Conversion from IP string to integer, and backward in Python - python

i have a little problem with my script, where i need to convert ip in form '' to integer representation and go back from this form.
def iptoint(ip):
return int(socket.inet_aton(ip).encode('hex'),16)
def inttoip(ip):
return socket.inet_ntoa(hex(ip)[2:].decode('hex'))
In [65]: inttoip(iptoint(''))
Out[65]: ''
In [66]: inttoip(iptoint(''))
error Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/thc/<ipython console> in <module>()
/home/thc/<ipython console> in inttoip(ip)
error: packed IP wrong length for inet_ntoa`
Anybody knows how to fix that?

#!/usr/bin/env python
import socket
import struct
def ip2int(addr):
return struct.unpack("!I", socket.inet_aton(addr))[0]
def int2ip(addr):
return socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!I", addr))
print(int2ip(0xc0a80164)) #
print(ip2int('')) # 167772161

Python 3 has ipaddress module which features very simple conversion:

In pure python without use additional module
def IP2Int(ip):
o = map(int, ip.split('.'))
res = (16777216 * o[0]) + (65536 * o[1]) + (256 * o[2]) + o[3]
return res
def Int2IP(ipnum):
o1 = int(ipnum / 16777216) % 256
o2 = int(ipnum / 65536) % 256
o3 = int(ipnum / 256) % 256
o4 = int(ipnum) % 256
return '%(o1)s.%(o2)s.%(o3)s.%(o4)s' % locals()
# Example
print(' -> %s' % IP2Int(''))
print('3232235521 -> %s' % Int2IP(3232235521))
Result: -> 3232235521
3232235521 ->

You lose the left-zero-padding which breaks decoding of your string.
Here's a working function:
def inttoip(ip):
return socket.inet_ntoa(hex(ip)[2:].zfill(8).decode('hex'))

Below are the fastest and most straightforward (to the best of my knowledge)
convertors for IPv4 and IPv6:
_str = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, val)
except socket.error:
raise ValueError
return struct.unpack('!I', _str)[0]
return socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, struct.pack('!I', n))
_str = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, val)
except socket.error:
raise ValueError
a, b = struct.unpack('!2Q', _str)
return (a << 64) | b
a = n >> 64
b = n & ((1 << 64) - 1)
return socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, struct.pack('!2Q', a, b))
Python code not using inet_ntop() and struct module is like order of magnitude slower than this regardless of what it is doing.

One line
reduce(lambda out, x: (out << 8) + int(x), ''.split('.'), 0)

Python3 oneliner (based on Thomas Webber's Python2 answer):
sum([int(x) << 8*i for i,x in enumerate(reversed(ip.split('.')))])
Left shifts are much faster than pow().

It can be done without using any library.
def iptoint(ip):
return (h[0]<<24)+(h[1]<<16)+(h[2]<<8)+(h[3]<<0)
def inttoip(ip):
return ".".join(map(str,[((ip>>24)&0xff),((ip>>16)&0xff),((ip>>8)&0xff),((ip>>0)&0xff)]))
iptoint("") # 134744072
inttoip(134744072) #

I used following:
ip2int = lambda ip: reduce(lambda a,b: long(a)*256 + long(b), ip.split('.'))
# from int to ip
int2ip = lambda num: '.'.join( [ str((num >> 8*i) % 256) for i in [3,2,1,0] ])

Let me give a more understandable way:
ip to int
def str_ip2_int(s_ip=''):
lst = [int(item) for item in s_ip.split('.')]
print lst
# [192, 168, 1, 100]
int_ip = lst[3] | lst[2] << 8 | lst[1] << 16 | lst[0] << 24
return int_ip # 3232235876
The above:
lst = [int(item) for item in s_ip.split('.')]
equivalent to :
lst = map(int, s_ip.split('.'))
int_ip = lst[3] | lst[2] << 8 | lst[1] << 16 | lst[0] << 24
equivalent to :
int_ip = lst[3] + (lst[2] << 8) + (lst[1] << 16) + (lst[0] << 24)
int_ip = lst[3] + lst[2] * pow(2, 8) + lst[1] * pow(2, 16) + lst[0] * pow(2, 24)
int to ip:
def int_ip2str(int_ip=3232235876):
a0 = str(int_ip & 0xff)
a1 = str((int_ip & 0xff00) >> 8)
a2 = str((int_ip & 0xff0000) >> 16)
a3 = str((int_ip & 0xff000000) >> 24)
return ".".join([a3, a2, a1, a0])
def int_ip2str(int_ip=3232235876):
lst = []
for i in xrange(4):
shift_n = 8 * i
lst.insert(0, str((int_ip >> shift_n) & 0xff))
return ".".join(lst)

My approach is to straightforwardly look at the the number the way it is stored, rather than displayed, and to manipulate it from the display format to the stored format and vice versa.
So, from an IP address to an int:
def convertIpToInt(ip):
return sum([int(ipField) << 8*index for index, ipField in enumerate(reversed(ip.split('.')))])
This evaluates each field, and shifts it to its correct offset, and then sums them all up, neatly converting the IP address' display into its numerical value.
In the opposite direction, from an int to an IP address:
def convertIntToIp(ipInt):
return '.'.join([str(int(ipHexField, 16)) for ipHexField in (map(''.join, zip(*[iter(str(hex(ipInt))[2:].zfill(8))]*2)))])
The numerical representation is first converted into its hexadecimal string representation, which can be manipulated as a sequence, making it easier to break up. Then, pairs are extracted by mapping ''.join onto tuples of pairs provided by zipping a list of two references to an iterator of the IP string (see How does zip(*[iter(s)]*n) work?), and those pairs are in turn converted from hex string representations to int string representations, and joined by '.'.

def ip2int(ip):
Convert IP string to integer
:param ip: IP string
:return: IP integer
return reduce(lambda x, y: x * 256 + y, map(int, ip.split('.')))
def int2ip(num):
Convert IP integer to string
:param num: IP integer
:return: IP string
return '.'.join(map(lambda x: str(num // 256 ** x % 256), range(3, -1, -1)))


Decryption logic using bit rotate

I am trying to write a decrypt logic for the below encrypt logic.
import os
import string
keybytes = bytes(os.urandom(8))
bit = keybytes[0] % 7 + 1
kxor = []
key = ""
for i in range(1, 8):
kxor.append(ord(string.ascii_letters[keybytes[i] % len(string.ascii_letters)]))
key = key + chr(kxor[i-1])
print("Key is %s rotated by %d bits." % (key, bit))
def rotatel(x, bit):
return ((x << bit) & 0xff) | (x >> (8 - bit))
plaintext = "ABCDE"
bit = 6
kxor = [65,115,113,107,98,75,85]
encryptedText = []
for i in range(0, len(plaintext)):
encryptedText.append(rotatel(plaintext[i], bit) ^ kxor[i % len(kxor)])
print (bytes.encryptedText)
Now, the bit and kxor values, I have hardcoded them as I am able to get them back; meaning if these were the values I used for encryption therefore I am able to get kxor programmatically while writing the decryption logic.
Where I am struggling is the rotatel function.
I am trying to reverse that logic but I am not able to figure out how. So need some pointers to reverse the rotatel function.
Is that the right way or am i approaching this entirely in a wrong way?
Basically my question is how do i reverse return ((x << bit) & 0xff) | (x >> (8 - bit))
For example:
bit = 6
x = "123456"
rotatel(x, bit) = "561234"
so what you need is:
y = "561234"
reverse_rotatel(y, bit) = "123456"
But you must remember that you xor y (561234) with kxor after you rotatel. So you must xor again with kxor to get y before you reverse_rotatel
I was able to finally figure it out. I wanted to write a reverse logic for rotatel-
def rotatel(x, bit):
return ((x << bit) & 0xff) | (x >> (8 - bit))
This is how I did it -
def rotater(x, bit):
return ((x >> bit)& 0xff) | (x << (8 - bit)) & 0xff

Python - reading 10 bit integers from a binary file

I have a binary file containing a stream of 10-bit integers. I want to read it and store the values in a list.
It is working with the following code, which reads my_file and fills pixels with integer values:
file = open("my_file", "rb")
pixels = []
new10bitsByte = ""
byte =
while byte:
bits = bin(ord(byte))[2:].rjust(8, '0')
for bit in reversed(bits):
new10bitsByte += bit
if len(new10bitsByte) == 10:
pixels.append(int(new10bitsByte[::-1], 2))
new10bitsByte = ""
byte =
It doesn't seem very elegant to read the bytes into bits, and read it back into "10-bit" bytes. Is there a better way to do it?
With 8 or 16 bit integers I could just use and convert the result to an int directly. But here, as each value is stored in 1.25 bytes, I would need something like
Here's a generator that does the bit operations without using text string conversions. Hopefully, it's a little more efficient. :)
To test it, I write all the numbers in range(1024) to a BytesIO stream, which behaves like a binary file.
from io import BytesIO
def tenbitread(f):
''' Generate 10 bit (unsigned) integers from a binary file '''
while True:
b =
if len(b) == 0:
n = int.from_bytes(b, 'big')
#Split n into 4 10 bit integers
t = []
for i in range(4):
t.append(n & 0x3ff)
n >>= 10
yield from reversed(t)
# Make some test data: all the integers in range(1024),
# and save it to a byte stream
buff = BytesIO()
maxi = 1024
n = 0
for i in range(maxi):
n = (n << 10) | i
#Convert the 40 bit integer to 5 bytes & write them
if i % 4 == 3:
buff.write(n.to_bytes(5, 'big'))
n = 0
# Rewind the stream so we can read from it
# Read the data in 10 bit chunks
a = list(tenbitread(buff))
# Check it
print(a == list(range(maxi)))
Doing list(tenbitread(buff)) is the simplest way to turn the generator output into a list, but you can easily iterate over the values instead, eg
for v in tenbitread(buff):
for i, v in enumerate(tenbitread(buff)):
if you want indices as well as the data values.
Here's a little-endian version of the generator which gives the same results as your code.
def tenbitread(f):
''' Generate 10 bit (unsigned) integers from a binary file '''
while True:
b =
if not len(b):
n = int.from_bytes(b, 'little')
#Split n into 4 10 bit integers
for i in range(4):
yield n & 0x3ff
n >>= 10
We can improve this version slightly by "un-rolling" that for loop, which lets us get rid of the final masking and shifting operations.
def tenbitread(f):
''' Generate 10 bit (unsigned) integers from a binary file '''
while True:
b =
if not len(b):
n = int.from_bytes(b, 'little')
#Split n into 4 10 bit integers
yield n & 0x3ff
n >>= 10
yield n & 0x3ff
n >>= 10
yield n & 0x3ff
n >>= 10
yield n
This should give a little more speed...
As there is no direct way to read a file x-bit by x-bit in Python, we have to read it byte by byte. Following MisterMiyagi and PM 2Ring's suggestions I modified my code to read the file by 5 byte chunks (i.e. 40 bits) and then split the resulting string into 4 10-bit numbers, instead of looping over the bits individually. It turned out to be twice as fast as my previous code.
file = open("my_file", "rb")
pixels = []
exit_loop = False
while not exit_loop:
# Read 5 consecutive bytes into fiveBytesString
fiveBytesString = ""
for i in range(5):
byte =
if not byte:
exit_loop = True
byteString = format(ord(byte), '08b')
fiveBytesString += byteString[::-1]
# Split fiveBytesString into 4 10-bit numbers, and add them to pixels
pixels.extend([int(fiveBytesString[i:i+10][::-1], 2) for i in range(0, 40, 10) if len(fiveBytesString[i:i+10]) > 0])
Adding a Numpy based solution suitable for unpacking large 10-bit packed byte buffers like the ones you might receive from AVT and FLIR cameras.
This is a 10-bit version of #cyrilgaudefroy's answer to a similar question; there you can also find a Numba alternative capable of yielding an additional speed increase.
import numpy as np
def read_uint10(byte_buf):
data = np.frombuffer(byte_buf, dtype=np.uint8)
# 5 bytes contain 4 10-bit pixels (5x8 == 4x10)
b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 = np.reshape(data, (data.shape[0]//5, 5)).astype(np.uint16).T
o1 = (b1 << 2) + (b2 >> 6)
o2 = ((b2 % 64) << 4) + (b3 >> 4)
o3 = ((b3 % 16) << 6) + (b4 >> 2)
o4 = ((b4 % 4) << 8) + b5
unpacked = np.reshape(np.concatenate((o1[:, None], o2[:, None], o3[:, None], o4[:, None]), axis=1), 4*o1.shape[0])
return unpacked
Reshape can be omitted if returning a buffer instead of a Numpy array:
unpacked = np.concatenate((o1[:, None], o2[:, None], o3[:, None], o4[:, None]), axis=1).tobytes()
Or if image dimensions are known it can be reshaped directly, e.g.:
unpacked = np.reshape(np.concatenate((o1[:, None], o2[:, None], o3[:, None], o4[:, None]), axis=1), (1024, 1024))
If the use of the modulus operator appears confusing, try playing around with:
np.unpackbits(np.array([255%64], dtype=np.uint8))
Edit: It turns out that the Allied Vision Mako-U cameras employ a different ordering than the one I originally suggested above:
o1 = ((b2 % 4) << 8) + b1
o2 = ((b3 % 16) << 6) + (b2 >> 2)
o3 = ((b4 % 64) << 4) + (b3 >> 4)
o4 = (b5 << 2) + (b4 >> 6)
So you might have to test different orders if images come out looking wonky initially for your specific setup.

convert cidr to subnet mask in python

I have a python dictionary that I've created, this dictionary contains a list of subnets in the following format:
I would like to take the items in this dictionary, parse it, then spit out the results in the following format:
I don't have much on this as of right now because I can't find a lot on this topic on the web, not anything that can be in a quick and concise way that is. Thoughts?
import socket
import struct
def cidr_to_netmask(cidr):
network, net_bits = cidr.split('/')
host_bits = 32 - int(net_bits)
netmask = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('!I', (1 << 32) - (1 << host_bits)))
return network, netmask
>>> cidr_to_netmask('')
('', '')
>>> cidr_to_netmask('')
('', '')
>>> cidr_to_netmask('')
('', '')
I thought I'd throw in my own solution, since I was going for a little bit more readability in it than the other answers shown.
def cidr_to_netmask(cidr):
cidr = int(cidr)
mask = (0xffffffff >> (32 - cidr)) << (32 - cidr)
return (str( (0xff000000 & mask) >> 24) + '.' +
str( (0x00ff0000 & mask) >> 16) + '.' +
str( (0x0000ff00 & mask) >> 8) + '.' +
str( (0x000000ff & mask)))
It's now easier to see what's going on, and that is:
Get the numeric mask by padding the front with 1s and having the cidr make up the rest
For each bit, apply the mask
Concatenate all the bits together, separated by periods
This is very procedural and does not use any libraries.
Try this solution:
from ipaddress import IPv4Network
networks = {'n1':'','n2':'','n3':'','n4':''}
for x,y in enumerate(networks):
print(IPv4Network(networks[y]).network_address, IPv4Network(networks[y]).netmask)
from netaddr import IPNetwork
networks = {'n1':'','n2':'','n3':'','n4':''}
for x,y in enumerate(networks):
print(str(IPNetwork(networks[y]).network), str(IPNetwork(networks[y]).netmask))
('', '')
('', '')
('', '')
('', '')
Try this
lsIP = []
ans = 0
CIDR = 32
IP = [1] * CIDR
for i in range(len(IP)):
iIdx = i % 8
if iIdx == 0:
if i >= 8:
ans = 0
ans += pow(2, 7 - iIdx)
[lsIP.append(0) for i in range(4 - len(lsIP))]
print lsIP

memory address generator in python

I need to bruteforce some of the address space using python. At the moment this is my code:
offsets = [
for i in xrange(110, 256):
num = offsets[i]
address = "\xee" + num + "\xff\xbf"
print `address`
And the output last part of the output:
My question is if it is possible to get rid of the "offsets" array, and do it in a much cleaner way?
Sure is, just iterate over the xrange and call chr() on the current item:
>>> for i in xrange(110, 256):
... print "\xee" + chr(i) + "\xff\xbf"
Notice that it'll print the actual characters. If you just want to print the values, you can use the backticks, however a more pythonic approach is to use repr():
>>> for i in xrange(110, 256):
... print(repr("\xee" + chr(i) + "\xff\xbf"))
-- SNIP --
for i in xrange(110, 256):
address = "\xee" + "\\" + hex(i)[1:] + "\xff\xbf"
print `address`
You can generate the offsets array in a one-liner:
offsets = ["0x{:02x}".format(_) for _ in range(0x100)]
You could just do the math, and let struct construct the 4-byte sequence.
base = b'\xee\x00\xff\xbf' #assuming little-endian for the math coming up
Out[89]: (3221160174,)
#showing they're the same, no magic involved
int('ee',16) + int('ff',16)*(16**4) + int('bf',16)*(16**6)
Out[90]: 3221160174
#equivalent to bitshifting, if you prefer
int('ee',16) + (int('ff',16) << 16) + (int('bf',16) << 24)
Out[91]: 3221160174
So that gives
start = 3221160174
[struct.pack('I', start + (x<<8)) for x in range(256)]

Returning the X+1 item in a list of strings

So far I have a function that creates gray code then I need to make a function that will return the gray code "plus one", basically the next in sequence. so if D = (0,0,1,1) I need to return (0,0,1,0)
I have
def gray(x):
if x:
return ['0' + x[0]] + gray(x[1:]) + ['1' + x[0]]
return []
def graycode(n):
if n:
return gray(graycode(n-1))
return ['']
then lastly,
def GrayFinal(D):
z = ''.join(map(str,D))
if z in graycode(len(D)):
return graycode(len(D))[z+1]
return ['']
I can't figure out how to return the Zth+1 entry
If I interpreted your question correctly, the heart of your question really has nothing to do with Gray codes, but rather with the more general question, "Given an element I wish to find in a Python list, how do I retrieve the next element after that?"
Unfortunately I can only come up with a rather brain-dead solution right now which is
def next_elem(elem, input_list):
index = input_list.index(elem)
return input_list[index + 1]
Note that this has absolutely no support whatsoever for error checking, which I assume in your case would be done in the body of the code. Throwing that into your code would result in the following:
def GrayFinal(D):
z = ''.join(map(str,D))
return next_elem(z, graycode(len(D)))
except ValueError:
# Doesn't look like z was ever in the Gray code generated
return ['']
except IndexError:
# The next element is beyond the last element of the array!
return next_elem('0' + z, graycode(len(D) + 1))
Here something I heard about:
>>> bin2gray = lambda x: (x >> 1) ^ x # create graycode
>>> for i in range(10):
>>> def gray2bin(g):
bits = list(map(int, bin(g)[2:]))
n = [0]
for bit in bits:
if not n[-1]:
n.append(1 - bit)
return sum([n[i] << (-1 - i) for i in range(-len(n), 0)])
>>> def inc(g):
return bin2gray(gray2bin(g) + 1)
You will need to adapt the inc function if you want it to work with strings instead of ints.
