How can i change password of ubuntu root user by python script? Thanks.
There are two main ways to go about this -
One is calling the passwd command line tool from python (such as via stdlib's subprocess module). If your script isn't running as root, you'll need to wrap using the "su" or "sudo" commands in order to elevate to root privledge. Writing the expected data to stdin should be sufficient, but if you find you need to perform different actions based on exactly what the sudo/passwd prompts say, the pexpect module may be helpful.
The second is writing directly to the /etc/shadow file where the password hashes are stored. This will definitely require your script to run as root, in order to have read/write perms on /etc/shadow. Stdlib offers the spwd module for accessing /etc/shadow, but it's read-only, so you'll have to roll your own reader/writer... the csv module might be useful, /etc/shadow is close to being a csv file with a ":" separator, but with some minor differences.
If you choose the second route, you'll need to be able to generate new hashes of replacement password, and insert them into the shadow file. The fastest way on linux is to use the stdlib crypt module, but you'll have to take care of salt generation, and setting the appropriate password hash prefix ("$5$", "$6$" etc). Alternately, the host_context object in the Passlib library can take care of most of that for you (disclaimer: I'm the author of that library).
In general, I'd recommend the first route if possible - modifying /etc/shadow directly is fraught with danger - if you mess up the /etc/shadow file, you won't be able to log in. If you go this route, back up the file a lot.
You can modify /etc/passwd (/etc/shadow) with Python script which will need root permissions sudo python /etc/passwd (where is your script that will change password)
You can use the commands module to pipe output to the terminal.
x = commands.getstatusoutput("passwd root")
However, you'll have to get creative trying to enter the values for "Old Password:" and "New Password:." The variable x wont be assigned until the command is finished, and the command won't finish until the old and new passwords are entered. If you just use the command module a second time, then it will simply spawn a new subprocess. So, like others have said, just write to /etc/shadow using the open function.
I'm trying to restrict write and read access to a Python file. Suppose I have the following code:
with open('', 'w+') as file:
open("document.txt", "w+").write("Hello, World!")
open("document.txt", "r+").read()
By executing this code, a new file is created that in the new file there are two lines of code to write and read a another file.
I want the file created by executing this code ( to hit PermissionError while running and not be able to create a new file or read it; Also, this file is only executable and normal commands work in it, but it can not access other files.
If I read you correctly, this is not a python problem, but an environment problem. I understand the question as something like 'how do I prevent python code from executing arbitrary reads or writes?'. There would be a trivial solution (modifying the generated so it throws an error) but presumably that's not what you want.
The easiest way to make python hit a PermissionError... is to make sure it doesn't have permissions. So run your code as a user with extremely limited permissions---specifically no write permissions anywhere---or perhaps no default permissions at all, and use something like facls to grant permission to read specific files explicitly from a more priveleged sentinel process. (This assumes you are running Linux, but there are likely other ways to do this in different OSs).
Alternatively, look into various sandboxing techniques to give you a python interpreter with the relavent modules replaced with modules which throw errors, or an environment where outside modification is impossible.
It would help if you made it clearer why this is important, and why you are writing a python script with another python script (is this just an example of malicious action?).
You could technically change the permission of the file itself on the filesystem your trying to access.
Check the previous thread about changing permissions
os.chmod(path, <permission value>)
Where 000 is to disable anyone other than root to edit on linux.
I have a collection of expert advisor (EA) scripts written in the MQL5 programming language for the stock/forex trading platform, MetaTrader5. The extension of these files is mq5. I am looking for a way to programatically run these MQL5 files from my Python script on a regular basis. The EAs do some price transformations, eventually saving a set of csv files that will later be read by my Python script to apply Machine Learning models on them.
My first natural choice was the Python API for MetaTrader5. However, according to its documentation, it "is designed for convenient and fast obtaining of exchange data via interprocessor communication directly from the MetaTrader 5 terminal" and as such, it doesn't provide the functionality I need to be able to run MQL scripts using Python.
I have found some posts here on SO (such as #1, #2) about executing non-python files using Python but those posts seemed to always come with the precondition that they already had Python code written in them, only the extension differed - this is different from my goal.
I then came across Python's subprocess module and started experimenting with that.
with open(os.path.join("path/to/dir","RSIcalc.mq5")) as f:[r"C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 5\terminal64.exe", f], capture_output=True)
The print statement returns True, so the mq5 file exists in the specified location. Then the code opens the MetaTrader5 terminal but nothing else happens, the EA doesn't get executed, process finishes immediately after that.
Am I even on the right track for what I'm trying to achieve here? If yes, what might be the solution for me to run these MQL5 scripts programatically from Python?
I use Windows 10 64-bit.
subprocess is indeed the right module for what you want to achieve. But let's look at what you're doing here:
with open(os.path.join("path/to/dir","RSIcalc.mq5")) as f
You're creating a file descriptor handle called f, which is used to write or read contents from a file. If you do print(f) you'll see that it's a python object, that converted to string looks like <_io.TextIOWrapper name='RSIcalc.mq5' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>. It is extremely unlikely that such a string is what you want to pass as a command-line parameter to your terminal executable, which is what happens when you include it in your call to
What you likely want to do is this:
full_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join("path/to/dir","RSIcalc.mq5"))
result =[r"C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 5\terminal64.exe", full_path], capture_output=True)
Now, this assumes your terminal64 can execute arbitrary scripts passed as parameters. This may or may not be true - you might need extra parameters like "-f" before passing the file path, or you might have to feed script contents through the stdin pipe (unlikely, on Windows, but who knows). That's for you to figure out, but my code above should probably be your starting point.
I don’t think you need to be passing a file object to your sub process statement. In my experience. A program will run a file when the path to the file is provided as a command line argument. Try this:[r"C:\\Program Files\\MetaTrader 5\\terminal64.exe", os.path.join(“path/to/dir”, “RSIcalc.mq5”], capture_output=True)
This is the same as typing C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 5\terminal64.exe path\to\dir\RSIcalc.mq5 in your terminal.
I have a string of text that I would like to create a .txt file out of. I would not like to allow it to be accessible to the user (for security reasons), so I would like to store the .txt file in memory (if this is even possible).
For example:
The string is:
Username: Bob
Password: Coolness
I would like to save this string as a .txt file into memory. Then send it to another program.
anotherprogram.exe mytxt.txt
I looked around, and I am wondering if doing this is possible with StringIO? It says " Read and write strings as files".. I am not sure, Please respond if you know how to do this in anyway.
If the other program can read from standard input, then subprocess might be the way to go. Here's a stupid example where anotherprogram.exe is cat.
Username: Bob
Password: Coolness
from subprocess import Popen,PIPE
p = Popen(['cat','-'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
stdoutdata, _ = p.communicate(s)
Many utilities that accept input from a file can read from stdin by passing - as the filename, but not all. Whether this works will depend heavily on what anotherprogram.exe actually is.
If you do not want to make it accessible for others, use encryption and hide the key or maybe use the user control system offered by the operating system. I would prefer the first.
You can create files in memory by using ram disks, but files created in this way do not offer security ( or just a little bit since it is volatile). There is a module for python called pyFilesystem which would do that for you.
But as far as I can think you can reach nearly every file on the disk as a user, therefore, it is difficult to prevent a eager user from finding it effectively.
The file need to be found for anotherprogram.exe has to be in the user scope, therefore, it must be somehow accesible for the user.
Why don't you rely on the security offered by your OS (I guess your is Windows) to make the file only accessible to a user but not all users. Obviously anotherprogram.exe will have to be executed as a user who has read access to the file.
Theres a module called wxpython that has a class called wx.FileSystem
I am trying to create a script to make an edit to the window's registry. As a fall back, I want to create a back up of the registry and save it in the working directory (or some other directory, but that is for later). Is there a way to use the power of python to backup the registry first?
So far the only way I have found to do this might be a call out to reg.exe, but I was looking for something more native to python itself.
The registry is a deeply Windows-centric construct, though I have not done any research on the subject, I would bet that there is no "native" way for backing up the registry in Python. I think you already have your answer and creating a process in Python and letting it run Reg Export is the best way to accomplish what you want.
However, if for some reason you don't want to run Reg.exe or invoke any external processes, I recommend that you write and save every registry entry before you edit it into a .reg file like this:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\9.0\Installer]
This approach will ensure that you don't rely on any external utility and is the nearest thing to a "native" registry backup in Python.
The recommended way to do this is to create a "restore point", which will make a backup to which you can restore the registry. I don't what the API to do this is, but I'm pretty sure it exists.
You can also do it manually, of course, but that is a different issue.
You can use the winreg module's SaveKey function if the program is UAC elevated:
import winreg, win32security, win32api # use _winreg for older versions of Python
with winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, '') as handle: # Replace with the desired key
win32security.AdjustTokenPrivileges(win32security.OpenProcessToken(win32api.GetCurrentProcess(), 40), 0, [(win32security.LookupPrivilegeValue(None, 'SeBackupPrivilege'), 2)]) # Basically, adjusts permissions for the interpreter to allow registry backups
winreg.SaveKey(handle, 'C:\\REGBACKUP') # Replace with the desired file path
You can then load it for use with the winreg library:
import winreg
with winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, '', 'C:\\REGBACKUP') as handle:
Is it possible to use executable files with Django. For instance I have a Django form that takes input a file. I want to pass the file as an argument to a script/executable/program and output the results back with django. What would be a good starting point for this idea? Thanks a lot
The question you should you be asking is it possible in python. Essentially all you would need to do it take in the inputs, into a python script which you can call from your django view or what not. Once there run the execute subprocess command with your executable, and take in the results. :)
do you want some things like this?
>>> import commands
>>> commands.getstatusoutput('pwd')
(0, '/home/efazati')
Yes, you can do this. There are a few different ways to do it in Python. If you want to read the output and use it then you probably want popen, found at
Warning, this can be very dangerous. If the data added to the command line is malicious (even accidentally) then you could cause bad stuff to happen on the server. You're effectively giving people who submit forms the ability to run commands on the server with the same permissions the web server has.
import os
ls_fd = os.popen('ls -l /tmp')
output =
Doing it this way your ls_fd is a file like object. you .read() it like a file. You can only do it once, then you're at the end of the file. Likewise, you should .close() it when you're done.
Strongly consider against adding user input to the command line. You can create a list of possible options and then give the user a choice which one they want. Then instead of taking the user's input and adding it to the end of the command line you can use one of your pre-configured command lines and execute that.