Python bindings for Microsoft UI Automation? [closed] - python

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Anybody know of any Python bindings for Microsoft UI Automation?
without having to use IronPython. I am aware of the excellent pywin32 work, but Microsoft UI Automation is supposed to be the successor of the Active Accessibility layer, which I have been using on Windows XP. I need to migrate of the "Active Accessibility" functionality (event triggers on open windows, focus controls, etc.) to a Windows 7 platform.

Take a look on Cobra
Cobra WinLDTP is based on Linux Desktop Testing Project - LDTP works on
Windows/Linux/Mac/Solaris/FreeBSD/NetBSD/Palm Source, yes its Cross
Platform GUI testing tool.
They claimed it based on Microsoft DLL's (.NET3.5) - (Interop.UIAutomationClient.dll, UIAComWrapper.dll, WUIATestLibrary.dll)
I manage to use it with python for testing HTMLlayout app.

This maybe what you would like to use.It allows you to call UIAutomation using python and what you need to do is just update the demo file.


Is there a Python headless browser suitable for Behave without using Selenium or a real browser [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I've a history in the PHP/Symfony world, so I am familiar with using Behat (like Behave) without having to use a full Selenium setup. To achieve this they use a GoutteDriver (written in PHP) instead of driving a real web browser like Chrome or Firefox.
Is it possible to do something similar in Python (specifically, Django) with Behave?
This is indeed possible - you can use Splinter. As well as allowing you to drive Chrome or Firefox, it also has drivers that work in the way you describe. For Django, there's a Django driver.

Run Python online but share only the output [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I've seen this topic, but it doesn't really answer my question.
The question: Is there any way I can run my Python script (on 2.7) on a server/website (can be free or paid..or course free would be better), but without sharing the source code?
I would like to provide only the output of the script by sharing a link.
I already know some websites, such as .
But on this website, I need to share the source code. I would need to protect the source, as it contains sensitive data.
If your Pyhton code contains sensitive data, you should not upload it to a server that you don't own.
So my best advice would be:
Get a server. That could be your desktop via some form of dyndns or an inexpensive virtual host.
Run your script in a Python framework. Common frameworks are Django, Pyramid, Flask. Or execute Python using mod_wsgi directly in apache.

Create standalone text application from Python [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am developing a program to use as a pedagogical tool in my classroom. I'm writing currently writing it in Python, but I'm also open to solutions that would use C. I want to create a standalone application for Mac (.app file) for my program, but I only need text-based interaction with the users (i.e. just STDIN/STDOUT, and not a GUI). The majority of my students do not have python installed and have no experience with Terminal/shell scripting.
I tried using Platypus to create this application, but I get an error, as shown below.
I later realized that Platypus does not support prompts for user-input. Is there anything like Platypus that would also allow me to prompt users for input?
As I say, I'm also open to solutions to my problem which would involve transposing my Python code into C and going from there.
I don't know if you have thinking about make a web app, in Google App Engine for example is very simple to deploy a Python based web app really fast, using webapp2 for example. And all your students could use your app online, this is a good getting started. But if you want maybe you could to build a command line app deployed in some server and your students could connect with ssh to use it.
It depends what kind of systems your students have and it is highly unlikely that they will have similar kind of system. For least dependency i think you can use java to write your application. For java they just need to install jdk and can run your shared jar.

Connect and interact with Bluetooth LE devices on OSX [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm hoping to find a Python interface for working with Bluetooth LE on OSX. I've found bluepy, but it uses bluez which seems to be designed specifically for Linux. As far as I know OSX has its own Bluetooth stack so bluez is no good there.
I've also found Adafruit's BluefruitLE which seems to support OSX.
What is the canonical approach for working with BLE devices on OSX in Python? Which library is recommended?
For Mac OS 10.12.X I'd recommend pybluez. I've had some issues in the past with installation on different hosts due to the scheme argument in, but commenting out that line if it fails tends to do the trick.
Bleak supports Windows/MacOS/Linux all in one neat tidy package.

Upnp library for python [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have written an application in python 2.7. Now I have to add a feature in it, in which it will find the list of DMRs available in the network and then user will select the device from the list and send data from the application to the device.
For this I searched on google for python upnp libraries, and I got these (coherence, miranda-upnp, miniupnp, pyunpnp).
I also read about them, but i couldn't figure out which library i should use.
Tell me which library I should use and why ?
MiniUPnPc is actively supported (I'm the maintainer), it is a C library but there is a python module. Here is a good example for how to use it :
But you would prefer miranda-upnp if you want to use a 100% python library.
