I've got a sqlalchemy model that is set up like this:
class Entry(Base):
__tablename__ = 'entries'
__table__ = Table('entries', Base.metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, unique=True),
Column('user_id', Integer, ForeignKey('users.id', onupdate="CASCADE", ondelete="RESTRICT")),
Column('title', String(128)),
Column('slug', String(128), index=True),
Column('url', String(256), index=True),
Column('entry', Text),
Column('cached_entry', Text),
Column('created', DateTime, server_default=text('current_timestamp')),
Column('modified', DateTime, server_onupdate=text('current_timestamp')),
Column('pubdate', DateTime),
What I would like is that when I update entry that cached_entry gets re-generated, cached_entry is the markdown parsed version of entry. Basically I am caching the output of the markdown parsing so that I don't have to do it on each showing of the entry. I've ttried using #hybrid_method however that didn't seem to work as that is not stored in the database at all. I've got it working on Google AppEngine, but I can't seem to figure out how to do the same thing using SQLAlchemy.
I really would prefer not to have to add a function to the class that is used instead of the names in the model because it is harder to enforce it from an application standpoint, I don't want to accidentally miss something.
#hybrid_descriptor certainly does it using the form described at http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/orm/mapper_config.html#using-descriptors . You assign to the database-mapped attribute, which you can map under a different name - since you're using the __table__, you can use a form like:
class Entry(Base):
__table__ = ...
_entry = __table__.c.entry
def entry(self):
return self._entry
def entry(self, value):
self._entry = value
self.cached_entry = markdown(value)
Another is to use the before_insert and before_update events to populate the column at flush time - this is a simple approach but has the disadvantage that you have to wait for a flush() for it to happen.
I think the quickest way for an "on-set" is to use #validates:
from sqlalchemy.orm import validates
class Entry(Base):
__table__ = ...
def _set_entry(self, key, value):
self.cached_entry = markdown(value)
return value
I am working on an ORM style version of the pq library (PostgreSQL powered python queue system) where users can have their own queue model. It also has added features such as bulk insert/get, asynchronous support and more (if all goes well I'll be able to publish it).
I am having difficulties creating a trigger (I use a PostgreSQL notification system) automatically after table creation (I want to make the usage as simple as possible so that would be much better than adding an additional classmethod for creating the trigger).
This is similar to the answer in this post however I cannot use this solution because I need to pass a connection (for escaping SQL identifiers by checking the dialect of the connection and for checking if objects exist beforehand).
Here is my attempt at it based on the post I mentionned earlier. I apologize for the long code but I figured I had to include a bit of context.
Base model
from sqlalchemy import (BIGINT, Column, func, Index, nullslast,
from sqlalchemy.orm import declared_attr, declarative_mixin
from sqlalchemy.event import listens_for
# this is the function that returns the base model
def postgres_queue_base(schema:str='public', tz_aware:bool=True, use_trigger:bool=True) -> 'PostgresQueueBase':
#declarative_mixin # this is only for MyPy, it does not modify anything
class PostgresQueueBase:
__tablename__ = 'queue'
def __table_args__(cls):
return (Index(nullsfirst(cls.schedule_at), nullslast(cls.dequeued_at), postgresql_where=(cls.dequeued_at == None)),
id = Column('id', BIGINT, primary_key=True)
internal_mapping = Column('internal_mapping', BIGINT, nullable=False)
enqueued_at = Column('enqueued_at', TIMESTAMP(timezone=tz_aware), nullable=False, server_default=func.now())
dequeued_at = Column('dequeued_at', TIMESTAMP(timezone=tz_aware))
expected_at = Column(TIMESTAMP(timezone=tz_aware))
schedule_at = Column(TIMESTAMP(timezone=tz_aware))
status = Column(SMALLINT, index=True)
#listens_for(PostgresQueueBase, "instrument_class", propagate=True)
def instrument_class(mapper, class_):
if use_trigger and mapper.local_table is not None:
def trigger_for_table(table):
print('Registering after_create event')
#listens_for(table, "after_create")
def create_trigger(table, connection):
# code that creates triggers and logs that (here I'll just print something and put pseudo code in a comment)
# trig = PostgresQueueTrigger(schema=get_schema_from_model(table), table_name=table.name, connection=connection)
# trig.add_trigger()
print('Creating notify function public.notify_job')
# unique trigger name using hash of schema.table_name (avoids problems with long names and special chars)
print('Creating trigger trigger_job_5d69fc3870b446d0a1f56a793b799ae3')
return PostgresQueueBase
When I try the base model
from sqlalchemy import Column, create_engine, INTEGER, TEXT
from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base
# IMPORTANT: inherit both a declarative base AND the postgres queue base
Base = declarative_base()
PostgresQueueBase = postgres_queue_base(schema='public')
# create custom queue model
class MyQueue(Base, PostgresQueueBase):
# optional custom table name (by default it is "queue")
__tablename__ = 'demo_queue'
# custom columns
operation = Column(TEXT)
project_id = Column(INTEGER)
# create table in database
# change connection string accordingly!
engine = create_engine('postgresql://username:password#localhost:5432/postgres')
Registering after_create event
I cannot see "AFTER CREATE EVENT" printed out 😟. How do I get the "after_create" event to be fired?
Thanks in advance for your help 👍!
Sorry, I finally figured it out... The table already existed so the events were never firing. Also the code above has some errors in the events (I could not test them since they were not being executed) and the composite index in table_args somehow gets the name """ NULLS FIRST"". I used a hash to have a better name and avoid problems with character limitation or escaping.
import hashlib
from sqlalchemy import (BIGINT, Column, func, Index, nullslast,
from sqlalchemy.orm import declared_attr, declarative_mixin
from sqlalchemy.event import listens_for
# this is the function that returns the base model
def postgres_queue_base(schema:str='public', tz_aware:bool=True, use_trigger:bool=True) -> 'PostgresQueueBase':
#declarative_mixin # this is only for MyPy, it does not modify anything
class PostgresQueueBase:
__tablename__ = 'queue'
def __table_args__(cls):
# to prevent any problems such as escaping, SQL injection or limit of characters I'll just md5 the table name for the index
md5 = hashlib.md5(cls.__tablename__.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
return (Index(f'queue_prio_ix_{md5}', nullsfirst(cls.schedule_at), nullslast(cls.dequeued_at),
postgresql_where=(cls.dequeued_at == None)),
id = Column('id', BIGINT, primary_key=True)
internal_mapping = Column('internal_mapping', BIGINT, nullable=False)
enqueued_at = Column('enqueued_at', TIMESTAMP(timezone=tz_aware), nullable=False, server_default=func.now())
dequeued_at = Column('dequeued_at', TIMESTAMP(timezone=tz_aware))
expected_at = Column(TIMESTAMP(timezone=tz_aware))
schedule_at = Column(TIMESTAMP(timezone=tz_aware))
status = Column(SMALLINT, index=True)
if use_trigger:
#listens_for(PostgresQueueBase, "instrument_class", propagate=True)
def class_instrument(mapper, class_):
if mapper.local_table is not None:
def create_trigger_event(table):
#listens_for(table, "after_create")
def create_trigger(target, connection, **kw):
print('Create trigger')
return PostgresQueueBase
I'm experimenting with relationship functionality within SQLAlchemy however I've not been able to crack it. The following is a simple MRE:
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey, Integer, create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, sessionmaker
Base = declarative_base()
class Tournament(Base):
__tablename__ = "tournament"
__table_args__ = {"schema": "belgarath", "extend_existing": True}
id_ = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
tournament_master_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("belgarath.tournament_master.id_"))
tournament_master = relationship("TournamentMaster", back_populates="tournament")
class TournamentMaster(Base):
__tablename__ = "tournament_master"
__table_args__ = {"schema": "belgarath", "extend_existing": True}
id_ = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
tour_id = Column(Integer, index=True)
tournament = relationship("Tournament", back_populates="tournament_master")
engine = create_engine("mysql+mysqlconnector://root:root#localhost/")
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()
qry = session.query(Tournament.tournament_master.id_).limit(100)
I was hoping to be able to query the id_ field from the tournament_master table through a relationship specified in the tournament table. However I get the following error:
AttributeError: Neither 'InstrumentedAttribute' object nor 'Comparator' object associated with Tournament.tournament_master has an attribute 'id_'
I've also tried replacing the two relationship lines with a single backref line in TournamentMaster:
tournament = relationship("Tournament", backref="tournament_master")
However I then get the error:
AttributeError: type object 'Tournament' has no attribute 'tournament_master'
Where am I going wrong?
(I'm using SQLAlchemy v1.3.18)
Your ORM classes look fine. It's the query that's incorrect.
In short you're getting that "InstrumentedAttribute" error because you are misusing the session.query method.
From the docs the session.query method takes as arguments, "SomeMappedClass" or "entities". You have 2 mapped classes defined, Tournament, and TournamentMaster. These "entities" are typically either your mapped classes (ORM objects) or a Column of these mapped classes.
However you are passing in Tournament.tournament_master.id_ which is not a "MappedClass" or a column and thus not an "entity" that session.query can consume.
Another way to look at it is that by calling Tournament.tournament_master.id_ you are trying to access a 'TournamentMaster' record (or instance) from the 'Tournament' class, which doesn't make sense.
It's not super clear to me what exactly you hoping to return from the query. In any case though here's a start.
Instead of
qry = session.query(Tournament.tournament_master.id_).limit(100)
qry = session.query(Tournament, TournamentMaster).join(TournamentMaster).limit(100)
This may also work (haven't tested) to only return the id_ field, if that is you intention
qry = session.query(Tournament, TournamentMaster).join(Tournament).with_entities(TournamentMaster.id_).limit(100)
I have an existing, working Flask app that uses SQLAlchemy. Several of the models/tables in this app have columns that store raw HTML, and I'd like to inject a function on a column's setter so that the incoming raw html gets 'cleansed'. I want to do this in the model so I don't have to sprinkle "clean this data" all through the form or route code.
I can currently already do this like so:
from application import db, clean_the_data
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
class Example(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'example'
normal_column = db.Column(db.Integer,
_html_column = db.Column('html_column', db.Text,
def html_column(self):
return self._html_column
def html_column(self, value):
self._html_column = clean_the_data(value)
This works like a charm - except for the model definition the _html_column name is never seen, the cleaner function is called, and the cleaned data is used. Hooray.
I could of course stop there and just eat the ugly handling of the columns, but why do that when you can mess with metaclasses?
Note: the following all assumes that 'application' is the main Flask module, and that it contains two children: 'db' - the SQLAlchemy handle and 'clean_the_data', the function to clean up the incoming HTML.
So, I went about trying to make a new base Model class that spotted a column that needs cleaning when the class is being created, and juggled things around automatically, so that instead of the above code, you could do something like this:
from application import db
class Example(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'example'
__html_columns__ = ['html_column'] # Our oh-so-subtle hint
normal_column = db.Column(db.Integer,
html_column = db.Column(db.Text,
Of course, the combination of trickery with metaclasses going on behind the scenes with SQLAlchemy and Flask made this less than straight-forward (and is also why the nearly matching question "Custom metaclass to create hybrid properties in SQLAlchemy" doesn't quite help - Flask gets in the way too). I've almost gotten there with the following in application/models/__init__.py:
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
# Yes, I'm importing _X stuff...I tried other ways to avoid this
# but to no avail
from flask_sqlalchemy import (Model as BaseModel,
from application import db, clean_the_data
class _HTMLBoundDeclarativeMeta(_BoundDeclarativeMeta):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, d):
# Move any fields named in __html_columns__ to a
# _field/field pair with a hybrid_property
if '__html_columns__' in d:
for field in d['__html_columns__']:
if field not in d:
hidden = '_' + field
fget = lambda self: getattr(self, hidden)
fset = lambda self, value: setattr(self, hidden,
d[hidden] = d[field] # clobber...
d[hidden].name = field # So we don't have to explicitly
# name the column. Should probably
# force a quote on the name too
d[field] = hybrid_property(fget, fset)
del d['__html_columns__'] # Not needed any more
return _BoundDeclarativeMeta.__new__(cls, name, bases, d)
# The following copied from how flask_sqlalchemy creates it's Model
Model = declarative_base(cls=BaseModel, name='Model',
Model.query = _QueryProperty(db)
# Need to replace the original Model in flask_sqlalchemy, otherwise it
# uses the old one, while you use the new one, and tables aren't
# shared between them
db.Model = Model
Once that's set, your model class can look like:
from application import db
from application.models import Model
class Example(Model): # Or db.Model really, since it's been replaced
__tablename__ = 'example'
__html_columns__ = ['html_column'] # Our oh-so-subtle hint
normal_column = db.Column(db.Integer,
html_column = db.Column(db.Text,
This almost works, in that there's no errors, data is read and saved correctly, etc. Except the setter for the hybrid_property is never called. The getter is (I've confirmed with print statements in both), but the setter is ignored totally and the cleaner function is thus never called. The data is set though - changes are made quite happily with the un-cleaned data.
Obviously I've not quite completely emulated the static version of the code in my dynamic version, but I honestly have no idea where the issue is. As far as I can see, the hybrid_property should be registering the setter just like it has the getter, but it's just not. In the static version, the setter is registered and used just fine.
Any ideas on how to get that final step working?
Maybe use a custom type ?
from sqlalchemy import TypeDecorator, Text
class CleanedHtml(TypeDecorator):
impl = Text
def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
return clean_the_data(value)
Then you can just write your models this way:
class Example(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'example'
normal_column = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
html_column = db.Column(CleanedHtml)
More explanations are available in the documentation here: http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/core/custom_types.html#augmenting-existing-types
The docs for Camelot say that it uses Elixir models. Since SQLAlchemy has included declarative_base for a while, I had used that instead of Elixir for another app. Now I would like to use the SQLAlchemy/declarative models directly in Camelot.
There is a post on Stackoverflow that says Camelot is not tied to Elixir and that using different models would be possible but it doesn't say how.
Camelot's original model.py only has this content:
import camelot.types
from camelot.model import metadata, Entity, Field, ManyToOne, OneToMany, Unicode, Date, Integer, using_options
from camelot.view.elixir_admin import EntityAdmin
from camelot.view.forms import *
__metadata__ = metadata
I added my SQLAlchemy model and changed model.py to this:
import camelot.types
from camelot.model import metadata, Entity, Field, ManyToOne, OneToMany, Unicode, Date, using_options
from camelot.view.elixir_admin import EntityAdmin
from camelot.view.forms import *
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
Base = declarative_base()
__metadata__ = metadata
Base = declarative_base()
class Test(Base):
__tablename__ = "test"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
text = Column(String)
It didn't work. When I start main.py, I can see the GUI and Test in the sidebar, but can't see any rows. This is the tail of the traceback:
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/camelot/view/elixir_admin.py", line 52, in get_query
return self.entity.query
AttributeError: type object 'Test' has no attribute 'query'
This is the elixir_admin.py code for line 46-52:
def get_query(self):
""":return: an sqlalchemy query for all the objects that should be
displayed in the table or the selection view. Overwrite this method to
change the default query, which selects all rows in the database.
return self.entity.query
If this code is causing the problem, how do I overwrite the method to change the default query to make it work?
How can you use SQLAlchemy/declarative models in Camelot?
Here is some sample code on using Declarative to define a Movie model for Camelot, some explanation can be found here.
import sqlalchemy.types
from sqlalchemy import Column
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import ( declarative_base,
_declarative_constructor )
from camelot.admin.entity_admin import EntityAdmin
from camelot.model import metadata
import camelot.types
from elixir import session
class Entity( object ):
def __init__( self, **kwargs ):
_declarative_constructor( self, **kwargs )
session.add( self )
Entity = declarative_base( cls = Entity,
metadata = metadata,
constructor = None )
class Movie( Entity ):
__tablename__ = 'movie'
id = Column( sqlalchemy.types.Integer, primary_key = True )
name = Column( sqlalchemy.types.Unicode(50), nullable = False )
cover = Column( camelot.types.Image(), nullable = True )
class Admin( EntityAdmin ):
list_display = ['name']
form_display = ['name', 'cover']
Which version of Camelot are you using ?
With the current version of Camelot (11.12.30) it is possible to use Declarative through some
hacks. The upcoming version will make it much easier, while after this, the examples will be
ported to Declarative as well.
I have a simple data structure, where a film table has a foreign key to country table.
In order to retrieve all the films that are from the same country, I have this property 'same_country_films', a self-referential relationship.
It almost does the job correctly, however, it also includes the film itself in the list. How can I exclude it and just have other films?
Many thanks!
from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, String, MetaData, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, relationship
metadata = MetaData()
country_table = Table('country', metadata,
Column('id', String, primary_key=True),
Column('name', String),
film_table = Table('film', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('title', String),
Column('year', Integer),
Column('country_id', Integer, ForeignKey('country.id'))
class Country(object):
class Film(object):
mapper(Country, country_table)
mapper(Film, film_table,
The simplest solution is to code this property yourself instead of relation:
class Film(object):
def same_country_films(self):
return [f for f in self.country.films if f!=self]
This solution won't do separate query for this property when both film.same_country_films and country.films are accessed during session life. The property can't be updated as you can usualy do with relation, but I doubt it's realy needed.
The bad thing is that it's evaluated for each access (not so much work). You can change property decorator to chaching one (like cached_property in werkzeug), but then the property won't reflect changes in country.films after first access to it.
This should do it I think, (though I haven't actually tested it):