I reinstalled Eclipse with pydev ( but the run configuration with "coverage" is missing from the debug and run menus. I am sure that option used to be there, how can I get it show up again?
This changed on PyDev 2.0, now, instead of a run as coverage, you have to open the code-coverage view (under the window > views menu) and select the 'enable code coverage for new launches' options -- after that, any launch (regular or unit-test) will be automatically traced by the code-coverage.
There's a small video with this feature (and some other things) at: http://pydev.org/video_pydev_20.html
I want to start writing unit tests for my Python code, and the py.test framework sounds like a better bet than Python's bundled unittest. So I added a "tests" directory to my project, and added test_sample.py to it. Now I want to configure PyCharm to run all the tests in my "tests" directory.
PyCharm allegedly supports py.test in its test runner. You're supposed to be able to create a run/debug configuration to run your tests, and PyCharm allegedly has a "create configuration" dialog box specifically for py.test. But that's the complete extent of their documentation on the subject, and I can't find this alleged dialog box anywhere.
If I right-click the directory in the Project tool window, I'm supposed to see a "Create <name>" menu item, but the only menu item starting with "Create" is "Create Run Configuration". Okay, maybe the documentation is just wrong, and "Create Run Configuration" does sound promising. Unfortunately, the only two items in its submenu are "Unittests in C:\mypath..." and "Doctests in C:\mypath...", neither of which applies -- I'm using neither unittest nor doctest. There is no menu item for py.test.
If I open my test_sample.py and right-click in the editor window, I do get the promised "Create <name>" menu items: there's "Create 'Unittests in test_sa...'...", followed by "Run 'Unittests in test_sa...'" and "Debug 'Unittests in test_sa...'". So again, it's all specific to the unittest framework; nothing for py.test.
If I do try the menu items that say "unittest", I get a dialog box with options for "Name", "Type", a "Tests" group box with "Folder" and "Pattern" and "Script" and "Class" and "Function", etc. This sounds exactly like what's documented as the dialog to add a configuration for Python Unit Test, and not like the "Name" and "Test to run" and "Keywords" options that are supposed to show up in the configuration for py.test dialog. There's nothing inside the dialog to switch which test framework I'm adding.
I'm using PyCharm 1.5.2 on Windows with Python 3.1.3 and pytest 2.0.3. I can successfully run py.test on my tests from the command line, so it's not something simple like pytest not being installed properly.
How do I configure PyCharm to run my py.test tests?
Please go to File| Settings | Tools | Python Integrated Tools and change the default test runner to py.test. Then you'll get the py.test option to create tests instead of the unittest one.
PyCharm 2017.3
Preference -> Tools -> Python integrated Tools - Choose py.test as Default test runner.
If you use Django Preference -> Languages&Frameworks -> Django - Set tick on Do not use Django Test runner
Clear all previously existing test configurations from Run/Debug configuration, otherwise tests will be run with those older configurations.
To set some default additional arguments update py.test default configuration. Run/Debug Configuration -> Defaults -> Python tests -> py.test -> Additional Arguments
I think you need to use the Run/Debug Configuration item on the toolbar. Click it and 'Edit Configurations' (or alternatively use the menu item Run->Edit Configurations). In the 'Defaults' section in the left pane there is a 'py.test' item which I think is what you want.
I also found that the manual didn't match up to the UI for this. Hope I've understood the problem correctly and that helps.
Here is how I made it work with pytest 3.7.2 (installed via pip) and pycharms 2017.3:
Go to edit configurations
Add a new run config and select py.test
In the run config details, you need to set target=python and the unnamed field below to tests. It looks like this is the name of your test folder. Not too sure tough. I also recommend the -s argument so that if you debug your tests, the console will behave properly. Without the argument pytest captures the output and makes the debug console buggy.
My tests folder looks like that. This is just below the root of my project (my_project/tests).
My foobar_test.py file: (no imports needed):
def test_foobar():
print("hello pytest")
assert True
Run it with the normal run command
In pycharm 2019.2, you can simply do this to run all tests:
Run > Edit Configurations > Add pytest
Set options as shown in following screenshot
Click on Debug (or run pytest using e.g. hotkeys Shift+Alt+F9)
For a higher integration of pytest into pycharm, see https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/pytest.html
It's poorly documented to be sure. Once you get add a new configuration from defaults, you will be in the realm of running the "/Applications/PyCharm CE.app/Contents/helpers/pycharm/pytestrunner.py" script. It's not documented and has its own ideas of command line arguments.
You can:
Try to play around, reverse the script, and see if you can somehow get py.test to accept arguments. It might work; it didn't in the first half hour for me.
Just run "py.test *.py" from a console.
Oddly, you will find it hard to find any discussion as JetBrains does a good job of bombing Google algorithms with its own pages.
find this thread when I hit the same question and found the solution
pycharm version:2017.1.2
go to "Preferences" -> "Tools" -> "Python Integrated Tools" and set the default test runner from right side panel as py.test
solve my problem
I'm using 2018.2
I do Run -> Edit Configurations...
Then click the + in the upper left of the modal dialog.
Select "python tests" -> py.test
Then I give it a name like "All test with py.test"
I select Target: module name
and put in the module where my tests are (that is 'tests' for me) or the module where all my code is if my tests are mixed in with my code. This was tripping me up.
I set the Python interpreter.
I set the working directory to the project directory.
Enable Pytest for you project
Open the Settings/Preferences | Tools | Python Integrated Tools settings dialog as described in Choosing Your Testing Framework.
In the Default test runner field select pytest.
Click OK to save the settings.
Open preferences windows (Command key + "," on Mac):
2.Python Integrated Tools
3.Default test runner
With a special Conda python setup which included the pip install for py.test plus usage of the Specs addin (option --spec) (for Rspec like nice test summary language), I had to do ;
1.Edit the default py.test to include option= --spec , which means use the plugin: https://github.com/pchomik/pytest-spec
2.Create new test configuration, using py.test. Change its python interpreter to use ~/anaconda/envs/ your choice of interpreters, eg py27 for my namings.
3.Delete the 'unittests' test configuration.
4.Now the default test config is py.test with my lovely Rspec style outputs. I love it! Thank you everyone!
p.s. Jetbrains' doc on run/debug configs is here: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/2016.1/run-debug-configuration-py-test.html?search=py.test
With 2018.3 it appears to automatically detect that I'm using pytest, which is nice, but it still doesn't allow running from the top level of the project. I had to run pytest for each tests directory individually.
However, I found that I could choose one of the configurations and manually edit it to run at the root of the project and that this worked. I have to manually choose it in the Configurations drop-down - can't right click on the root folder in the Project pane. But at least it allows me to run all tests at once.
There is a PyCharm documentation: Run/Debug Configuration: pytest available as of SEP 2020.
I came across with a bit another case but the same error
(I can't past the error here cuz already fixed it).
Check that you really have pytest installed inside your venv.
I have pytest installed globally and it's confused me.
If pip is saying that pytest is already installed - check what kind of pip it is (global pip or pip of venv).
which python should return the path to your venv python.
Then python -m pip install pytest
To me help next solution:
Go to settings of config
Add new config
Delete old configs
I have cloned a git repository and am trying to run the code on PyCharm IDE. When I try to run it, my usual run option is not available and only run nosetests is available. I read that this is a module to help testing the code, but I don't see an import nosetests or anything like that which helps me to understand why my IDE automatically runs nosetests on this particular code.
Question: How can I run this like a normal code and why I'm seeing this run option instead.
I found multiple questions on how people accidentally changed their IDE setting in a way that all the codes are running using nosetest but not my question. I would appreciate if you can share a link that gives more details on this.
It seems that you do not have a Run Configuration in project that runs the code just tests. In PyCharm go to "Run" -> "Run..." (Shift + Alt + F10) and choose "Edit Configurations..." on the plus sign you can add a new configuration running python code "normally".
It is explained in detail on Jetbrains website:
From what I understand, you are not able to run the py code. You can achieve this easily on the terminal provided within Pycharm, using the commands provided in the project README.
Alternatively, if you want to run it using the GUI, you can edit the Run Configuration by clicking the dropdown near the Run icon at the top.
For further information please head out to https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/creating-and-editing-run-debug-configurations.html?keymap=primary_windows
I am really new to Python and just started the course "Python 3 basics by Sendtex (Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ)".
I am trying to use Python with Visual Studio Code.
The downloaded version of Python is 3.6.4.
I have installed the Python extension in Visual Studio Code and have followed the procedure.
However, I am not able to get any output. Below is the attached screenshot.
If I select Python it enters debugging mode. So, there isn't any output.
Using the Python Extension Run/Debug commands
I recommend reviewing the official Visual Studio Code Python documentation and tutorial. That provides several of the basics, with running and debugging the "official" way.
There are multiple ways to configure built-in launches:
When running or debugging Python in VS Code, there are a few options that you can change in your "launch.json" file. See this answer for more details.
Run or Debug with the built-in Python extension commands
You can run or debug using the "triangle" icon and dropdown in the upper right of your editor window, when the editor window is focused on a python script file (i.e. typically a file named *.py).
You may need to setup a run/debug configuration to use this (see below), or it may automatically step you through creating one.
The output will normally go to a new "Python" terminal in the "terminal" window (Ctrl-`, to open it). See this answer for how to change that behavior.
Setting up a run/debug configuration
Easy option:
Use the menu item **Run/Add Configuration, and follow the prompts at the top of the VS Code window.
Some of the additional details are shown below.
More involved option:
Click the run/debug icon on the left vertical icon toolbar.
The window says "RUN AND DEBUG" at the top, with a drop-down that shows "No Configurations" for a given folder or workspace until you set this up.
The gear to the right of the dropdown will have a red dot if you need to configure this:
Updated Image (1/2022) - Changed from just 'Debug' to 'Run and Debug':
Click the gear icon (or in the menu, use Run/Open Configurations), and in the middle at the top, Visual Studio Code will open a window titled "Select a debug configuration".
The available options will depend on exactly how you have Visual Studio Code setup and configured
There should at least be a "Python File" option with the Python extension installed. Select it.
Now your debug configuration box on the top left of the debug pane should say "Python: Current File":
Visual Studio Code will add a file to your current workspace or working folder called .vscode/launch.json, and opened it for edit.
During installation if you forget to tick in check box for path and then if you are running any python file on visual studio it will not return any output untill and unless you have not added it into visual studio code.
First of all go to File → Preference → Settings.json
"python": "\"C:\\Program Files\\Python39\\python.exe\""
I have attached the screenshot for your better understanding!
Simplest Answer: Run the file directly in a terminal
Open a terminal in VS Code (View/Terminal in menu or Ctrl-`, which is the "Ctrl" key and the "Grave" or "Tick-mark" key, normally at the top left of keyboard above tab).
This will open the terminal to the root of the folder VS Code has open (the one that shows up in the Explorer sidebar - Ctrl-Shift-E to see).
Run the python script in the current directory with a simple python my_script.py command.
If the script is in another directory than the root of the current workspace or folder you opened the terminal in, you will need to change to that directory (using cd commands, etc.), or add the absolute or relative folder path to the name of the script.
The output will show up in the same terminal.
You must have a python executable on your path, be in an active virtual environment, or give the full path to the python executable.
Your python command may be python2 or python3 on some installs (usually linux), and can be just py for the Python Launcher (auto-installs with typical Python for Windows installs).
This option will not use any 'launch.json' configurations, and cannot be easily used to debug with.
You can configure the default terminal that is used, such as Git Bash, CMD, or Powershell (on Windows). You can also open additional terminal windows of any configured type using the "+" icon and it's dropdown, in the terminal window.
I found this post when trying to find how to show my python code output in the VSCode output window instead of the integrated terminal window. In my case the problem was caused by a Code-runner setting. Here's how I fixed my problem :
Open Command Palette(CTRL + SHIFT + P).
Search and select Preferences : Open Settings (UI).
Search the following setting : Code Runner : Run in Terminal.
Untick the box.
Now when you select Run Code (or CTRL + ALT + N) option when running your code, the Output window should work.
The integrated terminal will not show code output now.
The output window in VScode is read-only. My method is not suitable if you are taking input from user.
I had the same problem, but figured that close to top right of your Visual Studio Code there is a little green triangle saying "running code in Terminal".
I you wanted to see some kind of print('Hello') it is does the job.
I ended up scrapping code and moving my project to Visual Studio 19. Works just fine now. Prints show up in a command prompt.
I installed pydev and eclipse to compile a django project. Everything looks good but one thing makes me crazy. When i change something in the code, i click to save it and hope to see the effect of changes. However, I cannot see the effect of what i change unless I terminate the program and re-run as as shown below. It is such a pain...
I used to use Pycharm, but it expired. In Pycharm, when the program runs once, i do not need to run it again and again. I can easily see the effect of my changes on the code by clicking save button. Is it possible to see the same thing in pydev and eclipse? Do you guys also see this issue?
To debug Django with the autoreload feature, the Remote Debugger must be used and a patch must be applied to your code (just before the if _name_ == "_main_": in your manage.py module):
import pydevd
patch_remote_debugger=True, #Connect to the remote debugger.
So, doing that, starting the remote debugger and making a regular run should enable all the regular breakpoints that are put inside Eclipse to work in the Django process with the Remote Debugger (and the --noreload that PyDev added automatically to the launch configuration must be removed).
I have plans on improving that so that the debugger will automatically add tracing to spawned processes (probably for the next release), but on PyDev 3.3.3 this still requires doing this manual patch and using the remote debugger.
The above is related to a debug run. Now, on to the regular run...
When you do a run as > pydev: django, it should create a run configuration (which you can access at run > run configuration). Then, open that run configuration > arguments and remove the '--noreload' (leaving only the 'runserver' argument).
Then, you can simply rerun it with Ctrl+F11 (if you've set it to launch the previously launched application as indicated in http://pydev.org/manual_101_run.html)
-- (Or alternatively you can run it with: Alt + R, T, 1).
The only problem is that if you kill the process inside Eclipse it's possible that it leaves zombie processes around, so, you can use the pydevd.patch_django_autoreload(patch_show_console=True) as indicated above to open a console each time it spawns a new process (you can do a pydevd|<- ctrl space here to add an import to pydevd).
Note that this should work. If it's not working, make sure you don't have zombie processes around from a previous session (in windows you can do: taskkill /F /IM python.exe to make sure all Python processes are killed).
Another note (for when you don't actually have automatic reload): Ctrl+Shift+F9 will kill the currently running process and re-run it.
I just installed Python Tools with Visual Studio 2013 (Shell) and whenever I run a debug of the program, a separate window pops up for the interpreter:
I can however run the program using the internal interactive console:
However this doesn't seem to stop at any breakpoints that I set in the code. Is there a way to force the system to use the internal console for debugging instead of using a separate windowed console?
You can hide the shell by changing Environment options in Python Tools with Visual Studio, change the default path to point pythonw.exe.
Here is the steps:
TOOLS -> Python tools -> Python Environment
Open Environment options, Add Environment, Enter whatever you want to name it.
Copy all the options in the default Environment except change "Path:" to path of pythonw.exe. Hit OK and made the new Environment as the default environment.
There's no way to hide the console window entirely, but all output from it should be tee'd to Output window, so you can use that if you don't like the console.
There's also a Debug Interactive window (Debug -> Windows -> Python Debug Interactive) that you may find of help, if what you want specifically is being able to stop at breakpoints and then work with variables etc in a REPL environment. Once enabled, this window will provide you a live REPL of the debugged process, and when you're stopped anywhere, you can interact with it. Like Output window, it does not suppress the regular console window, but it mirrors its output.
Although this seems old, solution pasted elsewhere can help someone searching an answer.
I cannot comment since I don't have rep.
Here is the solution: https://stackoverflow.com/a/22486749/4809808
As far as the console window it will generally open unless you mark your app as a Windows application in project properties (this will launch pythonw.exe which doesn't include a console window).
If you right click on your project and choose Properties in the "General" tab there's a "Windows Application" checkbox below Working Directory.