Run a Python script from PackageMaker in OSX - python

I'm having a difficult time finding any decent documentation for packaging on OSX. My package needs to run a Python script that will do some launchd magic right after the app is installed. I tried using -s scripts with packagemaker and put my script in the directory scripts, but I had no luck. Is there something I'm missing? More importantly, where is all the packagemaker documentation? How can I get my Python script to run? The only thing I've seen is this, which is way outdated and doesn't cover the command line version.
I don't want to use the GUI; it makes my life too difficult.

I've resolved this issue.
The script needs to be named postflight and have a proper shebang line.
The script needs to exit with specific status codes (0 for success, which is the default, I believe).


Running Python Scripts Outside of IDLE

1- i want someone to help with this part
about Running Python Scripts Outside of IDLE and sending command line args .
2- i converted my code to .exe by pyinstaller ; what's the difference between this and running it
as a script .
3-how scripts are done . i see experienced people says :"i made a script to do something for me " how is that done >?
*i'm a beginner so try to make answers simple as possible.
If you're wondering about command line arguments, look into the "argparse" library
The difference in the .exe and the normal script is that that the .exe versions (conventionally) are able to be redistributed to other sytems that don't have python installed whilst still being able to run the script. If you're only making the script for yourself the only real benefit is that you dont have to enter your IDE (code editor) every time you want to run the code, however if it's still in development then you'd have to compile the code every time you made a modification if you're wanting to run the code as an executable, which is very impractical.
Your third part is very, very vague. Python can be very versatile and i recommend you continue looking at the website if you're interested in making scripts that can complete repetitive activities (although i must strongly advise you against using scripts maliciously).

Pipenv and ModuleNotFoundError

I have spent hours looking into this issue without any success.
I've looked at various SO discussions and none seem to solve my problem so out of pure frustration here is my question...
I'm trying to launch a script within a windows batch file. The problem is that when I do the script fails because it can not find some of the modules used.
After various attempts I have found that the batch file aspect, at this stage, seems to be irrelevant.
So, ignoring batch files for a minute, If I run the script like this
pipenv run python
It works. If I run the following it doesnt
It returns an error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'xxx'
It activates the venv OK, but something is not right as it cant find code used in script
Within my IDE (Visual Code) everything works OK
I do have quite a complicated directory structure but given that both the IDE and "pipenv run python" work as expected it must be due to something else.
Any ideas or pointers on where I need to be looking? I'm afraid my understanding of pipenv isnt up to solving this ;)
In my attempts to solve this I had added the line PYTHONPATH=. to my .env file. This seems to be responsible for allowing this line to work:
pipenv run python
If I remove it, then the above ALSO generates the ModuleNotFoundError
OK so after trying lots of various combinations I did finally manage to get this to work.
Although I have no idea why this solution works and others didnt..
It requires two batch files.
One to launch the python script which will contain a line like this
And another to create the env via pipenv and then call the first batch file
It will have a line like this
pipenv run \path\to\first\batchfile.bat
This combination works and can be successfully called from the Windows Task Scheduler

Running Python through Powershell or Git Bash

I will preface this with, I know questions like this have been asked, but I feel as I can't find my answer.
My question is this: I downloaded Python about 2 months ago to begin learning it. I just recently starting trying to use the terminal more and would like to move forward using it a lot for commits and package installs.
Unfortunately I am having a very hard time getting Python to run properly through either Git Bash or Windows Powershell. I think i may have moved files around too much before even starting with using the terminal and now I'm not sure what's correct.
Should I uninstall and re-install?
I am on Windows 10, any advice onhow to organize my files properly so everything can run correctly. I would also like to be able to open my text editor from the terminal, PyCharm or Atom.
Thanks in advance!!
Try first to simplified your PATH (as I did here) in a CMD session.
set PATH=C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem
set GIT_HOME=C:\Path\to\Git
set PATH=%GIT_HOME%;%GIT_HOME%\bin;%GIT_HOME%\usr\bin;%PATH%
SET PATH=C:\Users\Aerovistae\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32;%PATH%
Once you have the right path, you can replicate it in your user environment variables.
(replace C:\Users\Aerovistae\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32 by your own Python2 installation path)
Then type bash and check python does work.

How would I allow others to use my script from anywhere in the shell without having to type out the file extension?

Excuse the awkward question wording.
I've made a script. I would like for others to download it from github, and run it by typing programName argument1 argument2, similar to any other popular app used through the terminal such as Jupyter or even opening Atom/Sublime/etc. (ex:jupyter notebook, atom .). However, unlike Jupyter or sublime, my script isn't launching another app, it's a small app meant to be used in the shell.
Currently, to use my script, one must type into the command line python arg1 etc from within the file's directory.
How do I allow others to dl it and use it from anywhere (not having to be within the directory), without having to type out the whole python part, and only having to type programName arg1?
This blog post explains step by step how to create a distribution that you can install and it would turn into an executable.
You can refer to this github repo for a sample application.
The full documentation of setuptools is available here.
In general, you should configure your in order to use the command in the entry-point option:
name = "your_app_name",
packages = ["package_name"],
entry_points = {
"console_scripts": ['cmd_name = package_name.package_name:main']
This solution would work on every OS where you have installed python.
Your script may need to have an interpreter, "shebang", besides being "reachable" by the $PATH
#!interpreter [optional-arg]
For example, you could have something like
#!/usr/bin/env python
or to force a specific version
Next, your script needs to be available within the $PATH, check this answer that covers that part:
You can simply add your script to PATH variable in order to launch it from anywhere.
In Linux distros, you can simply do it by using a bash command PATH=$PATH:/path/to/your/script.
Make sure you don't have the space around the "=" operator.
Now, the second thing is you don't want your script to be named as can simply remove the extension .py from by adding a single line to the starting of your script.
Open up your script and at the very begining type #!/usr/bin/python.This should be the first line of your code.This line is called shebang and is used to tell the bash which interpreter to be used for compiling the script.
If everything went right, you will be able to run your script as pythonProgram arg1.
In addition to mabe02: Python is a scripting language and usually not compiled, which means you will need an interpreter to run your program.
Programms made in C f.e. can be run on its own because they were compiled into machine code by a compiler.
An interpreter is similar to a compiler as it reads your script and interprets it at runntime. That is why you need to write python before your programm, to tell your computer to interpret your script on runntime, using python. This doesn't mean that there are no possibilities to compile python as can be seen in the other answer and in this link Can a python program be run on a computer without Python? What about C/C++? (py2exe and py2app).

How can I run python3 on my apache server by default?

I am a beginner to Python here, and I am having an issue.
In my setup, I was using a PHP script to call the command line which in turn would execute a python script. Since then, I've discovered that I can run python directly.
My problem is that 2.6 is running when I call the script directly, and I need Python 3.3 to run instead.
After looking this up, I found I need to recompile mod_python, but then I found that I want to use mod_wsgi instead which is giving me a whole series of other errors like my python3 installation not having --shared-libraries when make was ran.
I am pulling my hair out trying to do such a seemingly simple task. Is there any direction someone can point me in? Again, I am a Python beginner. Any help is apprecited!
