Minimum Distance Algorithm using GDAL and Python - python

I'm trying to implement the Minimum Distance Algorithm for image classification using GDAL and Python. After calculating the mean pixel-value of the sample areas and storing them into a list of arrays ("sample_array"), I read the image into an array called "values". With the following code I loop through this array:
values = valBD.ReadAsArray()
# loop through pixel columns
for X in range(0,XSize):
# loop thorugh pixel lines
for Y in range (0, YSize):
# initialize variables
minDist = 9999
# get minimum distance
for iSample in range (0, sample_count):
# dist = calc_distance(values[jPixel, iPixel], sample_array[iSample])
# computing minimum distance
iPixelVal = values[Y, X]
mean = sample_array[iSample]
dist = math.sqrt((iPixelVal - mean) * (iPixelVal - mean)) # only for testing
if dist < minDist:
minDist = dist
values[Y, X] = iSample
classBD.WriteArray(values, xoff=0, yoff=0)
This procedure takes very long for big images. That's why I want to ask if somebody knows a faster method. I don't know much about access-speed of different variables in python. Or maybe someone knows a libary I could use.
Thanks in advance,

You should definitely be using NumPy. I work with some pretty large raster datasets and NumPy burns through them. On my machine, with the code below there's no noticeable delay for a 1000 x 1000 array. An explanation of how this works follows the code.
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
# some starter data
dim = (1000,1000)
values = np.random.randint(0, 10, dim)
# cdist will want 'samples' as a 2-d array
samples = np.array([1, 2, 3]).reshape(-1, 1)
# this could be a one-liner
# 'values' must have the same number of columns as 'samples'
mins = cdist(values.reshape(-1, 1), samples)
outvalues = mins.argmin(axis=1).reshape(dim)
cdist() calculates the "distance" from each element in values to each of the elements in samples. This generates a 1,000,000 x 3 array, where each row n has the distance from pixel nin the original array to each of the sample values [1, 2, 3]. argmin(axis=1) gives you the index of the minimum value along each row, which is what you want. A quick reshape gives you the rectangular format you'd expect for an image.

Agree with Thomas K: use PIL, or else write a C-function and wrap it using e.g. ctypes, or at very least use some numPy matrix operations.
Or else use pypy on your existing code (JIT-compiled code can be 100x faster, on image code). Try pypy and tell us what speedup you got.
Bottom line: never do stuff pixel-wise like this natively in cPython, the interpreting and memory-mgt overhead will kill you.


Manually find the distance between centroid and labelled data points

I have carried out some clustering analysis on some data X and have arrived at both the labels y and the centroids c. Now, I'm trying to calculate the distance between X and their assigned cluster's centroid c. This is easy when we have a small number of points:
import numpy as np
# 10 random points in 3D space
X = np.random.rand(10,3)
# define the number of clusters, say 3
clusters = 3
# give each point a random label
# (in the real code this is found using KMeans, for example)
y = np.asarray([np.random.randint(0,clusters) for i in range(10)]).reshape(-1,1)
# randomly assign location of centroids
# (in the real code this is found using KMeans, for example)
c = np.random.rand(clusters,3)
# calculate distances
distances = []
for i in range(len(X)):
Unfortunately, the actual data has many more rows. Is there a way to vectorise this somehow (instead of using a for loop)? I can't seem to get my head around the mapping.
Thanks to numpy's array indexing, you can actually turn your for loop into a one-liner and avoid explicit looping altogether:
distances = np.linalg.norm(X- np.einsum('ijk->ik', c[y]), axis=1)
will do the same thing as your original for loop.
EDIT: Thanks #Kris, I forgot the axis keyword, and since I didn't specify it, numpy automatically computed the norm of the entire flattened matrix, not just along the rows (axis 1). I've updated it now, and it should return an array of distances for each point. Also, einsum was suggested by #Kris for their specific application.

How to parallelize writing to same cell in a numpy array?

Background: I have millions of points in 2D space with (x_position, y_position, value) associated with each point. I am trying to summarize these points by creating an image, where each pixel can contain multiple points. To summarize, each pixel stores the sum of values at that (x_pixel, y_pixel) location in the image.
Question: How can I do this efficiently? Currently, my code does something like this:
image = np.zeros((4096,4096))
for each point in data:
x_pixel, y_pixel = convertPointPos2PixelPos(point)
image[x_pixel, y_pixel] += point.getValue()
but the ETA for this code completing is 450 hours, which is unacceptable. Is there a way to parallelize this? The code is writing to the same image[x,y] index multiple times. I found StackOverflow posts that suggest using multiprocessing, but I think needing to lock to prevent race conditions will mean this will take just as much time as it would without parallelizing.
Assuming you want something on a regular grid, you can use simple division to bin your data. Here is an example:
size = (4096, 4096)
data = np.random.rand(100000000, 3)
image = np.zeros(size)
coords = data[:, :2]
min = coords.min(0)
max = coords.max(0)
index = np.floor_divide(coords - min, (max - min) / np.subtract(size, 1), out=np.empty(coords.shape, dtype=int), casting='unsafe')
index is now an array of indices into image where you want to add the corresponding values. You can do an unbuffered add using, tuple(index.T), data[:, -1])
If your data range is better defined than just the bounding box of the coordinates, you can save a little time by not computing coord.max() and coord.min().
The result is something like this:
This entire operation takes 6.4sec on my very moderately powered machine for 10M points, including the call to plt.imshow, plt.colorbar and garbage collection before runs.
Timing collected using the %%timeit cell magic in IPython.
Either way, you're well under 450 hours. Even if your coordinate transformation is not linear binning, I expect that you can run in reasonable time as long as you vectorize it properly. Also, multiprocessing is not likely to give you a huge boost since it requires copying data around.

Greater performance in large list operations in python

I'm developing a small software for a college project and I'm having a problem: The code has a way too low performance.
It's an image editing software, and the image is a larg 3d list (the main list is the whole image, each list inside it is an horizontal line and each list inside that one is a pixel, containing three elements).
I need to make pixel-by-pixel adjustments, like multiplying all of them by a constant, so it would go like
for y in range(0,len(image)):
for x in range (0,len(image[0])):
for c in range (0,3):
im[y][x][c] = (im[y][x][c])*a
Where image is the 3d list
len(image) is the amount of horizontal lines in the image (vertical size)
len(image[0]) is the amount of pixels in a horizontal line (horizontal size)
and c is the component of the pixel (going from 0 to 2).
This loop takes several minutes to go through a single 12 MP image and the amount of images I have to process is in the order of the hundreds, so this is just impossible.
What can I do to get a greater performance? Even editing softwares take some seconds because it can be a pretty large operation, but this code is just too slow.
Thank you!
I also (as in the comments) suggest using Numpy.
Sample code would be something like this:
import numpy as np
im = np.array(image,dtype="float16")
# Define your custom function
def myFunc(x,a):
x = x * a
return x
# Vectorise function
vfunc = np.vectorize(myFunc)
# Apply function to the array with the parameter a = 5
im = vfunc(im,5)
I compared timings for a vectorized numpy function and nested loops for an array of the size roughly eqivalent to a 12MP image: 4242 x 2828 x 3.
Nested loops took 99 second, while numpy took about 6.5 secs.
For your reference here is a question about numpy functions efficiency: Most efficient way to map function over numpy array
For simple functions like multiplication using numpy native functions is the fastest.
# Multiply each element by 5
im = im * 5
This code took only 0.5 sec on my machine.

Efficient 2D cross correlation in Python?

I have two arrays of size (n, m, m) (n number of images of size (m,m)). I want to perform a cross correlation between each corresponding n of the two arrays.
Example: n=1 -> corr2d([m,m]<sub>1</sub>,[m,m]<sub>2</sub>)
My current way include a bunch of for loops in python:
for i in range(len(X)):
X_co = X[i,0,:,:]/(np.max(X[i,0,:,:]))
X_x = X[i,1,:,:]/(np.max(X[i,1,:,:]))
autocorr[i,0,:,:]=correlate2d(X_co, X_x, mode='same', boundary='fill', fillvalue=0)
Obviously this is very slow when the input contain many images, and becomes a substantial part of the total run time if (m,m) << n.
The obvious optimization is to skip the loop and feed everything directly to the compiled correlation function. Currently I'm using scipy's correlate2d.
I've looked around but haven't found any function that allows correlation along some axis or multiple inputs.
Any tips on how to make scipy's correlate2d work or alternatives?
I decided to implement it via the FFT instead.
def fft_xcorr2D(x):
# Over axes (-2,-1) (default in the fft2 function)
## Pad because of cyclic (circular?) behavior of the FFT
x = np.fft2(np.pad(x,([0,0],[0,0],[0,34],[0,34]),mode='constant'))
# Conjugate for correlation, not convolution (Conv. Theorem)
x[:,1,:,:] = np.conj(x[:,1,:,:])
# Over axes (-2,-1) (default in the ifft2 function)
## Multiply elementwise over 2:nd axis (2 image bands for me)
### fftshift over rows and column over images
corr = np.fft.fftshift(np.ifft2(,axis=1)),axes=(-2,-1))
# Return after removing padding
return np.abs(corr)[:,3:-2,3:-2]
Call via:
If anybody wants to use it:
My input is a 4D array: (N, 2, #Rows, #Cols)
E.g. (500, 2, 30, 30): 500 images, 2 bands (polarizations, for example), of 30x30 pixels
If your input is different, adjust the padding to your liking
Check so your input order is the same as mine otherwise change the axes arguments in the fft2 and ifft2 functions, the and fftshift. I use fftshift to get the maximum value in the middle (otherwise in the corners), so be wary of that if that's not what you want.
Why is it the maximum value? Technically, it doesn't have to be, but for my purpose it is. fftshift is used to get a correlation that looks like you're used to. Otherwise, the quadrants are turned "inside out". If you wonder what I mean, remove fftshift (just the fftshift part, not its arguments), call the function as before, and plot it.
Afterwards, it should be ready to use.
Possibly is faster than,axis=1) but it's an old post. It shows no improvement for me after trying.

Finding matching submatrices inside a matrix

I have a 100x200 2D array expressed as a numpy array consisting of black (0) and white (255) cells. It is a bitmap file. I then have 2D shapes (it's easiest to think of them as letters) that are also 2D black and white cells.
I know I can naively iterate through the matrix but this is going to be a 'hot' portion of my code so speed is an concern. Is there a fast way to perform this in numpy/scipy?
I looked briefly at Scipy's correlate function. I am not interested in 'fuzzy matches', only exact matches. I also looked at some academic papers but they are above my head.
You can use correlate. You'll need to set your black values to -1 and your white values to 1 (or vice-versa) so that you know the value of the peak of the correlation, and that it only occurs with the correct letter.
The following code does what I think you want.
import numpy
from scipy import signal
# Set up the inputs
a = numpy.random.randn(100, 200)
a[a<0] = 0
a[a>0] = 255
b = numpy.random.randn(20, 20)
b[b<0] = 0
b[b>0] = 255
# put b somewhere in a
a[37:37+b.shape[0], 84:84+b.shape[1]] = b
# Now the actual solution...
# Set the black values to -1
a[a==0] = -1
b[b==0] = -1
# and the white values to 1
a[a==255] = 1
b[b==255] = 1
max_peak =
# c will contain max_peak where the overlap is perfect
c = signal.correlate(a, b, 'valid')
overlaps = numpy.where(c == max_peak)
print overlaps
This outputs (array([37]), array([84])), the locations of the offsets set in the code.
You will likely find that if your letter size multiplied by your big array size is bigger than roughly Nlog(N), where N is corresponding size of the big array in which you're searching (for each dimension), then you will probably get a speed up by using an fft based algorithm like scipy.signal.fftconvolve (bearing in mind that you'll need to flip each axis of one of the datasets if you're using a convolution rather than a correlation - flipud and fliplr). The only modification would be to assigning c:
c = signal.fftconvolve(a, numpy.fliplr(numpy.flipud(b)), 'valid')
Comparing the timings on the sizes above:
In [5]: timeit c = signal.fftconvolve(a, numpy.fliplr(numpy.flipud(b)), 'valid')
100 loops, best of 3: 6.78 ms per loop
In [6]: timeit c = signal.correlate(a, b, 'valid')
10 loops, best of 3: 151 ms per loop
Here is a method you may be able to use, or adapt, depending upon the details of your requirements. It uses ndimage.label and ndimage.find_objects:
label the image using ndimage.label this finds all blobs in the array and labels them to integers.
Get the slices of these blobs using ndimage.find_objects
Then use set intersection to see if the found blobs correspond with your wanted blobs
Code for 1. and 2.:
import scipy
from scipy import ndimage
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#flatten to ensure greyscale.
im = scipy.misc.imread('letters.png',flatten=1)
objects, number_of_objects = ndimage.label(im)
letters = ndimage.find_objects(objects)
#to save the images for illustrative purposes only:
for i,j in enumerate(letters):
example input:
isolated blobs to test against:
