
gc += 1
divc += 1
elif x == 'C':
gc += 1
divc += 1
divc += 1
gcp = float(gc/divc)
return gcp
Exact test file. no blank lines before or after.
This seems fairly trivial but I can't seem to work it out
I have a text file with the contents:
I am reading this with the code below, stripping the '>' and trying to convert the strings into their corresponding ASCII value, minus 65 to give me a value that will correspond to another list index
def readRoute():
routeFile = open('route.txt', 'r')
for line in routeFile.readlines():
route = line.strip('\n' '\r')
route = line.split('>')
#startNode, endNode = route
startNode = ord(route[0])-65
endNode = ord(route[1])-65
# Debug (this comment was for my use to explain below the print values)
print 'Route Entered:'
print line
print startNode, ',', endNode, '\n'
return[startNode, endNode]
However I am having slight trouble doing the conversion nicely, because the text file only contains one line at the moment but ideally I need it to be able to support more than one line and run an amount of code for each line.
For example it could contain:
So I would want to run the same code outside this function 4 times with the different inputs
Anyone able to give me a hand
Not sure I made my issue that clear, sorry
What I need it do it parse the text file (possibly containing one line or multiple lines like above. I am able to do it for one line with the lines
startNode = ord(route[0])-65
endNode = ord(route[1])-65
But I get errors when trying to do more than one line because the ord() is expecting different inputs
If I have (below) in the route.txt
This is the error it gives me:
line 43, in readRoute endNode = ord(route[1])-65
TypeError: ord() expected a character, but string of length 2 found
My code above should read the route.txt file and see that B>F is the first route, strip the '>' - convert the B & F to ASCII, so 66 & 70 respectively then minus 65 from both to give 1 & 5 (in this example)
The 1 & 5 are corresponding indexes for another "array" (list of lists) to do computations and other things on
Once the other code has completed it can then go to the next line in route.txt which could be A>D and perform the above again
Perhaps this will work for you. I turned the fileread into a generator so you can do as you please with the parsed results in the for-i loop.
def readRoute(file_name):
with open(file_name, 'r') as r:
for line in r:
yield (ord(line[0])-65, ord(line[2])-65)
filename = 'route.txt'
for startnode, endnode in readRoute(filename):
print startnode, endnode
If you can't change readRoute, change the contents of the file before each call. Better yet, make readRoute take the filename as a parameter (default it to 'route.txt' to preserve the current behavior) so you can have it process other files.
What about something like this? It takes the routes defined in your file and turns them into path objects with start and end member variables. As an added bonus PathManager.readFile() allows you to load multiple route files without overwriting the existing paths.
import re
class Path:
def __init__(self, start, end):
self.start = ord(start) - 65 # Scale the values as desired
self.end = ord(end) - 65 # Scale the values as desired
class PathManager:
def __init__(self):
self.expr = re.compile("^([A-Za-z])[>]([A-Za-z])$") # looks for string "C>C"
# where C is a char
self.paths = []
def do_logic_routine(self, start, end):
# Do custom logic here that will execute before the next line is read
# Return True for 'continue reading' or False to stop parsing file
return True
def readFile(self, path):
file = open(path,"r")
for line in file:
item = self.expr.match(line.strip()) # strip whitespaces before parsing
if item:
item.group(0) is *not* used here; it matches the whole expression
item.group(1) matches the first parenthesis in the regular expression
item.group(2) matches the second
self.paths.append(Path(item.group(1), item.group(2)))
if not do_logic_routine(self.paths[-1].start, self.paths[-1].end):
# Running the example
MyManager = PathManager()
for path in MyManager.paths:
print "Start: %s End: %s" % (path.start, path.end)
Output is:
Start: 1 End: 5
Start: 0 End: 3
Start: 2 End: 5
Start: 4 End: 3
I am trying to use textwrap to format an import file that is quite particular in how it is formatted. Basically, it is as follows (line length shortened for simplicity):
abcdef <- Ok line
ghijk <- Note leading space to indicate wrapped line
Now, I have got code to work as follows:
wrapper = TextWrapper(width=80, subsequent_indent=' ', break_long_words=True, break_on_hyphens=False)
for l in lines:
This works nearly perfectly, however, the text wrapping code doesn't do a hard break at the 80 character mark, it tries to be smart and break on a space (at approx 20 chars in).
I have got round this by replacing all spaces in the string list with a unique character (#), wrapping them and then removing the character, but surely there must be a cleaner way?
N.B Any possible answers need to work on Python 2.4 - sorry!
A generator-based version might be a better solution for you, since it wouldn't need to load the entire string in memory at once:
def hard_wrap(input, width, indent=' '):
for line in input:
indent_width = width - len(indent)
yield line[:width]
line = line[width:]
while line:
yield '\n' + indent + line[:indent_width]
line = line[indent_width:]
Use it like this:
from StringIO import StringIO # Makes strings look like files
s = """abcdefg
for line in hard_wrap(StringIO(s), 12):
print line,
Which prints:
It sounds like you are disabling most of the functionality of TextWrapper, and then trying to add a little of your own. I think you'd be better off writing your own function or class. If I understand you right, you're simply looking for lines longer than 80 chars, and breaking them at the 80-char mark, and indenting the remainder by one space.
For example, this:
s = """\
This line is fine.
This line is very long and should wrap, It'll end up on a few lines.
A short line.
def hard_wrap(s, n, indent):
wrapped = ""
n_next = n - len(indent)
for l in s.split('\n'):
first, rest = l[:n], l[n:]
wrapped += first + "\n"
while rest:
next, rest = rest[:n_next], rest[n_next:]
wrapped += indent + next + "\n"
return wrapped
print hard_wrap(s, 20, " ")
This line is fine.
This line is very lo
ng and should wrap,
It'll end up on a
few lines.
A short line.